/* Popup Plus plugin for Miranda IM Copyright © 2002 Luca Santarelli, © 2004-2007 Victor Pavlychko © 2010 MPK © 2010 Merlin_de This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" static mir_cs csPopupHistory; static LIST arPopupHistory(SETTING_HISTORYSIZE_DEFAULT); static int popupHistoryBuffer = 0; static HWND hwndHistory = nullptr; #define UM_RESIZELIST (WM_USER+100) #define UM_SELECTLAST (WM_USER+101) #define UM_ADDITEM (WM_USER+102) static INT_PTR CALLBACK HistoryDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static void FreeHistoryItem(POPUPDATA2 *ppd) { mir_free(ppd->szTitle.w); mir_free(ppd->szText.w); mir_free(ppd->lpzSkin); mir_free(ppd); } void PopupHistoryResize() { popupHistoryBuffer = PopupOptions.HistorySize; mir_cslock lck(csPopupHistory); while (arPopupHistory.getCount() > popupHistoryBuffer) { FreeHistoryItem(arPopupHistory[0]); arPopupHistory.remove(0); } } void PopupHistoryLoad() { popupHistoryBuffer = g_plugin.getWord("HistorySize", SETTING_HISTORYSIZE_DEFAULT); } void PopupHistoryUnload() { for (auto &it : arPopupHistory) FreeHistoryItem(it); arPopupHistory.destroy(); } void PopupHistoryAdd(POPUPDATA2 *ppdNew) { if (!PopupOptions.EnableHistory) return; POPUPDATA2 *ppd = (POPUPDATA2*)mir_alloc(sizeof(POPUPDATA2)); *ppd = *ppdNew; if (ppd->flags & PU2_UNICODE) { ppd->szTitle.w = mir_wstrdup(ppd->szTitle.w); ppd->szText.w = mir_wstrdup(ppd->szText.w); } else { ppd->szTitle.a = mir_strdup(ppd->szTitle.a); ppd->szText.a = mir_strdup(ppd->szText.a); } ppd->lpzSkin = mir_strdup(ppd->lpzSkin); ppd->dwTimestamp = time(0); { mir_cslock lck(csPopupHistory); if (arPopupHistory.getCount() >= popupHistoryBuffer) { FreeHistoryItem(arPopupHistory[0]); arPopupHistory.remove(0); } arPopupHistory.insert(ppd); } if (hwndHistory) PostMessage(hwndHistory, UM_ADDITEM, 0, (LPARAM)ppd); } void PopupHistoryShow() { if (!PopupOptions.EnableHistory) { MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Popup History is disabled"), TranslateT("Popup History message"), MB_OK); return; } if (hwndHistory) { ShowWindow(hwndHistory, SW_SHOW); SetForegroundWindow(hwndHistory); SetFocus(hwndHistory); SetActiveWindow(hwndHistory); } else { hwndHistory = CreateDialog(g_plugin.getInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_HISTORY), nullptr, HistoryDlgProc); SetWindowText(hwndHistory, TranslateT("Popup History")); } } static INT_PTR CALLBACK HistoryDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { static int oldWidth = 0; static int loadItem = -1; static enum { LOG_NONE, LOG_DEFAULT, LOG_HPP } logType = LOG_NONE; static HWND hwndLog = nullptr; switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { oldWidth = 0; HWND hwndList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_POPUP_LIST); for (auto &it : arPopupHistory) { (void)(it); ListBox_SetItemData(hwndList, ListBox_AddString(hwndList, L""), 0); } Window_SetIcon_IcoLib(hwnd, GetIconHandle(IDI_HISTORY)); if (gbHppInstalled && PopupOptions.UseHppHistoryLog) { logType = LOG_HPP; ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_POPUP_LIST), SW_HIDE); IEVIEWWINDOW ieWindow; ieWindow.cbSize = sizeof(IEVIEWWINDOW); ieWindow.iType = IEW_CREATE; ieWindow.dwFlags = 0; ieWindow.dwMode = IEWM_MUCC; ieWindow.parent = hwnd; ieWindow.x = 0; ieWindow.y = 0; ieWindow.cx = 100; ieWindow.cy = 100; CallService(MS_HPP_EG_WINDOW, 0, (LPARAM)&ieWindow); hwndLog = ieWindow.hwnd; ShowWindow(hwndLog, SW_SHOW); RECT rcLst; GetWindowRect(hwndList, &rcLst); POINT pt; pt.x = rcLst.left; pt.y = rcLst.top; ScreenToClient(hwnd, &pt); ieWindow.cbSize = sizeof(IEVIEWWINDOW); ieWindow.iType = IEW_SETPOS; ieWindow.parent = hwnd; ieWindow.hwnd = hwndLog; ieWindow.x = pt.x; ieWindow.y = pt.y; ieWindow.cx = rcLst.right - rcLst.left; ieWindow.cy = rcLst.bottom - rcLst.top; CallService(MS_HPP_EG_WINDOW, 0, (LPARAM)&ieWindow); IEVIEWEVENTDATA ieData; IEVIEWEVENT ieEvent; ieEvent.cbSize = sizeof(ieEvent); ieEvent.iType = IEE_LOG_MEM_EVENTS; ieEvent.dwFlags = 0; ieEvent.hwnd = hwndLog; ieEvent.eventData = &ieData; ieEvent.count = 1; ieEvent.codepage = 0; ieEvent.pszProto = nullptr; for (auto &ppd : arPopupHistory) { ieData.cbSize = sizeof(ieData); ieData.iType = IEED_EVENT_SYSTEM; ieData.dwFlags = 0; ieData.color = ppd->colorText; if (ppd->flags & PU2_UNICODE) { ieData.dwFlags |= IEEDF_UNICODE_TEXT | IEEDF_UNICODE_NICK; ieData.pszNickW = ppd->szTitle.w; ieData.pszTextW = ppd->szText.w; ieData.pszText2W = nullptr; } else { ieData.dwFlags |= 0; ieData.pszNick = ppd->szTitle.a; ieData.pszText = ppd->szText.a; ieData.pszText2 = nullptr; } ieData.bIsMe = FALSE; ieData.time = ppd->dwTimestamp; ieData.dwData = 0; ieData.next = nullptr; CallService(MS_HPP_EG_EVENT, 0, (WPARAM)&ieEvent); } } else { logType = LOG_DEFAULT; hwndLog = hwndList; ShowWindow(hwndLog, SW_SHOW); } Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(hwnd, NULL, MODULENAME, "popupHistory_"); if (logType == LOG_DEFAULT) { SendMessage(hwnd, UM_RESIZELIST, 0, 0); ListBox_SetTopIndex(hwndLog, arPopupHistory.getCount() - 1); } } return TRUE; case WM_MEASUREITEM: if (logType == LOG_DEFAULT) { LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpmis = (LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT)lParam; if (lpmis->itemID == -1) return FALSE; lpmis->itemHeight = 50; } return TRUE; case WM_DRAWITEM: if (logType == LOG_DEFAULT) { LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis; lpdis = (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)lParam; if (lpdis->itemID == -1) return FALSE; HWND hwndList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, lpdis->CtlID); PopupWnd2 *wndPreview = (PopupWnd2 *)ListBox_GetItemData(hwndList, lpdis->itemID); if (!wndPreview) { RECT rc; GetWindowRect(hwndLog, &rc); if (rc.right - rc.left <= 30) return FALSE; POPUPOPTIONS customOptions = PopupOptions; customOptions.DynamicResize = FALSE; customOptions.MinimumWidth = customOptions.MaximumWidth = rc.right - rc.left - 30; POPUPDATA2 *ppd = arPopupHistory[lpdis->itemID]; wndPreview = new PopupWnd2(ppd, &customOptions, true); wndPreview->buildMText(); wndPreview->update(); ListBox_SetItemData(hwndLog, lpdis->itemID, wndPreview); ListBox_SetItemHeight(hwndLog, lpdis->itemID, wndPreview->getSize().cy + 6); } if (wndPreview) { if (lpdis->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) { HBRUSH hbr = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); FillRect(lpdis->hDC, &lpdis->rcItem, hbr); DeleteObject(hbr); } else { HBRUSH hbr = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); FillRect(lpdis->hDC, &lpdis->rcItem, hbr); DeleteObject(hbr); } int width = wndPreview->getContent()->getWidth(); int height = wndPreview->getContent()->getHeight(); BLENDFUNCTION bf; bf.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER; bf.BlendFlags = 0; bf.SourceConstantAlpha = 255; bf.AlphaFormat = AC_SRC_ALPHA; AlphaBlend(lpdis->hDC, lpdis->rcItem.left + 5, lpdis->rcItem.top + 3, width, height, wndPreview->getContent()->getDC(), 0, 0, width, height, bf); } } return TRUE; case WM_DELETEITEM: if (logType != LOG_DEFAULT) { DELETEITEMSTRUCT *lpdis = (DELETEITEMSTRUCT *)lParam; PopupWnd2 *wnd = (PopupWnd2 *)ListBox_GetItemData(lpdis->hwndItem, lpdis->itemID); if (wnd) delete wnd; } return TRUE; case WM_SIZE: { RECT rcLst; GetClientRect(hwnd, &rcLst); rcLst.left += 10; rcLst.top += 10; rcLst.right -= 10; rcLst.bottom -= 10; if (logType == LOG_HPP) { SetWindowPos(hwndLog, nullptr, rcLst.left, rcLst.top, rcLst.right - rcLst.left, rcLst.bottom - rcLst.top, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_DEFERERASE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); IEVIEWWINDOW ieWindow; ieWindow.cbSize = sizeof(IEVIEWWINDOW); ieWindow.iType = IEW_SETPOS; ieWindow.parent = hwnd; ieWindow.hwnd = hwndLog; ieWindow.x = rcLst.left; ieWindow.y = rcLst.top; ieWindow.cx = rcLst.right - rcLst.left; ieWindow.cy = rcLst.bottom - rcLst.top; CallService(MS_HPP_EG_WINDOW, 0, (LPARAM)&ieWindow); } else if (logType == LOG_DEFAULT) { SetWindowPos(hwndLog, nullptr, rcLst.left, rcLst.top, rcLst.right - rcLst.left, rcLst.bottom - rcLst.top, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_DEFERERASE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW); if (rcLst.right - rcLst.left != oldWidth) { oldWidth = rcLst.right - rcLst.left; PostMessage(hwnd, UM_RESIZELIST, 0, 0); } } } return TRUE; case UM_RESIZELIST: if (logType == LOG_DEFAULT) { RECT rc; GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_POPUP_LIST), &rc); if (rc.right - rc.left <= 30) return FALSE; for (int i = 0; i < arPopupHistory.getCount(); ++i) { PopupWnd2 *wndPreview = (PopupWnd2 *)ListBox_GetItemData(hwndLog, i); if (wndPreview) delete wndPreview; ListBox_SetItemData(hwndLog, i, 0); ListBox_SetItemHeight(hwndLog, i, 50); } ScrollWindow(hwndLog, 0, 100000, nullptr, nullptr); InvalidateRect(hwndLog, nullptr, TRUE); } return TRUE; case UM_ADDITEM: if (logType == LOG_HPP) { POPUPDATA2 *ppd = (POPUPDATA2 *)lParam; IEVIEWEVENTDATA ieData; IEVIEWEVENT ieEvent; ieEvent.cbSize = sizeof(ieEvent); ieEvent.iType = IEE_LOG_MEM_EVENTS; ieEvent.dwFlags = 0; ieEvent.hwnd = hwndLog; ieEvent.eventData = &ieData; ieEvent.count = 1; ieEvent.codepage = 0; ieEvent.pszProto = nullptr; ieData.cbSize = sizeof(ieData); ieData.dwFlags = 0; ieData.iType = IEED_EVENT_SYSTEM; ieData.color = ppd->colorText; if (ppd->flags & PU2_UNICODE) { ieData.dwFlags |= IEEDF_UNICODE_TEXT | IEEDF_UNICODE_NICK; ieData.pszNickW = ppd->szTitle.w; ieData.pszTextW = ppd->szText.w; ieData.pszText2W = nullptr; } else { ieData.dwFlags |= 0; ieData.pszNick = ppd->szTitle.a; ieData.pszText = ppd->szText.a; ieData.pszText2 = nullptr; } ieData.bIsMe = FALSE; ieData.time = ppd->dwTimestamp; ieData.dwData = 0; ieData.next = nullptr; CallService(MS_HPP_EG_EVENT, 0, (WPARAM)&ieEvent); } else if (logType == LOG_DEFAULT) { if (arPopupHistory.getCount() <= ListBox_GetCount(hwndLog)) { loadItem = 0; PostMessage(hwnd, UM_RESIZELIST, 0, 0); return TRUE; } ListBox_SetItemData(hwndLog, ListBox_AddString(hwndLog, L""), 0); } return TRUE; case WM_CLOSE: Utils_SaveWindowPosition(hwnd, NULL, MODULENAME, "popupHistory_"); DestroyWindow(hwnd); hwndHistory = nullptr; return TRUE; case WM_DESTROY: if (logType == LOG_HPP) { IEVIEWWINDOW ieWindow; ieWindow.cbSize = sizeof(IEVIEWWINDOW); ieWindow.iType = IEW_DESTROY; ieWindow.dwFlags = 0; ieWindow.dwMode = IEWM_TABSRMM; ieWindow.parent = hwnd; ieWindow.hwnd = hwndLog; CallService(MS_HPP_EG_WINDOW, 0, (LPARAM)&ieWindow); } Window_FreeIcon_IcoLib(hwnd); } return FALSE; // DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); }