/* Paste It plugin Copyright (C) 2011 Krzysztof Kral This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "StdAfx.h" PasteFormat PasteToWeb1::formats[] = { { L"4cs", L"4CS" }, { L"6502acme", L"6502 ACME Cross Assembler" }, { L"6502kickass", L"6502 Kick Assembler" }, { L"6502tasm", L"6502 TASM/64TASS" }, { L"abap", L"ABAP" }, { L"actionscript", L"ActionScript" }, { L"actionscript3", L"ActionScript 3" }, { L"ada", L"Ada" }, { L"algol68", L"ALGOL 68" }, { L"apache", L"Apache Log" }, { L"applescript", L"AppleScript" }, { L"apt_sources", L"APT Sources" }, { L"asm", L"ASM (NASM)" }, { L"asp", L"ASP" }, { L"autoconf", L"autoconf" }, { L"autohotkey", L"Autohotkey" }, { L"autoit", L"AutoIt" }, { L"avisynth", L"Avisynth" }, { L"awk", L"Awk" }, { L"bascomavr", L"BASCOM AVR" }, { L"bash", L"Bash" }, { L"basic4gl", L"Basic4GL" }, { L"bibtex", L"BibTeX" }, { L"blitzbasic", L"Blitz Basic" }, { L"bnf", L"BNF" }, { L"boo", L"BOO" }, { L"bf", L"BrainFuck" }, { L"c", L"C" }, { L"c_mac", L"C for Macs" }, { L"cil", L"C Intermediate Language" }, { L"csharp", L"C#" }, { L"cpp", L"C++" }, { L"cpp-qt", L"C++ (with QT extensions)" }, { L"c_loadrunner", L"C: Loadrunner" }, { L"caddcl", L"CAD DCL" }, { L"cadlisp", L"CAD Lisp" }, { L"cfdg", L"CFDG" }, { L"chaiscript", L"ChaiScript" }, { L"clojure", L"Clojure" }, { L"klonec", L"Clone C" }, { L"klonecpp", L"Clone C++" }, { L"cmake", L"CMake" }, { L"cobol", L"COBOL" }, { L"coffeescript", L"CoffeeScript" }, { L"cfm", L"ColdFusion" }, { L"css", L"CSS" }, { L"cuesheet", L"Cuesheet" }, { L"d", L"D" }, { L"dcs", L"DCS" }, { L"delphi", L"Delphi" }, { L"oxygene", L"Delphi Prism (Oxygene)" }, { L"diff", L"Diff" }, { L"div", L"DIV" }, { L"dos", L"DOS" }, { L"dot", L"DOT" }, { L"e", L"E" }, { L"ecmascript", L"ECMAScript" }, { L"eiffel", L"Eiffel" }, { L"email", L"Email" }, { L"epc", L"EPC" }, { L"erlang", L"Erlang" }, { L"fsharp", L"F#" }, { L"falcon", L"Falcon" }, { L"fo", L"FO Language" }, { L"f1", L"Formula One" }, { L"fortran", L"Fortran" }, { L"freebasic", L"FreeBasic" }, { L"gambas", L"GAMBAS" }, { L"gml", L"Game Maker" }, { L"gdb", L"GDB" }, { L"genero", L"Genero" }, { L"genie", L"Genie" }, { L"gettext", L"GetText" }, { L"go", L"Go" }, { L"groovy", L"Groovy" }, { L"gwbasic", L"GwBasic" }, { L"haskell", L"Haskell" }, { L"hicest", L"HicEst" }, { L"hq9plus", L"HQ9 Plus" }, { L"html4strict", L"HTML" }, { L"html5", L"HTML 5" }, { L"icon", L"Icon" }, { L"idl", L"IDL" }, { L"ini", L"INI file" }, { L"inno", L"Inno Script" }, { L"intercal", L"INTERCAL" }, { L"io", L"IO" }, { L"j", L"J" }, { L"java", L"Java" }, { L"java5", L"Java 5" }, { L"javascript", L"JavaScript" }, { L"jquery", L"jQuery" }, { L"kixtart", L"KiXtart" }, { L"latex", L"Latex" }, { L"lb", L"Liberty BASIC" }, { L"lsl2", L"Linden Scripting" }, { L"lisp", L"Lisp" }, { L"llvm", L"LLVM" }, { L"locobasic", L"Loco Basic" }, { L"logtalk", L"Logtalk" }, { L"lolcode", L"LOL Code" }, { L"lotusformulas", L"Lotus Formulas" }, { L"lotusscript", L"Lotus Script" }, { L"lscript", L"LScript" }, { L"lua", L"Lua" }, { L"m68k", L"M68000 Assembler" }, { L"magiksf", L"MagikSF" }, { L"make", L"Make" }, { L"mapbasic", L"MapBasic" }, { L"matlab", L"MatLab" }, { L"mirc", L"mIRC" }, { L"mmix", L"MIX Assembler" }, { L"modula2", L"Modula 2" }, { L"modula3", L"Modula 3" }, { L"68000devpac", L"Motorola 68000 HiSoft Dev" }, { L"mpasm", L"MPASM" }, { L"mxml", L"MXML" }, { L"mysql", L"MySQL" }, { L"newlisp", L"newLISP" }, { L"text", L"None" }, { L"nsis", L"NullSoft Installer" }, { L"oberon2", L"Oberon 2" }, { L"objeck", L"Objeck Programming Langua" }, { L"objc", L"Objective C" }, { L"ocaml-brief", L"OCalm Brief" }, { L"ocaml", L"OCaml" }, { L"pf", L"OpenBSD PACKET FILTER" }, { L"glsl", L"OpenGL Shading" }, { L"oobas", L"Openoffice BASIC" }, { L"oracle11", L"Oracle 11" }, { L"oracle8", L"Oracle 8" }, { L"oz", L"Oz" }, { L"pascal", L"Pascal" }, { L"pawn", L"PAWN" }, { L"pcre", L"PCRE" }, { L"per", L"Per" }, { L"perl", L"Perl" }, { L"perl6", L"Perl 6" }, { L"php", L"PHP" }, { L"php-brief", L"PHP Brief" }, { L"pic16", L"Pic 16" }, { L"pike", L"Pike" }, { L"pixelbender", L"Pixel Bender" }, { L"plsql", L"PL/SQL" }, { L"postgresql", L"PostgreSQL" }, { L"povray", L"POV-Ray" }, { L"powershell", L"Power Shell" }, { L"powerbuilder", L"PowerBuilder" }, { L"proftpd", L"ProFTPd" }, { L"progress", L"Progress" }, { L"prolog", L"Prolog" }, { L"properties", L"Properties" }, { L"providex", L"ProvideX" }, { L"purebasic", L"PureBasic" }, { L"pycon", L"PyCon" }, { L"python", L"Python" }, { L"q", L"q/kdb+" }, { L"qbasic", L"QBasic" }, { L"rsplus", L"R" }, { L"rails", L"Rails" }, { L"rebol", L"REBOL" }, { L"reg", L"REG" }, { L"robots", L"Robots" }, { L"rpmspec", L"RPM Spec" }, { L"ruby", L"Ruby" }, { L"gnuplot", L"Ruby Gnuplot" }, { L"sas", L"SAS" }, { L"scala", L"Scala" }, { L"scheme", L"Scheme" }, { L"scilab", L"Scilab" }, { L"sdlbasic", L"SdlBasic" }, { L"smalltalk", L"Smalltalk" }, { L"smarty", L"Smarty" }, { L"sql", L"SQL" }, { L"systemverilog", L"SystemVerilog" }, { L"tsql", L"T-SQL" }, { L"tcl", L"TCL" }, { L"teraterm", L"Tera Term" }, { L"thinbasic", L"thinBasic" }, { L"typoscript", L"TypoScript" }, { L"unicon", L"Unicon" }, { L"uscript", L"UnrealScript" }, { L"vala", L"Vala" }, { L"vbnet", L"VB.NET" }, { L"verilog", L"VeriLog" }, { L"vhdl", L"VHDL" }, { L"vim", L"VIM" }, { L"visualprolog", L"Visual Pro Log" }, { L"vb", L"VisualBasic" }, { L"visualfoxpro", L"VisualFoxPro" }, { L"whitespace", L"WhiteSpace" }, { L"whois", L"WHOIS" }, { L"winbatch", L"Win Batch" }, { L"xbasic", L"XBasic" }, { L"xml", L"XML" }, { L"xorg_conf", L"Xorg Config" }, { L"xpp", L"XPP" }, { L"yaml", L"YAML" }, { L"z80", L"Z80 Assembler" }, { L"zxbasic", L"ZXBasic" }, }; PasteFormat PasteToWeb1::defFormats[] = { { L"text", L"None" }, { L"xml", L"XML" }, { L"html4strict", L"HTML" }, { L"html5", L"HTML 5" }, { L"javascript", L"JavaScript" }, { L"php", L"PHP" }, { L"c", L"C" }, { L"csharp", L"C#" }, { L"cpp", L"C++" }, { L"java", L"Java" }, { L"java5", L"Java 5" }, { L"ini", L"INI file" }, { L"css", L"CSS" }, { L"sql", L"SQL" }, { L"asm", L"ASM (NASM)" }, { L"asp", L"ASP" }, { L"caddcl", L"CAD DCL" }, { L"cadlisp", L"CAD Lisp" }, { L"delphi", L"Delphi" }, { L"diff", L"Diff" }, { L"jquery", L"jQuery" }, { L"latex", L"Latex" }, { L"pascal", L"Pascal" }, { L"perl", L"Perl" }, { L"perl6", L"Perl 6" }, { L"python", L"Python" }, { L"vbnet", L"VB.NET" }, { L"vb", L"VisualBasic" }, }; PasteToWeb1::PasteToWeb1() { } PasteToWeb1::~PasteToWeb1() { } void PasteToWeb1::SendToServer(std::wstring str, std::wstring fileName, std::wstring format) { std::map<std::string, std::string> headers; headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; std::wstring content = _T("api_option=paste&api_paste_private="); content += Options::instance->webOptions[pageIndex]->publicPaste ? _T("0") : _T("1"); content += _T("&api_paste_expire_date="); content += Options::instance->webOptions[pageIndex]->combo1.empty() ? _T("1M") : Options::instance->webOptions[pageIndex]->combo1; content += _T("&api_dev_key=dcba056bf9cc71729fdad76dddcb0dcd&api_paste_format="); content += format; if (!Options::instance->webOptions[pageIndex]->pastebinUserKey.empty()) { content += _T("&api_user_key="); content += Options::instance->webOptions[pageIndex]->pastebinUserKey; } content += _T("&api_paste_code="); for (std::wstring::iterator it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); ++it) { if (*it == L'%') { content += L"%25"; } else if (*it == L'&') { content += L"%26"; } else if (*it == L'=') { content += L"%3D"; } else { content += *it; } } wchar_t* resCont = SendToWeb("http://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php", headers, content); if (resCont != NULL) { if (memcmp(L"Bad API request, ", resCont, 17 * sizeof(wchar_t)) == 0) { mir_sntprintf(bufErr, _countof(bufErr), TranslateT("Error during sending text to web page: %s"), resCont + 17); error = bufErr; } else { char* s = mir_u2a_cp(resCont, CP_ACP); mir_strncpy(szFileLink, s, _countof(szFileLink)); mir_free(s); } mir_free(resCont); } else { error = TranslateT("Error during sending text to web page"); } } std::wstring PasteToWeb1::GetUserKey(std::wstring& user, std::wstring& password) { std::map<std::string, std::string> headers; headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; std::wstring content = _T("api_user_name="); content += user; content += _T("&api_user_password="); content += password; content += _T("&api_dev_key=dcba056bf9cc71729fdad76dddcb0dcd"); wchar_t* resCont = SendToWeb("http://pastebin.com/api/api_login.php", headers, content); std::wstring toRet; if (resCont != NULL) { if (memcmp(L"Bad API request, ", resCont, 17 * sizeof(wchar_t)) == 0) { mir_sntprintf(bufErr, _countof(bufErr), TranslateT("Error during getting user key from web page: %s"), resCont + 17); MessageBox(NULL, bufErr, TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } else toRet = resCont; mir_free(resCont); } return toRet; } std::list<PasteFormat> PasteToWeb1::GetFormats() { int count = sizeof(formats) / sizeof(formats[0]); std::list<PasteFormat> ret(formats, formats + count); return ret; } std::list<PasteFormat> PasteToWeb1::GetDefFormats() { int count = sizeof(defFormats) / sizeof(defFormats[0]); std::list<PasteFormat> ret(defFormats, defFormats + count); return ret; } void PasteToWeb1::ConfigureSettings() { Options::instance->webOptions[pageIndex]->isSendFileName = false; Options::instance->webOptions[pageIndex]->isPublicPaste = true; Options::instance->webOptions[pageIndex]->isCombo1 = true; Options::instance->webOptions[pageIndex]->combo1Desc = TranslateT("Paste expire date"); PasteFormat pf; pf.id = L"N"; pf.name = TranslateT("Never"); Options::instance->webOptions[pageIndex]->combo1Values.push_back(pf); pf.id = L"10M"; pf.name = TranslateT("10 minutes"); Options::instance->webOptions[pageIndex]->combo1Values.push_back(pf); pf.id = L"1H"; pf.name = TranslateT("1 hour"); Options::instance->webOptions[pageIndex]->combo1Values.push_back(pf); pf.id = L"1D"; pf.name = TranslateT("1 day"); Options::instance->webOptions[pageIndex]->combo1Values.push_back(pf); pf.id = L"1M"; pf.name = TranslateT("1 month"); Options::instance->webOptions[pageIndex]->combo1Values.push_back(pf); Options::instance->webOptions[pageIndex]->combo1 = L"1M"; Options::instance->webOptions[pageIndex]->isPastebin = true; }