#include "StdAfx.h" extern bool g_bAutoUpdate; extern HANDLE g_hEventWorkThreadStop; struct CQuotesProviderBase::CXMLFileInfo { CXMLFileInfo() : m_qs(L"Unknown") {} IQuotesProvider::CProviderInfo m_pi; CQuotesProviderBase::CQuoteSection m_qs; tstring m_sURL; }; inline tstring get_ini_file_name(LPCTSTR pszFileName) { return CreateFilePath(pszFileName); } bool parse_quote(const IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr& pTop, CQuotesProviderBase::CQuote& q) { tstring sSymbol; tstring sDescription; tstring sID; size_t cChild = pTop->GetChildCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < cChild; ++i) { IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pNode = pTop->GetChildNode(i); tstring sName = pNode->GetName(); if (0 == mir_wstrcmpi(L"symbol", sName.c_str())) { sSymbol = pNode->GetText(); if (true == sSymbol.empty()) return false; } else if (0 == mir_wstrcmpi(L"description", sName.c_str())) { sDescription = pNode->GetText(); } else if (0 == mir_wstrcmpi(L"id", sName.c_str())) { sID = pNode->GetText(); if (true == sID.empty()) return false; } } q = CQuotesProviderBase::CQuote(sID, TranslateW(sSymbol.c_str()), TranslateW(sDescription.c_str())); return true; } bool parse_section(const IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr& pTop, CQuotesProviderBase::CQuoteSection& qs) { CQuotesProviderBase::CQuoteSection::TSections aSections; CQuotesProviderBase::CQuoteSection::TQuotes aQuotes; tstring sSectionName; size_t cChild = pTop->GetChildCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < cChild; ++i) { IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pNode = pTop->GetChildNode(i); tstring sName = pNode->GetName(); if (0 == mir_wstrcmpi(L"section", sName.c_str())) { CQuotesProviderBase::CQuoteSection qs1; if (true == parse_section(pNode, qs1)) aSections.push_back(qs1); } else if (0 == mir_wstrcmpi(L"quote", sName.c_str())) { CQuotesProviderBase::CQuote q; if (true == parse_quote(pNode, q)) aQuotes.push_back(q); } else if (0 == mir_wstrcmpi(L"name", sName.c_str())) { sSectionName = pNode->GetText(); if (true == sSectionName.empty()) return false; } } qs = CQuotesProviderBase::CQuoteSection(TranslateW(sSectionName.c_str()), aSections, aQuotes); return true; } IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr find_provider(const IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr& pRoot) { IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pProvider; size_t cChild = pRoot->GetChildCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < cChild; ++i) { IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pNode = pRoot->GetChildNode(i); tstring sName = pNode->GetName(); if (0 == mir_wstrcmpi(L"Provider", sName.c_str())) { pProvider = pNode; break; } pProvider = find_provider(pNode); if (pProvider) break; } return pProvider; } CQuotesProviderBase::CXMLFileInfo parse_ini_file(const tstring& rsXMLFile, bool& rbSucceded) { CQuotesProviderBase::CXMLFileInfo res; CQuotesProviderBase::CQuoteSection::TSections aSections; const CModuleInfo::TXMLEnginePtr& pXMLEngine = CModuleInfo::GetXMLEnginePtr(); IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pRoot = pXMLEngine->LoadFile(rsXMLFile); if (pRoot) { IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pProvider = find_provider(pRoot); if (pProvider) { rbSucceded = true; size_t cChild = pProvider->GetChildCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < cChild; ++i) { IXMLNode::TXMLNodePtr pNode = pProvider->GetChildNode(i); tstring sName = pNode->GetName(); if (0 == mir_wstrcmpi(L"section", sName.c_str())) { CQuotesProviderBase::CQuoteSection qs; if (true == parse_section(pNode, qs)) aSections.push_back(qs); } else if (0 == mir_wstrcmpi(L"Name", sName.c_str())) res.m_pi.m_sName = pNode->GetText(); else if (0 == mir_wstrcmpi(L"ref", sName.c_str())) res.m_pi.m_sURL = pNode->GetText(); else if (0 == mir_wstrcmpi(L"url", sName.c_str())) res.m_sURL = pNode->GetText(); } } } res.m_qs = CQuotesProviderBase::CQuoteSection(res.m_pi.m_sName, aSections); return res; } CQuotesProviderBase::CXMLFileInfo init_xml_info(LPCTSTR pszFileName, bool& rbSucceded) { rbSucceded = false; tstring sIniFile = get_ini_file_name(pszFileName); return parse_ini_file(sIniFile, rbSucceded); } CQuotesProviderBase::CQuotesProviderBase() : m_hEventSettingsChanged(::CreateEvent(nullptr, FALSE, FALSE, nullptr)), m_hEventRefreshContact(::CreateEvent(nullptr, FALSE, FALSE, nullptr)), m_bRefreshInProgress(false) { } CQuotesProviderBase::~CQuotesProviderBase() { ::CloseHandle(m_hEventSettingsChanged); ::CloseHandle(m_hEventRefreshContact); } bool CQuotesProviderBase::Init() { bool bSucceded = m_pXMLInfo != nullptr; if (!m_pXMLInfo) { CQuotesProviderVisitorDbSettings visitor; Accept(visitor); assert(visitor.m_pszXMLIniFileName); m_pXMLInfo.reset(new CXMLFileInfo(init_xml_info(visitor.m_pszXMLIniFileName, bSucceded))); } return bSucceded; } CQuotesProviderBase::CXMLFileInfo* CQuotesProviderBase::GetXMLFileInfo()const { // if(!m_pXMLInfo) // { // CQuotesProviderVisitorDbSettings visitor; // Accept(visitor); // assert(visitor.m_pszXMLIniFileName); // m_pXMLInfo.reset(new CXMLFileInfo(init_xml_info(visitor.m_pszXMLIniFileName))); // } return m_pXMLInfo.get(); } const CQuotesProviderBase::CProviderInfo& CQuotesProviderBase::GetInfo()const { return GetXMLFileInfo()->m_pi; } const CQuotesProviderBase::CQuoteSection& CQuotesProviderBase::GetQuotes()const { return GetXMLFileInfo()->m_qs; } const tstring& CQuotesProviderBase::GetURL()const { return GetXMLFileInfo()->m_sURL; } bool CQuotesProviderBase::IsOnline() { return /*g_bAutoUpdate*/true; } void CQuotesProviderBase::AddContact(MCONTACT hContact) { // CCritSection cs(m_cs); assert(m_aContacts.end() == std::find(m_aContacts.begin(), m_aContacts.end(), hContact)); m_aContacts.push_back(hContact); } void CQuotesProviderBase::DeleteContact(MCONTACT hContact) { mir_cslock lck(m_cs); TContracts::iterator i = std::find(m_aContacts.begin(), m_aContacts.end(), hContact); if (i != m_aContacts.end()) m_aContacts.erase(i); } void CQuotesProviderBase::SetContactStatus(MCONTACT hContact, int nNewStatus) { int nStatus = db_get_w(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, DB_STR_STATUS, ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); if (nNewStatus != nStatus) { db_set_w(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, DB_STR_STATUS, nNewStatus); if (ID_STATUS_ONLINE != nNewStatus) { db_unset(hContact, LIST_MODULE_NAME, STATUS_MSG_NAME); tstring sSymbol = Quotes_DBGetStringT(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, DB_STR_QUOTE_SYMBOL); if (false == sSymbol.empty()) db_set_ws(hContact, LIST_MODULE_NAME, CONTACT_LIST_NAME, sSymbol.c_str()); SetContactExtraImage(hContact, eiEmpty); } } } class CTendency { enum { NumValues = 2 }; enum EComparison { NonValid, Greater, Less, Equal, GreaterOrEqual, LessOrEqual }; public: enum EResult { NotChanged, Up, Down }; public: CTendency() : m_nComparison(NonValid) {} bool Parse(const IQuotesProvider* pProvider, const tstring& rsFrmt, MCONTACT hContact) { m_abValueFlags[0] = false; m_abValueFlags[1] = false; m_nComparison = NonValid; bool bValid = true; int nCurValue = 0; for (tstring::const_iterator i = rsFrmt.begin(); i != rsFrmt.end() && bValid && nCurValue < NumValues;) { wchar_t chr = *i; switch (chr) { default: if (false == std::isspace(chr)) bValid = false; else ++i; break; case '%': ++i; if (i != rsFrmt.end()) { wchar_t t = *i; ++i; CQuotesProviderVisitorTendency visitor(hContact, t); pProvider->Accept(visitor); if (false == visitor.IsValid()) { bValid = false; } else { double d = visitor.GetResult(); m_adValues[nCurValue] = d; m_abValueFlags[nCurValue] = true; ++nCurValue; } } else bValid = false; break; case '>': m_nComparison = Greater; ++i; break; case '<': m_nComparison = Less; ++i; break; case '=': switch (m_nComparison) { default: bValid = false; break; case NonValid: m_nComparison = Equal; break; case Greater: m_nComparison = GreaterOrEqual; break; case Less: m_nComparison = LessOrEqual; break; } ++i; break; } } return (bValid && IsValid()); } bool IsValid()const { return (m_abValueFlags[0] && m_abValueFlags[1] && (m_nComparison != NonValid)); } EResult Compare()const { switch (m_nComparison) { case Greater: if (true == IsWithinAccuracy(m_adValues[0], m_adValues[1])) return NotChanged; if (m_adValues[0] > m_adValues[1]) return Up; return Down; case GreaterOrEqual: if ((true == IsWithinAccuracy(m_adValues[0], m_adValues[1])) || (m_adValues[0] > m_adValues[1])) return Up; return Down; case Less: if (true == IsWithinAccuracy(m_adValues[0], m_adValues[1])) return NotChanged; if (m_adValues[0] < m_adValues[1]) return Up; return Down; case LessOrEqual: if ((true == IsWithinAccuracy(m_adValues[0], m_adValues[1])) || (m_adValues[0] < m_adValues[1])) return Up; return Down; case Equal: if (true == IsWithinAccuracy(m_adValues[0], m_adValues[1])) return Up; return Down; } return NotChanged; } private: double m_adValues[NumValues]; bool m_abValueFlags[NumValues]; EComparison m_nComparison; }; tstring format_rate(const IQuotesProvider *pProvider, MCONTACT hContact, const tstring &rsFrmt) { tstring sResult; for (tstring::const_iterator i = rsFrmt.begin(); i != rsFrmt.end();) { wchar_t chr = *i; switch (chr) { default: sResult += chr; ++i; break; case '\\': ++i; if (i != rsFrmt.end()) { wchar_t t = *i; switch (t) { case '%': sResult += L"%"; break; case 't': sResult += L"\t"; break; case 'n': sResult += L"\n"; break; case '\\': sResult += L"\\"; break; default: sResult += chr; sResult += t; break; } ++i; } else sResult += chr; break; case '%': ++i; if (i != rsFrmt.end()) { chr = *i; byte nWidth = 0; if (::isdigit(chr)) { nWidth = chr - 0x30; ++i; if (i == rsFrmt.end()) { sResult += chr; break; } else chr = *i; } CQuotesProviderVisitorFormater visitor(hContact, chr, nWidth); pProvider->Accept(visitor); const tstring& s = visitor.GetResult(); sResult += s; ++i; } else sResult += chr; break; } } return sResult; } void log_to_file(const IQuotesProvider* pProvider, MCONTACT hContact, const tstring& rsLogFileName, const tstring& rsFormat) { std::string sPath = quotes_t2a(rsLogFileName.c_str()); std::string::size_type n = sPath.find_last_of("\\/"); if (std::string::npos != n) sPath.erase(n); DWORD dwAttributes = ::GetFileAttributesA(sPath.c_str()); if ((0xffffffff == dwAttributes) || (0 == (dwAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))) CreateDirectoryTree(sPath.c_str()); tofstream file(rsLogFileName.c_str(), std::ios::app | std::ios::out); file.imbue(GetSystemLocale()); if (file.good()) { tstring s = format_rate(pProvider, hContact, rsFormat); file << s; } } void log_to_history(const IQuotesProvider* pProvider, MCONTACT hContact, time_t nTime, const tstring& rsFormat) { tstring s = format_rate(pProvider, hContact, rsFormat); T2Utf psz(s.c_str()); DBEVENTINFO dbei = {}; dbei.szModule = QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME; dbei.timestamp = static_cast(nTime); dbei.flags = DBEF_READ | DBEF_UTF; dbei.eventType = EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE; dbei.cbBlob = (int)::mir_strlen(psz) + 1; dbei.pBlob = (PBYTE)(char*)psz; db_event_add(hContact, &dbei); } bool do_set_contact_extra_icon(MCONTACT hContact, const CTendency& tendency) { CTendency::EResult nComparison = tendency.Compare(); if (CTendency::NotChanged == nComparison) return SetContactExtraImage(hContact, eiNotChanged); if (CTendency::Up == nComparison) return SetContactExtraImage(hContact, eiUp); if (CTendency::Down == nComparison) return SetContactExtraImage(hContact, eiDown); return false; } bool show_popup(const IQuotesProvider* pProvider, MCONTACT hContact, const CTendency& tendency, const tstring& rsFormat, const CPopupSettings& ps) { if (!ServiceExists(MS_POPUP_ADDPOPUPT)) return false; POPUPDATAT ppd; memset(&ppd, 0, sizeof(ppd)); ppd.lchContact = hContact; if (tendency.IsValid()) { CTendency::EResult nComparison = tendency.Compare(); if (CTendency::NotChanged == nComparison) ppd.lchIcon = Quotes_LoadIconEx(IDI_ICON_NOTCHANGED); else if (CTendency::Up == nComparison) ppd.lchIcon = Quotes_LoadIconEx(IDI_ICON_UP); else if (CTendency::Down == nComparison) ppd.lchIcon = Quotes_LoadIconEx(IDI_ICON_DOWN); } CQuotesProviderVisitorFormater visitor(hContact, 's', 0); pProvider->Accept(visitor); const tstring& sTitle = visitor.GetResult(); mir_wstrncpy(ppd.lptzContactName, sTitle.c_str(), MAX_CONTACTNAME); { ptrW ss(variables_parsedup((wchar_t*)rsFormat.c_str(), nullptr, hContact)); tstring sText = format_rate(pProvider, hContact, tstring(ss)); mir_wstrncpy(ppd.lptzText, sText.c_str(), MAX_SECONDLINE); } if (CPopupSettings::colourDefault == ps.GetColourMode()) { ppd.colorText = CPopupSettings::GetDefColourText(); ppd.colorBack = CPopupSettings::GetDefColourBk(); } else { ppd.colorText = ps.GetColourText(); ppd.colorBack = ps.GetColourBk(); } switch (ps.GetDelayMode()) { default: assert(!"Unknown popup delay mode"); case CPopupSettings::delayFromPopup: ppd.iSeconds = 0; break; case CPopupSettings::delayPermanent: ppd.iSeconds = -1; break; case CPopupSettings::delayCustom: ppd.iSeconds = ps.GetDelayTimeout(); break; } LPARAM lp = 0; if (false == ps.GetHistoryFlag()) lp |= 0x08; return (0 == CallService(MS_POPUP_ADDPOPUPT, reinterpret_cast(&ppd), lp)); } void CQuotesProviderBase::WriteContactRate(MCONTACT hContact, double dRate, const tstring& rsSymbol/* = ""*/) { time_t nTime = ::time(0); if (false == rsSymbol.empty()) db_set_ws(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, DB_STR_QUOTE_SYMBOL, rsSymbol.c_str()); double dPrev = 0.0; bool bValidPrev = Quotes_DBReadDouble(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, DB_STR_QUOTE_CURR_VALUE, dPrev); if (true == bValidPrev) Quotes_DBWriteDouble(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, DB_STR_QUOTE_PREV_VALUE, dPrev); Quotes_DBWriteDouble(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, DB_STR_QUOTE_CURR_VALUE, dRate); db_set_dw(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, DB_STR_QUOTE_FETCH_TIME, nTime); tstring sSymbol = rsSymbol; tostringstream oNick; oNick.imbue(GetSystemLocale()); if (false == m_sContactListFormat.empty()) { tstring s = format_rate(this, hContact, m_sContactListFormat); oNick << s; } else { if (true == sSymbol.empty()) sSymbol = Quotes_DBGetStringT(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, DB_STR_QUOTE_SYMBOL); oNick << std::setfill(L' ') << std::setw(10) << std::left << sSymbol << std::setw(6) << std::right << dRate; } CTendency tendency; if (true == tendency.Parse(this, m_sTendencyFormat, hContact)) do_set_contact_extra_icon(hContact, tendency); db_set_ws(hContact, LIST_MODULE_NAME, CONTACT_LIST_NAME, oNick.str().c_str()); tstring sStatusMsg = format_rate(this, hContact, m_sStatusMsgFormat); if (false == sStatusMsg.empty()) db_set_ws(hContact, LIST_MODULE_NAME, STATUS_MSG_NAME, sStatusMsg.c_str()); else db_unset(hContact, LIST_MODULE_NAME, STATUS_MSG_NAME); bool bUseContactSpecific = (db_get_b(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, DB_STR_CONTACT_SPEC_SETTINGS, 0) > 0); CAdvProviderSettings global_settings(this); WORD dwMode = (bUseContactSpecific) ? db_get_w(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, DB_STR_QUOTE_LOG, static_cast(lmDisabled)) : global_settings.GetLogMode(); if (dwMode&lmExternalFile) { bool bAdd = true; bool bOnlyIfChanged = (bUseContactSpecific) ? (db_get_w(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, DB_STR_QUOTE_LOG_FILE_CONDITION, 1) > 0) : global_settings.GetLogOnlyChangedFlag(); if (true == bOnlyIfChanged) { bAdd = ((false == bValidPrev) || (false == IsWithinAccuracy(dRate, dPrev))); } if (true == bAdd) { tstring sLogFileName = (bUseContactSpecific) ? Quotes_DBGetStringT(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, DB_STR_QUOTE_LOG_FILE, global_settings.GetLogFileName().c_str()) : global_settings.GetLogFileName(); if (true == sSymbol.empty()) { sSymbol = Quotes_DBGetStringT(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, DB_STR_QUOTE_SYMBOL); } sLogFileName = GenerateLogFileName(sLogFileName, sSymbol); tstring sFormat = global_settings.GetLogFormat(); if (bUseContactSpecific) { CQuotesProviderVisitorDbSettings visitor; Accept(visitor); sFormat = Quotes_DBGetStringT(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, DB_STR_QUOTE_FORMAT_LOG_FILE, visitor.m_pszDefLogFileFormat); } log_to_file(this, hContact, sLogFileName, sFormat); } } if (dwMode&lmInternalHistory) { bool bAdd = true; bool bOnlyIfChanged = (bUseContactSpecific) ? (db_get_w(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, DB_STR_QUOTE_HISTORY_CONDITION, 1) > 0) : global_settings.GetHistoryOnlyChangedFlag(); if (true == bOnlyIfChanged) { bAdd = ((false == bValidPrev) || (false == IsWithinAccuracy(dRate, dPrev))); } if (true == bAdd) { tstring sFormat = (bUseContactSpecific) ? Quotes_DBGetStringT(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, DB_STR_QUOTE_FORMAT_HISTORY, global_settings.GetHistoryFormat().c_str()) : global_settings.GetHistoryFormat(); log_to_history(this, hContact, nTime, sFormat); } } if (dwMode&lmPopup) { bool bOnlyIfChanged = (bUseContactSpecific) ? (1 == db_get_b(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, DB_STR_QUOTE_POPUP_CONDITION, 1) > 0) : global_settings.GetShowPopupIfValueChangedFlag(); if ((false == bOnlyIfChanged) || ((true == bOnlyIfChanged) && (true == bValidPrev) && (false == IsWithinAccuracy(dRate, dPrev)))) { tstring sFormat = (bUseContactSpecific) ? Quotes_DBGetStringT(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, DB_STR_QUOTE_FORMAT_POPUP, global_settings.GetPopupFormat().c_str()) : global_settings.GetPopupFormat(); CPopupSettings ps = *(global_settings.GetPopupSettingsPtr()); ps.InitForContact(hContact); show_popup(this, hContact, tendency, sFormat, ps); } } SetContactStatus(hContact, ID_STATUS_ONLINE); } MCONTACT CQuotesProviderBase::CreateNewContact(const tstring& rsName) { MCONTACT hContact = db_add_contact(); if (hContact) { if (0 == Proto_AddToContact(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME)) { tstring sProvName = GetInfo().m_sName; db_set_ws(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, DB_STR_QUOTE_PROVIDER, sProvName.c_str()); db_set_ws(hContact, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, DB_STR_QUOTE_SYMBOL, rsName.c_str()); db_set_ws(hContact, LIST_MODULE_NAME, CONTACT_LIST_NAME, rsName.c_str()); mir_cslock lck(m_cs); m_aContacts.push_back(hContact); } else { db_delete_contact(hContact); hContact = NULL; } } return hContact; } DWORD get_refresh_timeout_miliseconds(const CQuotesProviderVisitorDbSettings& visitor) { if (!g_bAutoUpdate) return INFINITE; assert(visitor.m_pszDbRefreshRateType); assert(visitor.m_pszDbRefreshRateValue); int nRefreshRateType = db_get_w(NULL, QUOTES_MODULE_NAME, visitor.m_pszDbRefreshRateType, RRT_MINUTES); if (nRefreshRateType < RRT_SECONDS || nRefreshRateType > RRT_HOURS) nRefreshRateType = RRT_MINUTES; DWORD nTimeout = db_get_w(NULL, QUOTES_MODULE_NAME, visitor.m_pszDbRefreshRateValue, 1); switch (nRefreshRateType) { default: case RRT_SECONDS: if (nTimeout < 1 || nTimeout > 60) nTimeout = 1; nTimeout *= 1000; break; case RRT_MINUTES: if (nTimeout < 1 || nTimeout > 60) nTimeout = 1; nTimeout *= 1000 * 60; break; case RRT_HOURS: if (nTimeout < 1 || nTimeout > 24) nTimeout = 1; nTimeout *= 1000 * 60 * 60; break; } return nTimeout; } class CBoolGuard { public: CBoolGuard(bool& rb) : m_b(rb) { m_b = true; } ~CBoolGuard() { m_b = false; } private: bool m_b; }; void CQuotesProviderBase::Run() { CQuotesProviderVisitorDbSettings visitor; Accept(visitor); DWORD nTimeout = get_refresh_timeout_miliseconds(visitor); m_sContactListFormat = Quotes_DBGetStringT(NULL, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, visitor.m_pszDbDisplayNameFormat, visitor.m_pszDefDisplayFormat); m_sStatusMsgFormat = Quotes_DBGetStringT(NULL, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, visitor.m_pszDbStatusMsgFormat, visitor.m_pszDefStatusMsgFormat); m_sTendencyFormat = Quotes_DBGetStringT(NULL, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, visitor.m_pszDbTendencyFormat, visitor.m_pszDefTendencyFormat); enum { STOP_THREAD = 0, SETTINGS_CHANGED = 1, REFRESH_CONTACT = 2, COUNT_SYNC_OBJECTS = 3 }; HANDLE anEvents[COUNT_SYNC_OBJECTS]; anEvents[STOP_THREAD] = g_hEventWorkThreadStop; anEvents[SETTINGS_CHANGED] = m_hEventSettingsChanged; anEvents[REFRESH_CONTACT] = m_hEventRefreshContact; TContracts anContacts; { mir_cslock lck(m_cs); anContacts = m_aContacts; } bool bGoToBed = false; if (g_bAutoUpdate) { CBoolGuard bg(m_bRefreshInProgress); RefreshQuotes(anContacts); } while (false == bGoToBed) { anContacts.clear(); DWORD dwBegin = ::GetTickCount(); DWORD dwResult = ::WaitForMultipleObjects(COUNT_SYNC_OBJECTS, anEvents, FALSE, nTimeout); switch (dwResult) { case WAIT_FAILED: assert(!"WaitForMultipleObjects failed"); bGoToBed = true; break; case WAIT_ABANDONED_0 + STOP_THREAD: case WAIT_ABANDONED_0 + SETTINGS_CHANGED: case WAIT_ABANDONED_0 + REFRESH_CONTACT: assert(!"WaitForMultipleObjects abandoned"); case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + STOP_THREAD: bGoToBed = true; break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + SETTINGS_CHANGED: nTimeout = get_refresh_timeout_miliseconds(visitor); m_sContactListFormat = Quotes_DBGetStringT(NULL, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, visitor.m_pszDbDisplayNameFormat, visitor.m_pszDefDisplayFormat); m_sStatusMsgFormat = Quotes_DBGetStringT(NULL, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, visitor.m_pszDbStatusMsgFormat, visitor.m_pszDefStatusMsgFormat); m_sTendencyFormat = Quotes_DBGetStringT(NULL, QUOTES_PROTOCOL_NAME, visitor.m_pszDbTendencyFormat, visitor.m_pszDefTendencyFormat); { mir_cslock lck(m_cs); anContacts = m_aContacts; } break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + REFRESH_CONTACT: { DWORD dwTimeRest = ::GetTickCount() - dwBegin; if (INFINITE != nTimeout && dwTimeRest < nTimeout) { nTimeout -= dwTimeRest; } { mir_cslock lck(m_cs); anContacts = m_aRefreshingContacts; m_aRefreshingContacts.clear(); } { CBoolGuard bg(m_bRefreshInProgress); RefreshQuotes(anContacts); } } break; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: nTimeout = get_refresh_timeout_miliseconds(visitor); { mir_cslock lck(m_cs); anContacts = m_aContacts; } { CBoolGuard bg(m_bRefreshInProgress); RefreshQuotes(anContacts); } break; default: assert(!"What is the hell?"); } } OnEndRun(); } void CQuotesProviderBase::OnEndRun() { TContracts anContacts; { mir_cslock lck(m_cs); anContacts = m_aContacts; m_aRefreshingContacts.clear(); } CBoolGuard bg(m_bRefreshInProgress); std::for_each(anContacts.begin(), anContacts.end(), boost::bind(&SetContactStatus, _1, ID_STATUS_OFFLINE)); } void CQuotesProviderBase::Accept(CQuotesProviderVisitor &visitor)const { visitor.Visit(*this); } void CQuotesProviderBase::RefreshSettings() { BOOL b = ::SetEvent(m_hEventSettingsChanged); assert(b && "Failed to set event"); } void CQuotesProviderBase::RefreshAllContacts() { {// for CCritSection mir_cslock lck(m_cs); m_aRefreshingContacts.clear(); std::for_each(std::begin(m_aContacts), std::end(m_aContacts), [&](MCONTACT hContact) { m_aRefreshingContacts.push_back(hContact); }); } BOOL b = ::SetEvent(m_hEventRefreshContact); assert(b && "Failed to set event"); } void CQuotesProviderBase::RefreshContact(MCONTACT hContact) { {// for CCritSection mir_cslock lck(m_cs); m_aRefreshingContacts.push_back(hContact); } BOOL b = ::SetEvent(m_hEventRefreshContact); assert(b && "Failed to set event"); }