/* Copyright (C) 2011-23 Mataes This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this file; see the file license.txt. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" vector<FILEINFO> Files; BOOL DlgDld; INT FileCount = 0, CurrentFile = 0, Number = 0; uint8_t Reminder, UpdateOnStartup, UpdateOnPeriod, OnlyOnceADay, PeriodMeasure; INT Period; wchar_t tszDialogMsg[2048] = { 0 }; FILEINFO* pFileInfo = nullptr; FILEURL* pFileUrl = nullptr; HANDLE hCheckThread = nullptr; HNETLIBUSER hNetlibUser = nullptr; MYOPTIONS MyOptions = { 0 }; aPopups PopupsList[POPUPS]; LPCTSTR Title = {}, Text = {}; IconItem iconList[] = { { LPGEN("Check for pack updates"), "check_update", IDI_MENU }, { LPGEN("Clear pack updates folder"), "empty_folder", IDI_DELETE }, { LPGEN("'Yes' Button"), "btn_ok", IDI_OK }, { LPGEN("'No' Button"), "btn_cancel", IDI_CANCEL } }; void IcoLibInit() { g_plugin.registerIcon(MODULEA, iconList); } BOOL NetlibInit() { NETLIBUSER nlu = {}; nlu.flags = NUF_OUTGOING | NUF_INCOMING | NUF_HTTPCONNS | NUF_UNICODE; nlu.szDescriptiveName.w = TranslateT("Pack Updater"); nlu.szSettingsModule = MODULENAME; hNetlibUser = Netlib_RegisterUser(&nlu); return hNetlibUser != nullptr; } void NetlibUnInit() { Netlib_CloseHandle(hNetlibUser); hNetlibUser = nullptr; } void InitPopupList() { int index = 0; PopupsList[index].ID = index; PopupsList[index].Icon = SKINICON_OTHER_MIRANDA; PopupsList[index].colorBack = g_plugin.getDword("Popups0Bg", COLOR_BG_FIRSTDEFAULT); PopupsList[index].colorText = g_plugin.getDword("Popups0Tx", COLOR_TX_DEFAULT); index = 1; PopupsList[index].ID = index; PopupsList[index].Icon = SKINICON_OTHER_MIRANDA; PopupsList[index].colorBack = g_plugin.getDword("Popups1Bg", COLOR_BG_SECONDDEFAULT); PopupsList[index].colorText = g_plugin.getDword("Popups1Tx", COLOR_TX_DEFAULT); index = 2; PopupsList[index].ID = index; PopupsList[index].Icon = SKINICON_OTHER_MIRANDA; PopupsList[index].colorBack = g_plugin.getDword("Popups2Bg", COLOR_BG_FIRSTDEFAULT); PopupsList[index].colorText = g_plugin.getDword("Popups2Tx", COLOR_TX_DEFAULT); index = 3; PopupsList[index].ID = index; PopupsList[index].Icon = SKINICON_OTHER_MIRANDA; PopupsList[index].colorBack = g_plugin.getDword("Popups3Bg", COLOR_BG_SECONDDEFAULT); PopupsList[index].colorText = g_plugin.getDword("Popups3Tx", COLOR_TX_DEFAULT); } void LoadOptions() { MyOptions.DefColors = g_plugin.getByte("DefColors", DEFAULT_COLORS); MyOptions.LeftClickAction = g_plugin.getByte("LeftClickAction", DEFAULT_POPUP_LCLICK); MyOptions.RightClickAction = g_plugin.getByte("RightClickAction", DEFAULT_POPUP_RCLICK); MyOptions.Timeout = g_plugin.getDword("Timeout", DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_VALUE); UpdateOnStartup = g_plugin.getByte("UpdateOnStartup", DEFAULT_UPDATEONSTARTUP); OnlyOnceADay = g_plugin.getByte("OnlyOnceADay", DEFAULT_ONLYONCEADAY); UpdateOnPeriod = g_plugin.getByte("UpdateOnPeriod", DEFAULT_UPDATEONPERIOD); Period = g_plugin.getDword("Period", DEFAULT_PERIOD); PeriodMeasure = g_plugin.getByte("PeriodMeasure", DEFAULT_PERIODMEASURE); Reminder = g_plugin.getByte("Reminder", DEFAULT_REMINDER); FileCount = g_plugin.getDword("FileCount", DEFAULT_FILECOUNT); } BOOL DownloadFile(LPCTSTR tszURL, LPCTSTR tszLocal) { NETLIBHTTPREQUEST nlhr = { 0 }; nlhr.cbSize = sizeof(nlhr); nlhr.requestType = REQUEST_GET; nlhr.flags = NLHRF_REDIRECT | NLHRF_DUMPASTEXT | NLHRF_HTTP11; char* szUrl = mir_u2a(tszURL); nlhr.szUrl = szUrl; nlhr.headersCount = 4; nlhr.headers = (NETLIBHTTPHEADER*)mir_alloc(sizeof(NETLIBHTTPHEADER)*nlhr.headersCount); nlhr.headers[0].szName = "User-Agent"; nlhr.headers[0].szValue = NETLIB_USER_AGENT; nlhr.headers[1].szName = "Connection"; nlhr.headers[1].szValue = "close"; nlhr.headers[2].szName = "Cache-Control"; nlhr.headers[2].szValue = "no-cache"; nlhr.headers[3].szName = "Pragma"; nlhr.headers[3].szValue = "no-cache"; bool ret = false; NLHR_PTR pReply(Netlib_HttpTransaction(hNetlibUser, &nlhr)); if (pReply) { if (200 == pReply->resultCode && pReply->dataLength > 0) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(tszLocal, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, NULL, nullptr, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr); DWORD dwBytes; WriteFile(hFile, pReply->pData, (uint32_t)pReply->dataLength, &dwBytes, nullptr); ret = true; if (hFile) CloseHandle(hFile); } } mir_free(szUrl); mir_free(nlhr.headers); DlgDld = ret; return ret; } void __stdcall ExitMe(void*) { CallService("CloseAction", 0, 0); } void __stdcall RestartMe(void*) { CallService(MS_SYSTEM_RESTART, 1, 0); } BOOL Exists(LPCTSTR strName) { return GetFileAttributes(strName) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES; } size_t getVer(const wchar_t* verStr) { int v1 = 0, v2 = 0, v3 = 0, v4 = 0; swscanf(verStr, L"%d.%d.%d.%d", &v1, &v2, &v3, &v4); return v1 * 10000000 + v2 * 100000 + v3 * 1000 + v4; } static void CheckUpdates(void *) { wchar_t tszBuff[2048] = { 0 }, tszFileInfo[30] = { 0 }, tszTmpIni[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; char szKey[64] = { 0 }; vector<FILEINFO> UpdateFiles; if (!Exists(tszRoot)) CreateDirectory(tszRoot, nullptr); Files.clear(); Reminder = g_plugin.getByte("Reminder", DEFAULT_REMINDER); FileCount = g_plugin.getDword("FileCount", DEFAULT_FILECOUNT); // Load files info ptrW tszDownloadURL(g_plugin.getWStringA("File_VersionURL")); if (!tszDownloadURL) { // URL is not set Title = TranslateT("Pack Updater"); Text = TranslateT("URL for checking updates not found."); if (Popup_Enabled() && g_plugin.getByte("Popups1", DEFAULT_POPUP_ENABLED)) { Number = 1; show_popup(nullptr, Title, Text, Number, 0); } else if (g_plugin.getByte("Popups1M", DEFAULT_MESSAGE_ENABLED)) MessageBox(nullptr, Text, Title, MB_ICONSTOP); hCheckThread = nullptr; return; } // Download version info pFileUrl = (FILEURL *)mir_alloc(sizeof(*pFileUrl)); mir_wstrncpy(pFileUrl->tszDownloadURL, tszDownloadURL, _countof(pFileUrl->tszDownloadURL)); mir_snwprintf(tszBuff, L"%s\\tmp.ini", tszRoot); mir_wstrncpy(pFileUrl->tszDiskPath, tszBuff, _countof(pFileUrl->tszDiskPath)); mir_wstrncpy(tszTmpIni, tszBuff, _countof(tszTmpIni)); Title = TranslateT("Pack Updater"); Text = TranslateT("Downloading version info..."); DlgDownloadProc(); mir_free(pFileUrl); if (!DlgDld) { hCheckThread = nullptr; return; } for (CurrentFile = 0; CurrentFile < FileCount; CurrentFile++) { FILEINFO FileInfo = { L"", L"", L"", L"", L"", L"", L"", { L"", L"" } }; mir_snprintf(szKey, "File_%d_CurrentVersion", CurrentFile + 1); ptrW tszCurVer(g_plugin.getWStringA(szKey)); if (tszCurVer) mir_wstrncpy(FileInfo.tszCurVer, tszCurVer, _countof(FileInfo.tszCurVer)); else mir_wstrncpy(FileInfo.tszCurVer, L"", _countof(FileInfo.tszCurVer)); mir_snprintf(szKey, "File_%d_LastVersion", CurrentFile + 1); ptrW tszLastVer(g_plugin.getWStringA(szKey)); if (tszLastVer) mir_wstrncpy(FileInfo.tszLastVer, tszLastVer, _countof(FileInfo.tszLastVer)); else mir_wstrncpy(FileInfo.tszLastVer, L"", _countof(FileInfo.tszLastVer)); Files.push_back(FileInfo); // Read version info mir_snwprintf(tszFileInfo, L"FileInfo_%d", CurrentFile + 1); GetPrivateProfileString(tszFileInfo, L"FileVersion", L"", Files[CurrentFile].tszNewVer, _countof(Files[CurrentFile].tszNewVer), tszTmpIni); GetPrivateProfileString(tszFileInfo, L"Message", L"", Files[CurrentFile].tszMessage, _countof(Files[CurrentFile].tszMessage), tszTmpIni); GetPrivateProfileString(tszFileInfo, L"DownloadURL", L"", Files[CurrentFile].File.tszDownloadURL, _countof(Files[CurrentFile].File.tszDownloadURL), tszTmpIni); GetPrivateProfileString(tszFileInfo, L"AdvFolder", L"", Files[CurrentFile].tszAdvFolder, _countof(Files[CurrentFile].tszAdvFolder), tszTmpIni); GetPrivateProfileString(tszFileInfo, L"Descr", L"", Files[CurrentFile].tszDescr, _countof(Files[CurrentFile].tszDescr), tszTmpIni); GetPrivateProfileString(tszFileInfo, L"DiskFileName", L"", tszBuff, MAX_PATH, tszTmpIni); if (wcsstr(tszBuff, L"\\")) { //check update name Title = TranslateT("Pack Updater"); Text = TranslateT("Name of Update's file is not supported."); if (Popup_Enabled() && g_plugin.getByte("Popups1", DEFAULT_POPUP_ENABLED)) { Number = 1; show_popup(nullptr, Title, Text, Number, 0); } else if (g_plugin.getByte("Popups1M", DEFAULT_MESSAGE_ENABLED)) MessageBox(nullptr, Text, Title, MB_ICONINFORMATION); continue; } // end check update name mir_wstrncpy(Files[CurrentFile].File.tszDiskPath, tszBuff, _countof(Files[CurrentFile].File.tszDiskPath)); GetPrivateProfileString(tszFileInfo, L"InfoURL", L"", Files[CurrentFile].tszInfoURL, _countof(Files[CurrentFile].tszInfoURL), tszTmpIni); Files[CurrentFile].FileType = GetPrivateProfileInt(tszFileInfo, L"FileType", 0, tszTmpIni); Files[CurrentFile].Force = GetPrivateProfileInt(tszFileInfo, L"Force", 0, tszTmpIni); Files[CurrentFile].FileNum = CurrentFile + 1; if (Files[CurrentFile].FileType == 2) { if (mir_wstrcmp(Files[CurrentFile].tszAdvFolder, L"") == 0) mir_snwprintf(tszBuff, L"Plugins\\%s", Files[CurrentFile].File.tszDiskPath); else mir_snwprintf(tszBuff, L"Plugins\\%s\\%s", Files[CurrentFile].tszAdvFolder, Files[CurrentFile].File.tszDiskPath); wchar_t pluginFolderName[MAX_PATH]; PathToAbsoluteW(tszBuff, pluginFolderName); if (!Files[CurrentFile].Force && (IsPluginOnWhiteList(_T2A(Files[CurrentFile].File.tszDiskPath)) || !Exists(pluginFolderName))) //check if plugin disabled or not exists continue; } // Compare versions if (getVer(Files[CurrentFile].tszCurVer) < getVer(Files[CurrentFile].tszNewVer)) { // Yeah, we've got new version. VARSW tszSysRoot(L"%SystemRoot%"); VARSW tszProgFiles(L"%ProgramFiles%"); if (Files[CurrentFile].FileType != 1 && !IsUserAnAdmin() && (wcsstr(tszRoot, tszSysRoot) || wcsstr(tszRoot, tszProgFiles))) { MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Update is not possible!\nYou have no Administrator's rights.\nPlease run Miranda NG with Administrator's rights."), Title, MB_ICONINFORMATION); DeleteFile(tszTmpIni); hCheckThread = nullptr; return; } // user have not admin's rights //добавить проверку на существование файла wchar_t tszFilePathDest[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; switch (Files[CurrentFile].FileType) { case 0: case 1: break; case 2: { VARSW tszUtilRootPlug(L"%miranda_path%\\Plugins"); if (mir_wstrcmp(Files[CurrentFile].tszAdvFolder, L"") == 0) mir_snwprintf(tszFilePathDest, L"%s\\%s", tszUtilRootPlug, Files[CurrentFile].File.tszDiskPath); else mir_snwprintf(tszFilePathDest, L"%s\\%s\\%s", tszUtilRootPlug, Files[CurrentFile].tszAdvFolder, Files[CurrentFile].File.tszDiskPath); } break; case 3: { VARSW tszUtilRootIco(L"%miranda_path%\\Icons"); if (mir_wstrcmp(Files[CurrentFile].tszAdvFolder, L"") == 0) mir_snwprintf(tszFilePathDest, L"%s\\%s", tszUtilRootIco, Files[CurrentFile].File.tszDiskPath); else mir_snwprintf(tszFilePathDest, L"%s\\%s\\%s", tszUtilRootIco, Files[CurrentFile].tszAdvFolder, Files[CurrentFile].File.tszDiskPath); } break; case 4: case 5: { wchar_t *tszUtilRoot = VARSW(L"%miranda_path%"); if (mir_wstrcmp(Files[CurrentFile].tszAdvFolder, L"") == 0) mir_snwprintf(tszFilePathDest, L"%s\\%s", tszUtilRoot, Files[CurrentFile].File.tszDiskPath); else mir_snwprintf(tszFilePathDest, L"%s\\%s\\%s", tszUtilRoot, Files[CurrentFile].tszAdvFolder, Files[CurrentFile].File.tszDiskPath); } break; }//end* switch (Files[CurrentFile].FileType) if (Files[CurrentFile].Force || Exists(tszFilePathDest)) UpdateFiles.push_back(Files[CurrentFile]); // Save last version mir_wstrncpy(Files[CurrentFile].tszLastVer, Files[CurrentFile].tszNewVer, _countof(Files[CurrentFile].tszLastVer)); mir_snprintf(szKey, "File_%d_LastVersion", CurrentFile + 1); g_plugin.setWString(szKey, Files[CurrentFile].tszLastVer); } // end compare versions } //end checking all files in for () // Show dialog INT upd_ret = 0; if (UpdateFiles.size() > 0) upd_ret = DialogBoxParam(g_plugin.getInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_UPDATE), GetDesktopWindow(), DlgUpdate, (LPARAM)&UpdateFiles); DeleteFile(tszTmpIni); if (upd_ret == IDCANCEL) { hCheckThread = nullptr; return; } if (!UpdatesCount && !Silent) { Title = TranslateT("Pack Updater"); Text = TranslateT("No updates found."); if (Popup_Enabled() && g_plugin.getByte("Popups2", DEFAULT_POPUP_ENABLED)) { Number = 2; show_popup(nullptr, Title, Text, Number, 0); } else if (g_plugin.getByte("Popups2M", DEFAULT_MESSAGE_ENABLED)) MessageBox(nullptr, Text, Title, MB_ICONINFORMATION); } if (!FileCount) { Title = TranslateT("Pack Updater"); Text = TranslateT("No files for update."); if (Popup_Enabled() && g_plugin.getByte("Popups2", DEFAULT_POPUP_ENABLED)) { Number = 2; show_popup(nullptr, Title, Text, Number, 0); } else if (g_plugin.getByte("Popups2M", DEFAULT_MESSAGE_ENABLED)) MessageBox(nullptr, Text, Title, MB_ICONINFORMATION); } hCheckThread = nullptr; } void DoCheck(int iFlag) { if (hCheckThread != nullptr) { Title = TranslateT("Pack Updater"); Text = TranslateT("Update checking already started!"); if (Popup_Enabled() && g_plugin.getByte("Popups2", DEFAULT_POPUP_ENABLED)) { Number = 2; show_popup(nullptr, Title, Text, Number, 0); } else if (g_plugin.getByte("Popups2M", DEFAULT_MESSAGE_ENABLED)) MessageBox(nullptr, Text, Title, MB_ICONINFORMATION); } else if (iFlag) { hCheckThread = mir_forkthread(CheckUpdates); g_plugin.setDword("LastUpdate", time(0)); } } BOOL AllowUpdateOnStartup() { if (OnlyOnceADay) { time_t now = time(0); time_t was = g_plugin.getDword("LastUpdate", 0); if ((now - was) < 86400) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } LONG PeriodToMilliseconds(const INT period, uint8_t& periodMeasure) { LONG result = period * 1000; switch (periodMeasure) { case 1: // day result *= 60 * 60 * 24; break; default: // hour if (periodMeasure != 0) periodMeasure = 0; result *= 60 * 60; break; } return result; } void CALLBACK TimerAPCProc(LPVOID, DWORD, DWORD) { DoCheck(TRUE); } void InitTimer() { CancelWaitableTimer(Timer); if (UpdateOnPeriod) { LONG interval = PeriodToMilliseconds(Period, PeriodMeasure); _int64 qwDueTime = -10000i64 * interval; LARGE_INTEGER li = { 0 }; li.LowPart = (uint32_t)(qwDueTime & 0xFFFFFFFF); li.HighPart = (LONG)(qwDueTime >> 32); SetWaitableTimer(Timer, &li, interval, TimerAPCProc, nullptr, 0); } }