{} //----- Color functions ----- var colorhook:THANDLE; type tqscolor = ( bkg_norm,fgr_norm, bkg_odd ,fgr_odd, bkg_dis ,fgr_dis, bkg_del ,fgr_del, bkg_hid ,fgr_hid, bkg_meta,fgr_meta, bkg_sub ,fgr_sub ); type tQSColorRec = record color : TCOLORREF; setting : PAnsiChar; descr : PAnsiChar; end; const QSColors: array [tqscolor] of tQSColorRec =( (color: $00FFFFFF; setting: 'back_norm'; descr: 'Normal background' ), (color: $00000000; setting: 'fore_norm'; descr: 'Normal foreground' ), (color: $00EBE6DE; setting: 'back_odd' ; descr: 'Odd background' ), (color: $00000000; setting: 'fore_odd' ; descr: 'Odd foreground' ), (color: $008080FF; setting: 'back_dis' ; descr: 'Disabled account background'), (color: $00000000; setting: 'fore_dis' ; descr: 'Disabled account foreground'), (color: $008000FF; setting: 'back_del' ; descr: 'Deleted account background' ), (color: $00000000; setting: 'fore_del' ; descr: 'Deleted account foreground' ), (color: $0080FFFF; setting: 'back_hid' ; descr: 'Hidden contact background' ), (color: $00000000; setting: 'fore_hid' ; descr: 'Hidden contact foreground' ), (color: $00BAE699; setting: 'back_meta'; descr: 'Metacontact background' ), (color: $00000000; setting: 'fore_meta'; descr: 'Metacontact foreground' ), (color: $00B3CCC1; setting: 'back_sub' ; descr: 'Subcontact background' ), (color: $00000000; setting: 'fore_sub' ; descr: 'Subcontact foreground' ) ); procedure RegisterColors; var cid:TColourID; i:tqscolor; begin cid.cbSize:=SizeOf(cid); cid.flags :=0; StrCopy(cid.group,qs_module); StrCopy(cid.dbSettingsGroup,qs_module); for i:=Low(tqscolor) to High(tqscolor) do begin StrCopy(cid.name ,QSColors[i].descr); StrCopy(cid.setting,QSColors[i].setting); cid.defcolour:=QSColors[i].color; cid.order :=ORD(i); ColourRegister(@cid); end; end; function ColorReload(wParam:WPARAM;lParam:LPARAM):int;cdecl; var cid:TColourID; i:tqscolor; begin result:=0; cid.cbSize:=SizeOf(cid); StrCopy(cid.group,qs_module); for i:=Low(tqscolor) to High(tqscolor) do begin StrCopy(cid.name ,QSColors[i].descr); QSColors[i].color:=CallService(MS_COLOUR_GETA,tlparam(@cid),0); end; end; //----- Item fill ----- function int2strw(i:uint_ptr;signed:bool=false):PWideChar; var buf:array [0..31] of WideChar; begin if signed then StrDupW(result,IntToStr(buf,int_ptr(i))) else StrDupW(result,IntToStr(buf,i)); end; function int2hexw(i:uint_ptr):PWideChar; var buf:array [0..31] of WideChar; begin StrDupW(result,IntToHex(buf,i)); end; function BuildLastSeenTime(date:integer):PWideChar; var pc:pWideChar; buf:array [0..19] of WideChar; year,month,day,hours,min:integer; begin year:=(date div (60*24*31*356))+1980; if year<>0 then begin date:= date mod (60*24*31*356); pc:=@buf; month:=date div (60*24*31); date :=date mod (60*24*31); day :=date div (60*24); date :=date mod (60*24); hours:=date div 60; min :=date mod 60; IntToStr(pc,day,2); inc(pc,2); pc^:='.'; inc(pc); IntToStr(pc,month,2); inc(pc,2); pc^:='.'; inc(pc); IntToStr(pc,year,4); inc(pc,4); pc^:=' '; inc(pc); pc^:='-'; inc(pc); pc^:=' '; inc(pc); IntToStr(pc,hours,2); inc(pc,2); pc^:=':'; inc(pc); IntToStr(pc,min,2); StrDupW(result,@buf); end else result:=nil; end; function BuildLastSeenTimeInt(cont:THANDLE;modulename:PAnsiChar):cardinal; var day,month,year,hours,minutes:word; begin year:=DBReadWord(cont,modulename,'Year',0); if year<>0 then begin month :=DBReadWord(cont,modulename,'Month' ,0); day :=DBReadWord(cont,modulename,'Day' ,0); hours :=DBReadWord(cont,modulename,'Hours' ,0); minutes:=DBReadWord(cont,modulename,'Minutes',0); result:=minutes+hours*60+day*60*24+month*60*24*31+(year-1980)*60*24*31*356; // was 366 end else result:=0; end; function IPtoStr(ip:dword):PWideChar; var p:PWideChar; buf:array [0..16] of WideChar; begin p:=@buf; IntToStr(buf,ip shr 24); while p^<>#0 do inc(p); p^:='.'; inc(p); IntToStr(p,(ip shr 16) and $FF); while p^<>#0 do inc(p); p^:='.'; inc(p); IntToStr(p,HIByte(ip)); while p^<>#0 do inc(p); p^:='.'; inc(p); IntToStr(p,LOByte(ip)); StrDupW(result,buf); end; function TimeToStrW(data:dword):PWideChar; var strdatetime:array [0..63] of WideChar; begin TimeZone_ToStringW(data, 'd - t', @strdatetime, Length(strdatetime)); StrDupW(result,strdatetime); end; function FindMeta(hMeta:THANDLE;var MetaNum:WPARAM):LPARAM; var i:integer; begin result:=0; for i:=0 to HIGH(FlagBuf) do begin with FlagBuf[i] do begin if contact=hMeta then begin if wparam=0 then // new meta begin inc(LastMeta); wparam :=LastMeta; lparam :=0; end; MetaNum:=wparam; inc(lparam); result:=lparam; break; end; end; end; end; function DoMeta(hContact:TMCONTACT):pointer; var pw:pWideChar; i:integer; begin result:=nil; for i:=0 to HIGH(FlagBuf) do begin with FlagBuf[i] do begin if contact=hContact then begin if (flags and QSF_META)<>0 then // adding new meta count begin if wparam=0 then begin inc(LastMeta); wparam:=LastMeta; // lparam:=0; end; end else if (flags and QSF_SUBMETA)<>0 then begin lparam:=FindMeta(db_mc_getMeta(hContact),wparam); end; if wparam>0 then begin mGetMem(result,32); pw:=result; pw[0]:='['; IntToStr(pw+1,wparam,3); pw[4]:=']'; if lparam>0 then begin pw[5]:=' '; IntToStr(pw+6,lparam); end else pw[5]:=#0; end; break; end; end; end; end; procedure LoadOneItem(hContact:THANDLE;column:pcolumnitem;proto:integer; var res:tQSRec); var lmodule:PAnsiChar; pInfo:PWideChar; DbEvent:TMEVENT; dbei:TDBEVENTINFO; data:tSubstData; begin res.data:=uint_ptr(-1); mFreeMem(res.text); with column^ do begin case setting_type of QST_SCRIPT: begin res.text:=ParseVarString(script,hContact); end; QST_SERVICE: begin data.Parameter :=hContact; data.LastResult:=0; data.ResultType:=ACF_TYPE_NUMBER; if ExecuteService(service,data) then begin case data.ResultType of ACF_TYPE_NUMBER: begin res.data:=data.LastResult; if (service.flags and ACF_FLAG_HEXNUM)<>0 then res.text:=int2hexw(data.LastResult) else begin res.text:=int2strw(data.LastResult,(service.flags and ACF_FLAG_SIGNED)<>0); end; end; ACF_TYPE_UNICODE: begin StrDupW(res.text,PWideChar(data.LastResult)) end; end; ClearSubstData(data); end else res.text:=nil; end; QST_CONTACTINFO: begin pInfo := Contact_GetInfo(cnftype,hContact,nil); if pInfo <> nil then begin StrDupW(res.text,pInfo); mir_free(pInfo); exit; end; res.text:=int2strw(res.data); end; QST_SETTING: begin if module<>nil then lmodule:=module else lmodule:=GetProtoName(proto); case datatype of QSTS_STRING: begin res.text:=DBReadUnicode(hContact,lmodule,setting,nil) end; QSTS_BYTE: begin res.data:=DBReadByte(hContact,lmodule,setting,0); res.text:=int2strw(res.data); end; QSTS_WORD: begin res.data:=DBReadWord(hContact,lmodule,setting,0); res.text:=int2strw(res.data); end; QSTS_DWORD: begin if (module=nil) and (setting=nil) then begin res.data:=hContact; res.text:=int2hexw(res.data); end else begin res.data:=DBReadDWord(hContact,lmodule,setting,0); res.text:=int2strw(res.data); end; end; QSTS_SIGNED: begin res.data:=DBReadDWord(hContact,lmodule,setting,0); res.text:=int2strw(res.data,true); end; QSTS_HEXNUM: begin res.data:=DBReadDWord(hContact,lmodule,setting,0); res.text:=int2hexw(res.data); end; QSTS_IP: begin res.data:=DBReadDWord(hContact,lmodule,setting,0); if res.data<>0 then res.text:=IPtoStr(res.data); end; QSTS_TIMESTAMP: begin res.data:=DBReadDWord(hContact,lmodule,setting,0); if res.data<>0 then res.text:=TimeToStrW(res.data); end; end; end; QST_OTHER: case other of QSTO_LASTSEEN: begin res.data:=BuildLastSeenTimeInt(hContact,'SeenModule'); res.text:=BuildLastSeenTime(res.data); end; QSTO_DISPLAYNAME: begin StrDupW(res.text,cli^.pfnGetContactDisplayName(hContact, 0)); end; QSTO_LASTEVENT: begin DbEvent:=db_event_last(hContact); if DbEvent<>0 then begin ZeroMemory(@dbei,sizeof(dbei)); dbei.cbSize:=SizeOf(dbei); db_event_get(DbEvent, @dbei); res.data:=dbei.timestamp; res.text:=TimeToStrW(res.data); end else res.data:=0; end; QSTO_METACONTACT: begin res.text:=DoMeta(hContact); end; QSTO_EVENTCOUNT: begin res.data:=db_event_count(hContact); res.text:=int2strw(res.data); end; end; end; end; end; //----- Initial table filling ----- procedure AddContact(num:integer;hContact:TMCONTACT); var col:pcolumnitem; tmpstr:array [0..63] of AnsiChar; i:integer; begin FillChar(FlagBuf[num],SizeOf(tQSFRec),0); with FlagBuf[num] do begin contact:=hContact; flags :=0; i:=IsContactActive(hContact,tmpstr); proto:=FindProto(tmpstr); case i of -2: flags:=flags or QSF_ACCDEL; // deleted account -1: flags:=flags or QSF_ACCOFF; // disabled account // 0 : ; // hidden contact 1 : flags:=flags or QSF_META; // metacontact 2 : flags:=flags or QSF_SUBMETA; // subMetacontact end; if i>0 then flags:=flags or QSF_INLIST; // normal contact if (proto=0) or (i<0) then status:=ID_STATUS_OFFLINE else status:=DBReadWord(contact,GetProtoName(proto),'Status',ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); for i:=0 to qsopt.numcolumns-1 do begin col:=@qsopt.columns[i]; // col.flags must me same as colorder[i].flags if (col.flags and COL_ON)<>0 then LoadOneItem(contact,col,proto,MainBuf[num,i]); end; end; end; function PrepareToFill:boolean; var cnt,cnt1:integer; hContact:TMCONTACT; i:integer; begin result:=false; if qsopt.numcolumns=0 then exit; // calculating contacts cnt:=CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_GETCOUNT,0,0); if cnt=0 then exit; result:=true; // Allocate mem SetLength(MainBuf,cnt,qsopt.numcolumns); SetLength(FlagBuf,cnt); for i:=0 to cnt-1 do FillChar(MainBuf[i][0],qsopt.numcolumns*SizeOf(tQSRec),0); for i:=0 to qsopt.numcolumns-1 do begin with qsopt.columns[i] do begin if (flags and COL_ON)<>0 then flags := flags or COL_INIT; end; end; // filling buffer LastMeta:=0; cnt1:=0; hContact:=db_find_first(); while hContact<>0 do begin //!! check account AddContact(cnt1,hContact); inc(cnt1); if cnt1=cnt then break; // additional checking hContact:=db_find_next(hContact); end; end; //----- Status bar ----- type pSBDataRecord = ^tSBDataRecord; tSBDataRecord = record flags :cardinal; total :cardinal; // in clist found :cardinal; // by pattern online:cardinal; // clist online liston:cardinal; // pattern online end; tSBData = array [0..63] of tSBDataRecord; procedure DrawSBW(const SBData:tSBData); var aPartPos:array [0..63 ] of integer; buf :array [0..255] of WideChar; fmtstr :array [0..255] of WideChar; all:integer; i,j:integer; p,pc,po,pd,poff,pa:PWideChar; rc:TRECT; dc:HDC; icon:HICON; protocnt:integer; begin p:=@buf; // p:=FormatSimpleW('%i users found (%i) Online: %i',[SBData[0].found,Length(FlagBuf),SBData[0].online]); p:=StrEndW(IntToStr(p,SBData[0].found)); p:=StrCopyEW(p,TranslateW(' users found (')); p:=StrEndW(IntToStr(p,Length(FlagBuf))); p:=StrCopyEW(p,TranslateW(') Online: ')); IntToStr(p,SBData[0].online); dc:=GetDC(StatusBar); DrawTextW(dc,pWidechar(@buf),-1,rc,DT_CALCRECT); ReleaseDC(StatusBar,dc); all:=rc.right-rc.left; aPartPos[0]:=all; protocnt:=GetNumProto; i:=1; while i<=protocnt do begin inc(all,55); aPartPos[i]:=all; inc(i); end; aPartPos[i]:=-1; SendMessageW(StatusBar,SB_SETPARTS,protocnt+2,lparam(@aPartPos)); SendMessageW(StatusBar,SB_SETTEXTW,0,lparam(@buf){p}); // mFreeMem(p); po :=TranslateW('Online'); pd :=TranslateW('deleted'); poff:=TranslateW('off'); pa :=TranslateW('active'); for i:=1 to protocnt do begin if ((SBData[i].flags and (QSF_ACCDEL or QSF_ACCOFF))<>0) then begin icon:=Skin_LoadProtoIcon(nil,ID_STATUS_OFFLINE,0); end else begin icon:=Skin_LoadProtoIcon(GetProtoName(i),ID_STATUS_ONLINE,0); end; FastAnsiToWideBuf(GetProtoName(i),fmtstr); SendMessageW(StatusBar,SB_SETICON,i,icon); j:=High(buf);//(SizeOf(buf) div SizeOf(WideChar))-1; buf[j]:=#0; // fill by spaces p:=@buf[0]; while j>0 do begin dec(j); p^:=' '; inc(p); end; if (SBData[i].flags and QSF_ACCDEL)<>0 then begin buf [0]:='!'; pc:=pd; end else if (SBData[i].flags and QSF_ACCOFF)<>0 then begin buf [0]:='?'; pc:=poff end else pc:=pa; IntToStr(pWideChar(@buf[2]),SBData[i].found); StrEndW(buf)^:=' '; SendMessageW(StatusBar,SB_SETTEXTW,i,lparam(@buf)); // create tooltip // FormatSimpleW('%s (%s): %i (%i); %s %i (%i)', // [fmtstr,pc,found,total,po,liston,online]); p:=@buf; p:=StrCopyEW(p,fmtstr); // Protocol p^:=' '; inc(p); p^:='('; inc(p); p:=StrCopyEW(p,pc); // Protocol status p^:=')'; inc(p); p^:=':'; inc(p); p^:=' '; inc(p); with SBData[i] do begin p:=StrEndW(IntToStr(p,found)); p^:=' '; inc(p); p^:='('; inc(p); p:=StrEndW(IntToStr(p,total)); p^:=')'; inc(p); p^:=';'; inc(p); p^:=' '; inc(p); p:=StrCopyEW(p,po); p^:=' '; inc(p); p:=StrEndW(IntToStr(p,liston)); p^:=' '; inc(p); p^:='('; inc(p); p:=StrEndW(IntToStr(p,online)); p^:=')'; inc(p); end; p^:=#0; SendMessageW(StatusBar,SB_SETTIPTEXTW,i,lparam(@buf)); end; end; procedure UpdateSB; var SBData: tSBData; j:integer; p:pSBDataRecord; begin FillChar(SBData,SizeOf(SBData),0); // for all contacts for j:=0 to HIGH(FlagBuf) do begin p:=@SBData[FlagBuf[j].proto]; p^.flags:=FlagBuf[j].flags; inc(p^.total); if (p^.flags and QSF_ACTIVE)<>0 then begin inc(p^.found); inc(SBData[0].found); end; if FlagBuf[j].status<>ID_STATUS_OFFLINE then begin inc(p^.online); inc(SBData[0].online); if (p^.flags and QSF_ACTIVE)<>0 then begin inc(p^.liston); inc(SBData[0].liston); end; end; end; DrawSBW(SBData); end; //----- Patterns ----- const pattern:pWideChar = nil; // edit field text const maxpattern = 8; var patterns:array [0..maxpattern-1] of record str:PWideChar; res:bool; end; const patstr:PWideChar=nil; // work pattern buffer numpattern:integer=0; procedure MakePatternW; var lpatptr:PWideChar; wasquote:bool; begin numpattern:=0; mFreeMem(patstr); if (pattern<>nil) and (pattern^<>#0) then begin wasquote:=false; StrDupW(patstr,pattern); lpatptr:=patstr; repeat while lpatptr^=' ' do inc(lpatptr); if lpatptr^<>#0 then begin if lpatptr^='"' then begin inc(lpatptr); wasquote:=true; end else begin patterns[numpattern].str:=lpatptr; inc(numpattern); while lpatptr^<>#0 do begin if wasquote then begin if lpatptr^='"' then begin wasquote:=false; break; end; end else if lpatptr^=' ' then break; inc(lpatptr); end; if lpatptr^<>#0 then begin lpatptr^:=#0; inc(lpatptr); end; end; if numpattern=maxpattern then break; end; until lpatptr^=#0; end; end; function CheckPatternW(cnt:integer):boolean; var lstr:array [0..1023] of WideChar; i,j:integer; begin if numpattern>0 then begin for i:=0 to numpattern-1 do patterns[i].res:=false; for i:=0 to qsopt.numcolumns-1 do begin if ((qsopt.columns[i].flags and (COL_ON or COL_FILTER))=(COL_ON or COL_FILTER)) and (MainBuf[cnt,i].text<>nil) then begin StrCopyW(lstr,MainBuf[cnt,i].text,HIGH(lstr)); CharLowerW(lstr); for j:=0 to numpattern-1 do if not patterns[j].res then begin if StrPosW(lstr,patterns[j].str)<>nil then //!! patterns[j].res:=true; end; end; end; result:=true; for i:=0 to numpattern-1 do result:=result and patterns[i].res; end else result:=true; end; //----- support (column index converters) ----- { ListView - ListView (visible) column QS - Buffer column Column - qsopt.columns } function ListViewToColumn(col:integer):LPARAM; var i:integer; begin for i:=0 to qsopt.numcolumns-1 do begin if (qsopt.columns[i].flags and COL_ON)<>0 then begin dec(col); if col<0 then begin result:=i; exit; end; end; end; result:=-1; end; function ColumnToListView(col:integer):LPARAM; var i:integer; begin result:=-1; for i:=0 to qsopt.numcolumns-1 do begin if (qsopt.columns[i].flags and COL_ON)<>0 then inc(result); dec(col); if col<0 then break; end; end; // return buffer index for contact function FindBufNumber(hContact:THANDLE):integer; var i:integer; begin for i:=0 to HIGH(FlagBuf) do begin if FlagBuf[i].contact=hContact then begin result:=i; exit; end; end; result:=-1; end; function IsColumnMinimized(num:integer):bool; begin result:=ListView_GetColumnWidth(grid,num)<=10; end;