/* Scriver Copyright (c) 2000-12 Miranda ICQ/IM project, all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people listed in contributors.txt. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef SRMM_GLOBALS_H #define SRMM_GLOBALS_H #define SMF_AUTOPOPUP 0x00000001 #define SMF_STAYMINIMIZED 0x00000002 #define SMF_CLOSEONSEND 0x00000004 #define SMF_MINIMIZEONSEND 0x00000008 #define SMF_SAVEDRAFTS 0x00000040 #define SMF_DELTEMP 0x00000080 #define SMF_SENDONENTER 0x00000100 #define SMF_SENDONDBLENTER 0x00000200 #define SMF_SHOWPROGRESS 0x00000400 #define SMF_AVATAR 0x00000800 #define SMF_STATUSICON 0x00002000 #define SMF_RTL 0x00004000 #define SMF_USEIEVIEW 0x00010000 #define SMF_SHOWICONS 0x00020000 #define SMF_HIDENAMES 0x00040000 #define SMF_SHOWTIME 0x00080000 #define SMF_SHOWDATE 0x00100000 #define SMF_LONGDATE 0x00200000 #define SMF_RELATIVEDATE 0x00400000 #define SMF_SHOWSECONDS 0x00800000 #define SMF_GROUPMESSAGES 0x01000000 #define SMF_MARKFOLLOWUPS 0x02000000 #define SMF_MSGONNEWLINE 0x04000000 #define SMF_DRAWLINES 0x08000000 #define SMF_INDENTTEXT 0x10000000 #define SMF_ORIGINALAVATARH 0x20000000 #define SMF2_USETABS 0x00000001 #define SMF2_HIDEONETAB 0x00000002 #define SMF2_TABSATBOTTOM 0x00000004 #define SMF2_LIMITNAMES 0x00000008 #define SMF2_SWITCHTOACTIVE 0x00000010 #define SMF2_SEPARATECHATSCONTAINERS 0x00000020 #define SMF2_TABCLOSEBUTTON 0x00000040 #define SMF2_LIMITTABS 0x00000080 #define SMF2_LIMITCHATSTABS 0x00000100 #define SMF2_HIDECONTAINERS 0x00000200 #define SMF2_SHOWINFOBAR 0x00000400 #define SMF2_SHOWSTATUSBAR 0x00010000 #define SMF2_SHOWTITLEBAR 0x00020000 #define SMF2_SHOWTOOLBAR 0x00040000 #define SMF2_USETRANSPARENCY 0x00080000 #define SMF2_SHOWTYPING 0x01000000 #define SMF2_SHOWTYPINGWIN 0x02000000 #define SMF2_SHOWTYPINGTRAY 0x04000000 #define SMF2_SHOWTYPINGCLIST 0x08000000 #define SMF2_SHOWTYPINGSWITCH 0x10000000 typedef struct ImageListUsageEntry_tag { int index; int used; } ImageListUsageEntry; struct GlobalMessageData { unsigned int flags; unsigned int flags2; HANDLE hMessageWindowList; DWORD openFlags; HANDLE hParentWindowList; ParentWindowData *lastParent; ParentWindowData *lastChatParent; int limitNamesLength; int activeAlpha; int inactiveAlpha; HMENU hMenuANSIEncoding; int tabIconListUsageSize; ImageListUsageEntry *tabIconListUsage; TCmdList *draftList; int smileyAddInstalled; int popupInstalled; int ieviewInstalled; int buttonVisibility; int chatBbuttonVisibility; int limitTabsNum; int limitChatsTabsNum; int indentSize; HIMAGELIST hTabIconList; HIMAGELIST hButtonIconList; HIMAGELIST hChatButtonIconList; HIMAGELIST hHelperIconList; HIMAGELIST hSearchEngineIconList; HBRUSH hInfobarBrush; int toolbarPosition; HWND hFocusWnd; DWORD logLineColour; int logPixelSX; int logPixelSY; HICON hMsgIcon; HICON hMsgIconBig; HICON hIconChatBig; int minInputAreaHeight; }; int IconsChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); int SmileySettingsChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void InitGlobals(); void FreeGlobals(); void ReloadGlobals(); void RegisterIcons(); void ReleaseIcons(); void LoadGlobalIcons(); HICON GetCachedIcon(const char *name); void RegisterFontServiceFonts(); int ScriverRestoreWindowPosition(HWND hwnd,HANDLE hContact,const char *szModule,const char *szNamePrefix, int flags, int showCmd); int ImageList_AddIcon_Ex(HIMAGELIST hIml, int id); int ImageList_AddIcon_Ex2(HIMAGELIST hIml, HICON hIcon); int ImageList_ReplaceIcon_Ex(HIMAGELIST hIml, int nIndex, int id); int ImageList_AddIcon_ProtoEx(HIMAGELIST hIml, const char* szProto, int status); void ReleaseIconSmart(HICON hIcon); void StreamInTestEvents(HWND hEditWnd, GlobalMessageData *gdat); #endif