/* Popup Plus plugin for Miranda IM Copyright © 2002 Luca Santarelli, © 2004-2007 Victor Pavlychko © 2010 MPK © 2010 Merlin_de This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __skin_h__ #define __skin_h__ #include <stdio.h> #include <fstream> class MyBitmap; class PopupWnd2; class PopupSkin { public: enum { ST_TYPEMASK = 0x07, ST_NOTHING = 0x00, ST_ICON = 0x01, ST_TEXT = 0x02, ST_TITLE = 0x03, ST_BITMAP = 0x04, ST_MYBITMAP = 0x05, ST_AVATAR = 0x06, ST_CLOCK = 0x07, ST_STRETCH = 0x08, ST_MONO = 0x10, ST_BLEND = 0x20, ST_BADPOS = 0x40 }; enum { DF_STATIC = 0x01, DF_ANIMATE = 0x02, DF_ALL = 0xff }; enum { // left, separator, digits, am/pm, right CLOCK_LEFT = 0, CLOCK_SEPARATOR = 1, CLOCK_DIGITS = 2, CLOCK_AM = 12, CLOCK_PM = 13, CLOCK_RIGHT = 14, CLOCK_ITEMS = 1 + 1 + 10 + 2 + 1 }; struct SKINELEMENT { int type; union { HICON hic; HBITMAP hbm; MyBitmap *myBmp; HFONT hfn; }; unsigned long flags; unsigned long flag_mask; Formula fx, fy, fw, fh; int clocksize[CLOCK_ITEMS]; int clockstart[CLOCK_ITEMS]; int proportional; COLORREF textColor; SKINELEMENT *next; }; struct RenderInfo { bool hasAvatar; int titlew, textw; int realtextw, texth; int actw; RECT textRect; }; private: LPTSTR m_name; int m_bottom_gap, m_right_gap; int m_legacy_region_opacity, m_shadow_region_opacity; int m_popup_version; bool m_internalClock; Formula m_fw, m_fh; SKINELEMENT *m_elements; char *m_flag_names[32]; mutable unsigned long m_flags; void loadOptions(std::wistream &f); SKINELEMENT *loadObject(std::wistream &f); void loadSkin(std::wistream &f); void loadSkin(LPCTSTR fn); void loadSkin(LPCTSTR lpName, LPCTSTR lpType); void freeSkin(SKINELEMENT *head); SIZE measureAction(HDC hdc, POPUPACTION *act) const; SIZE measureActionBar(HDC hdc, PopupWnd2 *wnd) const; void drawAction(MyBitmap *bmp, POPUPACTION *act, int x, int y, bool hover) const; void drawActionBar(MyBitmap *bmp, PopupWnd2 *wnd, int x, int y) const; public: PopupSkin(LPCTSTR aName = nullptr); ~PopupSkin(); void measure(HDC hdc, PopupWnd2 *wnd, int maxw, POPUPOPTIONS *options) const; void display(MyBitmap *bmp, PopupWnd2 *wnd, POPUPOPTIONS *options, uint32_t drawFlags = DF_ALL) const; bool onMouseMove(PopupWnd2 *wnd, int x, int y) const; bool onMouseLeave(PopupWnd2 *wnd) const; bool load(LPCTSTR dir); // load skin from current directory SKINELEMENT *getSubSkin() { return m_elements; } int getBottomGap() const { return m_bottom_gap; } int getRightGap() const { return m_right_gap; } int useInternalClock() const { return m_internalClock; } int getLegacyRegionOpacity() const { return m_legacy_region_opacity; } int getShadowRegionOpacity() const { return m_shadow_region_opacity; } const LPTSTR getName() const { return m_name; } const char *getFlagName(int id) const { return m_flag_names[id - 1]; } bool getFlag(int id) const { return (m_flags & (1 << (id - 1))) != 0; } void setFlag(int id, bool val) const { if (val) m_flags |= 1 << (id - 1); else m_flags &= ~(1 << (id - 1)); } void saveOpts() const; void loadOpts() const; }; class Skins { public: struct SKINLIST { PopupSkin *skin; LPTSTR dir; LPTSTR name; SKINLIST *next; }; private: SKINLIST *m_skins; public: Skins(); ~Skins(); bool load(); const PopupSkin *getSkin(LPCTSTR name); const SKINLIST *getSkinList() const { return m_skins; } void loadActiveSkin(); void freeAllButActive(); }; extern Skins skins; #endif