/* Popup Plus plugin for Miranda IM Copyright © 2002 Luca Santarelli, © 2004-2007 Victor Pavlychko © 2010 MPK © 2010 Merlin_de This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> // PopupSkin PopupSkin::PopupSkin(LPCTSTR aName) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) m_flag_names[i] = nullptr; m_elements = nullptr; m_name = aName ? mir_wstrdup(aName) : nullptr; } PopupSkin::~PopupSkin() { if (m_name) mir_free(m_name); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) mir_free(m_flag_names[i]); freeSkin(m_elements); } SIZE PopupSkin::measureAction(HDC hdc, POPUPACTION *act) const { SIZE sz = { 0 }; if (!(PopupOptions.actions & ACT_ENABLE)) return sz; if (PopupOptions.actions & ACT_LARGE) sz.cx = sz.cy = 32; else sz.cx = sz.cy = 16; if (PopupOptions.actions & ACT_TEXT) { char *name = strchr(act->lpzTitle, '/'); if (!name) name = act->lpzTitle; else ++name; SIZE szText, szSpace; LPTSTR wname = mir_a2u(name); wchar_t *str = TranslateW(wname); GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, str, (int)mir_wstrlen(str), &szText); mir_free(wname); GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, L" ", 1, &szSpace); sz.cy = max(sz.cy, szText.cy); sz.cx += szSpace.cx; sz.cx += szText.cx; sz.cy += 2; } else { sz.cx += 4; sz.cy += 4; } return sz; } SIZE PopupSkin::measureActionBar(HDC hdc, PopupWnd2 *wnd) const { SIZE sz = { 0 }; HFONT hFntSave = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdc, fonts.action); for (int i = 0; i < wnd->getActionCount(); ++i) { SIZE szAction = measureAction(hdc, &wnd->getActions()[i].actionA); if (PopupOptions.actions & ACT_TEXT) { sz.cx = max(sz.cx, szAction.cx); sz.cy += szAction.cy; } else { sz.cx += szAction.cx; sz.cy = max(sz.cy, szAction.cy); } } SelectObject(hdc, hFntSave); return sz; } void PopupSkin::drawAction(MyBitmap *bmp, POPUPACTION *act, int x, int y, bool hover) const { if (!(PopupOptions.actions & ACT_ENABLE)) return; bmp->DrawIcon(act->lchIcon, (PopupOptions.actions & ACT_TEXT) ? x : (x + 2), y + 2, (PopupOptions.actions & ACT_LARGE) ? 32 : 16, (PopupOptions.actions & ACT_LARGE) ? 32 : 16); if (PopupOptions.actions & ACT_TEXT) { char *name = strchr(act->lpzTitle, '/'); if (!name) name = act->lpzTitle; else ++name; SIZE szText, szSpace; HFONT hFntSave = (HFONT)SelectObject(bmp->getDC(), hover ? fonts.actionHover : fonts.action); SetTextColor(bmp->getDC(), hover ? fonts.clActionHover : fonts.clAction); SetBkMode(bmp->getDC(), TRANSPARENT); GetTextExtentPoint32(bmp->getDC(), L" ", 1, &szSpace); LPTSTR wname = mir_a2u(name); wchar_t *str = TranslateW(wname); GetTextExtentPoint32(bmp->getDC(), str, (int)mir_wstrlen(str), &szText); bmp->Draw_Text(str, (PopupOptions.actions & ACT_LARGE) ? (x + szSpace.cx + 32) : (x + szSpace.cx + 16), max(y + 2, y + 2 + (((PopupOptions.actions & ACT_LARGE) ? 32 : 16) - szText.cy) / 2)); mir_free(wname); SelectObject(bmp->getDC(), hFntSave); } else { if (hover) { RECT rc; rc.left = x; rc.top = y; rc.right = x + ((PopupOptions.actions & ACT_LARGE) ? 32 : 16) + 4; rc.bottom = y + ((PopupOptions.actions & ACT_LARGE) ? 32 : 16) + 4; bmp->saveAlpha(rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top); HBRUSH hbr = CreateSolidBrush(fonts.clActionHover); FrameRect(bmp->getDC(), &rc, hbr); DeleteObject(hbr); bmp->restoreAlpha(rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top); } } } void PopupSkin::drawActionBar(MyBitmap *bmp, PopupWnd2 *wnd, int x, int y) const { for (int i = 0; i < wnd->getActionCount(); ++i) { SIZE szAction = measureAction(bmp->getDC(), &wnd->getActions()[i].actionA); drawAction(bmp, &wnd->getActions()[i].actionA, x, y, wnd->getActions()[i].hover); wnd->getActions()[i].rc.left = x; wnd->getActions()[i].rc.top = y; wnd->getActions()[i].rc.right = x + szAction.cx; wnd->getActions()[i].rc.bottom = y + szAction.cy; if (PopupOptions.actions & ACT_TEXT) y += szAction.cy; else x += szAction.cx; } } void PopupSkin::measure(HDC hdc, PopupWnd2 *wnd, int maxw, POPUPOPTIONS *options) const { if (!m_elements) return; SKINELEMENT *head = nullptr; int STYLE_SZ_CLOCK = 0; if (!this->useInternalClock()) for (head = m_elements; head; head = head->next) if ((head->type & ST_TYPEMASK) == ST_CLOCK) break; if (head && head->myBmp) { // layerd clock SIZE szNew; szNew.cx = head->clocksize[CLOCK_LEFT] + head->clocksize[CLOCK_RIGHT]; szNew.cy = head->myBmp->getHeight(); for (wchar_t *p = wnd->getTime(); *p; p++) { if (*p == ':') szNew.cx += head->clocksize[CLOCK_SEPARATOR]; else if ((*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9')) szNew.cx += head->clocksize[CLOCK_DIGITS + *p - '0']; } wnd->getArgs()->add("clock.width", szNew.cx); wnd->getArgs()->add("clock.height", szNew.cy); STYLE_SZ_CLOCK = szNew.cx; } else { // normal clock HFONT hfnSave = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdc, fonts.clock); SIZE sz; GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, wnd->getTime(), (int)mir_wstrlen(wnd->getTime()), &sz); SelectObject(hdc, hfnSave); wnd->getArgs()->add("clock.width", sz.cx + 2 * STYLE_SZ_GAP); wnd->getArgs()->add("clock.height", sz.cy); STYLE_SZ_CLOCK = sz.cx + 2 * STYLE_SZ_GAP; } wnd->getArgs()->clear(); wnd->getArgs()->add("options.avatarsize", PopupOptions.avatarSize); wnd->getArgs()->add("window.width", maxw); wnd->getArgs()->add("window.maxwidth", maxw); for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { char buf[10]; mir_snprintf(buf, "opt%d", i); wnd->getArgs()->add(buf, (m_flags&(1L << i)) ? 1 : 0); } SIZE sz = { 0, 0 }; head = m_elements; while (head) { if ((m_flags & head->flag_mask) != (head->flags & head->flag_mask)) { head = head->next; continue; } SIZE szNew = { 0, 0 }; switch (head->type & ST_TYPEMASK) { case ST_TEXT: { int tmp = head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()); // this is used to measure and layout text wnd->getRenderInfo()->textw = tmp ? tmp : (maxw - head->fx.eval(wnd->getArgs())); szNew.cx = wnd->getRenderInfo()->textw; if (wnd->isTextEmpty()) szNew.cx = szNew.cy = 0; else { HFONT hFntSave = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdc, fonts.text); switch (wnd->getTextType()) { case PopupWnd2::TT_UNICODE: { RECT rc; SetRect(&rc, 0, 0, szNew.cx, 0); DrawTextEx(hdc, wnd->getText(), (int)mir_wstrlen(wnd->getText()), &rc, DT_CALCRECT | DT_EXPANDTABS | DT_LEFT | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_TOP | DT_WORDBREAK/*|DT_RTLREADING*/, nullptr); szNew.cx = rc.right; szNew.cy = rc.bottom; } break; case PopupWnd2::TT_MTEXT: MTextMeasure(hdc, &szNew, wnd->getTextM()); break; } SelectObject(hdc, hFntSave); } wnd->getRenderInfo()->texth = szNew.cy; SIZE szActions = measureActionBar(hdc, wnd); wnd->getRenderInfo()->actw = szActions.cx; if (szActions.cy) { szNew.cx = max(szNew.cx, szActions.cx); szNew.cy += szActions.cy; szNew.cy += 3; } wnd->getRenderInfo()->realtextw = szNew.cx; if (szNew.cx > maxw - head->fx.eval(wnd->getArgs())) szNew.cx = maxw - head->fx.eval(wnd->getArgs()); wnd->getArgs()->add("text.width", szNew.cx); wnd->getArgs()->add("text.height", szNew.cy); } break; case ST_TITLE: { int tmp = head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()); // this is used to measure and layout text wnd->getRenderInfo()->titlew = tmp ? tmp : (maxw - head->fx.eval(wnd->getArgs()) - STYLE_SZ_CLOCK); szNew.cx = wnd->getRenderInfo()->titlew; HFONT hFntSave = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdc, fonts.title); switch (wnd->getTextType()) { case PopupWnd2::TT_UNICODE: { RECT rc; SetRect(&rc, 0, 0, szNew.cx, 0); DrawTextEx(hdc, wnd->getTitle(), (int)mir_wstrlen(wnd->getTitle()), &rc, DT_CALCRECT | DT_EXPANDTABS | DT_LEFT | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_TOP | DT_WORDBREAK/*|DT_RTLREADING*/, nullptr); szNew.cx = rc.right; szNew.cy = rc.bottom; } break; case PopupWnd2::TT_MTEXT: MTextMeasure(hdc, &szNew, wnd->getTitleM()); break; } SelectObject(hdc, hFntSave); if (szNew.cx > maxw - head->fx.eval(wnd->getArgs()) - STYLE_SZ_CLOCK) szNew.cx = maxw - head->fx.eval(wnd->getArgs()) - STYLE_SZ_CLOCK; szNew.cx += STYLE_SZ_CLOCK; wnd->getArgs()->add("title.width", szNew.cx); wnd->getArgs()->add("title.height", szNew.cy); } break; case ST_ICON: szNew.cx = szNew.cy = 16; wnd->getArgs()->add("icon.width", 16); wnd->getArgs()->add("icon.height", 16); break; case ST_BITMAP: GetBmpSize(head->hbm, &szNew); break; case ST_MYBITMAP: szNew.cx = head->myBmp->getWidth(); szNew.cy = head->myBmp->getHeight(); break; case ST_AVATAR: wnd->getRenderInfo()->hasAvatar = false; szNew.cx = szNew.cy = 0; if (wnd->getAvatar()) { szNew.cx = wnd->getAvatar()->getWidth(); szNew.cy = wnd->getAvatar()->getHeight(); wnd->getArgs()->add("avatarbitmap.width", max(1, szNew.cx)); wnd->getArgs()->add("avatarbitmap.height", max(1, szNew.cy)); wnd->getRenderInfo()->hasAvatar = true; } break; case ST_CLOCK: if (head && head->myBmp) { wchar_t *p = wnd->getTime(); if (*p != 0) { szNew.cx = head->clocksize[CLOCK_LEFT] + head->clocksize[CLOCK_RIGHT]; szNew.cy = head->myBmp->getHeight(); while (*p) { if (*p == ':') szNew.cx += head->clocksize[CLOCK_SEPARATOR]; else if ((*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9')) szNew.cx += head->clocksize[CLOCK_DIGITS + *p - '0']; p++; } } else szNew.cx = szNew.cy = 0; wnd->getArgs()->add("clock.width", szNew.cx); wnd->getArgs()->add("clock.height", szNew.cy); } else { HFONT hfnSave = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdc, fonts.clock); SIZE szClock; GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, wnd->getTime(), (int)mir_wstrlen(wnd->getTime()), &szClock); SelectObject(hdc, hfnSave); wnd->getArgs()->add("clock.width", szClock.cx + 2 * STYLE_SZ_GAP); wnd->getArgs()->add("clock.height", szClock.cy); } break; } if (head->proportional && szNew.cx && szNew.cy && (((head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()) > 0) && !head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs())) || (!head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()) && (head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs()) > 0)))) { if (head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs())) { szNew.cy = szNew.cy * head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()) / szNew.cx; szNew.cx = head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()); } else { szNew.cx = szNew.cx * head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs()) / szNew.cy; szNew.cy = head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs()); } } if ((head->type & ST_TYPEMASK) == ST_AVATAR) { wnd->getArgs()->add("avatar.width", szNew.cx); wnd->getArgs()->add("avatar.height", szNew.cy); szNew.cy += 2; } if (!head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs())) szNew.cx += head->fx.eval(wnd->getArgs()); else if (head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()) > 0) szNew.cx = head->fx.eval(wnd->getArgs()) + head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()); else szNew.cx = 0; if (!head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs())) szNew.cy += head->fy.eval(wnd->getArgs()); else if (head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs()) > 0) szNew.cy = head->fy.eval(wnd->getArgs()) + head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs()); else szNew.cy = 0; if (head->fx.eval(wnd->getArgs()) >= 0 && szNew.cx > sz.cx) sz.cx = szNew.cx; if (head->fy.eval(wnd->getArgs()) >= 0 && szNew.cy > sz.cy) sz.cy = szNew.cy; head = head->next; } sz.cx += m_right_gap; sz.cy += m_bottom_gap; int tmp; if (tmp = m_fw.eval(wnd->getArgs())) sz.cx = tmp; if (tmp = m_fh.eval(wnd->getArgs())) sz.cy = tmp; if (options->bDynamicResize) { if (options->bUseMinimumWidth && sz.cx < options->MinimumWidth) sz.cx = options->MinimumWidth; } else sz.cx = options->MaximumWidth; wnd->getArgs()->add("window.width", sz.cx); wnd->getArgs()->add("window.height", sz.cy); wnd->setSize(sz); } void PopupSkin::display(MyBitmap *bmp, PopupWnd2 *wnd, POPUPOPTIONS *options, uint32_t drawFlags) const { if (!m_elements) return; HDC hdc = bmp->getDC(); SKINELEMENT *head = nullptr; int STYLE_SZ_CLOCK = 0; if (!this->useInternalClock()) for (head = m_elements; head; head = head->next) if ((head->type & ST_TYPEMASK) == ST_CLOCK) break; if (head && head->myBmp) { SIZE szNew; szNew.cx = head->clocksize[CLOCK_LEFT] + head->clocksize[CLOCK_RIGHT]; szNew.cy = head->myBmp->getHeight(); for (wchar_t *p = wnd->getTime(); *p; p++) { if (*p == ':') szNew.cx += head->clocksize[CLOCK_SEPARATOR]; else if ((*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9')) szNew.cx += head->clocksize[CLOCK_DIGITS + *p - '0']; } STYLE_SZ_CLOCK = szNew.cx; } else { HFONT hfnSave = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdc, fonts.clock); SIZE sz; GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, wnd->getTime(), (int)mir_wstrlen(wnd->getTime()), &sz); SelectObject(hdc, hfnSave); STYLE_SZ_CLOCK = sz.cx + 2 * STYLE_SZ_GAP; } head = m_elements; SIZE sz; SIZE szWnd = wnd->getSize(); SIZE pos; bool actionsRendered = false; while (head) { if ((head->type & ST_TYPEMASK) == ST_AVATAR) { if (wnd->getAvatar()->isAnimated() && !(drawFlags & DF_ANIMATE)) { head = head->next; continue; } if (!wnd->getAvatar()->isAnimated() && !(drawFlags & DF_STATIC)) { head = head->next; continue; } } else if ((head->type & ST_TYPEMASK) == ST_TEXT) { if (!wnd->getActionCount() && !(drawFlags & DF_STATIC)) { head = head->next; continue; } } else if (!(drawFlags & DF_STATIC)) { head = head->next; continue; } if ((head->type & ST_BADPOS) || ((m_flags & head->flag_mask) != (head->flags & head->flag_mask))) { head = head->next; continue; } switch (head->type & ST_TYPEMASK) { case ST_TEXT: if (head->textColor != (COLORREF)0xffffffff) SetTextColor(hdc, head->textColor); else SetTextColor(hdc, wnd->getTextColor()); { POINT pt; pt.x = head->fx.eval(wnd->getArgs()); pt.y = head->fy.eval(wnd->getArgs()); sz.cx = wnd->getRenderInfo()->textw; sz.cy = 1000; SetRect(&wnd->getRenderInfo()->textRect, pt.x, pt.y, pt.x + wnd->getRenderInfo()->realtextw, pt.y + wnd->getRenderInfo()->texth); if ((drawFlags&DF_STATIC) && !wnd->isTextEmpty()) { HFONT hFntSave = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdc, fonts.text); bmp->saveAlpha(); switch (wnd->getTextType()) { case PopupWnd2::TT_UNICODE: { RECT rc; SetRect(&rc, pt.x, pt.y, pt.x + sz.cx, pt.y + sz.cy); DrawTextEx(hdc, wnd->getText(), (int)mir_wstrlen(wnd->getText()), &rc, DT_EXPANDTABS | DT_LEFT | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_TOP | DT_WORDBREAK/*|DT_RTLREADING*/, nullptr); } break; case PopupWnd2::TT_MTEXT: MTextDisplay(hdc, pt, sz, wnd->getTextM()); break; } SelectObject(hdc, hFntSave); bmp->restoreAlpha(); } if (!actionsRendered && (drawFlags&DF_ANIMATE)) { int textAreaWidth = head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()); if (textAreaWidth <= 0) textAreaWidth = wnd->getRenderInfo()->realtextw; drawActionBar(bmp, wnd, g_plugin.getByte("CenterActions", 0) ? (pt.x + (textAreaWidth - wnd->getRenderInfo()->actw) / 2) : (PopupOptions.actions & ACT_RIGHTICONS) ? (pt.x + textAreaWidth - wnd->getRenderInfo()->actw) : // else pt.x, pt.y + wnd->getRenderInfo()->texth + 3); actionsRendered = true; } } break; case ST_TITLE: if (head->textColor != (COLORREF)0xffffffff) SetTextColor(hdc, head->textColor); else SetTextColor(hdc, wnd->getTitleColor()); { bmp->saveAlpha(); POINT pt; pt.x = head->fx.eval(wnd->getArgs()); pt.y = head->fy.eval(wnd->getArgs()); sz.cx = wnd->getRenderInfo()->titlew; sz.cy = 1000; switch (wnd->getTextType()) { case PopupWnd2::TT_UNICODE: { HFONT hFntSave = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdc, fonts.title); RECT rc; SetRect(&rc, pt.x, pt.y, pt.x + sz.cx, pt.y + sz.cy); DrawTextEx(hdc, wnd->getTitle(), (int)mir_wstrlen(wnd->getTitle()), &rc, DT_EXPANDTABS | DT_LEFT | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_TOP | DT_WORDBREAK/*|DT_RTLREADING*/, nullptr); SelectObject(hdc, hFntSave); } break; case PopupWnd2::TT_MTEXT: HFONT hFntSave = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdc, fonts.title); MTextDisplay(hdc, pt, sz, wnd->getTitleM()); SelectObject(hdc, hFntSave); break; } bmp->restoreAlpha(); } break; case ST_ICON: bmp->DrawIcon(wnd->getIcon(), head->fx.eval(wnd->getArgs()), head->fy.eval(wnd->getArgs()), 16, 16); break; case ST_MYBITMAP: sz.cx = head->myBmp->getWidth(); sz.cy = head->myBmp->getHeight(); if (head->proportional && sz.cx && sz.cy && (((head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()) > 0) && !head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs())) || (!head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()) && (head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs()) > 0)))) { if (head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs())) { sz.cy = sz.cy * head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()) / sz.cx; sz.cx = head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()); } else { sz.cx = sz.cx * head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs()) / sz.cy; sz.cy = head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs()); } } else { if (head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs()) > 0) sz.cy = head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs()); else if (head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs()) < 0) sz.cy = szWnd.cy - head->fy.eval(wnd->getArgs()) + head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs()) + 1; if (head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()) > 0) sz.cx = head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()); else if (head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()) < 0) sz.cx = szWnd.cx - head->fx.eval(wnd->getArgs()) + head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()) + 1; } bool vars; pos.cx = ((head->fx.eval(wnd->getArgs(), &vars) < 0) && !vars) ? szWnd.cx + head->fx.eval(wnd->getArgs()) : head->fx.eval(wnd->getArgs()); pos.cy = ((head->fy.eval(wnd->getArgs(), &vars) < 0) && !vars) ? szWnd.cy + head->fy.eval(wnd->getArgs()) : head->fy.eval(wnd->getArgs()); if (head->type & ST_MONO) { COLORREF back = wnd->getBackColor(); if (head->type & ST_BLEND) bmp->BlendColorized(head->myBmp, pos.cx, pos.cy, sz.cx, sz.cy, back); else bmp->DrawColorized(head->myBmp, pos.cx, pos.cy, sz.cx, sz.cy, back); } else { if (head->type & ST_BLEND) bmp->Blend(head->myBmp, pos.cx, pos.cy, sz.cx, sz.cy); else bmp->Draw(head->myBmp, pos.cx, pos.cy, sz.cx, sz.cy); } break; case ST_AVATAR: if (wnd->getAvatar()) { sz.cx = wnd->getAvatar()->getWidth(); sz.cy = wnd->getAvatar()->getHeight(); if (head->proportional && sz.cx && sz.cy && (((head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()) > 0) && !head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs())) || (!head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()) && (head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs()) > 0)))) { if (head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs())) { sz.cy = sz.cy * head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()) / sz.cx; sz.cx = head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()); } else { sz.cx = sz.cx * head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs()) / sz.cy; sz.cy = head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs()); } } else { if (head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs()) > 0) sz.cy = head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs()); else if (head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs()) < 0) sz.cy = szWnd.cy - head->fy.eval(wnd->getArgs()) + head->fh.eval(wnd->getArgs()); if (head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()) > 0) sz.cx = head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()); else if (head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()) < 0) sz.cx = szWnd.cx - head->fx.eval(wnd->getArgs()) + head->fw.eval(wnd->getArgs()); } pos.cx = head->fx.eval(wnd->getArgs()) < 0 ? szWnd.cx + head->fx.eval(wnd->getArgs()) - sz.cx : head->fx.eval(wnd->getArgs()); pos.cy = head->fy.eval(wnd->getArgs()) < 0 ? szWnd.cy + head->fy.eval(wnd->getArgs()) - sz.cy : head->fy.eval(wnd->getArgs()); wnd->getAvatar()->draw(bmp, pos.cx, pos.cy, sz.cx, sz.cy, options); } break; case ST_CLOCK: if (options->bDisplayTime) { COLORREF back = wnd->getBackColor(); int x = head->fx.eval(wnd->getArgs()); int y = head->fy.eval(wnd->getArgs()); if (head->myBmp) { int sy = head->myBmp->getHeight(); if (head->type & ST_MONO) bmp->BlendPartColorized(head->myBmp, head->clockstart[CLOCK_LEFT], 0, head->clocksize[CLOCK_LEFT], sy, x, y, head->clocksize[CLOCK_LEFT], sy, back); else bmp->BlendPart(head->myBmp, head->clockstart[CLOCK_LEFT], 0, head->clocksize[CLOCK_LEFT], sy, x, y, head->clocksize[CLOCK_LEFT], sy); x += head->clocksize[CLOCK_LEFT]; for (wchar_t *p = wnd->getTime(); *p; p++) { int clock_idx = -1; if (*p == ':') clock_idx = CLOCK_SEPARATOR; else if ((*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9')) clock_idx = CLOCK_DIGITS + *p - '0'; if (clock_idx >= 0) { if (head->type & ST_MONO) bmp->BlendPartColorized(head->myBmp, head->clockstart[clock_idx], 0, head->clocksize[clock_idx], sy, x, y, head->clocksize[clock_idx], sy, back); else bmp->BlendPart(head->myBmp, head->clockstart[clock_idx], 0, head->clocksize[clock_idx], sy, x, y, head->clocksize[clock_idx], sy); x += head->clocksize[clock_idx]; } } if (head->type & ST_MONO) bmp->BlendPartColorized(head->myBmp, head->clockstart[CLOCK_RIGHT], 0, head->clocksize[CLOCK_RIGHT], sy, x, y, head->clocksize[CLOCK_RIGHT], sy, back); else bmp->BlendPart(head->myBmp, head->clockstart[CLOCK_RIGHT], 0, head->clocksize[CLOCK_RIGHT], sy, x, y, head->clocksize[CLOCK_RIGHT], sy); x += head->clocksize[CLOCK_RIGHT]; } else { if (head->textColor != (COLORREF)0xffffffff) SetTextColor(hdc, head->textColor); else SetTextColor(hdc, wnd->getClockColor()); HFONT hfnSave = (HFONT)SelectObject(bmp->getDC(), fonts.clock); GetTextExtentPoint32(bmp->getDC(), wnd->getTime(), (int)mir_wstrlen(wnd->getTime()), &sz); bmp->Draw_Text(wnd->getTime(), x, y); SelectObject(bmp->getDC(), hfnSave); } break; } } head = head->next; } } bool PopupSkin::onMouseMove(PopupWnd2 *wnd, int x, int y) const { POINT pt; pt.x = x; pt.y = y; bool res = false; bool hovered = false; for (int i = 0; i < wnd->getActionCount(); ++i) { bool hover = PtInRect(&wnd->getActions()[i].rc, pt) ? true : false; hovered |= hover; if (wnd->getActions()[i].hover != hover) { wnd->getActions()[i].hover = hover; res = true; } } SetCursor(LoadCursor(nullptr, hovered ? IDC_HAND : IDC_ARROW)); return res; } bool PopupSkin::onMouseLeave(PopupWnd2 *wnd) const { bool res = false; for (int i = 0; i < wnd->getActionCount(); ++i) { if (wnd->getActions()[i].hover) { wnd->getActions()[i].hover = false; res = true; } } SetCursor(LoadCursor(nullptr, IDC_ARROW)); return res; } void PopupSkin::loadOptions(std::wistream &f) { wchar_t *buf = new wchar_t[1024]; while (!f.eof()) { f >> buf; if (*buf == '#') { f.ignore(1024, '\n'); continue; } if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"option")) { int id, val; f >> id >> val; f.getline(buf, 1024); id--; if (m_flag_names[id]) mir_free(m_flag_names[id]); wchar_t *p = buf; while (isspace(*p)) p++; wchar_t *q = p + mir_wstrlen(p) - 1; while ((q >= p) && isspace(*q)) *q-- = 0; m_flag_names[id] = mir_u2a(p); if (val) m_flags |= 1 << id; else m_flags &= ~(1 << id); } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"end")) break; } delete[] buf; } bool PopupSkin::load(LPCTSTR dir) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (m_flag_names[i]) { mir_free(m_flag_names[i]); m_flag_names[i] = nullptr; } } m_flags = 0; if (!wcsncmp(L"res:", dir, 4)) // resource loadSkin(dir + 4, L"Skin"); else { // filesystem // skin info wchar_t dir_save[1024]; GetCurrentDirectory(1024, dir_save); SetCurrentDirectory(dir); std::wifstream theFile; theFile.open("popupskin.config", std::wios::in); if (theFile) { loadOptions(theFile); theFile.close(); } WIN32_FIND_DATA ffd; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(L"*.popupskin", &ffd); while (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { loadSkin(ffd.cFileName); if (!FindNextFile(hFind, &ffd)) break; } FindClose(hFind); SetCurrentDirectory(dir_save); } loadOpts(); return true; } void PopupSkin::loadSkin(std::wistream &f) { m_bottom_gap = m_right_gap = 0; m_legacy_region_opacity = 64; m_shadow_region_opacity = 1; m_popup_version = 0; m_internalClock = true; SKINELEMENT *head = new SKINELEMENT; m_elements = head; head->type = ST_NOTHING; head->next = nullptr; while (!f.eof()) { wchar_t buf[1024]; f >> buf; if (!*buf) continue; if (*buf == '#' || *buf == ';') { f.ignore(1024, '\n'); continue; } if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"popup-version")) { f >> m_popup_version; m_popup_version = PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION((m_popup_version / 1000000) % 100, (m_popup_version / 10000) % 100, (m_popup_version / 100) % 100, (m_popup_version / 1) % 100); } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"padding-right")) { f >> m_right_gap; } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"padding-bottom")) { f >> m_bottom_gap; } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"shadow-region-opacity")) { f >> m_shadow_region_opacity; } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"legacy-region-opacity")) { f >> m_legacy_region_opacity; } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"w")) { f.getline(buf, 1024); m_fw.set(buf); } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"h")) { f.getline(buf, 1024); m_fh.set(buf); } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"object")) { head->next = loadObject(f); if (head->next && ((head->next->type & ST_TYPEMASK) == ST_CLOCK)) m_internalClock = false; head = head->next; head->next = nullptr; } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"options")) { loadOptions(f); } } head = m_elements; m_elements = m_elements->next; delete head; } void PopupSkin::loadSkin(LPCTSTR fn) { if (!fn) return; std::wifstream theFile; theFile.open(fn, std::wios::in); if (!theFile) return; loadSkin(theFile); theFile.close(); } void PopupSkin::loadSkin(LPCTSTR lpName, LPCTSTR lpType) { HRSRC hRes = FindResource(g_plugin.getInst(), lpName, lpType); HRSRC hResLoad = (HRSRC)LoadResource(g_plugin.getInst(), hRes); char *lpResLock = (char *)LockResource(hResLoad); std::wistringstream stream((wchar_t*)_A2T(lpResLock)); loadSkin(stream); UnlockResource(lpResLock); FreeResource(hRes); } PopupSkin::SKINELEMENT *PopupSkin::loadObject(std::wistream &f) { SKINELEMENT *element = new SKINELEMENT; element->proportional = 0; element->type = ST_NOTHING | ST_BADPOS; element->next = nullptr; element->flag_mask = 0; element->flags = 0; element->myBmp = nullptr; while (!f.eof()) { wchar_t buf[1024]; f >> buf; if (!*buf) continue; if (*buf == '#' || *buf == ';') { f.ignore(1024, '\n'); continue; } if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"type")) { f >> buf; if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"icon")) element->type = (element->type & ~ST_TYPEMASK) | ST_ICON; else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"bitmap")) element->type = (element->type & ~ST_TYPEMASK) | ST_MYBITMAP; else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"text")) { element->type = (element->type & ~ST_TYPEMASK) | ST_TEXT; element->textColor = (COLORREF)0xffffffff; element->hfn = nullptr; } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"title")) { element->type = (element->type & ~ST_TYPEMASK) | ST_TITLE; element->textColor = (COLORREF)0xffffffff; element->hfn = nullptr; } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"avatar")) { element->type = (element->type & ~ST_TYPEMASK) | ST_AVATAR; } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"clock")) { element->type = (element->type & ~ST_TYPEMASK) | ST_CLOCK; element->textColor = (COLORREF)0xffffffff; element->hfn = nullptr; } } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"source")) { f >> buf; if (((element->type & ST_TYPEMASK) == ST_MYBITMAP) || ((element->type & ST_TYPEMASK) == ST_CLOCK)) element->myBmp = new MyBitmap(buf); } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"mono")) { element->type |= ST_MONO; } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"layer")) { element->type |= ST_BLEND; } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"proportional")) { f >> element->proportional; } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"x")) { f.getline(buf, 1024); element->fx.set(buf); element->type &= ~ST_BADPOS; } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"y")) { f.getline(buf, 1024); element->fy.set(buf); element->type &= ~ST_BADPOS; } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"w")) { f.getline(buf, 1024); element->fw.set(buf); } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"h")) { f.getline(buf, 1024); element->fh.set(buf); } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"ifset")) { int id; f >> id; id--; element->flag_mask |= 1 << id; element->flags |= 1 << id; } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"ifnotset")) { int id; f >> id; id--; element->flag_mask |= 1 << id; element->flags &= ~(1 << id); } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"color")) { if (((element->type & ST_TYPEMASK) != ST_TEXT) && ((element->type & ST_TYPEMASK) != ST_TITLE) && ((element->type & ST_TYPEMASK) != ST_CLOCK)) continue; int r, g, b; f >> r >> g >> b; element->textColor = RGB(r, g, b); } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"clocksize")) { element->clockstart[0] = 0; f >> element->clocksize[0]; for (int i = 1; i < CLOCK_ITEMS; i++) { element->clockstart[i] = element->clockstart[i - 1] + element->clocksize[i - 1]; f >> element->clocksize[i]; } } else if (!mir_wstrcmp(buf, L"end")) { break; } } return element; } void PopupSkin::freeSkin(SKINELEMENT *head) { while (head) { SKINELEMENT *next = head->next; if ((head->type & ST_TYPEMASK) == ST_BITMAP) DeleteObject(head->hbm); if ((head->type & ST_TYPEMASK) == ST_MYBITMAP) delete head->myBmp; if (((head->type & ST_TYPEMASK) == ST_CLOCK) && head->myBmp) delete head->myBmp; delete head; head = next; } } void PopupSkin::saveOpts() const { char buf[128]; mir_snprintf(buf, "skin.%.120S", m_name); g_plugin.setDword(buf, m_flags); } void PopupSkin::loadOpts() const { char buf[128]; mir_snprintf(buf, "skin.%.120S", m_name); m_flags = g_plugin.getDword(buf, m_flags); } // Skins Skins skins; Skins::Skins() { m_skins = nullptr; } Skins::~Skins() { while (m_skins) { SKINLIST *next = m_skins->next; delete m_skins->skin; delete[] m_skins->dir; mir_free(m_skins->name); // this is allocated with mir_strdup() delete m_skins; m_skins = next; } } bool Skins::load() { while (m_skins) { SKINLIST *next = m_skins->next; mir_free(m_skins->name); delete[] m_skins->dir; delete m_skins->skin; delete m_skins; m_skins = next; } SKINLIST *skin = new SKINLIST; skin->next = m_skins; m_skins = skin; m_skins->name = mir_wstrdup(L"* Popup Classic"); m_skins->dir = new wchar_t[1024]; mir_wstrcpy(m_skins->dir, L"res:classic.popupskin"); m_skins->skin = nullptr; wchar_t dir[1024] = { '\0' }; if (ServiceExists(MS_FOLDERS_GET_PATH)) { if (FoldersGetCustomPathW(folderId, dir, _countof(dir), nullptr) != 0) return false; } else { mir_wstrncpy(dir, VARSW(L"%miranda_path%\\skins\\popup"), _countof(dir)); uint32_t fa = GetFileAttributes(dir); if ((fa == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) || !(fa&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) return false; } wchar_t dir_save[1024]; GetCurrentDirectory(1024, dir_save); SetCurrentDirectory(dir); WIN32_FIND_DATA ffd; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(L"*.*", &ffd); while (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if ((ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && mir_wstrcmp(L".", ffd.cFileName) && mir_wstrcmp(L"..", ffd.cFileName)) { SetCurrentDirectory(ffd.cFileName); skin = new SKINLIST; skin->next = m_skins; m_skins = skin; m_skins->name = mir_wstrdup(ffd.cFileName); m_skins->dir = new wchar_t[1024]; GetCurrentDirectory(1024, m_skins->dir); m_skins->skin = nullptr; SetCurrentDirectory(L".."); } if (!FindNextFile(hFind, &ffd)) break; } FindClose(hFind); SetCurrentDirectory(dir_save); return true; } const PopupSkin *Skins::getSkin(LPCTSTR name) { SKINLIST *any = nullptr; for (SKINLIST *p = m_skins; p; p = p->next) { if (!mir_wstrcmp(p->name, L"* Popup Classic") || !any) any = p; if (!mir_wstrcmpi(p->name, name)) { any = p; break; } } if (any && any->skin) return any->skin; if (!any) return nullptr; any->skin = new PopupSkin(any->name); any->skin->load(any->dir); return any->skin; } void Skins::loadActiveSkin() { for (SKINLIST *p = m_skins; p; p = p->next) if (!mir_wstrcmpi(p->name, PopupOptions.SkinPack)) { if (p->skin) break; p->skin = new PopupSkin(p->name); p->skin->load(p->dir); break; } } void Skins::freeAllButActive() { for (SKINLIST *p = m_skins; p; p = p->next) if (mir_wstrcmpi(p->name, PopupOptions.SkinPack)) { delete p->skin; p->skin = nullptr; } }