/* Popup Plus plugin for Miranda IM Copyright � 2002 Luca Santarelli, � 2004-2007 Victor Pavlychko � 2010 MPK � 2010 Merlin_de This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "headers.h" static IconItem iconList[] = { //toolbar { "Popups are enabled", ICO_TB_POPUP_ON, IDI_POPUP }, { "Popups are disabled", ICO_TB_POPUP_OFF, IDI_NOPOPUP }, // common popup { "Popups are enabled", ICO_POPUP_ON, IDI_POPUP }, { "Popups are disabled", ICO_POPUP_OFF, IDI_NOPOPUP }, { "With \"favourite\" overlay", ICO_FAV, IDI_PU_FAVOURITE }, { "With \"fullscreen\" overlay", ICO_FULLSCREEN, IDI_PU_FULLSCREEN }, { "Popup History", ICO_HISTORY, IDI_HISTORY }, // option { "Refresh skin list", ICO_OPT_RELOAD, IDI_RELOAD }, { "Popup Placement", ICO_OPT_RESIZE, IDI_RESIZE }, { "OK", ICO_OPT_OK, IDI_ACT_OK }, { "Cancel", ICO_OPT_CANCEL, IDI_ACT_CLOSE }, { "Popup Group", ICO_OPT_GROUP, IDI_OPT_GROUP }, { "Show default", ICO_OPT_DEF, IDI_ACT_OK }, { "Favorite Contact", ICO_OPT_FAV, IDI_OPT_FAVORITE }, { "Show in Fullscreen", ICO_OPT_FULLSCREEN, IDI_OPT_FULLSCREEN }, { "Blocked Contact", ICO_OPT_BLOCK, IDI_OPT_BLOCK }, // action { "Quick Reply", ICO_ACT_REPLY, IDI_ACT_REPLY }, { "Pin Popup", ICO_ACT_PIN, IDI_ACT_PIN }, { "Pinned Popup", ICO_ACT_PINNED, IDI_ACT_PINNED }, { "Send Message", ICO_ACT_MESS, IDI_ACT_MESSAGE }, { "User Details", ICO_ACT_INFO, IDI_ACT_INFO }, { "Contact Menu", ICO_ACT_MENU, IDI_ACT_MENU }, { "Add Contact Permanently", ICO_ACT_ADD, IDI_ACT_ADD }, { "Dismiss Popup", ICO_ACT_CLOSE, IDI_ACT_CLOSE }, { "Copy to clipboard", ICO_ACT_COPY, IDI_ACT_COPY } }; /** * Returns a icon, identified by a name * @param pszIcon - name of the icon * @param big - bool big icon (default = false) * @return: HICON if the icon is loaded, NULL otherwise **/ HICON IcoLib_GetIcon(LPCSTR pszIcon, bool big) { return (pszIcon) ? Skin_GetIcon(pszIcon, big) : NULL; } void InitIcons() { Icon_Register(hInst, SECT_TOLBAR, iconList, 2); Icon_Register(hInst, SECT_POPUP, iconList+2, 5); Icon_Register(hInst, SECT_POPUP SECT_POPUP_OPT, iconList+7, 9); Icon_Register(hInst, SECT_POPUP SECT_POPUP_ACT, iconList+16, 9); }