/* Copyright (C) 2010 Mataes This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this file; see the file license.txt. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" static int GetUpdateMode() { int UpdateMode = g_plugin.iUpdateMode; // Check if there is url for custom mode if (UpdateMode == UPDATE_MODE_CUSTOM) { ptrW url(g_plugin.getWStringA(DB_SETTING_UPDATE_URL)); if (url == NULL || !wcslen(url)) { // No url for custom mode, reset that setting so it will be determined automatically g_plugin.iUpdateMode.Delete(); UpdateMode = -1; } } if (UpdateMode < 0 || UpdateMode >= UPDATE_MODE_MAX_VALUE) { // Missing or unknown mode, determine correct from version of running core char coreVersion[512]; Miranda_GetVersionText(coreVersion, _countof(coreVersion)); UpdateMode = (strstr(coreVersion, "alpha") == nullptr) ? UPDATE_MODE_STABLE : UPDATE_MODE_TRUNK; } return UpdateMode; } wchar_t* GetDefaultUrl() { int bits = g_plugin.bChangePlatform ? DEFAULT_OPP_BITS : DEFAULT_BITS; wchar_t url[MAX_PATH]; switch (GetUpdateMode()) { case UPDATE_MODE_STABLE: mir_snwprintf(url, DEFAULT_UPDATE_URL, bits); return mir_wstrdup(url); case UPDATE_MODE_STABLE_SYMBOLS: mir_snwprintf(url, DEFAULT_UPDATE_URL_STABLE_SYMBOLS, bits); return mir_wstrdup(url); case UPDATE_MODE_TRUNK: mir_snwprintf(url, DEFAULT_UPDATE_URL_TRUNK, bits); return mir_wstrdup(url); case UPDATE_MODE_TRUNK_SYMBOLS: mir_snwprintf(url, DEFAULT_UPDATE_URL_TRUNK_SYMBOLS, bits); return mir_wstrdup(url); default: return g_plugin.getWStringA(DB_SETTING_UPDATE_URL); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Plugin updater's options class COptionsDlg : public CDlgBase { CCtrlEdit edtCustom; CCtrlSpin spinBackups, spinPeriod; CCtrlCombo cmbPeriod; CCtrlCheck chkPeriod, chkStable, chkStableSym, chkTrunk, chkTrunkSym, chkCustom; CCtrlCheck chkPlatform, chkStartup, chkAutoRestart, chkOnlyOnce, chkBackup, chkSilent; int GetBits() { return chkPlatform.GetState() ? DEFAULT_OPP_BITS : DEFAULT_BITS; } void UpdateUrl() { wchar_t defurl[MAX_PATH]; if (chkStable.GetState()) { mir_snwprintf(defurl, DEFAULT_UPDATE_URL, GetBits()); edtCustom.SetText(defurl); } else if (chkStableSym.GetState()) { mir_snwprintf(defurl, DEFAULT_UPDATE_URL_STABLE_SYMBOLS, GetBits()); edtCustom.SetText(defurl); } else if (chkTrunk.GetState()) { mir_snwprintf(defurl, DEFAULT_UPDATE_URL_TRUNK, GetBits()); edtCustom.SetText(defurl); } else if (chkTrunkSym.GetState()) { mir_snwprintf(defurl, DEFAULT_UPDATE_URL_TRUNK_SYMBOLS, GetBits()); edtCustom.SetText(defurl); } } public: COptionsDlg() : CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_OPT_UPDATENOTIFY), cmbPeriod(this, IDC_PERIODMEASURE), chkBackup(this, IDC_BACKUP), chkSilent(this, IDC_SILENTMODE), chkPeriod(this, IDC_UPDATEONPERIOD), chkStartup(this, IDC_UPDATEONSTARTUP), chkPlatform(this, IDC_CHANGE_PLATFORM), chkOnlyOnce(this, IDC_ONLYONCEADAY), chkAutoRestart(this, IDC_AUTORESTART), chkTrunk(this, IDC_TRUNK), chkTrunkSym(this, IDC_TRUNK_SYMBOLS), chkStable(this, IDC_STABLE), chkStableSym(this, IDC_STABLE_SYMBOLS), chkCustom(this, IDC_CUSTOM), edtCustom(this, IDC_CUSTOMURL), spinPeriod(this, IDC_PERIODSPIN, 99, 1), spinBackups(this, IDC_BACKUPS_SPIN, 10, 1) { CreateLink(chkBackup, g_plugin.bBackup); CreateLink(chkPeriod, g_plugin.bUpdateOnPeriod); CreateLink(chkSilent, g_plugin.bSilentMode); CreateLink(chkStartup, g_plugin.bUpdateOnStartup); CreateLink(chkOnlyOnce, g_plugin.bOnlyOnceADay); CreateLink(chkAutoRestart, g_plugin.bAutoRestart); CreateLink(spinBackups, g_plugin.iNumberBackups); chkPlatform.OnChange = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::onChange_Url); chkPeriod.OnChange = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::onChange_Period); chkStartup.OnChange = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::onChange_Startup); chkTrunk.OnChange = chkTrunkSym.OnChange = chkStable.OnChange = chkStableSym.OnChange = chkCustom.OnChange = Callback(this, &COptionsDlg::onChange_Source); } bool OnInitDialog() override { chkPlatform.SetState(g_plugin.bChangePlatform); if (g_plugin.bNeedRestart) ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_NEEDRESTARTLABEL), SW_SHOW); spinPeriod.SetPosition(g_plugin.iPeriod); if (ServiceExists(MS_AB_BACKUP)) { chkBackup.Enable(); chkBackup.SetText(TranslateT("Backup database before update")); } Edit_LimitText(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_PERIOD), 2); if (g_plugin.getByte(DB_SETTING_DONT_SWITCH_TO_STABLE, 0)) { chkStable.Disable(); // Reset setting if needed if (g_plugin.iUpdateMode == UPDATE_MODE_STABLE) g_plugin.iUpdateMode = UPDATE_MODE_TRUNK; chkStable.SetText(LPGENW("Stable version (incompatible with current development version)")); } cmbPeriod.AddString(TranslateT("hours"), 0); cmbPeriod.AddString(TranslateT("days"), 1); cmbPeriod.SetCurSel(g_plugin.iPeriodMeasure); switch (GetUpdateMode()) { case UPDATE_MODE_STABLE: chkStable.SetState(true); UpdateUrl(); break; case UPDATE_MODE_STABLE_SYMBOLS: chkStableSym.SetState(true); UpdateUrl(); break; case UPDATE_MODE_TRUNK: chkTrunk.SetState(true); UpdateUrl(); break; case UPDATE_MODE_TRUNK_SYMBOLS: chkTrunkSym.SetState(true); UpdateUrl(); break; default: chkCustom.SetState(true); edtCustom.Enable(); chkPlatform.Disable(); ptrW url(g_plugin.getWStringA(DB_SETTING_UPDATE_URL)); if (url == NULL) url = GetDefaultUrl(); edtCustom.SetText(url); } #ifndef _WIN64 chkPlatform.SetText(TranslateT("Change platform to 64-bit")); { BOOL bIsWow64 = FALSE; IsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess(), &bIsWow64); if (!bIsWow64) chkPlatform.Hide(); } #endif return true; } bool OnApply() override { g_plugin.iPeriodMeasure = cmbPeriod.GetCurData(); g_plugin.iPeriod = spinPeriod.GetPosition(); g_plugin.InitTimer(0); int iNewMode; bool bNoSymbols = false; if (chkStable.GetState()) { iNewMode = UPDATE_MODE_STABLE; bNoSymbols = true; } else if (chkStableSym.GetState()) { iNewMode = UPDATE_MODE_STABLE_SYMBOLS; } else if (chkTrunk.GetState()) { iNewMode = UPDATE_MODE_TRUNK; bNoSymbols = true; } else if (chkTrunkSym.GetState()) { iNewMode = UPDATE_MODE_TRUNK_SYMBOLS; } else { wchar_t wszUrl[100]; edtCustom.GetText(wszUrl, _countof(wszUrl)); g_plugin.setWString(DB_SETTING_UPDATE_URL, wszUrl); iNewMode = UPDATE_MODE_CUSTOM; } bool bStartUpdate = false; // Repository was changed, force recheck if (g_plugin.iUpdateMode != iNewMode) { g_plugin.iUpdateMode = iNewMode; if (!bNoSymbols) g_plugin.bForceRedownload = true; bStartUpdate = true; } if (chkPlatform.GetState()) { g_plugin.bForceRedownload = bStartUpdate = true; g_plugin.bChangePlatform = true; } else g_plugin.bChangePlatform = false; // if user selected update channel without symbols, remove PDBs if (bNoSymbols) { MFilePath wszPath; wszPath.Format(L"%s\\*.pdb", g_mirandaPath.get()); for (auto &it : wszPath.search()) { wszPath.Format(L"%s\\%s", g_mirandaPath.get(), it.getPath()); DeleteFileW(wszPath); } } if (PU::PrepareEscalation()) RemoveBackupFolders(); // if user tried to change the channel, run the update dialog immediately if (bStartUpdate) { Netlib_Log(g_hNetlibUser, "Platform changed, let's check for updates"); DoCheck(false); } return true; } void onChange_Startup(CCtrlCheck *) { chkOnlyOnce.Enable(chkStartup.GetState()); } void onChange_Period(CCtrlCheck *) { bool value = chkPeriod.GetState(); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_PERIOD), value); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_PERIODSPIN), value); cmbPeriod.Enable(value); } void onChange_Source(CCtrlCheck *pCheck) { if (!m_bInitialized) return; if (pCheck->GetCtrlId() != IDC_CUSTOM) { chkPlatform.Enable(); edtCustom.Disable(); UpdateUrl(); } else { chkPlatform.Disable(); edtCustom.Enable(); ptrW url(g_plugin.getWStringA(DB_SETTING_UPDATE_URL)); if (url == NULL) url = GetDefaultUrl(); edtCustom.SetText(url); } } void onChange_Url(CCtrlCheck *) { UpdateUrl(); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Popup options struct { wchar_t *Text; int Action; } static PopupActions[] = { LPGENW("Close popup"), PCA_CLOSEPOPUP, LPGENW("Do nothing"), PCA_DONOTHING }; class CPopupOptDlg : public CDlgBase { CCtrlCheck chkOwnColors, chkWinColors, chkPopupColors, chkErrors, chkInfo; CCtrlButton btnPreview; public: CPopupOptDlg() : CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_POPUP), btnPreview(this, IDC_PREVIEW), chkInfo(this, IDC_INFO_MESSAGES), chkErrors(this, IDC_ERRORS), chkOwnColors(this, IDC_USEOWNCOLORS), chkWinColors(this, IDC_USEWINCOLORS), chkPopupColors(this, IDC_USEPOPUPCOLORS) { btnPreview.OnClick = Callback(this, &CPopupOptDlg::onClick_Preview); chkInfo.OnChange = Callback(this, &CPopupOptDlg::onChange_Info); chkErrors.OnChange = Callback(this, &CPopupOptDlg::onChange_Errors); chkOwnColors.OnChange = chkWinColors.OnChange = chkPopupColors.OnChange = Callback(this, &CPopupOptDlg::onChange_Colors); } bool OnInitDialog() override { //Colors if (g_plugin.PopupDefColors == byCOLOR_OWN) chkOwnColors.SetState(true); else if (g_plugin.PopupDefColors == byCOLOR_WINDOWS) chkWinColors.SetState(true); else if (g_plugin.PopupDefColors == byCOLOR_POPUP) chkPopupColors.SetState(true); for (auto &it : PopupsList) { SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, it.ctrl2, CPM_SETCOLOUR, 0, it.colorText); SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, it.ctrl3, CPM_SETCOLOUR, 0, it.colorBack); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, it.ctrl2), g_plugin.PopupDefColors == byCOLOR_OWN); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, it.ctrl3), g_plugin.PopupDefColors == byCOLOR_OWN); } // Timeout SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_TIMEOUT_VALUE, EM_LIMITTEXT, 4, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_TIMEOUT_VALUE_SPIN, UDM_SETRANGE32, -1, 9999); SetDlgItemInt(m_hwnd, IDC_TIMEOUT_VALUE, g_plugin.PopupTimeout, TRUE); // Mouse actions for (auto &it : PopupActions) { SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_LC, CB_SETITEMDATA, SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_LC, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)TranslateW(it.Text)), it.Action); SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_RC, CB_SETITEMDATA, SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_RC, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)TranslateW(it.Text)), it.Action); } SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_LC, CB_SETCURSEL, g_plugin.PopupLeftClickAction, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_RC, CB_SETCURSEL, g_plugin.PopupRightClickAction, 0); // Popups notified for (auto &it : PopupsList) { char str[20] = { 0 }; mir_snprintf(str, "Popups%d", int(&it - PopupsList)); CheckDlgButton(m_hwnd, it.ctrl1, (g_plugin.getByte(str, DEFAULT_POPUP_ENABLED)) ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); } return true; } bool OnApply() override { for (auto &it : PopupsList) { int i = int(&it - PopupsList); char szSetting[20] = { 0 }; mir_snprintf(szSetting, "Popups%d", i); g_plugin.setByte(szSetting, (uint8_t)(IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, it.ctrl1))); mir_snprintf(szSetting, "Popups%iTx", i); g_plugin.setDword(szSetting, it.colorText = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, it.ctrl2, CPM_GETCOLOUR, 0, 0)); mir_snprintf(szSetting, "Popups%iBg", i); g_plugin.setDword(szSetting, it.colorBack = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, it.ctrl3, CPM_GETCOLOUR, 0, 0)); } g_plugin.PopupTimeout = GetDlgItemInt(m_hwnd, IDC_TIMEOUT_VALUE, nullptr, TRUE); g_plugin.PopupLeftClickAction = (uint8_t)SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_LC, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); g_plugin.PopupRightClickAction = (uint8_t)SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, IDC_RC, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (chkWinColors.GetState()) g_plugin.PopupDefColors = byCOLOR_WINDOWS; else if (chkOwnColors.GetState()) g_plugin.PopupDefColors = byCOLOR_OWN; else g_plugin.PopupDefColors = byCOLOR_POPUP; return true; } void OnReset() override { // Restore the options stored in memory. InitPopupList(); } INT_PTR DlgProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) override { if (msg == WM_COMMAND) { uint16_t idCtrl = LOWORD(wParam), wNotifyCode = HIWORD(wParam); if (wNotifyCode == CPN_COLOURCHANGED) { if (idCtrl > 40070) { //It's a color picker change. idCtrl is the control id. COLORREF color = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hwnd, idCtrl, CPM_GETCOLOUR, 0, 0); int ctlID = idCtrl; if ((ctlID > 41070) && (ctlID < 42070)) //It's 41071 or above => Text color. PopupsList[ctlID - 41071].colorText = color; else if (ctlID > 42070)//Background color. PopupsList[ctlID - 42071].colorBack = color; } NotifyChange(); return TRUE; } } return CDlgBase::DlgProc(msg, wParam, lParam); } void onChange_Colors(CCtrlCheck *pCheck) { if (!m_bInitialized) return; bool bEnable = (pCheck == &chkOwnColors); for (auto &it : PopupsList) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, it.ctrl2), bEnable); //Text EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, it.ctrl3), bEnable); //Background } } void onClick_Preview(CCtrlButton *) { LPCTSTR Title = TranslateT("Plugin Updater"); LPCTSTR Text = TranslateT("Test"); for (auto &it : PopupsList) if (IsDlgButtonChecked(m_hwnd, it.ctrl1)) ShowPopup(Title, Text, int(&it - PopupsList)); } void onChange_Errors(CCtrlCheck *) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_ERRORS_MSG), !chkErrors.GetState()); } void onChange_Info(CCtrlCheck *) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_INFO_MESSAGES_MSG), !chkInfo.GetState()); } }; int OptInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { OPTIONSDIALOGPAGE odp = {}; odp.position = 100000000; odp.flags = ODPF_BOLDGROUPS | ODPF_UNICODE; odp.szGroup.w = LPGENW("Services"); odp.szTitle.w = LPGENW("Plugin Updater"); odp.pDialog = new COptionsDlg(); g_plugin.addOptions(wParam, &odp); odp.szGroup.w = LPGENW("Popups"); odp.szTitle.w = LPGENW("Plugin Updater"); odp.pDialog = new CPopupOptDlg(); g_plugin.addOptions(wParam, &odp); return 0; }