#include "commonheaders.h" static void sttWaitForExchange(LPVOID param) { MCONTACT hContact = (MCONTACT)param; pUinKey ptr = getUinKey(hContact); if (!ptr) return; for (int i=0; i < db_get_w(0, MODULENAME, "ket", 10)*10; i++) { Sleep(100); if (ptr->waitForExchange != 1) break; } Sent_NetLog("sttWaitForExchange: %d",ptr->waitForExchange); // if keyexchange failed or timeout if (ptr->waitForExchange == 1 || ptr->waitForExchange == 3) { // �������� - ���������� ��������������, ���� ���� if (ptr->msgQueue && msgbox1(0,sim104,MODULENAME,MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES) { EnterCriticalSection(&localQueueMutex); ptr->sendQueue = true; pWM ptrMessage = ptr->msgQueue; while(ptrMessage) { Sent_NetLog("Sent (unencrypted) message from queue: %s",ptrMessage->Message); // send unencrypted messages CallContactService(ptr->hContact,PSS_MESSAGE,(WPARAM)ptrMessage->wParam|PREF_METANODB,(LPARAM)ptrMessage->Message); mir_free(ptrMessage->Message); pWM tmp = ptrMessage; ptrMessage = ptrMessage->nextMessage; mir_free(tmp); } ptr->msgQueue = NULL; ptr->sendQueue = false; LeaveCriticalSection(&localQueueMutex); } ptr->waitForExchange = 0; ShowStatusIconNotify(ptr->hContact); } else if (ptr->waitForExchange == 2) { // ������� ������� ����� ������������� ���������� EnterCriticalSection(&localQueueMutex); // we need to resend last send back message with new crypto Key pWM ptrMessage = ptr->msgQueue; while (ptrMessage) { Sent_NetLog("Sent (encrypted) message from queue: %s",ptrMessage->Message); // send unencrypted messages CallContactService(ptr->hContact,PSS_MESSAGE,(WPARAM)ptrMessage->wParam|PREF_METANODB,(LPARAM)ptrMessage->Message); mir_free(ptrMessage->Message); pWM tmp = ptrMessage; ptrMessage = ptrMessage->nextMessage; mir_free(tmp); } ptr->msgQueue = NULL; ptr->waitForExchange = 0; LeaveCriticalSection(&localQueueMutex); } else if (ptr->waitForExchange == 0) { // �������� ������� EnterCriticalSection(&localQueueMutex); // we need to resend last send back message with new crypto Key pWM ptrMessage = ptr->msgQueue; while (ptrMessage) { mir_free(ptrMessage->Message); pWM tmp = ptrMessage; ptrMessage = ptrMessage->nextMessage; mir_free(tmp); } ptr->msgQueue = NULL; LeaveCriticalSection(&localQueueMutex); } } // set wait flag and run thread void waitForExchange(pUinKey ptr, int flag) { switch(flag) { case 0: // reset case 2: // send secure case 3: // send unsecure if (ptr->waitForExchange) ptr->waitForExchange = flag; break; case 1: // launch if (ptr->waitForExchange) break; ptr->waitForExchange = 1; mir_forkthread(sttWaitForExchange, (void*)ptr->hContact); break; } } // EOF