This plugin has its Base Address set to:

Please, avoid using this BaseAddress for your plugins: using the same addresses will slow Miranda.
Read "pluginguidelines.txt" under miranda0100/miranda32/doc/ in the CVS.

This Base Address is built this way:

0x25        020000
^^^^        ^^^^^^
My radix    Incremental value related to my plugins.

Range for base address is 0x10000000 to 0x50000000, so 0x25000000 fits well there.

020000 is an incremental value which represents PopUp
[Note: 000000 is used for RePosition, 020000 for PopUp, 030000 for PicPlugin and so on.]

Why do I call 0x25 "My radix"?

HRK = H + R + K
H = 8th letter in the english alphabet.
R = 18th letter in the english alphabet.
K = 11th letter in the english alphabet.

8 + 18 + 11 = 37.
37(dec) = 25(Hex)

Base Address can be found/configured:
§ MSVC++ 6.0
  Project->Settings->Link->Output->Base Address