/* Copyright 2000-2012 Miranda IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef SRMM_MSGS_H #define SRMM_MSGS_H #include <richedit.h> #include <richole.h> struct NewMessageWindowLParam { HANDLE hContact; const char *szInitialText; int isWchar; int noActivate; }; struct MessageWindowData { HANDLE hContact; HANDLE hDbEventFirst, hDbEventLast; HBRUSH hBkgBrush; WNDPROC OldMessageEditProc, OldSplitterProc; int splitterPos, originalSplitterPos; SIZE minEditBoxSize; RECT minEditInit; int lineHeight; int windowWasCascaded; DWORD nFlash; int nLabelRight; int nTypeSecs; int nTypeMode; int avatarWidth; int avatarHeight; int limitAvatarH; HBITMAP avatarPic; DWORD nLastTyping; int showTyping; DWORD lastMessage; HWND hwndStatus; HANDLE hTimeZone; char *szProto; WORD wStatus; WORD wOldStatus; int cmdListInd; SortedList *cmdList; int bIsAutoRTL; WORD wMinute; }; #define DM_REMAKELOG (WM_USER+11) #define HM_DBEVENTADDED (WM_USER+12) #define DM_CASCADENEWWINDOW (WM_USER+13) #define DM_OPTIONSAPPLIED (WM_USER+14) #define DM_SPLITTERMOVED (WM_USER+15) #define DM_UPDATETITLE (WM_USER+16) #define DM_APPENDTOLOG (WM_USER+17) #define DM_NEWTIMEZONE (WM_USER+18) #define DM_SCROLLLOGTOBOTTOM (WM_USER+19) #define DM_TYPING (WM_USER+20) #define DM_UPDATEWINICON (WM_USER+21) #define DM_UPDATELASTMESSAGE (WM_USER+22) #define DM_USERNAMETOCLIP (WM_USER+23) #define DM_AVATARSIZECHANGE (WM_USER+24) #define DM_AVATARCALCSIZE (WM_USER+25) #define DM_GETAVATAR (WM_USER+26) #define DM_UPDATESIZEBAR (WM_USER+27) #define HM_AVATARACK (WM_USER+28) #define DM_GETWINDOWSTATE (WM_USER+30) #define DM_STATUSICONCHANGE (WM_USER+31) #define EVENTTYPE_JABBER_CHATSTATES 2000 #define EVENTTYPE_JABBER_PRESENCE 2001 #define EVENTTYPE_STATUSCHANGE 25368 struct CREOleCallback { IRichEditOleCallbackVtbl *lpVtbl; unsigned refCount; IStorage *pictStg; int nextStgId; }; INT_PTR CALLBACK DlgProcMessage(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR CALLBACK ErrorDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); int DbEventIsForMsgWindow(DBEVENTINFO *dbei); int DbEventIsShown(DBEVENTINFO * dbei, struct MessageWindowData *dat); void StreamInEvents(HWND hwndDlg, HANDLE hDbEventFirst, int count, int fAppend); HANDLE SendMessageDirect(const TCHAR *szMsg, HANDLE hContact, char *szProto); void LoadMsgLogIcons(void); void FreeMsgLogIcons(void); void InitOptions(void); void UnloadOptions(void); #define MSGFONTID_MYMSG 0 #define MSGFONTID_YOURMSG 1 #define MSGFONTID_MYNAME 2 #define MSGFONTID_MYTIME 3 #define MSGFONTID_MYCOLON 4 #define MSGFONTID_YOURNAME 5 #define MSGFONTID_YOURTIME 6 #define MSGFONTID_YOURCOLON 7 #define MSGFONTID_MESSAGEAREA 8 #define MSGFONTID_NOTICE 9 void LoadMsgDlgFont(int i, LOGFONT* lf, COLORREF* colour); extern const int msgDlgFontCount; #define LOADHISTORY_UNREAD 0 #define LOADHISTORY_COUNT 1 #define LOADHISTORY_TIME 2 #define SRMMMOD "SRMM" #define SRMSGMOD "SRMsg" #define DBSAVEDMSG "SavedMsg" #define SRMSGSET_DONOTSTEALFOCUS "DoNotStealFocus" #define SRMSGDEFSET_DONOTSTEALFOCUS 0 #define SRMSGSET_POPFLAGS "PopupFlags" #define SRMSGDEFSET_POPFLAGS 0 #define SRMSGSET_SHOWBUTTONLINE "ShowButtonLine" #define SRMSGDEFSET_SHOWBUTTONLINE 1 #define SRMSGSET_SHOWINFOLINE "ShowInfoLine" #define SRMSGDEFSET_SHOWINFOLINE 1 #define SRMSGSET_AUTOMIN "AutoMin" #define SRMSGDEFSET_AUTOMIN 0 #define SRMSGSET_AUTOCLOSE "AutoClose" #define SRMSGDEFSET_AUTOCLOSE 0 #define SRMSGSET_SAVEPERCONTACT "SavePerContact" #define SRMSGDEFSET_SAVEPERCONTACT 0 #define SRMSGSET_CASCADE "Cascade" #define SRMSGDEFSET_CASCADE 1 #define SRMSGSET_SENDONENTER "SendOnEnter" #define SRMSGDEFSET_SENDONENTER 1 #define SRMSGSET_SENDONDBLENTER "SendOnDblEnter" #define SRMSGDEFSET_SENDONDBLENTER 0 #define SRMSGSET_STATUSICON "UseStatusWinIcon" #define SRMSGDEFSET_STATUSICON 0 #define SRMSGSET_SENDBUTTON "UseSendButton" #define SRMSGDEFSET_SENDBUTTON 0 #define SRMSGSET_CHARCOUNT "ShowCharCount" #define SRMSGDEFSET_CHARCOUNT 0 #define SRMSGSET_CTRLSUPPORT "SupportCtrlUpDn" #define SRMSGDEFSET_CTRLSUPPORT 1 #define SRMSGSET_DELTEMP "DeleteTempCont" #define SRMSGDEFSET_DELTEMP 0 #define SRMSGSET_MSGTIMEOUT "MessageTimeout" #define SRMSGDEFSET_MSGTIMEOUT 65000 #define SRMSGSET_MSGTIMEOUT_MIN 5000 // minimum value (5 seconds) #define SRMSGSET_FLASHCOUNT "FlashMax" #define SRMSGDEFSET_FLASHCOUNT 5 #define SRMSGSET_LOADHISTORY "LoadHistory" #define SRMSGDEFSET_LOADHISTORY LOADHISTORY_UNREAD #define SRMSGSET_LOADCOUNT "LoadCount" #define SRMSGDEFSET_LOADCOUNT 10 #define SRMSGSET_LOADTIME "LoadTime" #define SRMSGDEFSET_LOADTIME 10 #define SRMSGSET_SHOWLOGICONS "ShowLogIcon" #define SRMSGDEFSET_SHOWLOGICONS 1 #define SRMSGSET_HIDENAMES "HideNames" #define SRMSGDEFSET_HIDENAMES 1 #define SRMSGSET_SHOWTIME "ShowTime" #define SRMSGDEFSET_SHOWTIME 1 #define SRMSGSET_SHOWSECS "ShowSeconds" #define SRMSGDEFSET_SHOWSECS 1 #define SRMSGSET_SHOWDATE "ShowDate" #define SRMSGDEFSET_SHOWDATE 0 #define SRMSGSET_SHOWSTATUSCH "ShowStatusChanges" #define SRMSGDEFSET_SHOWSTATUSCH 1 #define SRMSGSET_SHOWFORMAT "ShowFormatting" #define SRMSGDEFSET_SHOWFORMAT 1 #define SRMSGSET_BKGCOLOUR "BkgColour" #define SRMSGDEFSET_BKGCOLOUR GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW) #define SRMSGSET_TYPING "SupportTyping" #define SRMSGSET_TYPINGNEW "DefaultTyping" #define SRMSGDEFSET_TYPINGNEW 1 #define SRMSGSET_TYPINGUNKNOWN "UnknownTyping" #define SRMSGDEFSET_TYPINGUNKNOWN 0 #define SRMSGSET_SHOWTYPING "ShowTyping" #define SRMSGDEFSET_SHOWTYPING 1 #define SRMSGSET_SHOWTYPINGWIN "ShowTypingWin" #define SRMSGDEFSET_SHOWTYPINGWIN 1 #define SRMSGSET_SHOWTYPINGNOWIN "ShowTypingTray" #define SRMSGDEFSET_SHOWTYPINGNOWIN 0 #define SRMSGSET_SHOWTYPINGCLIST "ShowTypingClist" #define SRMSGDEFSET_SHOWTYPINGCLIST 1 #define SRMSGSET_AVATARENABLE "AvatarEnable" #define SRMSGDEFSET_AVATARENABLE 1 #define SRMSGSET_LIMITAVHEIGHT "AvatarLimitHeight" #define SRMSGDEFSET_LIMITAVHEIGHT 1 #define SRMSGSET_AVHEIGHT "AvatarHeight" #define SRMSGDEFSET_AVHEIGHT 60 #endif