/* Copyright (C) 2012-24 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "stdafx.h" CRowItem::CRowItem(MCONTACT _1, QSMainDlg *pDlg) : hContact(_1) { auto *pa = Proto_GetContactAccount(hContact); if (pa != nullptr) { szProto = pa->szModuleName; if (!pa->IsEnabled()) bAccOff = true; if (db_mc_isMeta(hContact)) bIsMeta = true; else if (db_mc_isSub(hContact)) bIsSub = true; } else { szProto = nullptr; bAccDel = true; } if (bAccDel || bAccOff) status = ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; else status = Contact::GetStatus(hContact); if (int nCount = g_plugin.m_columns.getCount()) { pValues = new Val[nCount]; for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) pValues[i].LoadOneItem(hContact, g_plugin.m_columns[i], pDlg); } else pValues = nullptr; } CRowItem::~CRowItem() { delete[] pValues; } void CRowItem::GetCellColor(int idx, COLORREF &clrBack, COLORREF &clrText) { if (g_plugin.m_flags & QSO_COLORIZE) { if (bAccDel) { clrBack = g_plugin.m_colors[bkg_del]; clrText = g_plugin.m_colors[fgr_del]; return; } if (bAccOff) { clrBack = g_plugin.m_colors[bkg_dis]; clrText = g_plugin.m_colors[fgr_dis]; return; } if (bIsMeta) { clrBack = g_plugin.m_colors[bkg_meta]; clrText = g_plugin.m_colors[fgr_meta]; return; } if (bIsSub) { clrBack = g_plugin.m_colors[bkg_sub]; clrText = g_plugin.m_colors[fgr_sub]; return; } if (bInList) { clrBack = g_plugin.m_colors[bkg_hid]; clrText = g_plugin.m_colors[fgr_hid]; return; } } if ((g_plugin.m_flags & QSO_DRAWGRID) == 0 && idx % 2 == 1) { clrBack = g_plugin.m_colors[bkg_odd]; clrText = g_plugin.m_colors[fgr_odd]; } else { clrBack = g_plugin.m_colors[bkg_norm]; clrText = g_plugin.m_colors[fgr_norm]; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static wchar_t* int2strw(uint32_t num) { wchar_t buf[64]; _itow_s(num, buf, 10); return mir_wstrdup(buf); } static wchar_t* hex2strw(uint32_t num) { wchar_t buf[64]; _itow_s(num, buf, 16); return mir_wstrdup(buf); } void CRowItem::Val::LoadOneItem(MCONTACT hContact, const ColumnItem &pCol, QSMainDlg *pDlg) { data = UINT_PTR(-1); replaceStrW(text, nullptr); switch (pCol.setting_type) { case QST_SCRIPT: { VARSW vars(pCol.script); if (g_bVarsInstalled) text = variables_parse(vars, 0, hContact); else text = vars.detach(); } break; case QST_SERVICE: // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not implemented break; case QST_CONTACTINFO: text = Contact::GetInfo(pCol.cnftype, hContact); if (text) data = _wtoi(text); break; case QST_OTHER: switch (pCol.other) { case QSTO_ACCOUNT: if (auto *pa = Proto_GetContactAccount(hContact)) text = mir_wstrdup(pa->tszAccountName); break; case QSTO_LASTSEEN: data = BuildLastSeenTimeInt(hContact, "SeenModule"); text = BuildLastSeenTime(data); break; case QSTO_DISPLAYNAME: text = mir_wstrdup(Clist_GetContactDisplayName(hContact, 0)); break; case QSTO_LASTEVENT: if (MEVENT hDbEvent = db_event_last(hContact)) { DBEVENTINFO dbei = {}; db_event_get(hDbEvent, &dbei); data = dbei.timestamp; text = TimeToStrW(data); } else text = 0; break; case QSTO_METACONTACT: text = pDlg->DoMeta(hContact); break; case QSTO_EVENTCOUNT: data = db_event_count(hContact); text = int2strw(data); break; } break; case QST_SETTING: auto *szNodule = pCol.module; if (!mir_strlen(szNodule)) szNodule = Proto_GetBaseAccountName(hContact); switch (pCol.datatype) { case QSTS_STRING: text = db_get_wsa(hContact, szNodule, pCol.setting); break; case QSTS_BYTE: data = db_get_b(hContact, szNodule, pCol.setting); text = int2strw(data); break; case QSTS_WORD: data = db_get_w(hContact, szNodule, pCol.setting); text = int2strw(data); break; case QSTS_DWORD: if (pCol.setting == nullptr) { data = hContact; text = hex2strw(data); } else { data = db_get_dw(hContact, szNodule, pCol.setting); text = int2strw(data); } break; case QSTS_SIGNED: data = db_get_dw(hContact, szNodule, pCol.setting); text = int2strw(data); break; case QSTS_HEXNUM: data = db_get_dw(hContact, szNodule, pCol.setting); text = hex2strw(data); break; case QSTS_TIMESTAMP: data = db_get_dw(hContact, szNodule, pCol.setting); if (data != 0) text = TimeToStrW(data); break; } } }