Miranda Language Pack Version 1 Language: English (UK) for Multi-Status Msgs Locale: 0809 Last-Modified-Using: Miranda Authors: bid, NuKe007 Author-email: electrodudez@yahoo.com, nuke007@nuke007.tk Plugins-included: SMS ; !!!SMS by Nuke007!!! ; The name of this file should be langpack_sms.txt and be in the miranda directory! ; Under all the [STRING] put your desired text to replace, and in all places that has %d, %s, /r, /n please keep them, because it could cause problem [Send &SMS...] [&SMS Message] [Can't load SMS Plugin, ICQ protocol must be loaded.] [SMS Plugin Error] [Unknown] ; Don't forget the %d, and this could be in other langpack files. [Custom %d] [Send SMS] [From %s on ICQ:\r\n\r\n] [Events] [SMS Plugin] [Multiple >>] [<< Single] [SMS message didn't send by ICQ to %s because:\r\n] [SMS Confirmation from %s] [SMS Message from %s] [Incoming SMS Message] [View User's History] [Add Number To The Multiple List] [Save Number To The User's Details Phonebook] [Show/Hide Multiple List] [Shows How Much Chars You've Typed] [The SMS message send to %s timed out.] [The phone number should start with a + and consist of numbers, spaces, brackets and hyphens only.] [Invalid Phone Number] [Error - Message too long] [Message is too long, press OK to continue.] [Valid phone numbers are of the form '+(country code)(phone number)'. The contents of the phone number portion is dependent on the national layout of phone numbers, but often omits the leading zero.] [No Numbers] [There must be numbers in the list first.] [Signature:] [Put signature at the:] [Begining] [End] [Show server notifications:] [Yes] [No] [To:] [Number:] [Enter message:] [&Send] [&Close] [Chars:] [Save number] [Add number to list] [From:] [Message received:] [&Reply] [Message ID:] [Network:] [Source:] [&Ok] [&Try again] [&Cancel]