#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include <windows.h> #include <commctrl.h> #include <time.h> #include <richedit.h> #include <win2k.h> #include <newpluginapi.h> #include <m_database.h> #include <m_clist.h> #include <m_langpack.h> #include <m_options.h> #include <m_skin.h> #include <m_fontservice.h> #include <m_hotkeys.h> #include <m_icolib.h> #include <m_toptoolbar.h> #include "miscutils.h" #include "resource.h" #include "Version.h" #define MODULENAME "StickyNotes" #define SECTIONNAME LPGEN("Notes & Reminders") // normal timer interval for reminder update processing #define REMINDER_UPDATE_INTERVAL 10000 // short timer interval for reminder updates used as long as there are pending alarams in the event queue #define REMINDER_UPDATE_INTERVAL_SHORT 5000 // font IDs used with LoadNRFont #define NR_FONTID_CAPTION 0 #define NR_FONTID_BODY 1 #define NR_FONTID_MAX NR_FONTID_BODY typedef struct { HFONT hFont; char size; BYTE style; // see the DBFONTF_* flags BYTE charset; char szFace[LF_FACESIZE]; } STICKYNOTEFONT; typedef struct { HWND SNHwnd,REHwnd; BOOL Visible,OnTop; char *data; ULARGE_INTEGER ID; // FILETIME in UTC char *title; BOOL CustomTitle; DWORD BgColor; // custom bg color override (only valid if non-zero) DWORD FgColor; // custom fg/text color override (only valid if non-zero) STICKYNOTEFONT *pCustomFont;// custom (body) font override (NULL if default font is used) } STICKYNOTE; typedef struct { HWND handle; BOOL RemVisible; DWORD uid; char *Reminder; ULARGE_INTEGER When; // FILETIME in UTC UINT RepeatSound; UINT RepeatSoundTTL; int SoundSel; // -1 if sound disabled BOOL SystemEventQueued; } REMINDERDATA; extern void CreateMsgWindow(void); extern void DestroyMsgWindow(void); extern STICKYNOTE* NewNote(int Ax,int Ay,int Aw,int Ah,char *Data, ULARGE_INTEGER *ID,BOOL Visible,BOOL OnTop,int scrollV); extern void LoadNotes(BOOL bIsStartup); extern void SaveNotes(void); extern void DeleteNotes(void); extern void ShowHideNotes(void); extern void ListNotes(void); extern void NewReminder(void); extern void LoadReminders(void); extern void SaveReminders(void); extern void DeleteReminders(void); extern void ListReminders(void); extern BOOL CheckRemindersAndStart(void); extern void InitSettings(void); extern void TermSettings(void); extern INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcOptions(HWND hdlg,UINT message, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); extern void LoadNRFont(int i, LOGFONT *lf, COLORREF *colour); extern BOOL WS_Init(); extern void WS_CleanUp(); extern LPCSTR GetDateFormatStr(); extern LPCSTR GetTimeFormatStr(); extern HINSTANCE hinstance; extern HINSTANCE hmiranda; extern BOOL g_CloseAfterAddReminder, g_UseDefaultPlaySound; extern HICON g_hReminderIcon; extern LOGFONT lfBody,lfCaption; extern HFONT hBodyFont,hCaptionFont; extern long BodyColor; extern long CaptionFontColor,BodyFontColor; extern BOOL g_ShowNotesAtStart,g_ShowScrollbar,g_AddContListMI,g_ShowNoteButtons; extern int g_NoteTitleDate, g_NoteTitleTime; extern int g_NoteWidth,g_NoteHeight; extern int g_Transparency; extern char *g_RemindSMS; extern BOOL g_isWin2kPlus; extern TCHAR *g_lpszAltBrowser; extern int g_reminderListGeom[4]; extern int g_reminderListColGeom[2]; extern int g_notesListGeom[4]; extern int g_notesListColGeom[4]; extern HWND HKHwnd; extern IconItem iconList[]; // these defs are only used to emphasize that SYSTEMTIMEtoFILETIME/FILETIMEtoSYSTEMTIME only convert the data type, // it does not apply any time conversion/correction like UTC to local etc. (if input is local, then output is local too) #define SYSTEMTIMEtoFILETIME SystemTimeToFileTime #define FILETIMEtoSYSTEMTIME FileTimeToSystemTime