/* proxySwitch The plugin watches IP address changes, reports them via popups and adjusts the proxy settings of Miranda and Internet Explorer accordingly. */ #include "stdafx.h" /* ################################################################################ */ void IP_WatchDog(void*) { OVERLAPPED overlap; overlap.hEvent = CreateEvent(0, TRUE, FALSE, 0); while (true) { HANDLE hResult; DWORD ret = NotifyAddrChange(&hResult, &overlap); if (ret != NO_ERROR && WSAGetLastError() != WSA_IO_PENDING) { Netlib_Logf(0, "NotifyAddrChange Error: %d/nRestart Miranda NG to restore IP monitor.", WSAGetLastError()); break; } HANDLE event_list[2]; event_list[0] = overlap.hEvent; event_list[1] = hEventRebound; ret = MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(2, event_list, INFINITE, 0, MWMO_ALERTABLE); if (ret == WAIT_IO_COMPLETION && Miranda_IsTerminated()) break; if (ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0 || ret == WAIT_TIMEOUT || ret == (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1)) { NETWORK_INTERFACE_LIST list(10); if (Create_NIF_List_Ex(&list) >= 0) { int change = INCUPD_INTACT; mir_cslock lck(csNIF_List); change = IncUpdate_NIF_List(&g_arNIF, list); if (change != INCUPD_INTACT && change != INCUPD_CONN_BIND) { char proxy = -1; int change_Miranda = 0; int reset_Miranda = 0; int change_IE = 0; int change_Firefox = 0; IP_RANGE_LIST range; if (proxy == -1) { Create_Range_List(&range, opt_useProxy, TRUE); if (Match_Range_List(range, g_arNIF)) proxy = 1; Free_Range_List(&range); } if (proxy == -1) { Create_Range_List(&range, opt_noProxy, FALSE); if (Match_Range_List(range, g_arNIF)) proxy = 0; Free_Range_List(&range); } if (proxy == -1) { Create_Range_List(&range, opt_useProxy, FALSE); if (Match_Range_List(range, g_arNIF)) proxy = 1; Free_Range_List(&range); } if (proxy != -1 && proxy != Get_Miranda_Proxy_Status()) change_Miranda = reset_Miranda = opt_miranda; if (proxy != -1 && proxy != Get_IE_Proxy_Status()) change_IE = opt_ie; if (proxy != -1 && proxy != Get_Firefox_Proxy_Status()) change_Firefox = opt_firefox; if (opt_alwayReconnect) reset_Miranda = 1; const wchar_t *wszProxy = proxy ? TranslateT("Proxy") : TranslateT("Direct"); CMStringW msg; if (opt_showProxyState) { if (change_Miranda) msg.AppendFormat(L"\n%s\t%s", TranslateT("Miranda"), wszProxy); if (change_IE) msg.AppendFormat(L"\n%s\t%s", TranslateT("Miranda"), wszProxy); if (change_Firefox) msg.AppendFormat(L"\n%s\t%s", TranslateT("Miranda"), wszProxy); } UpdateInterfacesMenu(); PopupMyIPAddrs(msg.IsEmpty() ? nullptr : msg.c_str()); if (change_IE) Set_IE_Proxy_Status(proxy); if (change_Firefox) Set_Firefox_Proxy_Status(proxy); if (reset_Miranda) { PROTO_SETTINGS protocols; Disconnect_All_Protocols(&protocols, change_Miranda); Sleep(1000); if (change_Miranda) Set_Miranda_Proxy_Status(proxy); Connect_All_Protocols(&protocols); } } } } ResetEvent(hEventRebound); ResetEvent(overlap.hEvent); } CloseHandle(overlap.hEvent); } /* ################################################################################ */ int Create_NIF_List_Ex(NETWORK_INTERFACE_LIST *list) { UINT delay = 1; int out; while ((out = Create_NIF_List(list)) == -2 && delay < 10) { Sleep(delay * 50); delay++; } if (out == -2) Netlib_Logf(0, "Cannot retrieve IP or adapter data."); return out < 0 ? -1 : out; } NETWORK_INTERFACE* Find_NIF_IP(NETWORK_INTERFACE_LIST &list, const LONG IP) { for (auto &it : list) for (int i = 0; i < it->IPcount; i++) if (it->IP[i] == IP) return it; return nullptr; } int Create_NIF_List(NETWORK_INTERFACE_LIST *list) { PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo, pAdapt; PIP_ADDR_STRING pAddrStr; PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES pAddresses, pAddr; ULONG outBufLen; wchar_t *tmp_opt, *intf, *rest, *name; DWORD out; // prepare and load IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES outBufLen = 0; if (GetAdaptersAddresses(AF_INET, 0, NULL, NULL, &outBufLen) == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { pAddresses = (PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES)mir_alloc(outBufLen); if (pAddresses == NULL) { Netlib_Logf(0, "Cannot allocate memory for pAddresses"); return -1; } if ((out = GetAdaptersAddresses(AF_INET, 0, NULL, pAddresses, &outBufLen)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { mir_free(pAddresses); return -2; } } else { Netlib_Logf(0, "GetAdaptersAddresses sizing failed"); return -1; } // prepare and load IP_ADAPTER_INFO outBufLen = 0; if (GetAdaptersInfo(NULL, &outBufLen) == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { pAdapterInfo = (PIP_ADAPTER_INFO)mir_alloc(outBufLen); if (pAdapterInfo == NULL) { Netlib_Logf(0, "Cannot allocate memory for pAdapterInfo"); mir_free(pAddresses); return -1; } if (GetAdaptersInfo(pAdapterInfo, &outBufLen) != NO_ERROR) { mir_free(pAdapterInfo); mir_free(pAddresses); return -2; } } else { Netlib_Logf(0, "GetAdaptersInfo sizing failed"); mir_free(pAddresses); return -1; } list->destroy(); pAdapt = pAdapterInfo; while (pAdapt) { // add a new interface into the list NETWORK_INTERFACE* nif = new NETWORK_INTERFACE(); // copy AdapterName nif->AdapterName = mir_strdup(pAdapt->AdapterName); // find its FriendlyName and copy it pAddr = pAddresses; while (pAddr && mir_strcmp(pAddr->AdapterName, pAdapt->AdapterName)) pAddr = pAddr->Next; if (pAddr) nif->FriendlyName = mir_wstrdup(pAddr->FriendlyName); bool skip = false; tmp_opt = intf = rest = mir_wstrdup(opt_hideIntf); while (rest && rest[0] && !skip) { rest = wcschr(rest, ';'); if (rest != NULL) { rest[0] = 0; rest++; } if (intf[0]) { if (intf[mir_wstrlen(intf) - 1] == '*' && mir_wstrlen(intf) - 1 <= mir_wstrlen(nif->FriendlyName)) { intf[mir_wstrlen(intf) - 1] = 0; name = nif->FriendlyName; skip = true; while (intf[0]) { if (intf[0] != name[0]) { skip = false; break; } intf++; name++; } } if (mir_wstrcmp(nif->FriendlyName, intf) == 0) { skip = true; } } intf = rest; } mir_free(tmp_opt); if (skip) { delete nif; pAdapt = pAdapt->Next; continue; } list->insert(nif); // get required size for IPstr and IP outBufLen = 0; pAddrStr = &(pAdapt->IpAddressList); while (pAddrStr) { if (mir_strcmp("", pAddrStr->IpAddress.String)) { nif->IPcount++; // count IP addresses outBufLen += (ULONG)strlen(pAddrStr->IpAddress.String); // count length of IPstr } pAddrStr = pAddrStr->Next; if (pAddrStr) outBufLen += 2; // count length of IPstr (add ", ") } // create IPstr and IP if (nif->IPcount) { nif->IPstr = (char*)mir_alloc(outBufLen + 4); mir_strcpy(nif->IPstr, ""); nif->IP = (LONG*)mir_alloc((nif->IPcount + 1) * sizeof(LONG)); outBufLen = 0; pAddrStr = &(pAdapt->IpAddressList); while (pAddrStr) { if (mir_strcmp("", pAddrStr->IpAddress.String)) { mir_strcat(nif->IPstr, pAddrStr->IpAddress.String); nif->IP[outBufLen] = inet_addr(pAddrStr->IpAddress.String); outBufLen++; } pAddrStr = pAddrStr->Next; if (pAddrStr) mir_strcat(nif->IPstr, ", "); } nif->IP[outBufLen] = 0L; } pAdapt = pAdapt->Next; } mir_free(pAdapterInfo); mir_free(pAddresses); mir_cslock lck(csConnection_List); for (auto &it : g_arConnections) { NETWORK_INTERFACE* nif = Find_NIF_IP(*list, it->IP); if (nif) nif->Bound = true; } return 0; } /* ################################################################################ */ NETWORK_INTERFACE* Find_NIF_AdapterName(NETWORK_INTERFACE_LIST &list, const char *AdapterName) { for (auto &it : list) if (mir_strcmp(it->AdapterName, AdapterName) == 0) return it; return nullptr; } NETWORK_INTERFACE* Find_NIF_MenuItem(NETWORK_INTERFACE_LIST &list, const HGENMENU MenuItem) { for (auto &it : list) if (it->MenuItem == MenuItem) return it; return nullptr; } /* ################################################################################ */ int IncUpdate_NIF_List(NETWORK_INTERFACE_LIST *trg, NETWORK_INTERFACE_LIST &src) { int change = INCUPD_INTACT; for (auto &it : src) { NETWORK_INTERFACE *nif = Find_NIF_AdapterName(*trg, it->AdapterName); if (nif) { if (nif->Disabled) nif->Disabled = false; if (mir_strcmp(NVL(nif->IPstr), NVL(it->IPstr))) { if (nif->IPstr) mir_free(nif->IPstr); nif->IPstr = it->IPstr ? mir_strdup(it->IPstr) : NULL; INCUPD(change, INCUPD_UPDATED); } if (mir_wstrcmp(NVLW(nif->FriendlyName), NVLW(it->FriendlyName))) { if (nif->FriendlyName) mir_free(nif->FriendlyName); nif->FriendlyName = it->FriendlyName ? mir_wstrdup(it->FriendlyName) : NULL; INCUPD(change, INCUPD_UPDATED); } if (nif->IPcount != it->IPcount) { if (nif->IPcount > it->IPcount && nif->Bound) { INCUPD(change, INCUPD_CONN_LOST); UnboundConnections(nif->IP, it->IP); } nif->IPcount = it->IPcount; if (nif->IP) mir_free(nif->IP); if (it->IP) { nif->IP = (LONG*)mir_alloc((nif->IPcount + 1) * sizeof(LONG)); memcpy(nif->IP, it->IP, (nif->IPcount + 1) * sizeof(LONG)); } else { nif->IP = NULL; } INCUPD(change, INCUPD_UPDATED); } else { if (nif->IPcount > 0 && memcmp(nif->IP, it->IP, nif->IPcount * sizeof(LONG))) { mir_free(nif->IP); nif->IP = (LONG*)mir_alloc((nif->IPcount + 1) * sizeof(LONG)); memcpy(nif->IP, it->IP, (nif->IPcount + 1) * sizeof(LONG)); INCUPD(change, INCUPD_UPDATED); } } if (nif->Bound != it->Bound) { nif->Bound = it->Bound; INCUPD(change, INCUPD_CONN_BIND); } } else { nif = new NETWORK_INTERFACE(); nif->AdapterName = it->AdapterName ? mir_strdup(it->AdapterName) : NULL; nif->FriendlyName = it->FriendlyName ? mir_wstrdup(it->FriendlyName) : NULL; nif->IPstr = it->IPstr ? strdup(it->IPstr) : NULL; nif->IPcount = it->IPcount; nif->Bound = it->Bound; if (nif->IPcount > 0) { nif->IP = (LONG*)mir_alloc((nif->IPcount + 1) * sizeof(LONG)); memcpy(nif->IP, it->IP, (nif->IPcount + 1) * sizeof(LONG)); } trg->insert(nif); INCUPD(change, INCUPD_UPDATED); } } for (auto &it : *trg) { if (it->Disabled) continue; NETWORK_INTERFACE *nif = Find_NIF_AdapterName(src, it->AdapterName); if (!nif) { if (it->Bound) { INCUPD(change, INCUPD_CONN_LOST); UnboundConnections(it->IP, NULL); } else { INCUPD(change, INCUPD_UPDATED); } if (it->IPstr) mir_free(it->IPstr); if (it->IP) mir_free(it->IP); it->IPstr = NULL; it->IPcount = 0; it->IP = NULL; it->Bound = false; it->Disabled = true; } } return change; } /* ################################################################################ */ static CMStringW wszTemp; wchar_t* Print_NIF(NETWORK_INTERFACE* nif) { wszTemp.Format(L"%s:\t%s", nif->FriendlyName, nif->IPstr ? _A2T(nif->IPstr) : TranslateT("disconnected")); return wszTemp.GetBuffer(); } wchar_t* Print_NIF_List(NETWORK_INTERFACE_LIST &list, const wchar_t *msg) { wszTemp = L""; for (auto &it : list) { wszTemp.AppendFormat(L"%s:\t%s%s%s\n", it->FriendlyName, it->Bound ? L"[u]" : L"", it->IPstr ? _A2T(it->IPstr) : TranslateT("disconnected"), it->Bound ? L"[/u]" : L"" ); } if (msg) wszTemp.Append(msg); return wszTemp.GetBuffer(); } /* ################################################################################ */ void Parse_Range(PIP_RANGE range, wchar_t *str, BOOL prioritized) { wchar_t *ext; unsigned long num; range->cmpType = CMP_SKIP; if ((str[0] == '!' && !prioritized) || (str[0] != '!' && prioritized)) { range->mask = range->net = 0L; return; } if (str[0] == '!') str++; // ip/mask if ((ext = wcschr(str, '/')) != NULL) { ext[0] = 0; ext++; // ip/bits ( if (wcsspn(ext, DIGITS) == mir_wstrlen(ext)) { num = _wtol(ext); if (num >= 0 && num <= 32 && (range->net = inet_addr(_T2A(str))) != INADDR_NONE) { range->cmpType = CMP_MASK; range->mask = NETORDER(num ? ~(0xFFFFFFFF >> (num)) : ~0); range->net = range->net & range->mask; } } else { // ip/subnet ( if ((range->net = inet_addr(_T2A(str))) != INADDR_NONE && (range->mask = inet_addr(_T2A(ext))) != INADDR_NONE) { for (num = 0; num < 32; num++) { if (range->mask == NETORDER(num ? ~(0xFFFFFFFF >> (32 - num)) : ~0)) { range->cmpType = CMP_MASK; range->net = range->net & range->mask; break; } } } } } else { // ipbegin-end if ((ext = wcschr(str, '-')) != NULL) { ext[0] = 0; ext++; // ipA.B.C.D1-D2 ( if (wcsspn(ext, DIGITS) == mir_wstrlen(ext)) { num = _wtol(ext); if (num > 0 && num <= 255 && (range->loIP = inet_addr(_T2A(str))) != INADDR_NONE && (range->loIP >> 24) <= num) { range->cmpType = CMP_SPAN; range->hiIP = ((range->loIP & 0x00FFFFFF) | (num << 24)); range->loIP = (range->loIP); } } else { // ipstart-ipend ( if ((range->loIP = inet_addr(_T2A(str))) != INADDR_NONE && (range->hiIP = inet_addr(_T2A(ext))) != INADDR_NONE) { range->loIP = (range->loIP); range->hiIP = (range->hiIP); if (range->loIP <= range->hiIP) { range->cmpType = CMP_SPAN; } } } } else { // ip if (mir_wstrlen(str) > 0 && (range->net = inet_addr(_T2A(str))) != INADDR_NONE) { range->cmpType = CMP_MASK; range->mask = 0xFFFFFFFF; } } } if (range->cmpType == CMP_SKIP) { range->mask = range->net = 0L; } } int Create_Range_List(IP_RANGE_LIST *list, wchar_t *str, BOOL prioritized) { wchar_t *range, *rest, *tmp; int size, idx; ZeroMemory(list, sizeof(IP_RANGE_LIST)); // get expected number of ranges range = str; size = mir_wstrlen(range) > 0 ? 1 : 0; while (range[0]) { if (range[0] == ';') size++; range++; }; if (size == 0) return 0; // alloc required space list->item = (PIP_RANGE)mir_alloc(size * sizeof(IP_RANGE)); ZeroMemory(list->item, size * sizeof(IP_RANGE)); tmp = range = rest = mir_wstrdup(str); idx = 0; while (rest && rest[0]) { rest = wcschr(rest, ';'); if (rest != NULL) { rest[0] = 0; rest++; } Parse_Range(&(list->item[idx]), range, prioritized); if (list->item[idx].cmpType != CMP_SKIP) idx++; range = rest; } list->count = idx; list->item = (PIP_RANGE)mir_realloc(list->item, (idx + 1) * sizeof(IP_RANGE)); ZeroMemory(&(list->item[idx]), sizeof(IP_RANGE)); list->item[idx].cmpType = CMP_END; mir_free(tmp); return 0; } int Match_Range_List(IP_RANGE_LIST range, OBJLIST<NETWORK_INTERFACE> &nif) { if (range.count == 0 || nif.getCount() == 0) return 0; PIP_RANGE rng = range.item; while (rng->cmpType != CMP_END) { switch (rng->cmpType) { case CMP_SKIP: break; case CMP_MASK: for (auto &it : nif) { ULONG *ip = (ULONG *)it->IP; while (ip && *ip) { if ((ULONG)(*ip & rng->mask) == rng->net) return 1; ip++; } } break; case CMP_SPAN: for (auto &it : nif) { ULONG *ip = (ULONG *)it->IP; while (ip && *ip) { if ((NETORDER(rng->loIP) <= NETORDER(*ip)) && (NETORDER(*ip) <= NETORDER(rng->hiIP))) return 1; ip++; } } break; } rng++; } return 0; } void Free_Range_List(IP_RANGE_LIST *list) { if (list->item) mir_free(list->item); ZeroMemory(list, sizeof(IP_RANGE_LIST)); } int ManageConnections(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { NETLIBCONNECTIONEVENTINFO *info = (NETLIBCONNECTIONEVENTINFO *)wParam; ACTIVE_CONNECTION *pFound = nullptr; mir_cslock lck(csConnection_List); for (auto &it : g_arConnections) if (it->IP == info->local.sin_addr.s_addr && it->Port == info->local.sin_port) { pFound = it; break; } if (!pFound && info->connected) { g_arConnections.insert(new ACTIVE_CONNECTION(info->local.sin_addr.s_addr, info->local.sin_port)); SetEvent(hEventRebound); } else if (pFound && !info->connected) { g_arConnections.remove(pFound); SetEvent(hEventRebound); } return 0; } void UnboundConnections(LONG *OldIP, LONG *NewIP) { LONG *IP; while (OldIP != NULL && *OldIP != 0) { IP = NewIP; while (IP != NULL && *IP != 0 && *IP != *OldIP) IP++; if (IP == NULL || *IP != *OldIP) { mir_cslock lck(csConnection_List); for (auto &it : g_arConnections.rev_iter()) if (it->IP == (ULONG)*OldIP) g_arConnections.removeItem(&it); } OldIP++; } }