unit sr_global; interface uses windows,messages,commctrl,m_api,dbsettings,mirutils,awkservices; const QS_QS :PAnsiChar = 'QS_QS'; QS_NEW :PAnsiChar = 'QS_New'; QS_ITEM :PAnsiChar = 'QS_Item'; QS_UP :PAnsiChar = 'QS_Up'; QS_DOWN :PAnsiChar = 'QS_Down'; QS_DELETE :PAnsiChar = 'QS_Delete'; QS_DEFAULT:PAnsiChar = 'QS_Default'; QS_RELOAD :PAnsiChar = 'QS_Reload'; QS_MALE :PAnsiChar = 'QS_Male'; QS_FEMALE :PAnsiChar = 'QS_Female'; const qs_module :PAnsiChar = 'QuickSearch'; qs_name :PAnsiChar = 'Quick Search'; QS_SHOWSERVICE:PAnsiChar = 'QuickSearch_PLUGIN/Show'; const StatusSort = 1000; const //types QSTS_BYTE = 0; QSTS_WORD = 1; QSTS_DWORD = 2; QSTS_STRING = 3; QSTS_IP = 4; QSTS_TIMESTAMP = 5; QSTS_SIGNED = 6; QSTS_HEXNUM = 7; // must be non-zero for empty-column checking QST_SETTING = 100; QST_SCRIPT = 1; QST_SERVICE = 2; QST_CONTACTINFO = 3; QST_OTHER = 200; QSTO_LASTSEEN = 0; QSTO_LASTEVENT = 1; QSTO_METACONTACT = 2; QSTO_EVENTCOUNT = 3; QSTO_DISPLAYNAME = 4; const COL_ON = $0001; // Show column COL_FILTER = $0004; // Filter column by pattern // QS window runtime flags COL_INIT = $0002; // No need to update COL_XSTATUS = $0100; COL_GENDER = $0200; COL_CLIENT = $0400; COL_GROUP = $0800; COL_CNTNR = $1000; COL_REFRESH = $FF02; // mask const QSO_SORTBYSTATUS = $00000001; // Sort by status QSO_DRAWGRID = $00000002; // Draw listview grid QSO_TOOLSTYLE = $00000004; // QS window tool style QSO_SAVEPATTERN = $00000008; // Save filter pattern QSO_AUTOCLOSE = $00000010; // Close QS window after action QSO_CLIENTICONS = $00000020; // Show client icons (fingerprint) QSO_MAINOPTIONS = $0000FFFF; // mask for common options // QS window options QSO_STAYONTOP = $00010000; // Stay QS window on top QSO_SHOWOFFLINE = $00020000; // Show offline contacts QSO_COLORIZE = $00040000; // Colorize lines QSO_SORTASC = $00080000; // Sort column ascending {$include resource.inc} type pcolumnitem = ^tcolumnitem; tcolumnitem = record title :PWideChar; setting_type :word; // QST_* constants flags :word; // COL_* constants width :word; case integer of // db setting 0: ( datatype:word; // QSTS_* constants module :pAnsiChar; setting :pAnsiChar; ); // script 1: (script:pWideChar); // service 2: (service:tServiceValue); // contact info 3: (cnftype:word); // CNF_* constants // other 4: (other:word); // QSTO_* constants end; tcolumnarray = array of tcolumnitem; const MaxColumnAmount = 64; type tqsopt = record grrect :TRECT; // QS window rect columns :array [0..MaxColumnAmount-1] of tcolumnitem; numcolumns:integer; // columns array size (really, needs just for db reading) columnsort:integer; // sorted column number flags :dword; // QSO_* options end; procedure reghotkeys; procedure saveopt_wnd; procedure loadopt_wnd; function savecolumn(num:integer; const column:tcolumnitem):boolean; procedure saveopt_db; function loadopt_db(var columns:array of tcolumnitem):integer; function loaddefaultcolumns(var columns:array of tcolumnitem):integer; function CloneColumns(var dst: array of tcolumnitem; const src:array of tcolumnitem):integer; function CloneColumn (var dst:tcolumnitem; const src:tcolumnitem):boolean; procedure clear_columns(var columns:array of tcolumnitem); procedure clear_column (var column:tcolumnitem); function new_column(var columns:array of tcolumnitem):integer; procedure AddRemoveMenuItemToMainMenu; procedure addtotoolbar; procedure removetoolbar; var qsopt:tqsopt; const MainMenuItem:integer=0; hTTBButton :THANDLE=0; implementation uses common; const HKN_GLOBAL:PAnsiChar = 'QS_Global'; const so_mbottom :PAnsiChar = 'mbottom'; so_mright :PAnsiChar = 'mright'; so_mtop :PAnsiChar = 'mtop'; so_mleft :PAnsiChar = 'mleft'; so_columnsort :PAnsiChar = 'columnsort'; so_flags :PAnsiChar = 'flags'; so_numcolumns :PAnsiChar = 'numcolumns'; so_item :PAnsiChar = 'item'; so__title :PAnsiChar = '_title'; so__width :PAnsiChar = '_width'; so__flags :PAnsiChar = '_flags'; so__setting_type :PAnsiChar = '_setting_type'; so__cnftype :PAnsiChar = '_cnftype'; so__datatype :PAnsiChar = '_datatype'; so__module :PAnsiChar = '_module'; so__setting :PAnsiChar = '_setting'; so__script :PAnsiChar = '_script'; so__service :PAnsiChar = '_service'; so__restype :PAnsiChar = '_restype'; so__wparam_type :PAnsiChar = '_wparam_type'; so__lparam_type :PAnsiChar = '_lparam_type'; so__wparam :PAnsiChar = '_wparam'; so__lparam :PAnsiChar = '_lparam'; so__other :PAnsiChar = '_other'; procedure reghotkeys; var hkrec:THOTKEYDESC; begin FillChar(hkrec,SizeOf(hkrec),0); with hkrec do begin cbSize :=SizeOf(hkrec); pszName :=HKN_GLOBAL; pszDescription.a:='QuickSearch window hotkey'; pszSection.a :=qs_name; pszService :=QS_SHOWSERVICE; DefHotKey :=(HOTKEYF_ALT shl 8) or VK_F3; end; CallService(MS_HOTKEY_REGISTER,0,lparam(@hkrec)); end; procedure removetoolbar; begin if hTTBButton<>0 then begin if ServiceExists(MS_TTB_REMOVEBUTTON)>0 then begin CallService(MS_TTB_REMOVEBUTTON,WPARAM(hTTBButton),0); hTTBButton:=0; end; end; end; procedure addtotoolbar; var ttbopt:TTBButton; begin removetoolbar; if ServiceExists(MS_TTB_ADDBUTTON)>0 then begin ZeroMemory(@ttbopt,sizeof(ttbopt)); ttbopt.pszService:=QS_SHOWSERVICE; ttbopt.hIconUp :=IcoLib_GetIcon(QS_QS,0); ttbopt.hIconDn :=ttbopt.hIconUp; ttbopt.dwFlags :=TTBBF_VISIBLE; ttbopt.name :=qs_module; hTTBButton:=TopToolbar_AddButton(@ttbopt); if hTTBButton=THANDLE(-1) then hTTBButton:=0; end; end; procedure AddRemoveMenuItemToMainMenu; var mi:TMO_MenuItem; begin if MainMenuItem<>0 then exit; ZeroMemory(@mi,sizeof(mi)); SET_UID(@mi, '98C2A92A-D93D-43E8-91C3-3BB6BE4344F0'); mi.szName.a :=qs_name; mi.position :=500050000; mi.pszService :=QS_SHOWSERVICE; mi.hIcon :=IcoLib_GetIcon(QS_QS,0); MainMenuItem :=Menu_AddMainMenuItem(@mi); end; // -------- column functions --------- function CloneColumn(var dst:tcolumnitem; const src:tcolumnitem):boolean; begin if src.setting_type=0 then begin result:=false; exit; end; move(src,dst,SizeOf(tcolumnitem)); StrDupW(dst.title,dst.title); case dst.setting_type of QST_SETTING: begin StrDup(dst.module,dst.module); StrDup(dst.setting,dst.setting); end; QST_SCRIPT: begin StrDupW(dst.script,dst.script); end; QST_SERVICE: begin CopyServiceValue(dst.service,src.service); end; end; result:=true; end; function CloneColumns(var dst: array of tcolumnitem; const src:array of tcolumnitem):integer; var i,cnt:integer; begin cnt:=0; for i:=0 to MaxColumnAmount-1 do begin if CloneColumn(dst[cnt],src[i]) then inc(cnt); end; result:=cnt; end; procedure clear_column(var column:tcolumnitem); begin if column.setting_type=0 then // empty already exit; mFreeMem(column.title); case column.setting_type of QST_SETTING: begin mFreeMem(column.module); mFreeMem(column.setting); end; QST_SCRIPT: begin mFreeMem(column.script); end; QST_SERVICE: begin ClearServiceValue(column.service); end; QST_CONTACTINFO: begin end; QST_OTHER: begin end; end; column.setting_type:=0; // mark as unused end; procedure clear_columns(var columns:array of tcolumnitem); var i:integer; begin for i:=0 to MaxColumnAmount-1 do clear_column(columns[i]); end; function new_column(var columns:array of tcolumnitem):integer; var i:integer; begin result:=MaxColumnAmount-1; for i:=0 to MaxColumnAmount-1 do begin if columns[i].setting_type=0 then // "empty" condition begin with columns[i] do begin StrDupW(title,'New column'); width:=64; flags:=COL_ON; setting_type:=QST_SETTING; end; result:=i; break; end; end; end; function loaddefaultcolumns(var columns:array of tcolumnitem):integer; var i:integer; begin clear_columns(columns); // lazy to renumber if changes i:=0; // account with columns[i] do begin StrDupW(title,TranslateW('Account')); width :=82; flags :=COL_ON; setting_type :=QST_SERVICE; StrDup (service.service,'Proto/GetContactBaseAccount'); service.flags :=ACF_TYPE_STRING; service.w_flags:=ACF_TYPE_PARAM; service.l_flags:=ACF_TYPE_NUMBER; service.lparam :=nil; end; inc(i); // gender with columns[i] do begin StrDupW(title,TranslateW('Gender')); width :=20; flags :=COL_ON; setting_type :=QST_CONTACTINFO; cnftype :=CNF_GENDER; end; inc(i); // uin with columns[i] do begin StrDupW(title,TranslateW('UserID')); width :=80; flags :=COL_ON+COL_FILTER; setting_type :=QST_CONTACTINFO; cnftype :=CNF_UNIQUEID; end; inc(i); // username(displayname) with columns[i] do begin StrDupW(title,TranslateW('Nickname')); width :=76; flags :=COL_ON+COL_FILTER; setting_type :=QST_OTHER; other :=QSTO_DISPLAYNAME; end; inc(i); // firstname with columns[i] do begin StrDupW(title,TranslateW('First name')); width :=68; flags :=COL_ON+COL_FILTER; setting_type :=QST_CONTACTINFO; cnftype :=CNF_FIRSTNAME; end; inc(i); // lastname with columns[i] do begin StrDupW(title,TranslateW('Last name')); width :=66; flags :=COL_ON+COL_FILTER; setting_type :=QST_CONTACTINFO; cnftype :=CNF_LASTNAME; end; inc(i); // group with columns[i] do begin StrDupW(title,TranslateW('Group')); width :=80; flags :=COL_ON+COL_FILTER; setting_type :=QST_SETTING; datatype :=QSTS_STRING; StrDup(module ,'CList'); StrDup(setting,'Group'); end; inc(i); // TabSRMM container with columns[i] do begin StrDupW(title,TranslateW('Container')); width :=80; flags :=COL_ON+COL_FILTER; setting_type :=QST_SETTING; datatype :=QSTS_STRING; StrDup(module ,'Tab_SRMsg'); StrDup(setting,'containerW'); end; inc(i); // email with columns[i] do begin StrDupW(title,TranslateW('E-mail')); width :=116; flags :=COL_ON+COL_FILTER; setting_type :=QST_CONTACTINFO; cnftype :=CNF_EMAIL; end; inc(i); // miranda version with columns[i] do begin StrDupW(title,TranslateW('Client ID')); width :=60; flags :=COL_ON; setting_type:=QST_SETTING; datatype :=QSTS_STRING; StrDup(setting,'MirVer'); end; inc(i); // IP version with columns[i] do begin StrDupW(title,TranslateW('Ext IP')); width :=100; flags :=0; setting_type:=QST_SETTING; datatype :=QSTS_IP; StrDup(module ,'ICQ'); StrDup(setting,'IP'); end; inc(i); // LastSeen with columns[i] do begin StrDupW(title,TranslateW('LastSeen')); width :=116; flags :=0; setting_type:=QST_OTHER; other :=QSTO_LASTSEEN; end; inc(i); // last event with columns[i] do begin StrDupW(title,TranslateW('Last Event')); width :=100; flags :=0; setting_type:=QST_OTHER; other :=QSTO_LASTEVENT; end; inc(i); // online since with columns[i] do begin StrDupW(title,TranslateW('Online since')); width :=100; flags :=0; setting_type:=QST_SETTING; datatype :=QSTS_TIMESTAMP; StrDup(module ,'ICQ'); StrDup(setting,'LogonTS'); end; inc(i); // metacontacts with columns[i] do begin StrDupW(title,TranslateW('Metacontact')); width :=50; flags :=0; setting_type:=QST_OTHER; other :=QSTO_METACONTACT; end; inc(i); // events with columns[i] do begin StrDupW(title,TranslateW('Event count')); width :=50; flags :=0; setting_type:=QST_OTHER; other :=QSTO_EVENTCOUNT; end; inc(i); // Contact add time with columns[i] do begin StrDupW(title,TranslateW('Contact add time')); width :=80; flags :=COL_ON; setting_type :=QST_SETTING; datatype :=QSTS_TIMESTAMP; StrDup(module ,'UserInfo'); StrDup(setting,'ContactAddTime'); end; inc(i); result:=i; end; // -------- save/load settings --------- procedure WriteInt(setting:PAnsiChar;value:int); begin DBWriteDword(0,qs_module,setting,value) end; procedure WriteWord(setting:PAnsiChar;value:word); begin DBWriteWord(0,qs_module,setting,value) end; procedure WriteStr(setting:PAnsiChar;value:PAnsiChar); begin DBWriteString(0,qs_module,setting,value) end; procedure WriteUnicode(setting:PAnsiChar;value:PWideChar); begin DBWriteUnicode(0,qs_module,setting,value) end; procedure saveopt_wnd; begin WriteInt(so_mbottom ,qsopt.grrect.bottom); WriteInt(so_mright ,qsopt.grrect.right); WriteInt(so_mtop ,qsopt.grrect.top); WriteInt(so_mleft ,qsopt.grrect.left); WriteInt(so_flags ,qsopt.flags); WriteInt(so_columnsort ,qsopt.columnsort); end; function savecolumn(num:integer; const column:tcolumnitem):boolean; var buf:array [0..127] of AnsiChar; p,pp:PAnsiChar; begin if column.setting_type=0 then begin result:=false; exit; end; result:=true; pp:=StrCopyE(buf,so_item); p:=StrEnd(IntToStr(pp,num)); with column do begin StrCopy(p,so__title); WriteUnicode(buf,title); StrCopy(p,so__setting_type); WriteWord(buf,setting_type); StrCopy(p,so__flags); WriteWord(buf,flags and not COL_REFRESH); StrCopy(p,so__width); WriteWord(buf,width); case setting_type of QST_SETTING: begin StrCopy(p,so__datatype); WriteWord(buf,datatype); StrCopy(p,so__module ); WriteStr (buf,module); StrCopy(p,so__setting ); WriteStr (buf,setting); end; QST_SCRIPT: begin StrCopy(p,so__script); WriteUnicode(buf,script); end; QST_CONTACTINFO: begin StrCopy(p,so__cnftype); WriteWord(buf,cnftype); end; QST_SERVICE: begin p^:=#0; SaveServiceValue(service,qs_module,buf); end; QST_OTHER: begin StrCopy(p,so__other); WriteWord(buf,other); end; end; end; end; procedure saveopt_db; var i,cnt:integer; begin DBDeleteGroup(0,qs_module,'item*'); WriteInt(so_flags,qsopt.flags); cnt:=0; for i:=0 to MaxColumnAmount-1 do begin if savecolumn(cnt,qsopt.columns[i]) then inc(cnt); end; WriteWord(so_numcolumns,cnt); end; function GetInt(setting:PAnsiChar;default:integer):integer; begin result:=DBReadDWord(0,qs_module,setting,default); end; function GetWord(setting:PAnsiChar;default:word):word; begin result:=DBReadWord(0,qs_module,setting,default); end; function GetStr(setting:PAnsiChar):PAnsiChar; begin result:=DBReadString(0,qs_module,setting,nil); end; function GetUnicode(setting:PAnsiChar):PWideChar; begin result:=DBReadUnicode(0,qs_module,setting,nil); end; { if "fast"writing enabled fill columns accordingly comumn order array } procedure loadopt_wnd; begin qsopt.grrect.bottom:=GetInt(so_mbottom,240); qsopt.grrect.right :=GetInt(so_mright ,550); qsopt.grrect.top :=GetInt(so_mtop ,0); qsopt.grrect.left :=GetInt(so_mleft ,0); qsopt.columnsort :=GetInt(so_columnsort,StatusSort); qsopt.flags :=GetInt(so_flags,QSO_SORTBYSTATUS+QSO_DRAWGRID+QSO_CLIENTICONS+ QSO_COLORIZE+QSO_SORTASC); end; const ACF_OLD_NUMBER = 1; ACF_OLD_STRING = 0; ACF_OLD_UNICODE = 2; ACF_OLD_PARTYPE = $FF; function loadopt_db(var columns:array of tcolumnitem):integer; var buf:array [0..127] of AnsiChar; buf1:array [0..31] of WideChar; p,pp:PAnsiChar; tmp:PAnsiChar; i:integer; begin if DBGetSettingType(0,qs_module,so_flags)=DBVT_DELETED then begin db_delete_module(0,qs_module); qsopt.flags:= QSO_SORTBYSTATUS or QSO_DRAWGRID or QSO_CLIENTICONS or QSO_COLORIZE or QSO_SORTASC; result:=0; end else begin qsopt.flags:=GetInt(so_flags, QSO_SORTBYSTATUS or QSO_DRAWGRID or QSO_CLIENTICONS or QSO_COLORIZE or QSO_SORTASC); result:=GetWord(so_numcolumns,0); end; if result=0 then begin result:=loaddefaultcolumns(columns); saveopt_db; end else begin clear_columns(columns); pp:=StrCopyE(buf,so_item); //?? FillChar(qsopt.columns[0],SizeOf(qsopt.columns),0); for i:=0 to result-1 do begin p:=StrEnd(IntToStr(pp,i)); with columns[i] do begin StrCopy(p,so__setting_type); setting_type:=GetWord(buf,0); StrCopy(p,so__title); title:=GetUnicode(buf); StrCopy(p,so__width); width:=GetWord(buf,20); StrCopy(p,so__flags); flags:=GetWord(buf,COL_ON) and not COL_REFRESH; if (title='Nickname') then begin setting_type:=QST_OTHER; other:=QSTO_DISPLAYNAME; continue; end; case setting_type of QST_SETTING: begin StrCopy(p,so__datatype); datatype:=GetWord(buf,0); StrCopy(p,so__module ); module :=GetStr (buf); StrCopy(p,so__setting ); setting :=GetStr (buf); end; QST_SCRIPT: begin StrCopy(p,so__script); script:=GetUnicode(buf); end; QST_CONTACTINFO: begin StrCopy(p,so__cnftype); cnftype:=GetWord(buf,0); end; QST_SERVICE: begin //!!!! // check for old settings StrCopy(p,so__service); service.service:=GetStr(buf); // new format if service.service=nil then begin p^:=#0; LoadServiceValue(service,qs_module,buf); end //----- old format ----- else begin StrCopy(p,so__restype ); service.flags :=ConvertResultFlags(GetInt(buf,0)); StrCopy(p,so__wparam_type); service.w_flags:=ConvertParamFlags (GetInt(buf,0)); StrCopy(p,so__lparam_type); service.l_flags:=ConvertParamFlags (GetInt(buf,0)); //----- WPARAM ----- StrCopy(p,so__wparam); case service.w_flags and ACF_TYPE_MASK of // cheat ACF_TYPE_CURRENT: begin service.w_flags:=(service.w_flags and not ACF_TYPE_CURRENT) or ACF_TYPE_PARAM; end; ACF_TYPE_NUMBER : begin if DBGetSettingType(0,qs_module,buf) in [DBVT_WORD,DBVT_DWORD] then StrDupW(PWideChar(service.wparam),IntToStr(buf1,GetInt(buf,0))) else service.wparam:=pointer(GetUnicode(buf)); end; // ansi convert to unicode ACF_TYPE_STRING : begin tmp:=GetStr(buf); AnsiToWide(tmp,PWideChar(service.wparam),MirandaCP); mFreeMem(tmp); end; ACF_TYPE_UNICODE: service.wparam:=pointer(GetUnicode(buf)); end; //----- LPARAM ----- StrCopy(p,so__lparam); case service.l_flags and ACF_TYPE_MASK of // cheat ACF_TYPE_CURRENT: begin service.l_flags:=(service.l_flags and not ACF_TYPE_CURRENT) or ACF_TYPE_PARAM; end; ACF_TYPE_NUMBER : begin if DBGetSettingType(0,qs_module,buf) in [DBVT_WORD,DBVT_DWORD] then StrDupW(PWideChar(service.lparam),IntToStr(buf1,GetInt(buf,0))) else service.lparam:=pointer(GetUnicode(buf)); end; // ansi convert to unicode ACF_TYPE_STRING : begin tmp:=GetStr(buf); AnsiToWide(tmp,PWideChar(service.lparam),MirandaCP); mFreeMem(tmp); end; ACF_TYPE_UNICODE: service.lparam:=pointer(GetUnicode(buf)); end; end; end; QST_OTHER: begin StrCopy(p,so__other); other:=GetWord(buf,0); end; end; end; end; end; end; end.