  wParam: 0, or pattern string
  lParam: 0 - wParam has unicode string;
          1 - Ansi String (only Unicode plugin version)
          2 - wParam is contact handle to select (not realized)

History: ()
  FastMM4 memory manager used (not native Delphi or miranda)
  Fixed some Memory leaks (2 jul 2010)
  Doubleclick/Enter on contact set as Clist doubleclick action
  Group list sorted now
  Fixed main window Refresh action (F5 and button)
  Added frame button to open Main QS window (5 may 2010)
  Added contact list frame 
  Fixed columns sort
  Added right click on columns header processing
  Filter applying just for visible columns now
  Added tooltip for hidden columns info
  Added several User Info fields
  Added button and hotkey F5 to refresh content of main window
  Partial code refactoring
  Fixed again info showing in window with hidden columns (16 jul 2009)
  Fixed info showing in window with hidden columns (13 jul 2009)
  Fixed empty line for hidden contacts and contacts of disabled accounts (11 jul 2009)
  Added checkbox for hide columns from showing (10 jul 2009)
  Added context menu item to combine selected contacts to metacontact
  Added new column type for metacontacts
  Added colorization for metacontacts (jun 2009)
  Fixed fields drawing in options dialog
  Added colorisation for not-in-list contacts and on switched off or deleted accounts
  Fixes for Statusbar
  Fixes for Show/hide offline contacts (13 mar 2009)
  Added column type "Variables script"
  Added translation to column types
  Fixed Show/hide offline contacts behaviour
  Fixed one of unicode localization bugs
  Fixed contact copying to Clipboard (19 oct 2008)
  Some fixes
  Some WinAPI/Delphi functions replaced by handmaked
  Added support for Miranda core hotkeys (ver 8.0+)
  Added:Drag&Drop (realtime) QS list column reordering
  In option:list scrolling to newly added items
  Added ANSI code part
  Fixed: empty LastEvent field was at top of event list (11 sep 2008)
  Fixed: Can crashed with content filter
  Maked list filling faster
  Changed: maximum column amount changing dynamically now
  Source changed: AnsiChar replaced by AnsiChar
  Removed some codeparts for Miranda v0.5 compatibility
  Fixed: wrong QS window width resizing (28 aug 2008)
  Fixed crash while adding contact with opened QS window (21 jul 2008)
  Added icons for XStatus
  Fixed unicode filter
  Added internal caching
(29 oct 2007)
  Added tooltips for IM-client and gender columns
  Changed QS window icon assign code
  Changed group of contacts delete code
  Added filter groups in "" (start quote must be first AnsiChar or after space)
(19 may 2007)
  Added option to save text search pattern (09 mar 2007)
  Added: Option to skip 'minimized' columns while copying to Clipboard
  Fixed: Abort context menu move contacts to first group in list
  Ctrl-C (or &Copy context menu command) copying info with TAB separated fields
  Added: new miranda API support (21 jan 2007)
  Fixed: Contact menu do not execute action when Auto close mode is ON
  Fixed: Gender icon not shown when icolib not installed
  Partially solved problem with large system fonts
  Fixed: changed menu/toolbar icon was not set at start
  Added Gender reading from UserInfo, not only protocol (22 dec 2006)
  Added Male/Female icon and special gender processing
  Letters and BackSpace works in the list
  Ctrl-C in list copying contact info to Clipboard
  Added StatusBar
  Slightly modified Option page
  Added option to disable client icon
  Added Updater support
  Added IcoLib support (18 dec 2006)
  Service was advanced
  Fixed: Enter on edit field removes contact from group (17 dec 2006)
  Added option to show/hide offline contacts
  Added "Stay on top" option to sysmenu
  Fixed: context menu shown only one time (17 dec 2006)
  Fixed: Options not shown in Miranda before 0.6 version
  Small code and interface changes
  First item in list now focused automatically
  Fixed: search pattern work only with small characters (14 dec 2006)
  Initial release