/* Chat module plugin for Miranda IM Copyright (C) 2003 Jörgen Persson Copyright 2003-2009 Miranda ICQ/IM project, This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "../commonheaders.h" HANDLE hSendEvent; HANDLE hBuildMenuEvent ; HANDLE g_hHookContactDblClick, g_hHookPrebuildMenu; CRITICAL_SECTION cs; int Chat_SmileyOptionsChanged(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { SM_BroadcastMessage(NULL, GC_REDRAWLOG, 0, 1, FALSE); return 0; } int Chat_PreShutdown(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { SM_BroadcastMessage(NULL, GC_CLOSEWINDOW, 0, 1, FALSE); SM_RemoveAll(); MM_RemoveAll(); return 0; } int Chat_FontsChanged(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { LoadLogFonts(); LoadMsgLogBitmaps(); MM_FontsChanged(); MM_FixColors(); SM_BroadcastMessage(NULL, GC_SETWNDPROPS, 0, 0, TRUE); return 0; } int Chat_IconsChanged(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { FreeMsgLogBitmaps(); LoadMsgLogBitmaps(); MM_IconsChanged(); SM_BroadcastMessage(NULL, GC_SETWNDPROPS, 0, 0, FALSE); return 0; } static INT_PTR Service_GetCount(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { if (!lParam) return -1; mir_cslock lock(cs); return SM_GetCount((char*)lParam); } static INT_PTR Service_GetInfo(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { GC_INFO *gci = (GC_INFO *) lParam; if (!gci || !gci->pszModule) return 1; SESSION_INFO *si = NULL; mir_cslock lock(cs); if (gci->Flags & BYINDEX) si = SM_FindSessionByIndex( gci->pszModule, gci->iItem ); else si = SM_FindSession( gci->pszID, gci->pszModule ); if (si == NULL) return 1; if (gci->Flags & DATA) gci->dwItemData = si->dwItemData; if (gci->Flags & HCONTACT) gci->hContact = si->windowData.hContact; if (gci->Flags & TYPE) gci->iType = si->iType; if (gci->Flags & COUNT) gci->iCount = si->nUsersInNicklist; if (gci->Flags & USERS) gci->pszUsers = SM_GetUsers(si); if (gci->Flags & ID) gci->pszID = si->ptszID; if (gci->Flags & NAME) gci->pszName = si->ptszName; return 0; } void LoadModuleIcons(MODULEINFO *mi) { HIMAGELIST hList = ImageList_Create(16, 16, ILC_COLOR32 | ILC_MASK, 0, 0); int overlayIcon = ImageList_AddIcon(hList, GetCachedIcon("chat_overlay")); ImageList_SetOverlayImage(hList, overlayIcon, 1); mi->hOnlineIconBig = LoadSkinnedProtoIconBig(mi->pszModule, ID_STATUS_ONLINE); mi->hOnlineIcon = LoadSkinnedProtoIcon(mi->pszModule, ID_STATUS_ONLINE); int index = ImageList_AddIcon(hList, mi->hOnlineIcon); mi->hOnlineTalkIcon = ImageList_GetIcon(hList, index, ILD_TRANSPARENT | INDEXTOOVERLAYMASK(1)); mi->hOfflineIconBig = LoadSkinnedProtoIconBig(mi->pszModule, ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); mi->hOfflineIcon = LoadSkinnedProtoIcon(mi->pszModule, ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); index = ImageList_AddIcon(hList, mi->hOfflineIcon); mi->hOfflineTalkIcon = ImageList_GetIcon(hList, index, ILD_TRANSPARENT | INDEXTOOVERLAYMASK(1)); ImageList_Destroy(hList); } static INT_PTR Service_Register(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { GCREGISTER *gcr = (GCREGISTER *)lParam; if (gcr == NULL) return GC_REGISTER_ERROR; if (gcr->cbSize != sizeof(GCREGISTER)) return GC_REGISTER_WRONGVER; mir_cslock lock(cs); MODULEINFO *mi = MM_AddModule(gcr->pszModule); if (mi == NULL) return GC_REGISTER_ERROR; mi->ptszModDispName = mir_tstrdup(gcr->ptszDispName); mi->bBold = gcr->dwFlags & GC_BOLD; mi->bUnderline = gcr->dwFlags & GC_UNDERLINE ; mi->bItalics = gcr->dwFlags & GC_ITALICS ; mi->bColor = gcr->dwFlags & GC_COLOR ; mi->bBkgColor = gcr->dwFlags & GC_BKGCOLOR ; mi->bFontSize = gcr->dwFlags & GC_FONTSIZE; mi->bAckMsg = gcr->dwFlags & GC_ACKMSG ; mi->bChanMgr = gcr->dwFlags & GC_CHANMGR ; mi->bSingleFormat = gcr->dwFlags & GC_SINGLEFORMAT; mi->iMaxText= gcr->iMaxText; mi->nColorCount = gcr->nColors; if ( gcr->nColors > 0) { mi->crColors = (COLORREF *)mir_alloc(sizeof(COLORREF) * gcr->nColors); memcpy(mi->crColors, gcr->pColors, sizeof(COLORREF) * gcr->nColors); } CheckColorsInModule((char*)gcr->pszModule); CList_SetAllOffline(TRUE, gcr->pszModule); return 0; } static INT_PTR Service_NewChat(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { GCSESSION *gcw = (GCSESSION*)lParam; if (gcw == NULL) return GC_NEWSESSION_ERROR; if (gcw->cbSize != sizeof(GCSESSION)) return GC_NEWSESSION_WRONGVER; mir_cslock lock(cs); MODULEINFO *mi = MM_FindModule(gcw->pszModule); if (mi == NULL) return GC_NEWSESSION_ERROR; SESSION_INFO *si = SM_AddSession(gcw->ptszID, gcw->pszModule); if (mi->hOfflineIcon == NULL) LoadModuleIcons(mi); // create a new session and set the defaults if (si != NULL) { TCHAR szTemp[256]; si->dwItemData = gcw->dwItemData; if ( gcw->iType != GCW_SERVER ) si->wStatus = ID_STATUS_ONLINE; si->iType = gcw->iType; si->dwFlags = gcw->dwFlags; si->ptszName = mir_tstrdup(gcw->ptszName); si->ptszStatusbarText = mir_tstrdup(gcw->ptszStatusbarText); si->iSplitterX = g_Settings.iSplitterX; si->iSplitterY = g_Settings.iSplitterY; si->iLogFilterFlags = (int)db_get_dw(NULL, "Chat", "FilterFlags", 0x03E0); si->bFilterEnabled = db_get_b(NULL, "Chat", "FilterEnabled", 0); si->bNicklistEnabled = db_get_b(NULL, "Chat", "ShowNicklist", 1); if (mi->bColor) { si->iFG = 4; si->bFGSet = TRUE; } if (mi->bBkgColor) { si->iBG = 2; si->bBGSet = TRUE; } if (si->iType == GCW_SERVER) mir_sntprintf(szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp), LPGENT("Server: %s"), si->ptszName); else mir_sntprintf(szTemp, SIZEOF(szTemp), _T("%s"), si->ptszName); si->windowData.hContact = CList_AddRoom(gcw->pszModule, gcw->ptszID, szTemp, si->iType); si->windowData.codePage = db_get_w(si->windowData.hContact, si->pszModule, "CodePage", (WORD)CP_ACP); si->pszHeader = Log_CreateRtfHeader(mi, si); db_set_s(si->windowData.hContact, si->pszModule, "Topic", ""); db_unset(si->windowData.hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg"); if (si->ptszStatusbarText) db_set_ts(si->windowData.hContact, si->pszModule, "StatusBar", si->ptszStatusbarText); else db_set_s(si->windowData.hContact, si->pszModule, "StatusBar", ""); } else { SESSION_INFO *si2 = SM_FindSession(gcw->ptszID, gcw->pszModule); if (si2) { UM_RemoveAll(&si2->pUsers); TM_RemoveAll(&si2->pStatuses); si2->iStatusCount = 0; si2->nUsersInNicklist = 0; if (si2->hWnd ) RedrawWindow(GetDlgItem(si2->hWnd, IDC_CHAT_LIST), NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE); } } return 0; } static INT_PTR DoControl(GCEVENT *gce, WPARAM wp) { SESSION_INFO *si; if ( gce->pDest->iType == GC_EVENT_CONTROL ) { switch (wp) { case WINDOW_HIDDEN: if (si = SM_FindSession(gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule)) { si->bInitDone = TRUE; SetActiveSession(si->ptszID, si->pszModule); if (si->hWnd) ShowRoom(si, wp, FALSE); } return 0; case WINDOW_MINIMIZE: case WINDOW_MAXIMIZE: case WINDOW_VISIBLE: case SESSION_INITDONE: if (si = SM_FindSession(gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule)) { si->bInitDone = TRUE; if (wp != SESSION_INITDONE || db_get_b(NULL, "Chat", "PopupOnJoin", 0) == 0) ShowRoom(si, wp, TRUE); return 0; } break; case SESSION_OFFLINE: SM_SetOffline(gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule); // fall through case SESSION_ONLINE: SM_SetStatus( gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule, wp==SESSION_ONLINE?ID_STATUS_ONLINE:ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); break; case WINDOW_CLEARLOG: if (si = SM_FindSession(gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule)) { LM_RemoveAll(&si->pLog, &si->pLogEnd); si->iEventCount = 0; si->LastTime = 0; } break; case SESSION_TERMINATE: return SM_RemoveSession(gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule, (gce->dwFlags & GCEF_REMOVECONTACT) != 0); } SM_SendMessage(gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule, GC_EVENT_CONTROL + WM_USER + 500, wp, 0); } else if (gce->pDest->iType == GC_EVENT_CHUID && gce->ptszText) { SM_ChangeUID( gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule, gce->ptszNick, gce->ptszText); } else if (gce->pDest->iType == GC_EVENT_CHANGESESSIONAME && gce->ptszText) { if (si = SM_FindSession(gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule)) { replaceStrT(si->ptszName, gce->ptszText); if (si->hWnd) SendMessage(si->hWnd, DM_UPDATETITLEBAR, 0, 0); } } else if (gce->pDest->iType == GC_EVENT_SETITEMDATA) { if (si = SM_FindSession(gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule)) si->dwItemData = gce->dwItemData; } else if (gce->pDest->iType ==GC_EVENT_GETITEMDATA) { if (si = SM_FindSession(gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule)) { gce->dwItemData = si->dwItemData; return si->dwItemData; } return 0; } else if (gce->pDest->iType ==GC_EVENT_SETSBTEXT) { if (si = SM_FindSession(gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule)) { replaceStrT(si->ptszStatusbarText, gce->ptszText); if (si->ptszStatusbarText) db_set_ts(si->windowData.hContact, si->pszModule, "StatusBar", si->ptszStatusbarText); else db_set_s(si->windowData.hContact, si->pszModule, "StatusBar", ""); if (si->hWnd) SendMessage(si->hWnd, DM_UPDATESTATUSBAR, 0, 0); } } else if (gce->pDest->iType == GC_EVENT_ACK) { SM_SendMessage(gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule, GC_ACKMESSAGE, 0, 0); } else if (gce->pDest->iType == GC_EVENT_SENDMESSAGE && gce->ptszText) { SM_SendUserMessage( gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule, gce->ptszText); } else if (gce->pDest->iType == GC_EVENT_SETSTATUSEX) { SM_SetStatusEx( gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule, gce->ptszText, gce->dwItemData); } else return 1; return 0; } static void AddUser(GCEVENT *gce) { SESSION_INFO *si = SM_FindSession( gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule); if (si == NULL) return; WORD status = TM_StringToWord(si->pStatuses, gce->ptszStatus); USERINFO *ui = SM_AddUser(si, gce->ptszUID, gce->ptszNick, status); if (ui == NULL) return; ui->pszNick = mir_tstrdup(gce->ptszNick); if (gce->bIsMe) si->pMe = ui; ui->Status = status; ui->Status |= si->pStatuses->Status; if (si->hWnd) SendMessage(si->hWnd, GC_UPDATENICKLIST, 0, 0); } void ShowRoom(SESSION_INFO *si, WPARAM wp, BOOL bSetForeground) { HWND hParent = NULL; if (!si) return; //Do we need to create a window? if (si->hWnd == NULL) { hParent = GetParentWindow(si->windowData.hContact, TRUE); si->hWnd = CreateDialogParam(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CHANNEL), hParent, RoomWndProc, (LPARAM)si); } SendMessage(si->hWnd, DM_UPDATETABCONTROL, -1, (LPARAM)si); SendMessage(GetParent(si->hWnd), CM_ACTIVATECHILD, 0, (LPARAM)si->hWnd); SendMessage(GetParent(si->hWnd), CM_POPUPWINDOW, 0, (LPARAM)si->hWnd); SendMessage(si->hWnd, WM_MOUSEACTIVATE, 0, 0); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(si->hWnd, IDC_CHAT_MESSAGE)); } static INT_PTR Service_AddEvent(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { GCEVENT *gce = (GCEVENT*)lParam; SESSION_INFO *si; BOOL bIsHighlighted = FALSE; BOOL bRemoveFlag = FALSE; if (gce == NULL) return GC_EVENT_ERROR; GCDEST *gcd = gce->pDest; if (gcd == NULL) return GC_EVENT_ERROR; if (gce->cbSize != sizeof(GCEVENT)) return GC_EVENT_WRONGVER; if (!IsEventSupported(gcd->iType)) return GC_EVENT_ERROR; mir_cslock lck(cs); // Do different things according to type of event switch(gcd->iType) { case GC_EVENT_ADDGROUP: { STATUSINFO *si = SM_AddStatus(gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule, gce->ptszStatus); if (si && gce->dwItemData) si->hIcon = CopyIcon((HICON)gce->dwItemData); } return 0; case GC_EVENT_CHUID: case GC_EVENT_CHANGESESSIONAME: case GC_EVENT_SETITEMDATA: case GC_EVENT_GETITEMDATA: case GC_EVENT_CONTROL: case GC_EVENT_SETSBTEXT: case GC_EVENT_ACK: case GC_EVENT_SENDMESSAGE : case GC_EVENT_SETSTATUSEX : return DoControl(gce, wParam); case GC_EVENT_SETCONTACTSTATUS: return SM_SetContactStatus(gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule, gce->ptszUID, (WORD)gce->dwItemData); case GC_EVENT_TOPIC: if (si = SM_FindSession(gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule)) { if (gce->ptszText) { replaceStrT(si->ptszTopic, gce->ptszText); db_set_ts(si->windowData.hContact, si->pszModule , "Topic", RemoveFormatting(si->ptszTopic)); if (db_get_b(NULL, "Chat", "TopicOnClist", 0)) db_set_ts(si->windowData.hContact, "CList" , "StatusMsg", RemoveFormatting(si->ptszTopic)); } } break; case GC_EVENT_ADDSTATUS: SM_GiveStatus( gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule, gce->ptszUID, gce->ptszStatus); break; case GC_EVENT_REMOVESTATUS: SM_TakeStatus( gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule, gce->ptszUID, gce->ptszStatus); break; case GC_EVENT_MESSAGE: case GC_EVENT_ACTION: if (!gce->bIsMe && gce->pDest->ptszID && gce->ptszText) { if (si = SM_FindSession( gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule)) if ( IsHighlighted(si, gce->ptszText)) bIsHighlighted = TRUE; } break; case GC_EVENT_NICK: SM_ChangeNick( gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule, gce); break; case GC_EVENT_JOIN: AddUser(gce); break; case GC_EVENT_PART: case GC_EVENT_QUIT: case GC_EVENT_KICK: bRemoveFlag = TRUE; break; } // Decide which window (log) should have the event LPCTSTR pWnd = NULL; LPCSTR pMod = NULL; if (gcd->ptszID) { pWnd = gcd->ptszID; pMod = gcd->pszModule; } else if (gcd->iType == GC_EVENT_NOTICE || gcd->iType == GC_EVENT_INFORMATION) { SESSION_INFO *si = GetActiveSession(); if (si && !lstrcmpA(si->pszModule, gcd->pszModule)) { pWnd = si->ptszID; pMod = si->pszModule; } else return 0; } else { // Send the event to all windows with a user pszUID. Used for broadcasting QUIT etc SM_AddEventToAllMatchingUID(gce); if (!bRemoveFlag) return 0; } // add to log if (pWnd) { si = SM_FindSession(pWnd, pMod); // fix for IRC's old stuyle mode notifications. Should not affect any other protocol if ((gce->pDest->iType == GC_EVENT_ADDSTATUS || gce->pDest->iType == GC_EVENT_REMOVESTATUS) && !(gce->dwFlags & GCEF_ADDTOLOG)) return 0; if (gce && gce->pDest->iType == GC_EVENT_JOIN && gce->time == 0) return 0; if (si && (si->bInitDone || gce->pDest->iType == GC_EVENT_TOPIC || (gce->pDest->iType == GC_EVENT_JOIN && gce->bIsMe))) { if (SM_AddEvent(pWnd, pMod, gce, bIsHighlighted) && si->hWnd) SendMessage(si->hWnd, GC_ADDLOG, 0, 0); else if (si->hWnd) SendMessage(si->hWnd, GC_REDRAWLOG2, 0, 0); if (!(gce->dwFlags & GCEF_NOTNOTIFY)) DoSoundsFlashPopupTrayStuff(si, gce, bIsHighlighted, 0); if ((gce->dwFlags & GCEF_ADDTOLOG) && g_Settings.LoggingEnabled) LogToFile(si, gce); } if (!bRemoveFlag) return 0; } if (bRemoveFlag) return SM_RemoveUser( gce->pDest->ptszID, gce->pDest->pszModule, gce->ptszUID ) == 0; return GC_EVENT_ERROR; } static INT_PTR Service_GetAddEventPtr(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { GCPTRS *gp = (GCPTRS*)lParam; mir_cslock lck(cs); gp->pfnAddEvent = Service_AddEvent; return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Service creation void HookEvents(void) { HookEvent(ME_CLIST_PREBUILDCONTACTMENU, CList_PrebuildContactMenu); } void CreateServiceFunctions(void) { CreateServiceFunction(MS_GC_REGISTER, Service_Register); CreateServiceFunction(MS_GC_NEWSESSION, Service_NewChat); CreateServiceFunction(MS_GC_EVENT, Service_AddEvent); CreateServiceFunction(MS_GC_GETEVENTPTR, Service_GetAddEventPtr); CreateServiceFunction(MS_GC_GETINFO, Service_GetInfo); CreateServiceFunction(MS_GC_GETSESSIONCOUNT, Service_GetCount); CreateServiceFunction("GChat/DblClickEvent", CList_EventDoubleclickedSvc); CreateServiceFunction("GChat/PrebuildMenuEvent", CList_PrebuildContactMenuSvc); CreateServiceFunction("GChat/JoinChat", CList_JoinChat); CreateServiceFunction("GChat/LeaveChat", CList_LeaveChat); } void CreateHookableEvents(void) { hSendEvent = CreateHookableEvent(ME_GC_EVENT); hBuildMenuEvent = CreateHookableEvent(ME_GC_BUILDMENU); } void DestroyHookableEvents(void) { DestroyHookableEvent(hSendEvent); DestroyHookableEvent(hBuildMenuEvent); }