#include "commonheaders.h" int readFileIntoArray(int fileNumber, char *FileContents[]) { char dbSetting[20], temp[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; mir_snprintf(dbSetting, SIZEOF(dbSetting), "fn%d", fileNumber); DBVARIANT dbv; char tszFileName[MAX_PATH]; if (db_get_ts(NULL, MODNAME, dbSetting, &dbv)) return 0; if (!strncmp("http://", tszFileName, 7)) mir_snprintf(tszFileName, SIZEOF(tszFileName), "%s\\plugins\\fn%d.html", getMimDir(temp), fileNumber); FILE* file = fopen(tszFileName, "r"); if (file == NULL) return 0; // read the file into the FileContents array // free this array before stringReplacer() returns int i; for (i=0; fgets(temp, MAX_STRING_LENGTH-1, file); i++) { if (temp[strlen(temp)-1]=='\n') temp[strlen(temp)-1]='\0'; else temp[strlen(temp)]='\0'; FileContents[i] = (char*)malloc(strlen(temp)+1); if (FileContents[i] == NULL) return i; strcpy(FileContents[i], temp); } fclose(file); return i; } int getNumber(const char* line) { int i; return sscanf(line, "%d", &i) == 1 ? i : -1; } int findWordInString(const char* line, const char* string, int* lengthOfWord, int flag) /* flag = 0 %from, flag = 1 %until */ { unsigned int i, j=0; char word[64]="", OpenDivider[8], CloseDivider[8]; strncpy(OpenDivider, "(\"", sizeof(OpenDivider)); strncpy(CloseDivider, "\")", sizeof(CloseDivider)); /* get the word we r looking for */ if (!strncmp(string, OpenDivider, strlen(OpenDivider))) { for (i=2; strncmp(&string[i], CloseDivider, strlen(CloseDivider)); i++) { word[j] = string[i]; word[++j] = '\0'; } } i=0; *lengthOfWord = (int)(strlen(word)+strlen(CloseDivider)+strlen(OpenDivider)); /* find the word in the line */ while (i < (strlen(line) - strlen(word))) { if (!strncmp(&line[i], word, strlen(word))) { if (!flag) return i + (int)strlen(word); /* the next char after the word */ else return i; /* the char before the word */ } i++; } return -1; } int findLine(char* FileContents[], const char* string, int linesInFile,int startLine, int *positionInOldString) { char tmp[5]; int i = getNumber(&string[*positionInOldString]); // check if blank if (string[*positionInOldString] == ')') return startLine; // check if its a number if (i != -1) { *positionInOldString += (int)strlen(_itoa(i,tmp,10)) - 1; return i; } // lastline if (!strncmp(&string[*positionInOldString], "lastline(", strlen("lastline("))) { *positionInOldString += (int)strlen("lastline("); i = getNumber(&string[*positionInOldString]); if ( i != -1) { *positionInOldString += (int)strlen(_itoa(i,tmp,10)); return linesInFile - (i+1); } *positionInOldString ++; return (linesInFile - 1); } // string if (string[*positionInOldString] == '\"') { char string2Find[256]; int j=0; // get the word to find for (i=(*positionInOldString+1); strncmp(&string[i], "\")", 2); i++) { string2Find[j] = string[i]; string2Find[++j] = '\0'; } // find the word for (j=startLine; j<linesInFile;j++) { if (strstr(FileContents[j], string2Find)) { i = j; break; } i = -1; } *positionInOldString += (int)(strlen(string2Find) + strlen("\"\")")); if (i==-1) return i; // allow for a +- after the word to go up or down lines if (string[*positionInOldString] == '+') { *positionInOldString += 1; j = getNumber(&string[*positionInOldString]); if (j != -1) { *positionInOldString += (int)strlen(_itoa(j,tmp,10))-2; return i+j; } } else if (string[*positionInOldString] == '-') { *positionInOldString+=1; j = getNumber(&string[*positionInOldString]); if (j != -1) { *positionInOldString += (int)strlen(_itoa(j,tmp,10))-2; return i-j; } } else { *positionInOldString -= 2; return i; } } return -1; } int findChar(char* FileContents[], const char* string, int linesInFile,int startLine, int *positionInOldString, int startChar, int startEnd) // 0=start, 1=end for startEnd { char tmp[5]; int i = getNumber(&string[*positionInOldString]); // check if its a number if (i != -1) { *positionInOldString += (int)strlen(_itoa(i,tmp,10)) - 1; return i; } // string if (string[*positionInOldString] == '\"') { char string2Find[256]; unsigned int j=0; // get the word to find for (i=(*positionInOldString+1); strncmp(&string[i], "\")", 2); i++) { string2Find[j] = string[i]; string2Find[++j] = '\0'; } // find the word for (j=0;j<strlen(FileContents[startLine]);j++) if (!strncmp(&FileContents[startLine][j], string2Find, strlen(string2Find))) break; if (j==strlen(FileContents[startLine])) return -1; *positionInOldString += (int)strlen(string2Find)+1; return (startEnd) ? j : j + (int)strlen(string2Find); } // csv( if (!strncmp(&string[*positionInOldString], "csv(", strlen("csv("))) { char seperator; int j=0, k=startChar; *positionInOldString += (int)strlen("csv("); if (!strncmp(&string[*positionInOldString], "tab", 3)) { *positionInOldString += 3; seperator = '\t'; } else if (!strncmp(&string[*positionInOldString], "space",5)) { *positionInOldString += 5; seperator = ' '; } else { seperator =string[*positionInOldString]; *positionInOldString += 1; } i = getNumber(&string[*positionInOldString]); if ( i == -1) return -1; *positionInOldString += (int)strlen(_itoa(i,tmp,10)); while (j < i) { if (FileContents[startLine][k] == '\0') break; if (FileContents[startLine][k] == seperator) j++; k++; } return k; } return -1; } // do the compare("A","B","X","Y") void checkStringForcompare(char *str) { char *A,*B, *X, *Y , *newStr = (char*)malloc(strlen(str)), *copyOfStr = _strdup(str); unsigned int i, j = 0, s = (int)strlen(str); newStr[0] = '\0'; if (!strstr(str,"compare(\"")) return; for (i=0; i<s; i++) { if (!strncmp(&str[i], "compare(\"", strlen("compare(\""))) { i += (int)strlen("compare(\""); A = strtok(©OfStr[i], "\",\""); B = strtok(NULL, "\",\""); X = strtok(NULL, "\",\""); Y = strtok(NULL, ",\")"); j = Y - ©OfStr[i] + (int)strlen(Y)+1; if (A && B && X && Y) { if (!strcmp(A,B)) strcat(newStr, X); else strcat(newStr, Y); } else strncat(newStr, &str[i], j); i += j; } else strncat(newStr, &str[i], 1); } strcpy(str, newStr); free(newStr); free(copyOfStr); } // do save("A","B") A is DBVar name, B is value void checkStringForSave(MCONTACT hContact, char* str) { char *A,*B,*newStr = (char*)malloc(strlen(str)),*copyOfStr = _strdup(str); unsigned int i, j=0, s = (int)strlen(str); newStr[0] = '\0'; if (!strstr(str,"save(\"")) return; for (i=0; i<s; i++) { if (!strncmp(&str[i],"save(\"", strlen("save(\""))) { i += (int)strlen("save(\""); A = strtok(©OfStr[i], "\",\""); B = strtok(NULL, ",\")"); j = B - ©OfStr[i] + (int)strlen(B)+1; if (A && B) db_set_s(hContact, MODNAME, A, B); else strncat(newStr, &str[i], j); i += j; } else strncat(newStr, &str[i], 1); } strcpy(str, newStr); free(newStr); free(copyOfStr); } // do load("A") A is DBVar name void checkStringForLoad(MCONTACT hContact, char* str) { char *A,*newStr = (char*)malloc(strlen(str)),*copyOfStr = _strdup(str); unsigned int i, j=0, s = (int)strlen(str); newStr[0] = '\0'; if (!strstr(str,"load(\"")) return; for (i=0; i<s; i++) { if (!strncmp(&str[i], "load(\"", strlen("load(\""))) { i += (int)strlen("load(\""); A = strtok(©OfStr[i], "\")"); j = A - ©OfStr[i] + (int)strlen(A)+1; if (A) { DBVARIANT dbv; if ( !db_get_s(hContact, MODNAME, A, &dbv)) { strcat(newStr, dbv.pszVal); db_free(&dbv); } } else strncat(newStr, &str[i], j); i += j; } else strncat(newStr, &str[i], 1); } strcpy(str, newStr); free(newStr); free(copyOfStr); } // do saveN("A","B","C","D") A is module, B is setting, c is value, D is type 0/b 1/w 2/d 3/s void checkStringForSaveN(char* str) { char *A,*B,*C,*D,*newStr = (char*)malloc(strlen(str)),*copyOfStr = _strdup(str); unsigned int i, j=0, s = (int)strlen(str); newStr[0] = '\0'; if (!strstr(str,"saveN(\"")) return; for (i=0; i<s; i++) { if (!strncmp(&str[i], "saveN(\"", strlen("saveN(\""))) { i += (int)strlen("saveN(\""); A = strtok(©OfStr[i], "\",\""); B = strtok(NULL, ",\""); C = strtok(NULL, ",\""); D = strtok(NULL, ",\")"); j = D - ©OfStr[i] + (int)strlen(D)+1; if (A && B && C && D) { switch (D[0]) { case '0': case 'b': db_set_b(NULL, A, B, (BYTE)atoi(C)); break; case '1': case 'w': db_set_w(NULL, A, B, (WORD)atoi(C)); break; case '2': case 'd': db_set_dw(NULL, A, B, (DWORD)atoi(C)); break; case '3': case 's': db_set_s(NULL, A, B, C); break; } } else strncat(newStr, &str[i], j); i += j; } else strncat(newStr, &str[i], 1); } strcpy(str, newStr); free(newStr); free(copyOfStr); } // do loadN("A","B") A is module, B is setting void checkStringForLoadN(char* str) { char *A,*B,*newStr = (char*)malloc(strlen(str)),*copyOfStr = _strdup(str), temp[32]; unsigned int i, j=0, s = (int)strlen(str); newStr[0] = '\0'; if (!strstr(str,"loadN(\"")) return; for (i=0; i<s; i++) { if (!strncmp(&str[i], "loadN(\"", strlen("loadN(\""))) { i += (int)strlen("loadN(\""); A = strtok(©OfStr[i], "\",\""); B = strtok(NULL, ",\")"); j = B - ©OfStr[i] + (int)strlen(B)+1; if (A && B) { DBVARIANT dbv; if ( !db_get(NULL, A, B, &dbv)) { switch (dbv.type) { case DBVT_BYTE: strcat(newStr,_itoa(dbv.bVal,temp,10)); break; case DBVT_WORD: strcat(newStr,_itoa(dbv.wVal,temp,10)); break; case DBVT_DWORD: strcat(newStr,_itoa(dbv.dVal,temp,10)); break; case DBVT_ASCIIZ: strcat(newStr, dbv.pszVal); break; } db_free(&dbv); } } else strncat(newStr, &str[i], j); i += j; } else strncat(newStr, &str[i], 1); } strcpy(str, newStr); free(newStr); free(copyOfStr); } BOOL GetLastWriteTime(HANDLE hFile, LPSTR lpszString) { FILETIME ftCreate, ftAccess, ftWrite; SYSTEMTIME stUTC, stLocal; // Retrieve the file times for the file. if (!GetFileTime(hFile, &ftCreate, &ftAccess, &ftWrite)) return FALSE; // Convert the last-write time to local time. FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftWrite, &stUTC); SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(NULL, &stUTC, &stLocal); // Build a string showing the date and time. wsprintfA(lpszString, "%02d/%02d/%d %02d:%02d", stLocal.wDay, stLocal.wMonth, stLocal.wYear, stLocal.wHour, stLocal.wMinute); //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! return TRUE; } // do lastchecked(file(X)) returns amount of chars to add to str pointer int lastChecked(char *newStr, const char *str) { char *szPattern = "lastchecked(file("; size_t cbPattern = strlen(szPattern); if (!strncmp(str, szPattern, cbPattern)) { int file; char tszFileName[MAX_PATH], temp[MAX_PATH], szSetting[20]; sscanf(&str[cbPattern], "%d", &file); mir_snprintf(szSetting, SIZEOF(szSetting), "fn%d", file); DBVARIANT dbv; if (db_get_s(NULL, MODNAME, szSetting, &dbv)) return 0; if (!strncmp("http://", dbv.pszVal, 7) || !strncmp("https://", dbv.pszVal, 8)) mir_snprintf(tszFileName, SIZEOF(tszFileName), "%s\\plugins\\fn%d.html", getMimDir(temp), file); else strncpy(tszFileName, dbv.pszVal, SIZEOF(tszFileName)); HANDLE hFile = CreateFileA(tszFileName, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 0; if (GetLastWriteTime(hFile, tszFileName)) { CloseHandle(hFile); strcat(newStr, tszFileName); mir_snprintf(tszFileName, MAX_PATH, "%s%d))", szPattern, file); return (int)strlen(tszFileName); } CloseHandle(hFile); } return 0; } // do icon(x) 0=offline, 1=online, 10=lunch void checkIcon(MCONTACT hContact, char* string) { char* str = strstr(string,"icon("); if (str) { int icon = getNumber(str+5); if (icon >=0) db_set_w(hContact, MODNAME, "Status", (WORD)(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE+icon)); } } int stringReplacer(const char* oldString, char* newString, MCONTACT hContact) { char var_file[8]; int tempInt; int startLine = 0, endLine = 0, startChar=0, endChar = 0, wholeLine=-1, linesInFile; int positionInOldString = 0; char *fileContents[MAXLINES] = {NULL}, tempString[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; // setup the variable names strncpy(newString, "", sizeof(newString)); strncpy(var_file, "file(", sizeof(var_file)); while ((positionInOldString < (int)strlen(oldString)) && (oldString[positionInOldString] != '\0')) { // load the file... must be first if (!strncmp(&oldString[positionInOldString], var_file, strlen(var_file))) { positionInOldString += (int)strlen(var_file); // check if its a number tempInt = getNumber(&oldString[positionInOldString]); if (tempInt == -1) { // not a number so check vars.. // there are none yet return ERROR_NO_FILE; } // read the file linesInFile = readFileIntoArray(tempInt, fileContents); if (linesInFile == 0) return ERROR_NO_FILE; positionInOldString += (int)strlen(_itoa(tempInt, tempString,10)) + 1; // +1 for the closing ) // wholeline() if (!strncmp(&oldString[positionInOldString], "wholeline(line(", strlen("wholeline(line("))) { positionInOldString += (int)strlen("wholeline(line("); tempInt = findLine(fileContents,oldString, linesInFile, startLine,&positionInOldString); if (tempInt == -1 || !fileContents[tempInt]) return ERROR_NO_LINE_AFTER_VAR_F; wholeLine = tempInt; positionInOldString += 3; // add 2 for the )) for wholeline(line()) } if (!strncmp(&oldString[positionInOldString], "start(", strlen("start("))) { positionInOldString += (int)strlen("start(line("); tempInt = findLine(fileContents,oldString, linesInFile, startLine,&positionInOldString); if (tempInt == -1 || !fileContents[tempInt]) return ERROR_NO_LINE_AFTER_VAR_F; else { positionInOldString+=2; startLine = tempInt; if (!endChar) endChar = (int)strlen(fileContents[startLine]); tempInt = findChar(fileContents,oldString, linesInFile, startLine,&positionInOldString, startChar,0); if (tempInt == -1) return ERROR_NO_LINE_AFTER_VAR_F; startChar = tempInt; } positionInOldString += 2; // add 2 for the )) for start(line()) } if (!strncmp(&oldString[positionInOldString], "end(", strlen("end("))) { positionInOldString += (int)strlen("end(line("); tempInt = findLine(fileContents,oldString, linesInFile, startLine,&positionInOldString); if (tempInt == -1 || !fileContents[tempInt]) return ERROR_NO_LINE_AFTER_VAR_F; positionInOldString+=2; endLine = tempInt; tempInt = findChar(fileContents,oldString, linesInFile, startLine,&positionInOldString, startChar,1); if (tempInt == -1) return ERROR_NO_LINE_AFTER_VAR_F; endChar = tempInt; positionInOldString += 2; // add 2 for the )) for end(line()) } // check for both start() and end() otherwise, only copying 1 line if (!strstr(oldString, "start(")) startLine = endLine; if (!strstr(oldString, "end(")) endLine = startLine; // after all the options copy the line across and add 2 to positionInOldString for the file(print(....)) if (wholeLine >= 0) strcat(newString, fileContents[wholeLine]); else { // only copying from 1 line if (startLine == endLine) strncat(newString, &fileContents[startLine][startChar], endChar - startChar); else { int i; // copy the whole first line from startChar strcat(newString, &fileContents[startLine][startChar]); // copy the middle lines across for (i=(startLine+1);i<endLine;i++) { strcat(newString, fileContents[i]); } // copy the last line untill endChar strncat(newString, fileContents[endLine], endChar); } } } // filename() else if (!strncmp(&oldString[positionInOldString], "filename(", strlen("filename("))) { positionInOldString += (int)strlen("filename("); tempInt = getNumber(&oldString[positionInOldString]); if (tempInt == -1) { return ERROR_NO_FILE; } else { mir_snprintf(tempString, SIZEOF(tempString), "fn%d", tempInt); if (db_get_static(NULL, MODNAME,tempString, tempString)) strcat(newString, tempString); else return ERROR_NO_FILE; positionInOldString += (int)strlen(_itoa(tempInt, tempString, 10))+1; } } // lastchecked(file(X)) else if (!strncmp(&oldString[positionInOldString], "lastchecked(file(", strlen("lastchecked(file("))) { positionInOldString += lastChecked(newString, &oldString[positionInOldString]); } else { strncat(newString, &oldString[positionInOldString], 1); positionInOldString++; } } // free the file strings for (tempInt=0; (fileContents[tempInt] != NULL) && (tempInt<MAXLINES); tempInt++) free(fileContents[tempInt]); // check for load("A","B") checkStringForLoad(hContact, newString); // and loadN(...) checkStringForLoadN(newString); // check for compare("A","B","X","Y") checkStringForcompare(newString); // check for save("A","B") checkStringForSave(hContact, newString); // and saveN(...) checkStringForSaveN(newString); return 1; } void stripWhiteSpace(char* string) { int i=0; while (string[i] != '\0') { if ( (string[i] == '\t') || (string[i] == '\r') || (string[i] == '\n') ) string[i] = ' '; i++; } } void WriteSetting(MCONTACT hContact, char* module1, char* setting1 , char* module2, char* setting2) { char text[MAX_STRING_LENGTH], newString[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; int error = 0, status = GetLCStatus(0,0); if (db_get_static(hContact, module1, setting1, text)) { switch (stringReplacer(text, newString, hContact)) { case ERROR_NO_LINE_AFTER_VAR_F: mir_snprintf(newString, SIZEOF(newString), Translate("%s - ERROR: no line specified or line not found (in %s)"),text, setting1); error = 1; break; case ERROR_LINE_NOT_READ: mir_snprintf(newString, SIZEOF(newString), Translate("%s - ERROR: file couldn't be opened (in %s)"), text, setting1); error = 1; break; case ERROR_NO_FILE: mir_snprintf(newString, SIZEOF(newString), Translate("%s - ERROR: no file specified in settings (in %s)"), text, setting1); error = 1; break; default: error = 0; break; } // strip the tab and new lines from all except the tooltip if (!error && strcmp(setting1, "ToolTip")) stripWhiteSpace(newString); db_set_s(hContact, module2, setting2, newString); } else db_set_s(hContact, module2, setting2, ""); if (!error) { if ( (status == ID_STATUS_ONLINE) || (status == ID_STATUS_AWAY) || (status == db_get_w(hContact, MODNAME, "Icon", ID_STATUS_ONLINE) ) || db_get_b(hContact, MODNAME ,"AlwaysVisible", 0) ) db_set_w(hContact, MODNAME, "Status", (WORD)db_get_w(hContact, MODNAME, "Icon", ID_STATUS_ONLINE)); else db_set_w(hContact, MODNAME, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); } else db_set_w(hContact, MODNAME, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); } void replaceAllStrings(MCONTACT hContact) { char tmp1[256], tmp2[256], tmp3[256]; WriteSetting(hContact, MODNAME, "Name", MODNAME, "Nick"); WriteSetting(hContact, MODNAME, "ProgramString", MODNAME, "Program"); WriteSetting(hContact, MODNAME, "ProgramParamsString", MODNAME, "ProgramParams"); /* tooltips*/ WriteSetting(hContact, MODNAME, "ToolTip", "UserInfo", "MyNotes"); if (db_get_static(hContact, MODNAME, "Program", tmp1) && db_get_static(hContact, MODNAME, "ProgramParams", tmp2)) { mir_snprintf(tmp3, SIZEOF(tmp3), "%s %s", tmp1, tmp2); db_set_s(hContact, "UserInfo", "FirstName", tmp3); } else if (db_get_static(hContact, MODNAME, "Program", tmp1)) { db_set_s(hContact, "UserInfo", "FirstName", tmp1); } else db_set_s(hContact, "UserInfo", "FirstName", ""); }