#include "globals.h" #define FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC ((ULONGLONG)10000000) #define MAX_REMINDER_LEN 16384 // RemindersData DB data params #define DATATAG_TEXT 1 // %s #define DATATAG_SNDREPEAT 2 // %u (specifies seconds to wait between sound repeats, 0 if repeat is disabled) #define DATATAG_SNDSEL 3 // %d (which sound to use, default, alt1, alt2, -1 means no sound at all) #define IDC_DATE 1000 #define IDC_TIME IDC_COMBOREMINDERTIME #define IDC_ADDREMINDER 1002 #define IDC_CLOSE 1003 #define IDC_REMINDER 1004 #define IDC_LISTREMINDERS 1000 #define IDC_LISTREMINDERS_HEADER 2000 #define IDC_REMINDERDATA 1001 #define IDC_ADDNEWREMINDER 1002 #define IDC_REMDATA 1000 #define IDC_DISMISS 1001 #define IDC_REMINDAGAIN 1002 #define IDC_REMINDAGAININ 1003 #define IDC_AFTER 1004 #define IDC_ONDATE 1005 #define IDC_DATEAGAIN 1006 #define IDC_TIMEAGAIN 1007 #define IDC_VIEWREMINDERS 1007 #define IDC_NONE 1008 #define IDC_DAILY 1009 #define IDC_WEEKLY 1010 #define IDC_MONTHLY 1011 #define IDM_NEWREMINDER 40001 #define IDM_DELETEREMINDER 40002 #define IDM_DELETEALLREMINDERS 40003 #define WM_RELOAD (WM_USER + 100) #define NOTIFY_LIST() if (ListReminderVisible) PostMessage(LV,WM_RELOAD,0,0) TREEELEMENT *RemindersList = NULL; static UINT QueuedReminderCount = 0; static BOOL ListReminderVisible = FALSE; static BOOL NewReminderVisible = FALSE; static REMINDERDATA *pEditReminder = NULL; static HWND LV; static SOCKET S; int WS_Send(SOCKET s,char *data,int datalen); unsigned long WS_ResolveName(char *name,WORD *port,int defaultPort); INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcNotifyReminder(HWND Dialog,UINT Message, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcNewReminder(HWND Dialog,UINT Message,WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcViewReminders(HWND Dialog,UINT Message,WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void Send(char *user, char *host, char *Msg, char* server); char* GetPreviewString(const char *lpsz); static int ReminderSortCb(TREEELEMENT *v1, TREEELEMENT *v2) { return (((REMINDERDATA*)v1->ptrdata)->When.QuadPart < ((REMINDERDATA*)v2->ptrdata)->When.QuadPart) ? -1 : 1; } // time convertsion routines that take local time-zone specific daylight saving configuration into account // (unlike the standard FileTimeToLocalFileTime functions) void UtcToTzLocalFT(const FILETIME *lpUtc, FILETIME *lpLocal) { SYSTEMTIME tm, tmLocal; FILETIMEtoSYSTEMTIME(lpUtc, &tm); SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(NULL, &tm, &tmLocal); SYSTEMTIMEtoFILETIME(&tmLocal, lpLocal); } void TzLocalToUtcFT(const FILETIME *lpLocal, FILETIME *lpUtc) { SYSTEMTIME tm, tmUtc; FILETIMEtoSYSTEMTIME(lpLocal, &tm); TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(NULL, &tm, &tmUtc); SYSTEMTIMEtoFILETIME(&tmUtc, lpUtc); } void FileTimeToTzLocalST(const FILETIME *lpUtc, SYSTEMTIME *tmLocal) { SYSTEMTIME tm; FILETIMEtoSYSTEMTIME(lpUtc, &tm); SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(NULL, &tm, tmLocal); } void TzLocalSTToFileTime(const SYSTEMTIME *tmLocal, FILETIME *lpUtc) { SYSTEMTIME tm; TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(NULL, (SYSTEMTIME*)tmLocal, &tm); SYSTEMTIMEtoFILETIME(&tm, lpUtc); } /*void AddToTzLocalFT(FILETIME *lpLocal, UINT nSeconds) { ULARGE_INTEGER utc; TzLocalToUtcFT(lpLocal, (FILETIME*)&utc); utc.QuadPart += (ULONGLONG)nSeconds * FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC; UtcToTzLocalFT((FILETIME*)&utc, lpLocal); }*/ /*static void AddToSystemTime(SYSTEMTIME *tm, UINT nSeconds) { ULARGE_INTEGER li; FILETIME ft; SYSTEMTIMEtoFILETIME(tm, &ft); li.HighPart = ft.dwHighDateTime; li.LowPart = ft.dwLowDateTime; li.QuadPart += (ULONGLONG)nSeconds * FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC; FILETIMEtoSYSTEMTIME((FILETIME*)&li, tm); }*/ static DWORD CreateUid() { DWORD uid; TREEELEMENT *TTE; if (!RemindersList) return 1; for (uid = 1; ; uid++) { // check existing reminders if uid is in use TTE = RemindersList; while (TTE) { if (((REMINDERDATA*)TTE->ptrdata)->uid == uid) // uid in use goto try_next; TTE = (TREEELEMENT*)TTE->next; } return uid; try_next:; } // should never get here (unless someone has 4294967295 reminders) return 0; } static REMINDERDATA* FindReminder(DWORD uid) { TREEELEMENT *TTE; if (!RemindersList) return NULL; TTE = RemindersList; while (TTE) { REMINDERDATA *pReminder = (REMINDERDATA*)TTE->ptrdata; if (pReminder->uid == uid) { return pReminder; } TTE = (TREEELEMENT*)TTE->next; } return NULL; } static void RemoveReminderSystemEvent(REMINDERDATA *p) { if (p->SystemEventQueued) { int i; for (i=0; ; i++) { CLISTEVENT *pev; pev = (CLISTEVENT*) CallService(MS_CLIST_GETEVENT,(WPARAM)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,i); if (!pev) break; if ((ULONG)pev->lParam == p->uid && !pev->hContact && pev->pszService && !strcmp(pev->pszService, MODULENAME"/OpenTriggeredReminder")) { if ( !CallService(MS_CLIST_REMOVEEVENT,(WPARAM)pev->hContact,(LPARAM)pev->hDbEvent) ) { p->SystemEventQueued = FALSE; if (QueuedReminderCount) QueuedReminderCount--; } break; } } } } void PurgeReminders(void) { int ReminderCount,I; char ValueName[32]; ReminderCount = db_get_dw(0,MODULENAME,"RemindersData",0); for(I = 0;I < ReminderCount;I++) { mir_snprintf(ValueName, SIZEOF(ValueName), "RemindersData%d", I); db_unset(0, MODULENAME, ValueName); } } void JustSaveReminders(void) { TREEELEMENT *TTE; int I, n, l; char *tmpReminder = NULL,*Value; char ValueName[32]; int ReminderCount; REMINDERDATA *pReminder; const int OldReminderCount = db_get_dw(0, MODULENAME, "RemindersData", 0); ReminderCount = TreeGetCount(RemindersList); db_set_dw(0,MODULENAME, "RemindersData", ReminderCount); for (TTE = RemindersList, I = 0; TTE; TTE = (TREEELEMENT*)TTE->next, I++) { pReminder = (REMINDERDATA*)TTE->ptrdata; if (pReminder->Reminder && mir_strlen(pReminder->Reminder)) tmpReminder = pReminder->Reminder; else tmpReminder = NULL; if (!tmpReminder) tmpReminder = ""; Value = (char*)malloc(mir_strlen(tmpReminder) + 512); if (!Value) continue; n = 0; // data header (save 'When' with 1-second resolution, it's just a waste to have 100-nanosecond resolution // which results in larger DB strings with no use) l = sprintf(Value, "X%u:%I64x", pReminder->uid, pReminder->When.QuadPart/FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC); //!!!!!!!!! if (l > 0) n += l; // sound repeat if (pReminder->RepeatSound) { l = sprintf(Value+n, "\033""%u:%u", DATATAG_SNDREPEAT, pReminder->RepeatSound); //!!!!!!!!!! if (l > 0) n += l; } // sound if (pReminder->SoundSel) { l = sprintf(Value+n, "\033""%u:%d", DATATAG_SNDSEL, pReminder->SoundSel); //!!!!!!!!! if (l > 0) n += l; } // reminder text/note (ALWAYS PUT THIS PARAM LAST) if (tmpReminder && *tmpReminder) { l = sprintf(Value+n, "\033""%u:%s", DATATAG_TEXT, tmpReminder); //!!!!!!!!!!! if (l > 0) n += l; } // clamp data size to WORD (including null terminator) if (n >= 0xffff) { // huston, we have a problem, strip some reminder text n = 0xfffe; Value[0xffff] = 0; } mir_snprintf(ValueName, SIZEOF(ValueName), "RemindersData%d", ReminderCount - I - 1); // do not want to reverse in DB db_set_blob(0, MODULENAME, ValueName, Value, n+1); SAFE_FREE((void**)&Value); } // delete any left over DB reminder entries for(; I < OldReminderCount; I++) { mir_snprintf(ValueName, SIZEOF(ValueName), "RemindersData%d", I); db_unset(0, MODULENAME, ValueName); } } void LoadReminders(void) { int I,RemindersCount; char *Value; WORD Size; char ValueName[32]; BOOL GenerateUids = FALSE; RemindersList = NULL; RemindersCount = db_get_dw(0, MODULENAME, "RemindersData", 0); for (I = 0; I < RemindersCount; I++) { Size = 65535; Value = NULL; mir_snprintf(ValueName, SIZEOF(ValueName), "RemindersData%d", I); ReadSettingBlob(0, MODULENAME, ValueName, &Size, (void**)&Value); if (Size && Value) // was the blob found { REMINDERDATA rem = {0}; char *TVal; REMINDERDATA *TempRem; char *DelPos = strchr(Value, 0x1B); // ensure that read data is null-terminated Value[(UINT)Size-1] = 0; if (Value[0] == 'X') { // new eXtended/fleXible data format if (DelPos) *DelPos = 0; // uid:when TVal = strchr(Value+1, ':'); if (!TVal || (DelPos && TVal > DelPos)) continue; *TVal++ = 0; rem.uid = strtoul(Value+1, NULL, 10); rem.When.QuadPart = _strtoui64(TVal, NULL, 16) * FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC; // optional \033 separated params while (DelPos) { char *sep; UINT tag; TVal = DelPos + 1; // find param end and make sure it's null-terminated (if end of data then it's already null-terminated) DelPos = strchr(TVal, 0x1B); if (DelPos) *DelPos = 0; // tag: sep = strchr(TVal, ':'); if (!sep || (DelPos && sep > DelPos)) goto skip; tag = strtoul(TVal, NULL, 10); TVal = sep + 1; switch (tag) { case DATATAG_TEXT: rem.Reminder = _strdup(TVal); break; case DATATAG_SNDREPEAT: rem.RepeatSound = strtoul(TVal, NULL, 10); break; case DATATAG_SNDSEL: rem.SoundSel = strtol(TVal, NULL, 10); if (rem.SoundSel > 2) rem.SoundSel = 2; break; } } if (rem.SoundSel < 0) rem.RepeatSound = 0; if (!rem.Reminder) rem.Reminder = _strdup(""); } else { // old format (for DB backward compatibility) if (!DelPos) continue; DelPos[0] = 0; // convert time_t to (local) FILETIME { SYSTEMTIME tm; struct tm *stm; time_t tt; tt = (time_t)strtoul(Value, NULL, 10); stm = localtime(&tt); tm.wDayOfWeek = 0; tm.wSecond = 0; tm.wMilliseconds = 0; tm.wHour = stm->tm_hour; tm.wMinute = stm->tm_min; tm.wSecond = stm->tm_sec; tm.wYear = stm->tm_year + 1900; tm.wMonth = stm->tm_mon + 1; tm.wDay = stm->tm_mday; SYSTEMTIMEtoFILETIME(&tm, (FILETIME*)&rem.When); } TVal = DelPos + 1; rem.Reminder = _strdup(TVal); } // queue uid generation if invalid uid is present if (!rem.uid) GenerateUids = TRUE; TempRem = (REMINDERDATA*)malloc(sizeof(REMINDERDATA)); if (TempRem) { *TempRem = rem; TreeAddSorted(&RemindersList, TempRem, ReminderSortCb); } else if (rem.Reminder) { free(rem.Reminder); } skip:; } FreeSettingBlob(Size, Value); } // generate UIDs if there are any items with an invalid UID if (GenerateUids && RemindersList) { TREEELEMENT *TTE; TTE = RemindersList; while (TTE) { REMINDERDATA *pReminder = (REMINDERDATA*)TTE->ptrdata; if (!pReminder->uid) pReminder->uid = CreateUid(); TTE = (TREEELEMENT*)TTE->next; } JustSaveReminders(); } } void NewReminder(void) { if (!NewReminderVisible) { NewReminderVisible = TRUE; CreateDialog(hinstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ADDREMINDER), 0, DlgProcNewReminder); } } void EditReminder(REMINDERDATA *p) { if (!p) return; if (!NewReminderVisible && !p->SystemEventQueued) { if (!p->RemVisible) { p->RemVisible = TRUE; NewReminderVisible = 2; pEditReminder = p; CreateDialog(hinstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ADDREMINDER), 0, DlgProcNewReminder); } else { BringWindowToTop(p->handle); } } } static void DeleteReminder(REMINDERDATA *p) { if (!p) return; if (p->SystemEventQueued) { // remove pending system event RemoveReminderSystemEvent(p); } TreeDelete(&RemindersList, p); SAFE_FREE((void**)&p->Reminder); SAFE_FREE((void**)&p); } void CloseReminderList() { if (ListReminderVisible) { DestroyWindow(LV); ListReminderVisible = FALSE; } } static void PurgeReminderTree() { REMINDERDATA *pt; while (RemindersList) // empty whole tree { pt = (REMINDERDATA*)RemindersList->ptrdata; if (pt->handle) DestroyWindow(pt->handle); DeleteReminder(pt); } RemindersList = NULL; } void SaveReminders(void) { JustSaveReminders(); PurgeReminderTree(); } void DeleteReminders(void) { PurgeReminders(); db_set_dw(0,MODULENAME,"RemindersData",0); PurgeReminderTree(); } void ListReminders(void) { if (!ListReminderVisible) { CreateDialog(hinstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_LISTREMINDERS), 0, DlgProcViewReminders); ListReminderVisible = TRUE; } else { BringWindowToTop(LV); } } void GetTriggerTimeString(const ULARGE_INTEGER *When, char *s, UINT strSize, BOOL bUtc) { SYSTEMTIME tm = { 0 }; LCID lc = GetUserDefaultLCID(); *s = 0; if (bUtc) FileTimeToTzLocalST((const FILETIME*)When, &tm); else FILETIMEtoSYSTEMTIME((FILETIME*)When, &tm); if ( GetDateFormat(lc, DATE_LONGDATE, &tm, NULL, s, strSize)) { // append time int n = (int)mir_strlen(s); s[n++] = ' '; s[n] = 0; if ( !GetTimeFormat(lc, LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE|TIME_NOSECONDS, &tm, NULL, s+n, strSize-n) ) mir_snprintf(s+n, strSize-n, "%02d:%02d", tm.wHour, tm.wMinute); } else mir_snprintf(s, strSize, "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d", tm.wYear, tm.wMonth, tm.wDay, tm.wHour, tm.wMinute); } INT_PTR OpenTriggeredReminder(WPARAM w, LPARAM l) { if (!l) return 0; l = ((CLISTEVENT*)l)->lParam; REMINDERDATA *pReminder = (REMINDERDATA*)FindReminder((DWORD)l); if (!pReminder || !pReminder->SystemEventQueued) return 0; pReminder->SystemEventQueued = FALSE; if (QueuedReminderCount) QueuedReminderCount--; { char S[MAX_PATH]; char S1[128]; HWND H; GetTriggerTimeString(&pReminder->When, S1, sizeof(S1), TRUE); pReminder->RemVisible = TRUE; pReminder->handle = H = CreateDialog(hinstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_NOTIFYREMINDER), 0, DlgProcNotifyReminder); mir_snprintf(S, SIZEOF(S), "%s! - %s", Translate("Reminder"), S1); SetWindowText(H, S); if (pReminder->Reminder) SetDlgItemText(H, IDC_REMDATA, pReminder->Reminder); BringWindowToTop(H); } return 0; } static void SkinPlaySoundPoly(LPCSTR pszSoundName) { if (g_UseDefaultPlaySound) { SkinPlaySound(pszSoundName); return; } if (db_get_b(NULL, "SkinSoundsOff", pszSoundName, 0)==0) { DBVARIANT dbv; if (db_get_s(NULL, "SkinSounds", pszSoundName, &dbv)==0) { char szFull[MAX_PATH]; PathToAbsolute(dbv.pszVal, szFull); //NotifyEventHooks(hPlayEvent, 0, (LPARAM)szFull); { // use MCI device which allows multiple sounds playing at once // NOTE: mciSendString does not like long paths names, must convert to short char szShort[MAX_PATH]; char s[512]; GetShortPathNameA(szFull, szShort, sizeof(szShort)); mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "play \"%s\"", szShort); mciSendStringA(s, NULL, 0, NULL); } db_free(&dbv); } } } static void UpdateReminderEvent(REMINDERDATA *pReminder, UINT nElapsedSeconds, BOOL *pHasPlayedSound) { DWORD dwSoundMask; if (pReminder->RepeatSound) { if (nElapsedSeconds >= pReminder->RepeatSoundTTL) { pReminder->RepeatSoundTTL = pReminder->RepeatSound; dwSoundMask = 1 << pReminder->SoundSel; if ( !(*pHasPlayedSound & dwSoundMask) ) { switch (pReminder->SoundSel) { case 1: SkinPlaySoundPoly("AlertReminder2"); break; case 2: SkinPlaySoundPoly("AlertReminder3"); break; default: SkinPlaySoundPoly("AlertReminder"); } *pHasPlayedSound |= dwSoundMask; } } else { pReminder->RepeatSoundTTL -= nElapsedSeconds; } } } static void FireReminder(REMINDERDATA *pReminder, BOOL *pHasPlayedSound) { DWORD dwSoundMask; if (pReminder->SystemEventQueued) return; // add a system event { CLISTEVENT ev = { 0 }; ev.cbSize = sizeof(ev); ev.hIcon = g_hReminderIcon; ev.flags = CLEF_URGENT; ev.lParam = (LPARAM)pReminder->uid; ev.pszService = MODULENAME"/OpenTriggeredReminder"; ev.pszTooltip = Translate("Reminder"); CallService(MS_CLIST_ADDEVENT,0,(LPARAM)&ev); } pReminder->SystemEventQueued = TRUE; QueuedReminderCount++; if (pReminder->SoundSel < 0) { // sound disabled return; } dwSoundMask = 1 << pReminder->SoundSel; pReminder->RepeatSoundTTL = pReminder->RepeatSound; if ( !(*pHasPlayedSound & dwSoundMask) ) { switch (pReminder->SoundSel) { case 1: SkinPlaySoundPoly("AlertReminder2"); break; case 2: SkinPlaySoundPoly("AlertReminder3"); break; default: SkinPlaySoundPoly("AlertReminder"); } *pHasPlayedSound |= dwSoundMask; } } BOOL CheckRemindersAndStart(void) { // returns TRUE if there are any triggered reminder with SystemEventQueued, this will shorten the update interval // allowing sound repeats with shorter intervals TREEELEMENT *TTE; ULARGE_INTEGER curT; BOOL bHasPlayedSound; BOOL bResult; BOOL bHasQueuedReminders; if (!RemindersList) return FALSE; { SYSTEMTIME tm; GetSystemTime(&tm); SYSTEMTIMEtoFILETIME(&tm, (FILETIME*)&curT); } // NOTE: reminder list is sorted by trigger time, so we can early out on the first reminder > cur time // quick check for normal case with no reminder ready to be triggered and no queued triggered reminders // (happens 99.99999999999% of the time) if (curT.QuadPart < ((REMINDERDATA*)RemindersList->ptrdata)->When.QuadPart && !QueuedReminderCount) { return FALSE; } bResult = FALSE; // var used to avoid playing multiple alarm sounds during a single update bHasPlayedSound = FALSE; // if there are queued (triggered) reminders then iterate through entire list, becaue of WM_TIMECHANGE events // and for example daylight saving changes it's possible for an already triggered event to end up with When>curT bHasQueuedReminders = (QueuedReminderCount != 0); // allthough count should always be correct, it's fool proof to just count them again in the loop below QueuedReminderCount = 0; TTE = RemindersList; while (TTE && (bHasQueuedReminders || ((REMINDERDATA*)TTE->ptrdata)->When.QuadPart <= curT.QuadPart)) { REMINDERDATA *pReminder = (REMINDERDATA*)TTE->ptrdata; if (!pReminder->RemVisible) { if (pReminder->SystemEventQueued) { UpdateReminderEvent(pReminder, REMINDER_UPDATE_INTERVAL_SHORT/1000, &bHasPlayedSound); QueuedReminderCount++; bResult = TRUE; } else if (((REMINDERDATA*)TTE->ptrdata)->When.QuadPart <= curT.QuadPart) { if (!g_RemindSMS) { FireReminder(pReminder, &bHasPlayedSound); if (pReminder->SystemEventQueued) bResult = TRUE; } else { char* S2 = strchr(g_RemindSMS, '@'); char* S1 = (char*)malloc(S2 - g_RemindSMS); strncpy(S1, g_RemindSMS, S2 - g_RemindSMS); S1[S2 - g_RemindSMS]= 0x0; S2++; Send(S1, S2, pReminder->Reminder ? pReminder->Reminder : "", NULL); SAFE_FREE((void**)&S1); DeleteReminder(pReminder); JustSaveReminders(); NOTIFY_LIST(); } } } TTE = (TREEELEMENT*)TTE->next; } return bResult; } static LRESULT CALLBACK DatePickerWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (message) { case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONUP: case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_KEYUP: case WM_CHAR: case WM_INITMENUPOPUP: case WM_PASTE: return TRUE; case WM_SYSKEYUP: case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: case WM_SYSCHAR: return FALSE; } return mir_callNextSubclass(hWnd, DatePickerWndProc, message, wParam, lParam); } static void InitDatePicker(HWND Dialog, UINT nIDDate) { // subclass date picker to prevent user editing (should only use the dropdown calender to ensure valid dates) HWND hCtrl = GetDlgItem(Dialog, nIDDate); // tweak style of picker if ( IsWinVerVistaPlus() ) { DWORD dw = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDDate,DTM_GETMCSTYLE,0,0); dw |= MCS_WEEKNUMBERS | MCS_NOSELCHANGEONNAV; SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDDate,DTM_SETMCSTYLE,0,dw); } mir_subclassWindow(hCtrl, DatePickerWndProc); } static BOOL ParseTime(LPCSTR s, int *hout, int *mout, BOOL bTimeOffset, BOOL bAllowOffsetOverride) { // validate format: [][':'[]][p | P].* // if bTimeOffset is FALSE the user may still enter a time offset by using + as the first char, the // delta time will be returned in minutes (even > 60) and hout will always be -1 // if bTimeOffset is TRUE time is always interpreted as an offset (ignores PM indicator and defaults to minutes) int h, m; BOOL bOffset = bTimeOffset; // read hour while ( iswspace(*s) ) s++; if (*s == '+') { if (!bTimeOffset) { if (!bAllowOffsetOverride) return FALSE; // treat value as an offset anyway bOffset = TRUE; } s++; while ( iswspace(*s) ) s++; } if ( !isdigit(*s) ) return FALSE; h = (int)(*s-'0'); s++; if (!bOffset) { if ( isdigit(*s) ) { h = h * 10 + (int)(*s-'0'); s++; } if ( isdigit(*s) ) return FALSE; } else { // allow more than 2-digit numbers for offset while ( isdigit(*s) ) { h = h * 10 + (int)(*s-'0'); s++; } } // find : separator while ( iswspace(*s) ) s++; if (*s == ':') { s++; // read minutes while ( iswspace(*s) ) s++; if ( !isdigit(*s) ) return FALSE; m = (int)(*s-'0'); s++; if ( isdigit(*s) ) { m = m * 10 + (int)(*s-'0'); s++; } } else { if (bOffset) { // no : separator found, interpret the entered number as minutes and allow > 60 if (h < 0) return FALSE; if (bTimeOffset) { *hout = h / 60; *mout = h % 60; } else { *mout = h; *hout = -1; } return TRUE; } else { m = 0; } } // validate time if (bOffset) { if (h < 0) return FALSE; if (m < 0 || m > 59) return FALSE; } else { if (h == 24) h = 0; else if (h < 0 || h > 23) return FALSE; if (m < 0 || m > 59) return FALSE; } if (!bOffset) { // check for PM indicator (not strict, only checks for P char) while ( iswspace(*s) ) s++; if (*s == 'p' || *s == 'P') { if (h < 13) h += 12; else if (h == 12) h = 0; } } else if (!bTimeOffset) { // entered time is an offset *mout = h * 60 + m; *hout = -1; return TRUE; } *hout = h; *mout = m; return TRUE; } // returns TRUE if combo box list displays time offsets ("23:34 (5 Minutes)" etc.) __inline static BOOL IsRelativeCombo(HWND Dialog, UINT nIDTime) { return (((int)SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDTime,CB_GETITEMDATA,0,0)) >= 0); } static void PopulateTimeCombo(HWND Dialog, UINT nIDTime, BOOL bRelative, const SYSTEMTIME *tmUtc) { // NOTE: may seem like a bit excessive time converstion and handling, but this is done in order // to gracefully handle crossing daylight saving boundaries SYSTEMTIME tm2; ULARGE_INTEGER li; ULONGLONG ref; int i, n; char s[64]; const ULONGLONG MinutesToFileTime = (ULONGLONG)60 * FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC; LPCSTR lpszMinutes; LPCSTR lpszHours; WORD wCurHour, wCurMinute; if (!bRelative) { SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDTime,CB_RESETCONTENT,0,0); // ensure that we start on midnight local time SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(NULL, (SYSTEMTIME*)tmUtc, &tm2); tm2.wHour = 0; tm2.wMinute = 0; tm2.wSecond = 0; tm2.wMilliseconds = 0; TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(NULL, &tm2, &tm2); SYSTEMTIMEtoFILETIME(&tm2, (FILETIME*)&li); // from 00:00 to 23:30 in 30 minute steps for (i=0; i<50; i++) { const int h = i>>1; const int m = (i&1) ? 30 : 0; FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm2); mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%02d:%02d", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDTime,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)s); // item data contains time offset from midnight in seconds (bit 31 is set to flag that // combo box items are absolute times and not relative times like below SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDTime,CB_SETITEMDATA,n, (LPARAM)((ULONG)((h*60+m)*60) | 0x80000000)); li.QuadPart += (ULONGLONG)30 * MinutesToFileTime; if (tm2.wHour == 23 && tm2.wMinute >= 30) break; } return; } // SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, nIDTime, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); lpszMinutes = Translate("Minutes"); lpszHours = Translate("Hours"); SYSTEMTIMEtoFILETIME(tmUtc, (FILETIME*)&li); ref = li.QuadPart; // NOTE: item data contains offset from reference time (tmUtc) in seconds // cur time FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm2); wCurHour = tm2.wHour; wCurMinute = tm2.wMinute; mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%02d:%02d", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDTime,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)s); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, nIDTime, CB_SETITEMDATA, n, (LPARAM)((li.QuadPart-ref)/FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC)); // 5 minutes li.QuadPart += (ULONGLONG)5 * MinutesToFileTime; FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm2); mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%02d:%02d (5 %s)", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute, lpszMinutes); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDTime,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)s); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, nIDTime, CB_SETITEMDATA, n, (LPARAM)((li.QuadPart-ref)/FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC)); // 10 minutes li.QuadPart += (ULONGLONG)5 * MinutesToFileTime; FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm2); mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%02d:%02d (10 %s)", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute, lpszMinutes); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDTime,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)s); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, nIDTime, CB_SETITEMDATA, n, (LPARAM)((li.QuadPart-ref)/FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC)); // 15 minutes li.QuadPart += (ULONGLONG)5 * MinutesToFileTime; FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm2); mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%02d:%02d (15 %s)", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute, lpszMinutes); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDTime,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)s); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, nIDTime, CB_SETITEMDATA, n, (LPARAM)((li.QuadPart-ref)/FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC)); // 30 minutes li.QuadPart += (ULONGLONG)15 * MinutesToFileTime; FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm2); mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%02d:%02d (30 %s)", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute, lpszMinutes); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDTime,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)s); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, nIDTime, CB_SETITEMDATA, n, (LPARAM)((li.QuadPart-ref)/FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC)); // round +1h time to nearest even or half hour li.QuadPart += (ULONGLONG)30 * MinutesToFileTime; li.QuadPart = (li.QuadPart / (30 * MinutesToFileTime)) * (30 * MinutesToFileTime); // add from +1 to +23.5 (in half hour steps) if crossing daylight saving boundary it may be 22.5 or 24.5 hours for (i=0; i<50; i++) { UINT dt; FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm2); if (i > 40) { UINT nLastEntry = ((UINT)wCurHour * 60 + (UINT)wCurMinute) / 30; if (nLastEntry) nLastEntry *= 30; else nLastEntry = 23*60 + 30; if (((UINT)tm2.wHour * 60 + (UINT)tm2.wMinute) == nLastEntry) break; } // icq-style display 1.0, 1.5 etc. hours even though that isn't accurate due to rounding //mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%02d:%02d (%d.%d %s)", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute, 1+(i>>1), (i&1) ? 5 : 0, lpszHours); // display delta time more accurately to match reformatting (that icq doesn't do) dt = (UINT)((li.QuadPart/MinutesToFileTime) - (ref/MinutesToFileTime)); if (dt < 60) mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%02d:%02d (%d %s)", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute, dt, lpszMinutes); else mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%02d:%02d (%d.%d %s)", (UINT)tm2.wHour, (UINT)tm2.wMinute, dt/60, ((dt%60)*10)/60, lpszHours); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDTime,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)s); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDTime,CB_SETITEMDATA,n, (LPARAM)(dt*60)); li.QuadPart += (ULONGLONG)30 * MinutesToFileTime; } } static void PopulateTimeOffsetCombo(HWND Dialog, UINT nIDCombo) { int i, n; LPCSTR lpszMinutes; LPCSTR lpszHour; LPCSTR lpszHours; LPCSTR lpszDay; LPCSTR lpszDays; LPCSTR lpszWeek; char s[MAX_PATH]; SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDCombo,CB_RESETCONTENT,0,0); lpszMinutes = Translate("Minutes"); lpszHour = Translate("Hour"); lpszHours = Translate("Hours"); lpszDay = Translate("Day"); lpszDays = Translate("Days"); lpszWeek = Translate("Week"); // 5 - 55 minutes (in 5 minute steps) for (i = 1; i < 12; i++) { mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%d %s", i*5, lpszMinutes); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDCombo,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)s); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDCombo,CB_SETITEMDATA,n, (LPARAM)(i*5)); } // 1 hour mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "1 %s", lpszHour); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDCombo,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)s); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDCombo,CB_SETITEMDATA,n, (LPARAM)60); // 2, 4, 8 hours for (i = 2; i <= 8; i+=2) { mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%d %s", i, lpszHours); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDCombo,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)s); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDCombo,CB_SETITEMDATA,n, (LPARAM)(i*60)); } // 1 day mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "1 %s", lpszDay); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDCombo,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)s); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDCombo,CB_SETITEMDATA,n, (LPARAM)(24*60)); // 2-4 days for (i = 2; i <= 4; i++) { mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%d %s", i, lpszDays); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDCombo,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)s); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDCombo,CB_SETITEMDATA,n, (LPARAM)(i*24*60)); } // 1 week mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "1 %s", lpszWeek); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDCombo,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)s); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,nIDCombo,CB_SETITEMDATA,n, (LPARAM)(7*24*60)); } // returns non-zero if specified time was inside "missing" hour of daylight saving // IMPORTANT: triggerRelUtcOut is only initialized if IsRelativeCombo() is TRUE and return value is 0 static int ReformatTimeInputEx(HWND Dialog, UINT nIDTime, UINT nIDRefTime, int h, int m, const SYSTEMTIME *pDateLocal, ULARGE_INTEGER *triggerRelUtcOut) { int n; UINT dt; char buf[64]; const ULONGLONG MinutesToFileTime = (ULONGLONG)60 * FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC; if (h < 0) { // time value is an offset ('m' holds the offset in minutes) if ( IsRelativeCombo(Dialog, nIDTime) ) { ULONGLONG ref; ULARGE_INTEGER li; SYSTEMTIME tm; // get reference time (UTC) from hidden control { GetDlgItemText(Dialog, nIDRefTime, buf, 30); li.QuadPart = ref = _strtoui64(buf, NULL, 16); } // clamp delta time to 23.5 hours (coule be issues otherwise as relative combo only handles <24) if (m > (23*60+30)) m = 23*60+30; li.QuadPart += (ULONGLONG)(m * 60) * FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC; FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm); h = (int)tm.wHour; m = (int)tm.wMinute; if (triggerRelUtcOut) *triggerRelUtcOut = li; dt = (UINT)((li.QuadPart/MinutesToFileTime) - (ref/MinutesToFileTime)); if (dt < 60) mir_snprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), "%02d:%02d (%d %s)", h, m, dt, Translate("Minutes")); else mir_snprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), "%02d:%02d (%d.%d %s)", h, m, dt/60, ((dt%60)*10)/60, Translate("Hours")); // search for preset n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, nIDTime, CB_FINDSTRING, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)buf); if (n != CB_ERR) { SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, nIDTime, CB_SETCURSEL, n, 0); return 0; } SetDlgItemText(Dialog, nIDTime, buf); } else { // should never happen SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, nIDTime, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); } return 0; } // mir_snprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), "%02d:%02d", h, m); // search for preset first n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, nIDTime, CB_FINDSTRING, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)buf); if (n != CB_ERR) { SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, nIDTime, CB_SETCURSEL, n, 0); return 0; } if ( IsRelativeCombo(Dialog, nIDTime) ) { // date format is a time offset ("24:43 (5 Minutes)" etc.) ULONGLONG ref; SYSTEMTIME tmRefLocal; SYSTEMTIME tmTriggerLocal, tmTriggerLocal2; // get reference time (UTC) from hidden control { GetDlgItemText(Dialog, nIDRefTime, buf, 30); ref = _strtoui64(buf, NULL, 16); } FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&ref, &tmRefLocal); { ULARGE_INTEGER li; const UINT nRefT = (UINT)tmRefLocal.wHour * 60 + (UINT)tmRefLocal.wMinute; const UINT nT = h * 60 + m; tmTriggerLocal = tmRefLocal; tmTriggerLocal.wHour = (WORD)h; tmTriggerLocal.wMinute = (WORD)m; tmTriggerLocal.wSecond = 0; tmTriggerLocal.wMilliseconds = 0; if (nT < nRefT) { // (this special case only works correctly if time can be returned in triggerRelUtcOut) if (tmRefLocal.wHour == tmTriggerLocal.wHour && triggerRelUtcOut) { // check for special case if daylight saving ends in this hour, then interpret as within the next hour TzLocalSTToFileTime(&tmTriggerLocal, (FILETIME*)&li); li.QuadPart += (ULONGLONG)3600*FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC; FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tmTriggerLocal2); if ((tmTriggerLocal2.wHour*60+tmTriggerLocal2.wMinute) == (tmTriggerLocal.wHour*60+tmTriggerLocal.wMinute)) // special case detected goto output_result; } // tomorrow (add 24h to local time) SYSTEMTIMEtoFILETIME(&tmTriggerLocal, (FILETIME*)&li); li.QuadPart += (ULONGLONG)(24*3600)*FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC; FILETIMEtoSYSTEMTIME((FILETIME*)&li, &tmTriggerLocal); } // clean up value for potential daylight saving boundary TzLocalSTToFileTime(&tmTriggerLocal, (FILETIME*)&li); FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tmTriggerLocal2); // NOTE: win32 time functions will round hour downward if supplied hour does not exist due to daylight saving // for example if supplied time is 02:30 on the night the clock is turned forward at 02:00 to 03:00, thus // there never is a 02:30, the time functions will convert it to 01:30 (and not 03:30 as one might think) // (02:00 would return 01:00) // check for special case when the current time and requested time is inside the "missing" hour // standard->daylight switch, so that the cleaned up time ends up being earlier than the current // time even though it originally wasn't (see note above) if ((tmTriggerLocal2.wHour*60+tmTriggerLocal2.wMinute) < (tmTriggerLocal.wHour*60+tmTriggerLocal.wMinute)) { // special case detected, fall back to current time so at least the reminder won't be missed // due to ending up at an undesired time (this way the user immediately notices something was wrong) SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, nIDTime, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); invalid_dst: MessageBox(Dialog, Translate("The specified time is invalid due to begin of daylight saving (summer time)."), SECTIONNAME, MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); return 1; } output_result: if (triggerRelUtcOut) *triggerRelUtcOut = li; dt = (UINT)((li.QuadPart/MinutesToFileTime) - (ref/MinutesToFileTime)); if (dt < 60) mir_snprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), "%02d:%02d (%d %s)", h, m, dt, Translate("Minutes")); else mir_snprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), "%02d:%02d (%d.%d %s)", h, m, dt/60, ((dt%60)*10)/60, Translate("Hours")); } } else { // absolute time (00:00 to 23:59), clean up time to make sure it's not inside "missing" hour (will be rounded downard) FILETIME ft; SYSTEMTIME Date = *pDateLocal; Date.wHour = h; Date.wMinute = m; Date.wSecond = 0; Date.wMilliseconds = 0; TzLocalSTToFileTime(&Date, &ft); FileTimeToTzLocalST(&ft, &Date); if ((int)Date.wHour != h || (int)Date.wMinute != m) { mir_snprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), "%02d:%02d", (UINT)Date.wHour, (UINT)Date.wMinute); // search for preset again n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, nIDTime, CB_FINDSTRING, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)buf); if (n != CB_ERR) { SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, nIDTime, CB_SETCURSEL, n, 0); goto invalid_dst; } SetDlgItemText(Dialog, nIDTime, buf); goto invalid_dst; } } SetDlgItemText(Dialog, nIDTime, buf); return 0; } static __inline int ReformatTimeInput(HWND Dialog, UINT nIDTime, UINT nIDRefTime, int h, int m, const SYSTEMTIME *pDateLocal) { return ReformatTimeInputEx(Dialog, nIDTime, nIDRefTime, h, m, pDateLocal, NULL); } // in: pDate contains the desired trigger date in LOCAL time // out: pDate contains the resulting trigger time and date in UTC static BOOL GetTriggerTime(HWND Dialog, UINT nIDTime, UINT nIDRefTime, SYSTEMTIME *pDate) { ULARGE_INTEGER li; char buf[32]; int n; int h, m; // get reference (UTC) time from hidden control { GetDlgItemText(Dialog, nIDRefTime, buf, 30); li.QuadPart = _strtoui64(buf, NULL, 16); } if ((n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, nIDTime, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)) != CB_ERR) { // use preset value preset_value:; if ( IsRelativeCombo(Dialog, nIDTime) ) { // time offset from ref time ("24:43 (5 Minutes)" etc.) UINT nDeltaSeconds = (UINT)SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, nIDTime, CB_GETITEMDATA, n, 0); li.QuadPart += (ULONGLONG)nDeltaSeconds * FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC; FILETIMEtoSYSTEMTIME((FILETIME*)&li, pDate); // if specified time is a small offset (< 10 Minutes) then retain current second count for better accuracy // otherwise try to match specified time (which never contains seconds only even minutes) as close as possible if (nDeltaSeconds >= 10*60) { pDate->wSecond = 0; pDate->wMilliseconds = 0; } } else { // absolute time (offset from midnight on pDate) UINT nDeltaSeconds = (UINT)((ULONG)SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, nIDTime, CB_GETITEMDATA, n, 0) & ~0x80000000); pDate->wHour = 0; pDate->wMinute = 0; pDate->wSecond = 0; pDate->wMilliseconds = 0; TzLocalSTToFileTime(pDate, (FILETIME*)&li); li.QuadPart += (ULONGLONG)nDeltaSeconds * FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC; FILETIMEtoSYSTEMTIME((FILETIME*)&li, pDate); } return TRUE; } // user entered a custom value GetDlgItemText(Dialog, nIDTime, buf, 30); if ( !ParseTime(buf, &h, &m, FALSE, IsRelativeCombo(Dialog, nIDTime)) ) { MessageBox(Dialog, Translate("The specified time is invalid."), SECTIONNAME, MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING); return FALSE; } if ( IsRelativeCombo(Dialog, nIDTime) ) { // date has not been changed, the specified time is a time between reftime and reftime+24h ULARGE_INTEGER li2; if ( ReformatTimeInputEx(Dialog, nIDTime, nIDRefTime, h, m, pDate, &li2) ) return FALSE; // check if reformatted value is a preset if ((n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, nIDTime, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)) != CB_ERR) goto preset_value; FILETIMEtoSYSTEMTIME((FILETIME*)&li2, pDate); return TRUE; } else { if ( ReformatTimeInputEx(Dialog, nIDTime, nIDRefTime, h, m, pDate, NULL) ) return FALSE; // check if reformatted value is a preset if ((n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, nIDTime, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)) != CB_ERR) goto preset_value; } // absolute time (on pDate) pDate->wHour = h; pDate->wMinute = m; pDate->wSecond = 0; pDate->wMilliseconds = 0; TzLocalSTToFileTime(pDate, (FILETIME*)&li); FILETIMEtoSYSTEMTIME((FILETIME*)&li, pDate); return TRUE; } static void OnDateChanged(HWND Dialog, UINT nDateID, UINT nTimeID, UINT nRefTimeID) { // repopulate time combo list with regular times (not offsets like "23:32 (5 minutes)" etc.) SYSTEMTIME Date, DateUtc; int h = -1, m; char s[32]; GetDlgItemText(Dialog, nTimeID, s, 30); ParseTime(s, &h, &m, FALSE, FALSE); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, nDateID, DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME, 0, (LPARAM)&Date); TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(NULL, &Date, &DateUtc); PopulateTimeCombo(Dialog, nTimeID, FALSE, &DateUtc); if (h < 0) { // parsing failed, default to current time SYSTEMTIME tm; GetLocalTime(&tm); h = (UINT)tm.wHour; m = (UINT)tm.wMinute; } ReformatTimeInput(Dialog, nTimeID, nRefTimeID, h, m, &Date); } INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcNotifyReminder(HWND Dialog,UINT Message,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { int I; switch (Message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { SYSTEMTIME tm; ULARGE_INTEGER li; GetSystemTime(&tm); SYSTEMTIMEtoFILETIME(&tm, (FILETIME*)&li); TranslateDialogDefault(Dialog); // save reference time in hidden control, is needed when adding reminder to properly detect if speicifed // time wrapped around to tomorrow or not (dialog could in theory be open for a longer period of time // which could potentially mess up things otherwise) { char s[32]; mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%I64x", li.QuadPart); SetDlgItemText(Dialog, IDC_REFTIME, s); } BringWindowToTop(Dialog); PopulateTimeOffsetCombo(Dialog, IDC_REMINDAGAININ); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_REMINDAGAININ),SW_SHOW); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_DATEAGAIN),SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_TIMEAGAIN),SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_STATIC_DATE),SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_STATIC_TIME),SW_HIDE); CheckDlgButton(Dialog, IDC_AFTER, BST_CHECKED); CheckDlgButton(Dialog, IDC_ONDATE, BST_UNCHECKED); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_REMINDAGAININ,CB_SETCURSEL,0,0); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_REMDATA, EM_LIMITTEXT, MAX_REMINDER_LEN, 0); PopulateTimeCombo(Dialog, IDC_TIMEAGAIN, TRUE, &tm); FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm); // make sure date picker uses reference time SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_DATEAGAIN,DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME,0,(LPARAM)&tm); InitDatePicker(Dialog, IDC_DATEAGAIN); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_TIMEAGAIN,CB_SETCURSEL,0,0); return TRUE; } case WM_NCDESTROY: RemoveProp(GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_DATEAGAIN), TEXT("OldWndProc")); return TRUE; case WM_NOTIFY: { if (wParam == IDC_DATEAGAIN) { NMLISTVIEW *NM = (NMLISTVIEW*)lParam; switch (NM->hdr.code) { case DTN_DATETIMECHANGE: OnDateChanged(Dialog, IDC_DATEAGAIN, IDC_TIMEAGAIN, IDC_REFTIME); break; } } } break; case WM_CLOSE: { int ReminderCount = TreeGetCount(RemindersList); for (I = 0; I < ReminderCount; I++) { REMINDERDATA *pReminder = (REMINDERDATA*)TreeGetAt(RemindersList, I); if (pReminder->handle == Dialog) { DeleteReminder(pReminder); JustSaveReminders(); break; } } NOTIFY_LIST(); } DestroyWindow(Dialog); return TRUE; case WM_COMMAND: { switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_TIMEAGAIN: switch (HIWORD(wParam)) { case CBN_KILLFOCUS: // reformat displayed value if (SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_TIMEAGAIN, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0) == CB_ERR) { char buf[64]; int h, m; GetDlgItemText(Dialog, IDC_TIMEAGAIN, buf, 30); if ( ParseTime(buf, &h, &m, FALSE, IsRelativeCombo(Dialog, IDC_TIMEAGAIN)) ) { SYSTEMTIME Date; SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_DATEAGAIN,DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME,0,(LPARAM)&Date); ReformatTimeInput(Dialog, IDC_TIMEAGAIN, IDC_REFTIME, h, m, &Date); } else { SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_TIMEAGAIN, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); } } break; } break; case IDC_REMINDAGAININ: switch (HIWORD(wParam)) { case CBN_KILLFOCUS: // reformat displayed value if it has been edited if (SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_REMINDAGAININ,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0) == CB_ERR) { char buf[64]; int h, m; GetDlgItemText(Dialog, IDC_REMINDAGAININ, buf, 30); if (ParseTime(buf, &h, &m, TRUE, TRUE) && h+m) { if (h) { LPCSTR lpszHours = Translate("Hours"); mir_snprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), "%d:%02d %s", h, m, lpszHours); } else { LPCSTR lpszMinutes = Translate("Minutes"); mir_snprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), "%d %s", m, lpszMinutes); } SetDlgItemText(Dialog, IDC_REMINDAGAININ, buf); } else { SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_REMINDAGAININ,CB_SETCURSEL,0,0); } } break; } break; case IDC_AFTER: { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_REMINDAGAININ), SW_SHOW); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_DATEAGAIN), SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_TIMEAGAIN), SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_STATIC_DATE), SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_STATIC_TIME), SW_HIDE); return TRUE; } case IDC_ONDATE: { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_DATEAGAIN), SW_SHOW); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_TIMEAGAIN), SW_SHOW); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_STATIC_DATE), SW_SHOW); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_STATIC_TIME), SW_SHOW); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_REMINDAGAININ), SW_HIDE); return TRUE; } case IDC_DISMISS: { int ReminderCount = TreeGetCount(RemindersList); for (I = 0; I < ReminderCount; I++) { REMINDERDATA *pReminder = (REMINDERDATA*)TreeGetAt(RemindersList, I); if (pReminder->handle == Dialog) { DeleteReminder(pReminder); JustSaveReminders(); break; } } NOTIFY_LIST(); DestroyWindow(Dialog); return TRUE; } case IDC_REMINDAGAIN: { int ReminderCount = TreeGetCount(RemindersList); for (I = 0; I < ReminderCount; I++) { REMINDERDATA *pReminder = (REMINDERDATA*)TreeGetAt(RemindersList, I); if (pReminder->handle == Dialog) { if (IsDlgButtonChecked(Dialog, IDC_AFTER) == BST_CHECKED) { // delta time ULONGLONG TT; SYSTEMTIME tm; ULARGE_INTEGER li; int n; GetSystemTime(&tm); SYSTEMTIMEtoFILETIME(&tm, (FILETIME*)&li); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_REMINDAGAININ, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (n != CB_ERR) { TT = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_REMINDAGAININ, CB_GETITEMDATA, n, 0) * 60; if (TT >= 24*3600) { // selection is 1 day or more, take daylight saving boundaries into consideration // (ie. 24 hour might actually be 23 or 25, in order for reminder to pop up at the // same time tomorrow) SYSTEMTIME tm2, tm3; ULARGE_INTEGER li2 = li; FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li2, &tm2); li2.QuadPart += (TT * FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC); FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li2, &tm3); if (tm2.wHour != tm3.wHour || tm2.wMinute != tm3.wMinute) { // boundary crossed // do a quick and dirty sanity check that times not more than 2 hours apart if (abs((int)(tm3.wHour*60+tm3.wMinute)-(int)(tm2.wHour*60+tm2.wMinute)) <= 120) { // adjust TT so that same HH:MM is set tm3.wHour = tm2.wHour; tm3.wMinute = tm2.wMinute; TzLocalSTToFileTime(&tm3, (FILETIME*)&li2); TT = (li2.QuadPart - li.QuadPart) / FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC; } } } } else { // parse user input char s[32]; int h = 0, m = 0; GetDlgItemText(Dialog, IDC_REMINDAGAININ, s, 30); ParseTime(s, &h, &m, TRUE, TRUE); m += h * 60; if (!m) { MessageBox(Dialog, TranslateT("The specified time offset is invalid."), _T(SECTIONNAME), MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); return TRUE; } TT = m * 60; } pReminder->When = li; pReminder->When.QuadPart += (TT * FILETIME_TICKS_PER_SEC); } else if (IsDlgButtonChecked(Dialog, IDC_ONDATE) == BST_CHECKED) { SYSTEMTIME Date; SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_DATEAGAIN, DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME, 0, (LPARAM)&Date); if ( !GetTriggerTime(Dialog, IDC_TIMEAGAIN, IDC_REFTIME, &Date) ) break; SYSTEMTIMEtoFILETIME(&Date, (FILETIME*)&pReminder->When); } // update reminder text { char *ReminderText = NULL; int SzT = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_REMDATA, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0); if (SzT) { if (SzT > MAX_REMINDER_LEN) SzT = MAX_REMINDER_LEN; ReminderText = (char*)malloc(SzT + 1); GetDlgItemText(Dialog, IDC_REMDATA, ReminderText, SzT + 1); } if (pReminder->Reminder) free(pReminder->Reminder); pReminder->Reminder = ReminderText; } pReminder->RemVisible = FALSE; pReminder->handle = NULL; // re-insert tree item sorted TreeDelete(&RemindersList,pReminder); TreeAddSorted(&RemindersList, pReminder, ReminderSortCb); JustSaveReminders(); break; } } NOTIFY_LIST(); DestroyWindow(Dialog); return TRUE; } case IDC_NONE: {// create note from remainder int ReminderCount = TreeGetCount(RemindersList); for (I = 0; I < ReminderCount; I++) { REMINDERDATA *pReminder = (REMINDERDATA*)TreeGetAt(RemindersList, I); if (pReminder->handle == Dialog) { // get up-to-date reminder text char *ReminderText = NULL; int SzT = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_REMDATA, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0); if (SzT) { if (SzT > MAX_REMINDER_LEN) SzT = MAX_REMINDER_LEN; ReminderText = (char*)malloc(SzT+1); GetDlgItemText(Dialog, IDC_REMDATA, ReminderText, SzT + 1); } SetFocus(NewNote(0, 0, -1, -1, ReminderText, 0, TRUE, TRUE, 0)->REHwnd); break; } } return TRUE; } } } } return FALSE; } INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcNewReminder(HWND Dialog,UINT Message,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { HICON hIcon = NULL; switch (Message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { ULARGE_INTEGER li; SYSTEMTIME tm; if (NewReminderVisible == 2) { // opening the edit reminder dialog (uses same dialog resource as add reminder) SetWindowText(Dialog, TranslateT("Reminder")); SetDlgItemText(Dialog, IDC_ADDREMINDER, TranslateT("&Update Reminder")); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_VIEWREMINDERS), SW_HIDE); li = pEditReminder->When; FILETIMEtoSYSTEMTIME((FILETIME*)&li, &tm); } else { GetSystemTime(&tm); SYSTEMTIMEtoFILETIME(&tm, (FILETIME*)&li); } TranslateDialogDefault(Dialog); // save reference time in hidden control, is needed when adding reminder to properly detect if speicifed // time wrapped around to tomorrow or not (dialog could in theory be open for a longer period of time // which could potentially mess up things otherwise) { char s[32]; mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%I64x", li.QuadPart); SetDlgItemText(Dialog, IDC_REFTIME, s); } /*CheckDlgButton(Dialog, IDC_NONE, BST_CHECKED); CheckDlgButton(Dialog, IDC_DAILY, BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(Dialog, IDC_WEEKLY, BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(Dialog, IDC_MONTHLY, BST_UNCHECKED);*/ PopulateTimeCombo(Dialog, IDC_TIME, NewReminderVisible != 2, &tm); FileTimeToTzLocalST((FILETIME*)&li, &tm); // make sure date picker uses reference time SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_DATE, DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME, 0, (LPARAM)&tm); InitDatePicker(Dialog, IDC_DATE); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_REMINDER, EM_LIMITTEXT, MAX_REMINDER_LEN, 0); if (NewReminderVisible == 2) { int n; char s[32]; mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%02d:%02d", (UINT)tm.wHour, (UINT)tm.wMinute); // search for preset first n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_TIME, CB_FINDSTRING, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)s); if (n != CB_ERR) SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_TIME, CB_SETCURSEL, n, 0); else SetDlgItemText(Dialog, IDC_TIME, s); SetDlgItemText(Dialog, IDC_REMINDER, pEditReminder->Reminder); } else { SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_TIME,CB_SETCURSEL,0,0); } // populate sound repeat combo { char s[64]; int n; LPCSTR lpszEvery = Translate("Every"); LPCSTR lpszSeconds = Translate("Seconds"); // NOTE: use multiples of REMINDER_UPDATE_INTERVAL_SHORT (currently 5 seconds) n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)Translate("Never")); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND,CB_SETITEMDATA, n, 0); mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%s 5 %s", lpszEvery, lpszSeconds); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)s); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND, CB_SETITEMDATA, n, (LPARAM)5); mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%s 10 %s", lpszEvery, lpszSeconds); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND,CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)s); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND, CB_SETITEMDATA, n, (LPARAM)10); mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%s 15 %s", lpszEvery, lpszSeconds); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND,CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)s); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND, CB_SETITEMDATA, n, (LPARAM)15); mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%s 20 %s", lpszEvery, lpszSeconds); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND,CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)s); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND, CB_SETITEMDATA, n, (LPARAM)20); mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%s 30 %s", lpszEvery, lpszSeconds); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND,CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)s); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND, CB_SETITEMDATA, n, (LPARAM)30); mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%s 60 %s", lpszEvery, lpszSeconds); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)s); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND, CB_SETITEMDATA, n, (LPARAM)60); if (NewReminderVisible == 2 && pEditReminder->RepeatSound) { mir_snprintf(s, SIZEOF(s), "%s %d %s", lpszEvery, pEditReminder->RepeatSound, lpszSeconds); SetDlgItemText(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND, s); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND, CB_SETCURSEL, SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)s), 0); } else { SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND,CB_SETCURSEL,0,0); } } // populate sound selection combo { int n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_SOUND, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)Translate("Default")); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_SOUND, CB_SETITEMDATA, n, 0); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_SOUND, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)Translate("Alternative 1")); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_SOUND, CB_SETITEMDATA, n, 1); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_SOUND, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)Translate("Alternative 2")); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_SOUND, CB_SETITEMDATA, n, (LPARAM)2); n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_SOUND, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)Translate("None")); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_SOUND, CB_SETITEMDATA, n, (LPARAM)-1); if (NewReminderVisible == 2 && pEditReminder->SoundSel) { const UINT n = pEditReminder->SoundSel<0 ? 3 : pEditReminder->SoundSel; SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_COMBO_SOUND,CB_SETCURSEL,n,0); } else { SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_COMBO_SOUND,CB_SETCURSEL,0,0); } } hIcon = Skin_GetIconByHandle(iconList[12].hIcolib); SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_BTN_PLAYSOUND,BM_SETIMAGE,(WPARAM)IMAGE_ICON,(LPARAM)hIcon); if (NewReminderVisible == 2 && pEditReminder->SoundSel) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_BTN_PLAYSOUND), pEditReminder->SoundSel>=0); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND), pEditReminder->SoundSel>=0); } if (NewReminderVisible == 2) SetFocus( GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_ADDREMINDER) ); else SetFocus( GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_REMINDER) ); return FALSE; } case WM_NCDESTROY: RemoveProp(GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_DATE), TEXT("OldWndProc")); return TRUE; case WM_CLOSE: { if (NewReminderVisible == 2) { pEditReminder->RemVisible = FALSE; } DestroyWindow(Dialog); NewReminderVisible = FALSE; pEditReminder = NULL; return TRUE; } case WM_NOTIFY: { if (wParam == IDC_DATE) { NMLISTVIEW *NM = (NMLISTVIEW*)lParam; switch (NM->hdr.code) { case DTN_DATETIMECHANGE: OnDateChanged(Dialog, IDC_DATE, IDC_TIME, IDC_REFTIME); break; } } } break; case WM_COMMAND: { switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_TIME: switch (HIWORD(wParam)) { case CBN_KILLFOCUS: // reformat displayed value if (SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_TIME, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0) == CB_ERR) { char buf[64]; int h, m; GetDlgItemText(Dialog, IDC_TIME, buf, 30); if ( ParseTime(buf, &h, &m, FALSE, IsRelativeCombo(Dialog, IDC_TIME)) ) { SYSTEMTIME Date; SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_DATE,DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME,0,(LPARAM)&Date); ReformatTimeInput(Dialog, IDC_TIME, IDC_REFTIME, h, m, &Date); } else { SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_TIME, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); } } break; } break; case IDC_COMBO_SOUND: switch (HIWORD(wParam)) { case CBN_SELENDOK: { int n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_SOUND, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); n = (int)SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_SOUND, CB_GETITEMDATA, n, 0); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_BTN_PLAYSOUND), n>=0); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND), n>=0); } break; } break; case IDC_BTN_PLAYSOUND: { int n = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_SOUND, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); n = (int)SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_SOUND, CB_GETITEMDATA, n, 0); switch (n) { case 0: SkinPlaySound("AlertReminder"); break; case 1: SkinPlaySound("AlertReminder2"); break; case 2: SkinPlaySound("AlertReminder3"); break; } } return TRUE; case IDC_CLOSE: { if (NewReminderVisible == 2) { pEditReminder->RemVisible = FALSE; } DestroyWindow(Dialog); NewReminderVisible = FALSE; pEditReminder = NULL; return TRUE; } case IDC_VIEWREMINDERS: { ListReminders(); return TRUE; } case IDC_ADDREMINDER: { char *ReminderText = NULL; int SzT; SYSTEMTIME Date; REMINDERDATA* TempRem; int RepeatSound; SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_DATE,DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME,0,(LPARAM)&Date); if ( !GetTriggerTime(Dialog, IDC_TIME, IDC_REFTIME, &Date) ) break; RepeatSound = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0); if (RepeatSound != CB_ERR) RepeatSound = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_COMBO_REPEATSND,CB_GETITEMDATA,(WPARAM)RepeatSound,0); else RepeatSound = 0; SzT = SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog,IDC_REMINDER,WM_GETTEXTLENGTH,0,0); if (SzT) { if (SzT > MAX_REMINDER_LEN) SzT = MAX_REMINDER_LEN; ReminderText = (char*)malloc(SzT + 1); GetDlgItemText(Dialog, IDC_REMINDER, ReminderText, SzT + 1); } if (NewReminderVisible != 2) { // new reminder TempRem = (REMINDERDATA*)malloc(sizeof(REMINDERDATA)); TempRem->uid = CreateUid(); SYSTEMTIMEtoFILETIME(&Date, (FILETIME*)&TempRem->When); TempRem->Reminder = ReminderText; TempRem->RemVisible = FALSE; TempRem->SystemEventQueued = 0; TempRem->RepeatSoundTTL = 0; TempRem->SoundSel = (int)SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_SOUND, CB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_SOUND, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0), 0); TempRem->RepeatSound = TempRem->SoundSel<0 ? 0 : (UINT)RepeatSound; TreeAddSorted(&RemindersList,TempRem,ReminderSortCb); } else { // update existing reminder SYSTEMTIMEtoFILETIME(&Date, (FILETIME*)&pEditReminder->When); if (pEditReminder->Reminder) free(pEditReminder->Reminder); pEditReminder->Reminder = ReminderText; pEditReminder->SoundSel = (int)SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_SOUND, CB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)SendDlgItemMessage(Dialog, IDC_COMBO_SOUND, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0), 0); pEditReminder->RepeatSound = pEditReminder->SoundSel<0 ? 0 : (UINT)RepeatSound; // re-insert tree item sorted TreeDelete(&RemindersList,pEditReminder); TreeAddSorted(&RemindersList,pEditReminder,ReminderSortCb); pEditReminder->RemVisible = FALSE; } SetDlgItemText(Dialog,IDC_REMINDER,""); JustSaveReminders(); NOTIFY_LIST(); if (g_CloseAfterAddReminder || NewReminderVisible == 2) { DestroyWindow(Dialog); NewReminderVisible = FALSE; pEditReminder = NULL; } } } } case WM_DESTROY: { Skin_ReleaseIcon(hIcon); break; } } return FALSE; } static void InitListView(HWND AHLV) { LV_ITEM lvTIt; int I; char *S; char S1[128]; REMINDERDATA *pReminder; TREEELEMENT *TTE; ListView_SetHoverTime(AHLV,700); ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(AHLV,LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_GRIDLINES | LVS_EX_TRACKSELECT); ListView_DeleteAllItems(AHLV); I = 0; TTE = RemindersList; while (TTE) { pReminder = (REMINDERDATA*)TTE->ptrdata; lvTIt.mask = LVIF_TEXT; GetTriggerTimeString(&pReminder->When, S1, sizeof(S1), TRUE); lvTIt.iItem = I; lvTIt.iSubItem = 0; lvTIt.pszText = S1; ListView_InsertItem(AHLV,&lvTIt); lvTIt.mask = LVIF_TEXT; S = GetPreviewString(pReminder->Reminder); lvTIt.iItem = I; lvTIt.iSubItem = 1; lvTIt.pszText = S; ListView_SetItem(AHLV,&lvTIt); I++; TTE = (TREEELEMENT*)TTE->next; } ListView_SetItemState(AHLV,0,LVIS_SELECTED,LVIS_SELECTED); } void OnListResize(HWND Dialog) { HWND hList, hText, hBtnNew, hBtnClose; RECT lr, cr, tr, clsr; int th, btnh, btnw, MARGIN; POINT org = {0}; hList = GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_LISTREMINDERS); hText = GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_REMINDERDATA); hBtnNew = GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_ADDNEWREMINDER); hBtnClose = GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_CLOSE); ClientToScreen(Dialog, &org); GetClientRect(Dialog, &cr); GetWindowRect(hList, &lr); OffsetRect(&lr, -org.x, -org.y); GetWindowRect(hText, &tr); OffsetRect(&tr, -org.x, -org.y); GetWindowRect(hBtnClose, &clsr); OffsetRect(&clsr, -org.x, -org.y); MARGIN = lr.left; th = tr.bottom - tr.top; btnh = clsr.bottom - clsr.top; btnw = clsr.right - clsr.left; clsr.left = cr.right - MARGIN - btnw; clsr.top = cr.bottom - MARGIN - btnh; tr.left = MARGIN; tr.right = cr.right - MARGIN; tr.bottom = clsr.top - MARGIN - 2; tr.top = tr.bottom - th; lr.right = cr.right - MARGIN; lr.bottom = tr.top - 5; MoveWindow(hList, lr.left, lr.top, lr.right-lr.left, lr.bottom-lr.top, FALSE); MoveWindow(hText, tr.left, tr.top, tr.right-tr.left, tr.bottom-tr.top, FALSE); MoveWindow(hBtnClose, clsr.left, clsr.top, btnw, btnh, FALSE); clsr.left -= btnw + 2; MoveWindow(hBtnNew, clsr.left, clsr.top, btnw, btnh, FALSE); RedrawWindow(Dialog, NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_UPDATENOW | RDW_ERASE); //UpdateWindow(Dialog); } void UpdateGeomFromWnd(HWND Dialog, int *geom, int *colgeom, int nCols) { if (geom) { WINDOWPLACEMENT wp; wp.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT); GetWindowPlacement(Dialog, &wp); geom[0] = wp.rcNormalPosition.left; geom[1] = wp.rcNormalPosition.top; geom[2] = wp.rcNormalPosition.right - wp.rcNormalPosition.left; geom[3] = wp.rcNormalPosition.bottom - wp.rcNormalPosition.top; } if (colgeom) { int i; HWND H = GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_LISTREMINDERS); for (i=0; iSystemEventQueued) mii.fState |= MFS_GRAYED; SetMenuItemInfo(FhMenu, ID_CONTEXTMENUREMINDERLISTVIEW_EDIT, FALSE, &mii); if (!pReminder) EnableMenuItem(FhMenu, IDM_DELETEREMINDER, MF_GRAYED|MF_BYCOMMAND); CallService(MS_LANGPACK_TRANSLATEMENU,(DWORD)FhMenu,0); TrackPopupMenu(FhMenu,TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON,LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam),0,AhWnd,0); DestroyMenu(hMenuLoad); return TRUE; } INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcViewReminders(HWND Dialog,UINT Message,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { LV_COLUMN lvCol; NMLISTVIEW *NM; char *S; int I; switch (Message) { case WM_SIZE: { OnListResize(Dialog); UpdateGeomFromWnd(Dialog, g_reminderListGeom, NULL, 0); break; } case WM_MOVE: UpdateGeomFromWnd(Dialog, g_reminderListGeom, NULL, 0); break; case WM_GETMINMAXINFO: { MINMAXINFO *mm = (MINMAXINFO*)lParam; mm->ptMinTrackSize.x = 394; mm->ptMinTrackSize.y = 300; } return 0; case WM_RELOAD: { SetDlgItemText(Dialog, IDC_REMINDERDATA, _T("")); InitListView(GetDlgItem(Dialog, IDC_LISTREMINDERS)); return TRUE; } case WM_CONTEXTMENU: { HWND H; REMINDERDATA *pReminder = NULL; H = GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_LISTREMINDERS); if ( ListView_GetSelectedCount(H) ) { I = ListView_GetSelectionMark(H); if (I != -1) { pReminder = (REMINDERDATA*)TreeGetAt(RemindersList,I); } } if ( DoListContextMenu(Dialog, wParam, lParam, pReminder) ) return TRUE; } break; case WM_INITDIALOG: { HICON hIcon = Skin_GetIconByHandle(iconList[6].hIcolib, ICON_SMALL); SendMessage(Dialog, WM_SETICON, (WPARAM)ICON_SMALL, (LPARAM)hIcon); hIcon = Skin_GetIconByHandle(iconList[6].hIcolib, ICON_BIG); SendMessage(Dialog, WM_SETICON, (WPARAM)ICON_BIG, (LPARAM)hIcon); TranslateDialogDefault(Dialog); SetDlgItemText(Dialog,IDC_REMINDERDATA, _T("")); HWND H = GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_LISTREMINDERS); lvCol.mask = LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_WIDTH; S = Translate("Reminder text"); lvCol.pszText = S; lvCol.cx = g_reminderListColGeom[1]; ListView_InsertColumn(H,0,&lvCol); lvCol.mask = LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_WIDTH; S = Translate("Date of activation"); lvCol.pszText = S; lvCol.cx = g_reminderListColGeom[0]; ListView_InsertColumn(H,0,&lvCol); InitListView(H); SetWindowLongPtr(GetDlgItem(H, 0), GWL_ID, IDC_LISTREMINDERS_HEADER); LV = Dialog; if (g_reminderListGeom[1] && g_reminderListGeom[2]) { WINDOWPLACEMENT wp; wp.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT); GetWindowPlacement(Dialog, &wp); wp.rcNormalPosition.left = g_reminderListGeom[0]; wp.rcNormalPosition.top = g_reminderListGeom[1]; wp.rcNormalPosition.right = g_reminderListGeom[2] + g_reminderListGeom[0]; wp.rcNormalPosition.bottom = g_reminderListGeom[3] + g_reminderListGeom[1]; SetWindowPlacement(Dialog, &wp); } return TRUE; } case WM_CLOSE: { DestroyWindow(Dialog); ListReminderVisible = FALSE; return TRUE; } case WM_NOTIFY: { if (wParam == IDC_LISTREMINDERS) { NM = (NMLISTVIEW *)lParam; switch (NM->hdr.code) { case LVN_ITEMCHANGED: { S = ((REMINDERDATA*)TreeGetAt(RemindersList,NM->iItem))->Reminder; SetDlgItemText(Dialog,IDC_REMINDERDATA,S); } break; case NM_DBLCLK: { HWND H; H = GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_LISTREMINDERS); if ( ListView_GetSelectedCount(H) ) { I = ListView_GetSelectionMark(H); if (I != -1) { EditReminder((REMINDERDATA*)TreeGetAt(RemindersList, I)); } } } break; } } else if (wParam == IDC_LISTREMINDERS_HEADER) { NMHEADER *NM = (NMHEADER*)lParam; switch (NM->hdr.code) { case HDN_ENDTRACK: UpdateGeomFromWnd(Dialog, NULL, g_reminderListColGeom, SIZEOF(g_reminderListColGeom)); break; } } } break; case WM_COMMAND: { switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case ID_CONTEXTMENUREMINDERLISTVIEW_EDIT: { HWND H; H = GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_LISTREMINDERS); if ( ListView_GetSelectedCount(H) ) { I = ListView_GetSelectionMark(H); if (I != -1) { EditReminder((REMINDERDATA*)TreeGetAt(RemindersList, I)); } } } return TRUE; case IDC_CLOSE: { DestroyWindow(Dialog); ListReminderVisible = FALSE; return TRUE; } case IDM_NEWREMINDER: case IDC_ADDNEWREMINDER: { NewReminder(); return TRUE; } case IDM_DELETEALLREMINDERS: if (RemindersList && MessageBox(Dialog, TranslateT("Are you sure you want to delete all reminders?"), TranslateT(SECTIONNAME), MB_OKCANCEL) == IDOK) { SetDlgItemText(Dialog, IDC_REMINDERDATA, _T("")); DeleteReminders(); InitListView(GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_LISTREMINDERS)); } return TRUE; case IDM_DELETEREMINDER: { HWND H; H = GetDlgItem(Dialog,IDC_LISTREMINDERS); if ( ListView_GetSelectedCount(H) ) { I = ListView_GetSelectionMark(H); if (I != -1 && MessageBox(Dialog, TranslateT("Are you sure you want to delete this reminder?"), TranslateT(SECTIONNAME), MB_OKCANCEL) == IDOK) { SetDlgItemText(Dialog, IDC_REMINDERDATA, _T("")); DeleteReminder((REMINDERDATA*)TreeGetAt(RemindersList, I)); JustSaveReminders(); InitListView(H); } } return TRUE; } } } case WM_DESTROY: Skin_ReleaseIcon((HICON)SendMessage(Dialog, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, 0)); Skin_ReleaseIcon((HICON)SendMessage(Dialog, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, 0)); break; } return FALSE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Email/SMS and WinSock functions BOOL WS_Init() { WSADATA wsd; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&wsd)!=0) return FALSE; return TRUE; } void WS_CleanUp() { WSACleanup(); } int WS_Send(SOCKET s,char *data,int datalen) { int rlen; if ((rlen = send(s,data,datalen,0)) == SOCKET_ERROR) return FALSE; return TRUE; } unsigned long WS_ResolveName(char *name,WORD *port,int defaultPort) { HOSTENT *lk; char *pcolon,*nameCopy; DWORD ret; nameCopy=_strdup(name); if(port != NULL) *port = defaultPort; pcolon = strchr(nameCopy,':'); if(pcolon != NULL) { if(port != NULL) *port = atoi(pcolon+1); *pcolon = 0; } if (inet_addr(nameCopy) == INADDR_NONE) { lk = gethostbyname(nameCopy); if(lk == 0) return SOCKET_ERROR; else {free(nameCopy); return *(u_long*)lk->h_addr_list[0];} } ret=inet_addr(nameCopy); free(nameCopy); return ret; } void Send(char *user, char *host, char *Msg, char *server) { SOCKADDR_IN sockaddr; WORD port; char *ch = NULL; S = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); if (!server) server = host; if ((sockaddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = WS_ResolveName(server, &port,25))==SOCKET_ERROR) return; sockaddr.sin_port = htons(port); sockaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; if(connect(S,(SOCKADDR*)&sockaddr,sizeof(sockaddr)) == SOCKET_ERROR) return; ch = (char*)malloc(mir_strlen(user) + mir_strlen(host) + 16); ch = (char*)realloc(ch,sprintf(ch,"rcpt to:%s@%s\r\n",user,host)); //!!!!!!!!!! WS_Send(S,"mail from: \r\n",13); WS_Send(S,ch,(int)mir_strlen(ch)); WS_Send(S,"data\r\n",6); WS_Send(S,"From:\r\n\r\n",14); WS_Send(S,Msg,(int)mir_strlen(Msg)); WS_Send(S,"\r\n.\r\n",5); WS_Send(S,"quit\r\n",6); SAFE_FREE((void**)&ch); closesocket(S); }