/* Quick Messages plugin for Miranda IM Copyright (C) 2008 Danil Mozhar This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" CLIST_INTERFACE *pcli; HINSTANCE hinstance; int hLangpack; WNDPROC mainProc; int g_iButtonsCount=0; int g_bShutDown=0; int g_bStartup=0; BOOL g_bRClickAuto=0; BOOL g_bLClickAuto=0; BOOL g_bQuickMenu=0; PLUGININFOEX pluginInfo = { sizeof(PLUGININFOEX), __PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(__MAJOR_VERSION, __MINOR_VERSION, __RELEASE_NUM, __BUILD_NUM), __DESCRIPTION, __AUTHOR, __AUTHOREMAIL, __COPYRIGHT, __AUTHORWEB, UNICODE_AWARE, // {37ED754B-6CF9-40ED-9EB6-0FEF8E822475} { 0x37ed754b, 0x6cf9, 0x40ed, { 0x9e, 0xb6, 0xf, 0xef, 0x8e, 0x82, 0x24, 0x75 } } }; int PreShutdown(WPARAM, LPARAM) { g_bShutDown = 1; DestructButtonsList(); return 0; } static int InputMenuPopup(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { HMENU hSubMenu = NULL; int i = 0; MessageWindowPopupData * mwpd = (MessageWindowPopupData *)lParam; if (mwpd->uFlags == MSG_WINDOWPOPUP_LOG || !g_bQuickMenu || !QuickList->realCount) return 0; if (mwpd->uType == MSG_WINDOWPOPUP_SHOWING) { hSubMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); InsertMenu((HMENU)mwpd->hMenu, 6, MF_STRING | MF_POPUP | MF_BYPOSITION, (UINT_PTR)hSubMenu, TranslateT("Quick Messages")); InsertMenu((HMENU)mwpd->hMenu, 7, MF_SEPARATOR | MF_BYPOSITION, 0, 0); qsort(QuickList->items, QuickList->realCount, sizeof(QuickData *), sstQuickSortButtons); for (i = 0; i < QuickList->realCount; i++) { QuickData* qd = (QuickData *)QuickList->items[i]; if (qd->fEntryType&QMF_EX_SEPARATOR) AppendMenu(hSubMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, NULL); else AppendMenu(hSubMenu, MF_STRING, qd->dwPos + 254, qd->ptszValueName); } } else if (mwpd->uType == MSG_WINDOWPOPUP_SELECTED && mwpd->selection >= 254) { for (i = 0; i < QuickList->realCount; i++) { QuickData* qd = (QuickData *)QuickList->items[i]; if ((qd->dwPos + 254) == mwpd->selection) { CHARRANGE cr; UINT textlenght = 0; wchar_t* pszText = NULL; wchar_t* ptszQValue = NULL; wchar_t* pszCBText = NULL; BOOL bIsService = 0; if (IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT)) { if (OpenClipboard(mwpd->hwnd)) { HANDLE hData = NULL; wchar_t* chBuffer = NULL; int textLength = 0; hData = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT); chBuffer = (wchar_t*)GlobalLock(hData); textLength = (int)mir_tstrlen(chBuffer); pszCBText = mir_tstrdup(chBuffer); GlobalUnlock(hData); CloseClipboard(); } } SendMessage(mwpd->hwnd, EM_EXGETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&cr); textlenght = cr.cpMax - cr.cpMin; if (textlenght) { pszText = (wchar_t *)mir_alloc((textlenght + 10)*sizeof(wchar_t)); memset(pszText, 0, ((textlenght + 10) * sizeof(wchar_t))); SendMessage(mwpd->hwnd, EM_GETSELTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)pszText); } if (qd->ptszValue) { ptszQValue = ParseString(mwpd->hContact, qd->ptszValue, pszText ? pszText : L"", pszCBText ? pszCBText : L"", (int)mir_tstrlen(qd->ptszValue), textlenght, pszCBText ? (int)mir_tstrlen(pszCBText) : 0); if ((bIsService = qd->bIsService) && ptszQValue) CallService(mir_u2a(ptszQValue), (WPARAM)mwpd->hContact, 0); } if (ptszQValue) SendMessage(mwpd->hwnd, EM_REPLACESEL, TRUE, (LPARAM)ptszQValue); if (pszText) mir_free(pszText); if (ptszQValue) free(ptszQValue); if (pszCBText) mir_free(pszCBText); break; } } return 1; } return 0; } static int CustomButtonPressed(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { CustomButtonClickData *cbcd = (CustomButtonClickData *)lParam; CHARRANGE cr; HWND hEdit = NULL; BOOL bCTRL = 0; BOOL bIsService = 0; wchar_t* pszText = NULL; wchar_t* pszCBText = NULL; wchar_t* ptszQValue = NULL; UINT textlenght = 0; SortedList* sl = NULL; int state = 0; if (mir_strcmp(cbcd->pszModule, PLGNAME)) return 0; if (!ButtonsList[cbcd->dwButtonId]) return 1; sl = ButtonsList[cbcd->dwButtonId]->sl; if (!sl) return 1; if (IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT)) { if (OpenClipboard(cbcd->hwndFrom)) { HANDLE hData = NULL; wchar_t* chBuffer = NULL; int textLength = 0; hData = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT); chBuffer = (wchar_t*)GlobalLock(hData); textLength = (int)mir_tstrlen(chBuffer); pszCBText = mir_tstrdup(chBuffer); GlobalUnlock(hData); CloseClipboard(); } } qsort(sl->items, sl->realCount, sizeof(ButtonData *), sstSortButtons); hEdit = GetDlgItem(cbcd->hwndFrom, IDC_MESSAGE); if (!hEdit) hEdit = GetDlgItem(cbcd->hwndFrom, IDC_CHATMESSAGE); cr.cpMin = cr.cpMax = 0; SendMessage(hEdit, EM_EXGETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&cr); textlenght = cr.cpMax - cr.cpMin; if (textlenght) { pszText = (wchar_t *)mir_alloc((textlenght + 10)*sizeof(wchar_t)); memset(pszText, 0, ((textlenght + 10) * sizeof(wchar_t))); SendMessage(hEdit, EM_GETSELTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)pszText); } if (cbcd->flags&BBCF_RIGHTBUTTON) state = 1; else if (sl->realCount == 1) state = 2; else state = 3; switch (state) { case 1: if (ButtonsList[cbcd->dwButtonId]->ptszQValue) ptszQValue = ParseString(cbcd->hContact, ButtonsList[cbcd->dwButtonId]->ptszQValue, pszText ? pszText : L"", pszCBText ? pszCBText : L"", (int)mir_tstrlen(ButtonsList[cbcd->dwButtonId]->ptszQValue), textlenght, pszCBText ? (int)mir_tstrlen(pszCBText) : 0); if ((bIsService = ButtonsList[cbcd->dwButtonId]->bIsServName) && ptszQValue) CallService(mir_u2a(ptszQValue), (WPARAM)cbcd->hContact, 0); break; case 2: { ButtonData *bd = (ButtonData *)sl->items[0]; if (bd && bd->pszValue) { ptszQValue = ParseString(cbcd->hContact, bd->pszValue, pszText ? pszText : L"", pszCBText ? pszCBText : L"", (int)mir_tstrlen(bd->pszValue), textlenght, pszCBText ? (int)mir_tstrlen(pszCBText) : 0); if ((bIsService = bd->bIsServName) && ptszQValue) CallService(mir_u2a(ptszQValue), (WPARAM)cbcd->hContact, 0); } } break; case 3: if (!g_iButtonsCount) break; HMENU hMenu = CreatePopupMenu(), hSubMenu = NULL; for (int menunum = 0; menunum < sl->realCount; menunum++) { ButtonData *bd = (ButtonData *)sl->items[menunum]; if (bd->dwOPFlags&QMF_NEW) continue; BOOL bSetPopupMark = FALSE; if (bd->pszValue == 0 && bd->fEntryType == 0) { hSubMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); bSetPopupMark = TRUE; } if (bd->pszValue && bd->fEntryType == 0) hSubMenu = NULL; if (bd->fEntryType&QMF_EX_SEPARATOR) AppendMenu((HMENU)((hSubMenu && !bSetPopupMark) ? hSubMenu : hMenu), MF_SEPARATOR, 0, NULL); else AppendMenu((HMENU)((hSubMenu && !bSetPopupMark) ? hSubMenu : hMenu), MF_STRING | (bSetPopupMark ? MF_POPUP : 0), (bSetPopupMark ? (UINT_PTR)hSubMenu : (menunum + 1)), bd->pszName); } int res = TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, TPM_RETURNCMD, cbcd->pt.x, cbcd->pt.y, 0, cbcd->hwndFrom, NULL); if (res == 0) break; ButtonData *bd = (ButtonData *)sl->items[res - 1]; bCTRL = (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) ? 1 : 0; if (bd->pszValue) { ptszQValue = ParseString(cbcd->hContact, bd->pszValue, pszText ? pszText : L"", pszCBText ? pszCBText : L"", (int)mir_tstrlen(bd->pszValue), textlenght, pszCBText ? (int)mir_tstrlen(pszCBText) : 0); if ((bIsService = bd->bIsServName) && ptszQValue) CallService(mir_u2a(ptszQValue), (WPARAM)cbcd->hContact, 0); } break; } if (ptszQValue) { if (!bIsService) { SendMessage(hEdit, EM_REPLACESEL, TRUE, (LPARAM)ptszQValue); if ((g_bLClickAuto&&state != 1) || (g_bRClickAuto&&state == 1) || cbcd->flags&BBCF_CONTROLPRESSED || bCTRL) SendMessage(cbcd->hwndFrom, WM_COMMAND, IDOK, 0); } free(ptszQValue); } mir_free(pszText); mir_free(pszCBText); return 1; } static int PluginInit(WPARAM, LPARAM) { g_bStartup = 1; HookEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, OptionsInit); HookEvent(ME_MSG_BUTTONPRESSED, CustomButtonPressed); HookEvent(ME_MSG_TOOLBARLOADED, RegisterCustomButton); HookEvent(ME_MSG_WINDOWPOPUP, InputMenuPopup); g_bRClickAuto = db_get_b(NULL, PLGNAME, "RClickAuto", 0); g_bLClickAuto = db_get_b(NULL, PLGNAME, "LClickAuto", 0); g_iButtonsCount = db_get_b(NULL, PLGNAME, "ButtonsCount", 0); g_bQuickMenu = db_get_b(NULL, PLGNAME, "QuickMenu", 1); InitButtonsList(); g_bStartup = 0; return 0; } extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) PLUGININFOEX* MirandaPluginInfoEx(DWORD) { return &pluginInfo; } extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int Unload(void) { return 0; } BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinst, DWORD, LPVOID) { hinstance = hinst; return 1; } extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int Load(void) { mir_getLP(&pluginInfo); mir_getCLI(); HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, PluginInit); HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_PRESHUTDOWN, PreShutdown); return 0; }