; Common strings that belong to many files ;[%s disables \'%s\' status for %s] ;[%s enables \'%s\' status for %s] ;[%s has disconnected] ;[%s has joined] ;[%s has left] ;[%s is now known as %s] ;[%s kicked %s] ;[&Message] ;[Background] ;[Background colour] ;[Group Chat] ;[Group Chats] ;[Incoming message] ;[Information] ;[Layout] ;[Look up \'%s\':] ;[Message Session] ;[Messaging] ;[No word to look up] ;[Notice from %s] ;[Notices] ;[Send Error] ;[Send Message] ;[Show icons] ;[Tabs] ;[Text colour] ;[Timestamp] ;[User Menu] ;[User has disconnected] ;[User has joined] ;[User has left] ; ../../plugins/Scriver/chat/clist.c ;[Join chat] ;[Open chat window] ; ../../plugins/Scriver/chat/log.c ;[ (set by %s on %s)] ;[ (set by %s)] ;[The topic is \'%s%s\'] ;[You are now known as %s] ;[You have joined %s] ; ../../plugins/Scriver/chat/main.c ;[&Join] ;[&Leave] ; ../../plugins/Scriver/chat/options.c ;[Add \':\' to auto-completed names] ;[Appearance] ;[Appearance and functionality of chat windows] ;[Default events to show in new chat rooms if the \'event filter\' is enabled] ;[Display contact status icon before role icon] ;[Do not play sounds when focused] ;[Do not pop up when joining] ;[Enable \'event filter\' for new rooms] ;[Enable button context menus] ;[Flash when a word is highlighted] ;[Flash when someone speaks] ;[Group chats] ;[Icons to display in the tray] ;[Indent the second line of a message] ;[Limit user names to 20 characters] ;[Message is highlighted] ;[Only prefix with timestamp if it has changed] ;[Pop-ups to display] ;[Popups] ;[Prefix all events with a timestamp] ;[Select Folder] ;[Show actions] ;[Show and hide by double clicking in the contact list] ;[Show chat user list] ;[Show contact statuses (if supported)] ;[Show icon in tray for actions] ;[Show icon in tray for highlights] ;[Show icon in tray for information messages] ;[Show icon in tray for messages] ;[Show icon in tray for name changes] ;[Show icon in tray for notices ] ;[Show icon in tray for status changes] ;[Show icon in tray for topic changes] ;[Show icon in tray for users disconnecting] ;[Show icon in tray for users joining] ;[Show icon in tray for users kicking other user] ;[Show icon in tray for users leaving] ;[Show icons in tray only when the chat room is not active] ;[Show information messages] ;[Show messages] ;[Show notices] ;[Show pop-up for actions] ;[Show pop-up for highlights] ;[Show pop-up for information messages] ;[Show pop-up for messages] ;[Show pop-up for name changes] ;[Show pop-up for notices ] ;[Show pop-up for status changes] ;[Show pop-up for topic changes] ;[Show pop-up for users disconnecting] ;[Show pop-up for users joining] ;[Show pop-up for users kicking other user] ;[Show pop-up for users leaving] ;[Show pop-ups only when the chat room is not active] ;[Show status changes of users] ;[Show topic changes] ;[Show topic on your contact list (if supported)] ;[Show users being kicked] ;[Show users changing name] ;[Show users disconnecting] ;[Show users joining] ;[Show users leaving] ;[Strip colors from messages] ;[The topic has been changed] ;[Timestamp has same colour as event] ;[User has changed name] ;[User has kicked some other user] ;[User has performed an action] ;[User has sent a notice] ;[User's status was changed] ;[UserID of current contact (if defined). It is like UIN Number for ICQ, JID for Jabber, etc.] ;[Variables] ;[\"Desktop\" folder for currently logged-on Windows user] ;[\"My Documents\" folder for currently logged-on Windows user] ;[abbreviated month name] ;[abbreviated weekday name] ;[any environment variable defined in current Windows session (like %systemroot%, %allusersprofile%, etc.)] ;[day of month, 01-31] ;[day of month, 1-31] ;[full month name] ;[full weekday name] ;[month number, 01-12] ;[month number, 1-12] ;[name of current miranda profile (filename, without extension)] ;[nick of current contact (if defined)] ;[path to current miranda profile] ;[path to root miranda folder] ;[protocol name of current contact (if defined). Account name is used when protocol supports multiaccounts] ;[same as environment variable %APPDATA% for currently logged-on Windows user] ;[username for currently logged-on Windows user] ;[will return parsed string %miranda_profile%\\Profiles\\%miranda_profilename%] ;[year with century, 1901-9999] ;[year without century, 01- 99] ; ../../plugins/Scriver/chat/tools.c ;[%s %c %s\r\n] ;[%s %s\r\n] ;[%s disables \'%s\' status for %s in %s] ;[%s enables \'%s\' status for %s in %s] ;[%s has disconnected (%s)] ;[%s has joined %s] ;[%s has left %s] ;[%s has left (%s)] ;[%s kicked %s (%s)] ;[%s kicked %s from %s] ;[%s says: %s] ;[%s speaks in %s] ;[%s wants your attention in %s] ;[Information in %s] ;[Notice from %s: %s] ;[The topic is \'%s\'] ;[The topic is \'%s\' (set by %s)] ;[Topic change in %s] ; ../../plugins/Scriver/chat/window.c ;[%s: Chat Room (%u user)] ;[%s: Chat Room (%u users)] ;[%s: Message Session] ;[%s: Message Session (%u users)] ;[Control this room (CTRL+O)] ;[Enable/disable the event filter (CTRL+F)] ;[Insert a smiley] ;[Make the text bold (CTRL+B)] ;[Make the text italicized (CTRL+I)] ;[Make the text underlined (CTRL+U)] ;[Nick name] ;[Select a background color for the text (CTRL+L)] ;[Select a foreground color for the text (CTRL+K)] ;[Show the history (CTRL+H)] ;[Show/hide the nicklist (CTRL+N)] ;[Status] ;[Unique id] ; ../../plugins/Scriver/globals.c ;[Action (10x10)] ;[Add Status (10x10)] ;[Add contact] ;[Bold] ;[Close button] ;[Event filter disabled] ;[Event filter enabled] ;[Group Chats Log] ;[Hide userlist] ;[Highlight (10x10)] ;[Icon overlay] ;[Incoming message (10x10)] ;[Information (10x10)] ;[Italics] ;[Join (10x10)] ;[Kick (10x10)] ;[Leave (10x10)] ;[Message in (10x10)] ;[Message out (10x10)] ;[Nickchange (10x10)] ;[Notice (10x10)] ;[Outgoing message (10x10)] ;[Quit (10x10)] ;[Quote button] ;[Remove status (10x10)] ;[Room history] ;[Room settings] ;[Send message] ;[Sending] ;[Show userlist] ;[Single Messaging] ;[Smiley button] ;[Status 1 (10x10)] ;[Status 2 (10x10] ;[Status 3 (10x10)] ;[Status 4 (10x10)] ;[Status 5 (10x10)] ;[Status 6 (10x10)] ;[Topic (10x10)] ;[Typing notification off] ;[Underlined] ;[Unicode is off] ;[Unicode is on] ;[User is typing] ;[User's details] ;[User's history] ;[Window Icon] ; ../../plugins/Scriver/msgdialog.c ;[%s is typing a message...] ;[Add Contact Permanently to List] ;[Insert Emoticon] ;[Last message received on %s at %s.] ;[Quote Text] ;[Sending in progress: %d message(s) left...] ;[User Menu - %s] ;[View User's Details] ;[View User's History] ;[is now %s (was %s)] ;[signed off (was %s)] ;[signed on (%s)] ; ../../plugins/Scriver/msglog.c ;[File received] ;[File sent] ;[Today] ;[URL received] ;[URL sent] ;[Unknown Contact] ;[Yesterday] ; ../../plugins/Scriver/msgoptions.c ;[** New contacts **] ;[** Unknown contacts **] ;[Action message] ;[Away] ;[DND] ;[Event Log] ;[Free for chat] ;[General] ;[Group Chat Log] ;[Highlighted message] ;[Incoming URL] ;[Incoming background] ;[Incoming colon] ;[Incoming messages] ;[Incoming name] ;[Incoming time] ;[Infobar background] ;[Infobar contact name] ;[Infobar status message] ;[Information messages] ;[Input area background] ;[Invisible] ;[Message Sessions] ;[Message area] ;[Message background] ;[Message typing area] ;[NA] ;[Notice from user] ;[Occupied] ;[Offline] ;[On the phone] ;[Online] ;[Others nicknames] ;[Out to lunch] ;[Outgoing URL] ;[Outgoing background] ;[Outgoing colon] ;[Outgoing message] ;[Outgoing messages] ;[Outgoing name] ;[Outgoing time] ;[Show balloon popup (unsupported system)] ;[The topic is ...] ;[Typing Notify] ;[User disables status for ...] ;[User enables status for ...] ;[User is now known as ...] ;[User kicked ...] ;[User list background] ;[User list background (selected)] ;[User list lines] ;[User list members (away)] ;[User list members (online)] ;[Your nickname] ; ../../plugins/Scriver/msgs.c ;[%s is typing a message] ;[Incoming (Focused Window)] ;[Incoming (New Session)] ;[Incoming (Unfocused Window)] ;[Instant messages] ;[Message from %s] ;[Miranda could not load the built-in message module, riched20.dll is missing. If you are using Windows 95 or WINE please make sure you have riched20.dll installed. Press 'Yes' to continue loading Miranda.] ;[Outgoing] ;[Typing Notification] ; ../../plugins/Scriver/msgtimedout.c ;[An unknown error has occured.] ; ../../plugins/Scriver/msgwindow.c ;[Always On Top] ; ../../plugins/Scriver/resource.rc ;[&Copy] ;[&Copy link] ;[&D] ;[&E] ;[&H] ;[&Open link] ;[&Q] ;[&U] ;[(0 means default setting, -1 means indefinite time)] ;[Actions] ;[Add new rooms to group:] ;[An error has occured. The protocol reported the following error:] ;[Automatically pop up the window when] ;[Behaviour] ;[Bing] ;[C&lear Log] ;[Cancel] ;[Cascade new windows] ;[Clear] ;[Clear lo&g] ;[Close Other Tabs] ;[Close Tab] ;[Co&py All] ;[Co&py all] ;[Copy] ;[Custom1] ;[Custom2] ;[Customize fonts and colors] ;[Cut] ;[Delete] ;[Delete temporary contacts on closing] ;[Disconnects] ;[Enable IEView] ;[Enable highlighting] ;[Enable message grouping] ;[Enable tabs] ;[Enable transparency] ;[Events in the last] ;[Flash in the system tray and in the contact list] ;[Foodnetwork] ;[Google] ;[Google Maps] ;[Google Translate] ;[Hide windows on close] ;[Indent text] ;[Last] ;[Limit log text to (events):] ;[Limit names on tabs to] ;[Limit number of group chats tabs per window to] ;[Limit number of tabs per window to] ;[List] ;[Location] ;[Log] ;[Log Options] ;[Log status changes] ;[Log timestamp] ;[LogLink] ;[Long date format] ;[Mark follow-up msgs with timestamp] ;[Message] ;[Message Window Event Log] ;[Messages] ;[Min input area size] ;[Minimize on send] ;[Nick changes] ;[No] ;[OK] ;[Options] ;[Other] ;[Other name] ;[Paste] ;[Paste && Send] ;[Preload] ;[Redo] ;[Relative date] ;[Remember my choice for this container] ;[Remember unsent messages] ;[Save logs] ;[Save size and location for each contact] ;[Select &All] ;[Send To All Tabs] ;[Send message on 'Enter'] ;[Send message on double 'Enter'] ;[Send typing notifications to the following users when you are typing a message to them:] ;[Show avatars] ;[Show balloon popup] ;[Show date] ;[Show infobar] ;[Show lines between messages] ;[Show names] ;[Show progress indicator] ;[Show seconds] ;[Show status bar] ;[Show these events only:] ;[Show time] ;[Show titlebar] ;[Show toolbar] ;[Show typing notification switch in the status bar] ;[Show typing notification when no message dialog is open] ;[Show typing notifications when a user is typing a message] ;[Show warning when message has not been received after] ;[Slider1] ;[Spin1] ;[Spin2] ;[Start message text on a new line] ;[Status changes] ;[Switch to active tab] ;[Tabs at bottom] ;[Text] ;[Timeout (s)] ;[Topic changes] ;[Trim to] ;[Try again] ;[Typing Notification Options] ;[Undo] ;[Unread events only] ;[Update message window icons when a user is typing] ;[Use custom colours] ;[Use default colours] ;[Use same style as in the message log] ;[Use separate windows for group chats] ;[Use the contact's status icon as the window icon] ;[User kicks] ;[User list row height] ;[Users joining] ;[Users leaving] ;[Wikipedia (en)] ;[Word lookup] ;[Words to highlight (wildcards allowed)] ;[Yahoo] ;[Yes] ;[You are about to send a message to all open tabs.\nAre you sure ?] ;[Your name] ;[active] ;[and stay minimized] ;[characters] ;[events] ;[inactive] ;[kB] ;[lines] ;[minutes] ;[pixels] ;[seconds.] ;[while sending the following message:] ; ../../plugins/Scriver/sendqueue.c ;[The message send timed out.]