#include "commonheaders.h" LIST<SupPro> arProto(10, HandleKeySortT); LIST<UinKey> arClist(100, NumericKeySortT); void loadSupportedProtocols() { LPSTR szNames = g_plugin.getStringA("protos"); if (szNames && strchr(szNames, ':') == nullptr) { LPSTR tmp = (LPSTR)mir_alloc(2048); int j = 0; for (int i = 0; szNames[i]; i++) { if (szNames[i] == ';') memcpy((PVOID)(tmp + j), (PVOID)":1:0:0", 6); j += 6; tmp[j++] = szNames[i]; } tmp[j] = '\0'; SAFE_FREE(szNames); szNames = tmp; g_plugin.setString("protos", szNames); } for (auto &pa : Accounts()) { if (!pa->szModuleName || !CallProtoService(pa->szModuleName, PS_GETCAPS, PFLAGNUM_2, 0)) continue; SupPro *p = (SupPro*)mir_calloc(sizeof(SupPro)); p->name = mir_strdup(pa->szModuleName); if (szNames && p->name) { char tmp[128]; strncpy(tmp, p->name, sizeof(tmp) - 1); mir_strncat(tmp, ":", _countof(tmp) - mir_strlen(tmp)); LPSTR szName = strstr(szNames, tmp); if (szName) { szName = strchr(szName, ':'); if (szName) { p->inspecting = (*++szName == '1'); szName = strchr(szName, ':'); if (szName) { p->split_on = atoi(++szName); p->tsplit_on = p->split_on; szName = strchr(szName, ':'); if (szName) { p->split_off = atoi(++szName); p->tsplit_off = p->split_off; } } } } } else p->inspecting = true; arProto.insert(p); } SAFE_FREE(szNames); } void freeSupportedProtocols() { for (auto &it : arProto) { mir_free(it->name); mir_free(it); } arProto.destroy(); } pSupPro getSupPro(MCONTACT hContact) { for (auto &it : arProto) if (Proto_IsProtoOnContact(hContact, it->name)) return it; return nullptr; } // add contact in the list of secureIM users pUinKey addContact(MCONTACT hContact) { if (hContact == NULL) return nullptr; pSupPro proto = getSupPro(hContact); if (proto == nullptr) return nullptr; pUinKey p = (pUinKey)mir_calloc(sizeof(UinKey)); p->header = HEADER; p->footer = FOOTER; p->hContact = hContact; p->proto = proto; p->mode = g_plugin.getByte(hContact, "mode", 99); if (p->mode == 99) { if (isContactPGP(hContact)) p->mode = MODE_PGP; else p->mode = isContactGPG(hContact) ? MODE_GPG : MODE_RSAAES; g_plugin.setByte(hContact, "mode", p->mode); } p->status = g_plugin.getByte(hContact, "StatusID", STATUS_ENABLED); p->gpgMode = g_plugin.getByte(hContact, "gpgANSI", 0); arClist.insert(p); return p; } // delete contact from the list of secureIM users void delContact(MCONTACT hContact) { pUinKey p = arClist.find((pUinKey)&hContact); if (p) { arClist.remove(p); cpp_delete_context(p->cntx); p->cntx = nullptr; mir_free(p->tmp); mir_free(p->msgSplitted); mir_free(p); } } // load contactlist in the list of secureIM users void loadContactList() { freeContactList(); loadSupportedProtocols(); for (auto &hContact : Contacts()) addContact(hContact); } // free list of secureIM users void freeContactList() { for (auto &p : arClist) { cpp_delete_context(p->cntx); p->cntx = nullptr; mir_free(p->tmp); mir_free(p->msgSplitted); mir_free(p); } arClist.destroy(); freeSupportedProtocols(); } // find user in the list of secureIM users and add him, if unknow pUinKey findUinKey(MCONTACT hContact) { return arClist.find((pUinKey)&hContact); } pUinKey getUinKey(MCONTACT hContact) { pUinKey p = arClist.find((pUinKey)&hContact); return (p) ? p : addContact(hContact); } pUinKey getUinCtx(HANDLE cntx) { for (auto &it : arClist) if (it->cntx == cntx) return it; return nullptr; } // add message to user queue for send later void addMsg2Queue(pUinKey ptr, WPARAM wParam, LPSTR szMsg) { Sent_NetLog("addMsg2Queue: msg: -----\n%s\n-----\n", szMsg); pWM ptrMessage; mir_cslock lck(localQueueMutex); if (ptr->msgQueue == nullptr) { // create new ptr->msgQueue = (pWM)mir_alloc(sizeof(struct waitingMessage)); ptrMessage = ptr->msgQueue; } else { // add to list ptrMessage = ptr->msgQueue; while (ptrMessage->nextMessage) ptrMessage = ptrMessage->nextMessage; ptrMessage->nextMessage = (pWM)mir_alloc(sizeof(struct waitingMessage)); ptrMessage = ptrMessage->nextMessage; } ptrMessage->wParam = wParam; ptrMessage->nextMessage = nullptr; ptrMessage->Message = mir_strdup(szMsg); } void getContactUinA(MCONTACT hContact, LPSTR szUIN) { wchar_t buf[NAMSIZE]; getContactUin(hContact, buf); strncpy_s(szUIN, NAMSIZE, _T2A(buf), _TRUNCATE); } void getContactUin(MCONTACT hContact, LPWSTR szUIN) { *szUIN = 0; pSupPro ptr = getSupPro(hContact); if (!ptr) return; auto *pa = Proto_GetAccount(ptr->name); if (pa == nullptr) return; ptrW uid(Contact_GetInfo(CNF_UNIQUEID, hContact, pa->szModuleName)); mir_snwprintf(szUIN, NAMSIZE, L"%s [%s]", uid.get(), pa->tszAccountName); }