#ifndef _PINGLIST_H #define _PINGLIST_H #define PS_RESPONDING 1 #define PS_NOTRESPONDING 2 #define PS_TESTING 3 #define PS_DISABLED 4 #define MAX_PINGADDRESS_STRING_LENGTH 256 struct PINGADDRESS { int cbSize; //size in bytes of this structure uint32_t item_id; wchar_t pszName[MAX_PINGADDRESS_STRING_LENGTH]; //IP address or domain name wchar_t pszLabel[MAX_PINGADDRESS_STRING_LENGTH]; bool responding; int status; short round_trip_time; int miss_count; int port; // -1 for ICMP, non-zero for TCP char pszProto[MAX_PINGADDRESS_STRING_LENGTH]; wchar_t pszCommand[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t pszParams[MAX_PATH]; unsigned int get_status; // on success, if status equals this unsigned int set_status; // set it to this int index; const bool operator==(const PINGADDRESS &b) const; const bool operator<(const PINGADDRESS &b) const; }; typedef std::list<PINGADDRESS> PINGLIST; typedef std::list<PINGADDRESS>::iterator pinglist_it; void ClearPingList(void); int GetListSize(void); void GetPingList(PINGLIST &list); void LoadPingList(void); void SavePingList(void); void SetPingList(const PINGLIST &list); // use when you modified db yourself void SetAndSavePingList(const PINGLIST &list); // only call with list_cs locked! void write_ping_addresses(); BOOL changing_clist_handle(); void set_changing_clist_handle(BOOL flag); #endif