/* Paste It plugin Copyright (C) 2011 Krzysztof Kral This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "StdAfx.h" PasteFormat PasteToWeb2::defFormats[] = { { L"text", L"Text" }, { L"xml", L"XML" }, { L"html", L"HTML" }, { L"js", L"JavaScript" }, { L"php", L"PHP" }, { L"c", L"C" }, { L"csharp", L"C#" }, { L"cpp", L"C++" }, { L"java", L"Java" }, { L"ini", L"INI" }, { L"css", L"CSS" }, { L"sql", L"SQL" }, { L"nasm", L"NASM" }, { L"delphi", L"Delphi" }, { L"diff", L"Diff" }, { L"tex", L"TeX" }, { L"perl", L"Perl" }, { L"python", L"Python" }, { L"vb.net", L"VB.net" } }; PasteToWeb2::PasteToWeb2() { } PasteToWeb2::~PasteToWeb2() { } void PasteToWeb2::SendToServer(std::wstring str, std::wstring fileName, std::wstring format) { std::map headers; headers["Content-Type"] = "text/xml"; std::wstring content = _T("\r\ncreate_paste"); if (fileName == L"") { content += format; content += _T(""); } else { content += _T(""); } for (std::wstring::iterator it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); ++it) { if (*it == L'&') { content += L"&"; } else if (*it == L'<') { content += L"<"; } else { content += *it; } } content += _T(""); if (fileName != L"") { for (std::wstring::iterator it = fileName.begin(); it != fileName.end(); ++it) { if (*it == L'&') { content += L"&"; } else if (*it == L'<') { content += L"<"; } else { content += *it; } } } content += _T("1.5"); wchar_t* resCont = SendToWeb("http://wklej.to/api/", headers, content); error = TranslateT("Error during sending text to web page"); if (resCont != NULL) { HXML hXml = xi.parseString(resCont, NULL, _T("methodResponse")); if (hXml != NULL) { HXML node = xi.getChildByPath(hXml, _T("params/param/value/array/data/value/int"), 0); if (node != NULL && !mir_tstrcmp(xi.getText(node), _T("1"))) { node = xi.getChildByPath(hXml, _T("params/param/value/array/data"), 0); if (node != NULL) { node = xi.getNthChild(node, _T("value"), 1); if (node != NULL) { node = xi.getChildByPath(node, _T("string"), 0); if (node != NULL) { char* s = mir_t2a_cp(xi.getText(node), CP_ACP); mir_strncpy(szFileLink, s, _countof(szFileLink)); mir_free(s); error = NULL; } } } } xi.destroyNode(hXml); } mir_free(resCont); } } std::list PasteToWeb2::GetFormats() { std::list ret; std::map headers; headers["Content-Type"] = "text/xml"; std::wstring content = _T("\r\ntypes"); wchar_t* resCont = SendToWeb("http://wklej.to/api/", headers, content); if (resCont != NULL) { HXML hXml = xi.parseString(resCont, NULL, _T("methodResponse")); if (hXml != NULL) { HXML node = xi.getChildByPath(hXml, _T("params/param/value/array/data/value/int"), 0); if (node != NULL && !mir_tstrcmp(xi.getText(node), _T("1"))) { node = xi.getChildByPath(hXml, _T("params/param/value/array/data"), 0); if (node != NULL) { node = xi.getNthChild(node, _T("value"), 1); if (node != NULL) { node = xi.getChildByPath(node, _T("string"), 0); if (node != NULL) { std::wstring str = xi.getText(node); std::wstring::size_type pos = str.find(L'\n'); if (pos < str.length()) { str = str.substr(pos + 1); } pos = str.find(L'\n'); if (pos < str.length()) { str = str.substr(pos + 1); } pos = str.find(L'\n'); while (pos < str.length()) { std::wstring line = str.substr(0, pos); std::wstring::size_type sep = line.find(L':'); if (sep < line.length()) { PasteFormat pf; pf.name = line.substr(0, sep); std::wstring::size_type sep2 = line.find(L','); if (sep2 < line.length()) { pf.id = line.substr(sep + 2, sep2 - sep - 2); } else { pf.id = line.substr(sep + 2); } ret.push_back(pf); } if (pos < str.length() - 1) { str = str.substr(pos + 1); } else { str = L""; } pos = str.find(L'\n'); } { std::wstring line = str; std::wstring::size_type sep = line.find(L':'); if (sep < line.length()) { PasteFormat pf; pf.name = line.substr(0, sep); std::wstring::size_type sep2 = line.find(L','); if (sep2 < line.length()) { pf.id = line.substr(sep + 2, sep2 - sep - 2); } else { pf.id = line.substr(sep + 2); } ret.push_back(pf); } } } } } } xi.destroyNode(hXml); } mir_free(resCont); } return ret; } std::list PasteToWeb2::GetDefFormats() { int count = sizeof(defFormats) / sizeof(defFormats[0]); std::list ret(defFormats, defFormats + count); return ret; } void PasteToWeb2::ConfigureSettings() { }