#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> // C RunTime Header Files #include <stdlib.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <memory.h> #include <varargs.h> #include <stdio.h> // Global Variables: HINSTANCE hInst; // current instance void log(const wchar_t *tszFormat, ...) { #if defined(_DEBUG) FILE *out = fopen("c:\\temp\\pu.log", "a"); if (out) { va_list params; va_start(params, tszFormat); vfwprintf(out, tszFormat, params); va_end(params); fputc('\n', out); fclose(out); } #endif } int CreateDirectoryTreeW(const WCHAR* szDir) { wchar_t szTestDir[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpynW(szTestDir, szDir, MAX_PATH); DWORD dwAttributes = GetFileAttributesW(szTestDir); if (dwAttributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) return 0; WCHAR *pszLastBackslash = wcsrchr(szTestDir, '\\'); if (pszLastBackslash == NULL) return 0; *pszLastBackslash = '\0'; CreateDirectoryTreeW(szTestDir); *pszLastBackslash = '\\'; return (CreateDirectoryW(szTestDir, NULL) == 0) ? GetLastError() : 0; } void CreatePathToFileW(WCHAR* wszFilePath) { WCHAR* pszLastBackslash = wcsrchr(wszFilePath, '\\'); if (pszLastBackslash == NULL) return; *pszLastBackslash = '\0'; CreateDirectoryTreeW(wszFilePath); *pszLastBackslash = '\\'; } int APIENTRY wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int) { DWORD dwError; hInst = hInstance; wchar_t tszPipeName[MAX_PATH]; #if _MSC_VER < 1400 swprintf(tszPipeName, L"\\\\.\\pipe\\Miranda_Pu_%s", lpCmdLine); #else swprintf_s(tszPipeName, L"\\\\.\\pipe\\Miranda_Pu_%s", lpCmdLine); #endif log(L"Opening pipe %s...", tszPipeName); HANDLE hPipe = CreateFile(tszPipeName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dwError = GetLastError(); log(L"Failed to open a pipe: error %d", dwError); return dwError; } log(L"Entering the reading cycle..."); BYTE szReadBuffer[1024] = { 0 }; DWORD dwBytes; while (ReadFile(hPipe, szReadBuffer, sizeof(szReadBuffer), &dwBytes, NULL)) { DWORD dwAction = *(DWORD*)szReadBuffer; wchar_t *ptszFile1 = (wchar_t*)(szReadBuffer + sizeof(DWORD)); wchar_t *ptszFile2 = ptszFile1 + wcslen(ptszFile1) + 1; log(L"Received command: %d <%s> <%s>", dwAction, ptszFile1, ptszFile2); switch (dwAction) { case 1: // copy dwError = CopyFile(ptszFile1, ptszFile2, FALSE); break; case 2: // move DeleteFile(ptszFile2); if (MoveFile(ptszFile1, ptszFile2) == 0) // use copy on error dwError = CopyFile(ptszFile1, ptszFile2, FALSE); else dwError = 0; DeleteFile(ptszFile1); break; case 3: // erase dwError = DeleteFile(ptszFile1); break; case 4: // create dir dwError = CreateDirectoryTreeW(ptszFile1); break; case 5: // create path to file CreatePathToFileW(ptszFile1); dwError = 0; break; default: dwError = ERROR_UNKNOWN_FEATURE; } WriteFile(hPipe, &dwError, sizeof(DWORD), &dwBytes, NULL); } dwError = GetLastError(); log(L"Pipe is closed (%d), exiting", dwError); CloseHandle(hPipe); return 0; }