#include "commonheaders.h" // return SignID int getSecureSig(LPCSTR szMsg, LPSTR *szPlainMsg=NULL) { if (szPlainMsg) *szPlainMsg = (LPSTR)szMsg; for (int i=0; signs[i].len; i++) { if (memcmp(szMsg,signs[i].sig,signs[i].len) == 0) { if (szPlainMsg) *szPlainMsg = (LPSTR)(szMsg+signs[i].len); if (signs[i].key == SiG_GAME && !bDGP) return SiG_NONE; return signs[i].key; } } return SiG_NONE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void sttFakeAck(LPVOID param) { TFakeAckParams *tParam = (TFakeAckParams*)param; Sleep(100); if (tParam->msg == NULL ) SendBroadcast(tParam->hContact, ACKTYPE_MESSAGE, ACKRESULT_SUCCESS, (HANDLE)tParam->id, 0); else SendBroadcast(tParam->hContact, ACKTYPE_MESSAGE, ACKRESULT_FAILED, (HANDLE)tParam->id, LPARAM(tParam->msg)); delete tParam; } int returnNoError(HANDLE hContact) { mir_forkthread(sttFakeAck, new TFakeAckParams(hContact, 777, 0)); return 777; } int returnError(HANDLE hContact, LPCSTR err) { mir_forkthread(sttFakeAck, new TFakeAckParams(hContact, 666, err)); return 666; } LPSTR szUnrtfMsg = NULL; // RecvMsg handler INT_PTR __cdecl onRecvMsg(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CCSDATA *pccsd = (CCSDATA *)lParam; PROTORECVEVENT *ppre = (PROTORECVEVENT *)pccsd->lParam; pUinKey ptr = getUinKey(pccsd->hContact); LPSTR szEncMsg = ppre->szMessage, szPlainMsg = NULL; Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: %s", szEncMsg); // cut rtf tags if (pRtfconvString && memcmp(szEncMsg,"{\\rtf1",6) == 0) { SAFE_FREE(szUnrtfMsg); int len = (int)strlen(szEncMsg)+1; LPWSTR szTemp = (LPWSTR)mir_alloc(len*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (ppre->flags & PREF_UNICODE) rtfconvW((LPWSTR)(szEncMsg+len),szTemp); else rtfconvA(szEncMsg,szTemp); len = (int)wcslen(szTemp)-1; while(len) { if (szTemp[len] == 0x0D || szTemp[len] == 0x0A ) szTemp[len] = 0; else break; len--; } len = (int)wcslen(&szTemp[1])+1; szUnrtfMsg = (LPSTR)mir_alloc(len*(sizeof(WCHAR)+1)); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, &szTemp[1], -1, szUnrtfMsg, len*(sizeof(WCHAR)+1), NULL, NULL); memcpy(szUnrtfMsg+len,&szTemp[1],len*sizeof(WCHAR)); ppre->szMessage = szEncMsg = szUnrtfMsg; ppre->flags |= PREF_UNICODE; mir_free(szTemp); } int ssig = getSecureSig(ppre->szMessage,&szEncMsg); bool bSecured = (isContactSecured(pccsd->hContact)&SECURED) != 0; bool bPGP = isContactPGP(pccsd->hContact); bool bGPG = isContactGPG(pccsd->hContact); // pass any unchanged message if (!ptr || ssig == SiG_GAME || !isSecureProtocol(pccsd->hContact) || (isProtoMetaContacts(pccsd->hContact) && (pccsd->wParam & PREF_SIMNOMETA)) || isChatRoom(pccsd->hContact) || (ssig == SiG_NONE && !ptr->msgSplitted && !bSecured && !bPGP && !bGPG)) { Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: pass unhandled"); return CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINRECV, wParam, lParam); } // drop message: fake, unsigned or from invisible contacts if (isContactInvisible(pccsd->hContact) || ssig == SiG_FAKE) { Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: drop unhandled (contact invisible or hidden)"); return 1; } // receive non-secure message in secure mode if (ssig == SiG_NONE && !ptr->msgSplitted) { Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: non-secure message"); ptrA szPlainMsg((ppre->flags & PREF_UNICODE) ? m_awstrcat(Translate(sim402),szEncMsg) : m_aastrcat(Translate(sim402),szEncMsg)); ppre->szMessage = szPlainMsg; pccsd->wParam |= PREF_SIMNOMETA; return CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINRECV, wParam, lParam); } // received non-pgp secure message from disabled contact if (ssig != SiG_PGPM && !bPGP && !bGPG && ptr->status == STATUS_DISABLED) { Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: message from disabled"); if (ptr->mode == MODE_NATIVE) { // tell to the other side that we have the plugin disabled with him pccsd->wParam |= PREF_METANODB; pccsd->lParam = (LPARAM) SIG_DISA; pccsd->szProtoService = PSS_MESSAGE; CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINSEND, wParam, lParam); showPopup(sim003,pccsd->hContact,g_hPOP[POP_PU_DIS],0); } else { createRSAcntx(ptr); exp->rsa_disabled(ptr->cntx); deleteRSAcntx(ptr); } SAFE_FREE(ptr->msgSplitted); return 1; } // combine message splitted by protocol (no tags) if (ssig == SiG_NONE && ptr->msgSplitted) { Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: combine untagged splitted message"); LPSTR tmp = (LPSTR) mir_alloc(strlen(ptr->msgSplitted)+strlen(szEncMsg)+1); strcpy(tmp,ptr->msgSplitted); strcat(tmp,szEncMsg); mir_free(ptr->msgSplitted); ptr->msgSplitted = szEncMsg = ppre->szMessage = tmp; ssig = getSecureSig(tmp,&szEncMsg); } else SAFE_FREE(ptr->msgSplitted); // combine message splitted by secureim (with tags) if (ssig == SiG_SECP || ssig == SiG_PART) { LPSTR msg = combineMessage(ptr,szEncMsg); if (!msg ) return 1; szEncMsg = ppre->szMessage = msg; ssig = getSecureSig(msg,&szEncMsg); } // decrypt PGP/GPG message if (ssig == SiG_PGPM && ((bPGPloaded && (bPGPkeyrings || bPGPprivkey)) || (bGPGloaded && bGPGkeyrings))) { Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: PGP/GPG message"); szEncMsg = ppre->szMessage; if (!ptr->cntx) { ptr->cntx = cpp_create_context(((bGPGloaded && bGPGkeyrings)?CPP_MODE_GPG:CPP_MODE_PGP) | ((db_get_b(pccsd->hContact,MODULENAME,"gpgANSI",0))?CPP_MODE_GPG_ANSI:0)); ptr->keyLoaded = 0; } if (!strstr(szEncMsg,"-----END PGP MESSAGE-----")) return 1; // no end tag, don't display it ... LPSTR szNewMsg = NULL; LPSTR szOldMsg = NULL; if (!ptr->keyLoaded && bPGPloaded) ptr->keyLoaded = LoadKeyPGP(ptr); if (!ptr->keyLoaded && bGPGloaded) ptr->keyLoaded = LoadKeyGPG(ptr); if (ptr->keyLoaded == 1) szOldMsg = pgp_decode(ptr->cntx, szEncMsg); else if (ptr->keyLoaded == 2) szOldMsg = gpg_decode(ptr->cntx, szEncMsg); if (!szOldMsg) { // error while decrypting message, send error SAFE_FREE(ptr->msgSplitted); ppre->flags &= ~(PREF_UNICODE|PREF_UTF); pccsd->wParam &= ~(PREF_UNICODE|PREF_UTF); ppre->szMessage = Translate(sim401); return CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINRECV, wParam, lParam); } // receive encrypted message in non-encrypted mode if (!isContactPGP(pccsd->hContact) && !isContactGPG(pccsd->hContact)) { szNewMsg = m_ustrcat(Translate(sim403), szOldMsg); szOldMsg = szNewMsg; } ptrA szMsgUtf( utf8_to_miranda(szOldMsg, ppre->flags)); pccsd->wParam = ppre->flags; ppre->szMessage = szMsgUtf; // show decoded message showPopupRM(ptr->hContact); SAFE_FREE(ptr->msgSplitted); pccsd->wParam |= PREF_SIMNOMETA; return CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINRECV, wParam, lParam); } Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: switch(ssig)=%d",ssig); switch(ssig) { case SiG_PGPM: return CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINRECV, wParam, lParam); case SiG_SECU: // new secured msg, pass to rsa_recv Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: RSA/AES message"); if (ptr->mode == MODE_NATIVE) { ptr->mode = MODE_RSAAES; deleteRSAcntx(ptr); db_set_b(ptr->hContact, MODULENAME, "mode", ptr->mode); } createRSAcntx(ptr); loadRSAkey(ptr); if (exp->rsa_get_state(ptr->cntx) == 0 ) showPopupKR(ptr->hContact); { LPSTR szOldMsg = exp->rsa_recv(ptr->cntx,szEncMsg); if (!szOldMsg) return 1; // don't display it ... ptrA szNewMsg( utf8_to_miranda(szOldMsg, ppre->flags)); pccsd->wParam = ppre->flags; ppre->szMessage = szNewMsg; // show decoded message showPopupRM(ptr->hContact); SAFE_FREE(ptr->msgSplitted); pccsd->wParam |= PREF_SIMNOMETA; return CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINRECV, wParam, lParam); } case SiG_ENON: // online message Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: Native SiG_ENON message"); if (cpp_keyx(ptr->cntx)) { // decrypting message szPlainMsg = decodeMsg(ptr,lParam,szEncMsg); if (!ptr->decoded) { mir_free(szPlainMsg); SAFE_FREE(ptr->msgSplitted); ptr->msgSplitted = mir_strdup(szEncMsg); return 1; // don't display it ... } } else { // reinit key exchange user has send an encrypted message and i have no key cpp_reset_context(ptr->cntx); ptrA reSend((LPSTR)mir_alloc(strlen(szEncMsg)+LEN_RSND)); strcpy(reSend,SIG_RSND); // copy resend sig strcat(reSend,szEncMsg); // add mess pccsd->wParam |= PREF_METANODB; pccsd->lParam = (LPARAM) reSend; // reSend Message to reemit pccsd->szProtoService = PSS_MESSAGE; CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINSEND, wParam, lParam); // send back cipher message ptrA keyToSend( InitKeyA(ptr, 0)); // calculate public and private key pccsd->lParam = (LPARAM)(char*)keyToSend; CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINSEND, wParam, lParam); // send new key showPopup(sim005,NULL,g_hPOP[POP_PU_DIS],0); showPopupKS(ptr->hContact); return 1; } break; case SiG_ENOF: // offline message Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: Native SiG_ENOF message"); // if offline key is set and we have not an offline message unset key if (ptr->offlineKey && cpp_keyx(ptr->cntx)) { cpp_reset_context(ptr->cntx); ptr->offlineKey = false; } // decrypting message with last offline key DBVARIANT dbv; dbv.type = DBVT_BLOB; if (db_get(ptr->hContact, MODULENAME, "offlineKey", &dbv)) return CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINRECV, wParam, lParam); // exit and show messsage // if valid key is succefully retrieved ptr->offlineKey = true; InitKeyX(ptr,dbv.pbVal); db_free(&dbv); // decrypting message szPlainMsg = decodeMsg(ptr,lParam,szEncMsg); ShowStatusIconNotify(ptr->hContact); break; case SiG_RSND: // resend message Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: Native SiG_RSND message"); if (cpp_keyx(ptr->cntx)) { // decrypt sended back message and save message for future sending with a new secret key addMsg2Queue(ptr, pccsd->wParam, ptrA(decodeMsg(ptr,(LPARAM)pccsd,szEncMsg))); showPopupRM(ptr->hContact); showPopup(sim004,NULL,g_hPOP[POP_PU_DIS],0); } return 1; // don't display it ... case SiG_DISA: // disabled message Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: Native SiG_DISA message"); case SiG_DEIN: // deinit message // other user has disabled SecureIM with you cpp_delete_context(ptr->cntx); ptr->cntx=0; showPopupDC(ptr->hContact); ShowStatusIconNotify(ptr->hContact); waitForExchange(ptr,3); // ������� ������������ return 1; case SiG_KEYR: // key3 message case SiG_KEYA: // keyA message case SiG_KEYB: // keyB message if (ptr->mode == MODE_RSAAES) { ptr->mode = MODE_NATIVE; cpp_delete_context(ptr->cntx); ptr->cntx = 0; ptr->keyLoaded = 0; db_set_b(ptr->hContact, MODULENAME, "mode", ptr->mode); } switch(ssig) { case SiG_KEYR: // key3 message Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: SiG_KEYR received"); // receive KeyB from user; showPopupKR(ptr->hContact); if (ptr->cntx && cpp_keyb(ptr->cntx)) { // reinit key exchange if an old key from user is found cpp_reset_context(ptr->cntx); } if (InitKeyB(ptr,szEncMsg) != CPP_ERROR_NONE) { Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: SiG_KEYR InitKeyB error"); // tell to the other side that we have the plugin disabled with him showPopup(sim013,ptr->hContact,g_hPOP[POP_PU_DIS],0); ShowStatusIconNotify(ptr->hContact); waitForExchange(ptr,3); // ������� ������������ return 1; } // other side support RSA mode ? if (ptr->features & CPP_FEATURES_RSA) { // switch to RSAAES mode ptr->mode = MODE_RSAAES; db_set_b(ptr->hContact, MODULENAME, "mode", ptr->mode); resetRSAcntx(ptr); loadRSAkey(ptr); exp->rsa_connect(ptr->cntx); showPopupKS(pccsd->hContact); ShowStatusIconNotify(pccsd->hContact); return 1; } // other side support new key format ? if (ptr->features & CPP_FEATURES_NEWPG) { cpp_reset_context(ptr->cntx); ptrA keyToSend( InitKeyA(ptr,CPP_FEATURES_NEWPG|KEY_A_SIG)); // calculate NEW public and private key Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: Sending KEYA %s", keyToSend); pccsd->wParam |= PREF_METANODB; pccsd->lParam = (LPARAM)keyToSend; pccsd->szProtoService = PSS_MESSAGE; CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINSEND, wParam, lParam); showPopupKS(ptr->hContact); waitForExchange(ptr); // �������� �������� return 1; } // auto send my public key to keyB user if not done before if (!cpp_keya(ptr->cntx)) { ptrA keyToSend( InitKeyA(ptr,0)); // calculate public and private key Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: Sending KEYA %s", keyToSend); pccsd->wParam |= PREF_METANODB; pccsd->lParam = (LPARAM)keyToSend; pccsd->szProtoService = PSS_MESSAGE; CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINSEND, wParam, lParam); showPopupKS(ptr->hContact); } break; case SiG_KEYA: // keyA message Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: SiG_KEYA received"); // receive KeyA from user; showPopupKR(ptr->hContact); cpp_reset_context(ptr->cntx); if (InitKeyB(ptr,szEncMsg) != CPP_ERROR_NONE) { Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: SiG_KEYA InitKeyB error"); // tell to the other side that we have the plugin disabled with him showPopup(sim013,ptr->hContact,g_hPOP[POP_PU_DIS],0); ShowStatusIconNotify(ptr->hContact); waitForExchange(ptr,3); // ������� ������������ return 1; } else { ptrA keyToSend( InitKeyA(ptr, CPP_FEATURES_NEWPG | KEY_B_SIG)); // calculate NEW public and private key Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: Sending KEYB %s", keyToSend); pccsd->wParam |= PREF_METANODB; pccsd->lParam = (LPARAM)keyToSend; pccsd->szProtoService = PSS_MESSAGE; CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINSEND, wParam, lParam); } break; case SiG_KEYB: // keyB message Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: SiG_KEYB received"); // receive KeyB from user; showPopupKR(ptr->hContact); // clear all and send DISA if received KeyB, and not exist KeyA or error on InitKeyB if (!cpp_keya(ptr->cntx) || InitKeyB(ptr,szEncMsg) != CPP_ERROR_NONE) { Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: SiG_KEYB InitKeyB error"); // tell to the other side that we have the plugin disabled with him showPopup(sim013,ptr->hContact,g_hPOP[POP_PU_DIS],0); ShowStatusIconNotify(ptr->hContact); cpp_reset_context(ptr->cntx); waitForExchange(ptr,3); // ������� ������������ return 1; } break; } /* common part (CalcKeyX & SendQueue) */ // calculate KeyX if (cpp_keya(ptr->cntx) && cpp_keyb(ptr->cntx) && !cpp_keyx(ptr->cntx)) CalculateKeyX(ptr,ptr->hContact); ShowStatusIconNotify(ptr->hContact); Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: Session established"); waitForExchange(ptr,2); // ������ ����� ����������� ���������� return 1; } // receive message if (cpp_keyx(ptr->cntx) && (ssig == SiG_ENON||ssig == SiG_ENOF)) { Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: message received"); showPopupRM(ptr->hContact); } Sent_NetLog("onRecvMsg: exit"); pccsd->wParam |= PREF_SIMNOMETA; int ret = CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINRECV, wParam, lParam); SAFE_FREE(szPlainMsg); return ret; } // SendMsg handler INT_PTR __cdecl onSendMsg(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CCSDATA *pccsd = (CCSDATA *)lParam; pUinKey ptr = getUinKey(pccsd->hContact); int ssig = getSecureSig((LPCSTR)pccsd->lParam); int stat = getContactStatus(pccsd->hContact); Sent_NetLog("onSend: %s",(LPSTR)pccsd->lParam); // pass unhandled messages if (!ptr || ssig == SiG_GAME || ssig == SiG_PGPM || ssig == SiG_SECU || ssig == SiG_SECP || isChatRoom(pccsd->hContact) || stat == -1 || (ssig == SiG_NONE && ptr->sendQueue) || (ssig == SiG_NONE && ptr->status == STATUS_DISABLED)) { return CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINSEND, wParam, lParam); Sent_NetLog("onSendMsg: pass unhandled"); } // // PGP/GPG mode // if (ptr->mode == MODE_PGP || ptr->mode == MODE_GPG) { Sent_NetLog("onSendMsg: PGP|GPG mode"); // ���� ����� ����������� - ������� if (isContactPGP(ptr->hContact) || isContactGPG(ptr->hContact)) { if (!ptr->cntx) { ptr->cntx = cpp_create_context((isContactGPG(ptr->hContact)?CPP_MODE_GPG:CPP_MODE_PGP) | ((db_get_b(ptr->hContact,MODULENAME,"gpgANSI",0))?CPP_MODE_GPG_ANSI:0)); ptr->keyLoaded = 0; } if (!ptr->keyLoaded && bPGPloaded ) ptr->keyLoaded = LoadKeyPGP(ptr); if (!ptr->keyLoaded && bGPGloaded ) ptr->keyLoaded = LoadKeyGPG(ptr); if (!ptr->keyLoaded ) return returnError(pccsd->hContact,Translate(sim108)); LPSTR szNewMsg = NULL; ptrA szUtfMsg( miranda_to_utf8((LPCSTR)pccsd->lParam,pccsd->wParam)); if (ptr->keyLoaded == 1) // PGP szNewMsg = pgp_encode(ptr->cntx,szUtfMsg); else if (ptr->keyLoaded == 2) // GPG szNewMsg = gpg_encode(ptr->cntx,szUtfMsg); if (!szNewMsg) return returnError(pccsd->hContact,Translate(sim109)); // ���������� ������������� ��������� splitMessageSend(ptr,szNewMsg); showPopupSM(ptr->hContact); return returnNoError(pccsd->hContact); } // ���������� ��������������� return CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINSEND, wParam, lParam); } // get contact SecureIM status int stid = ptr->status; // // RSA/AES mode // if (ptr->mode == MODE_RSAAES) { Sent_NetLog("onSendMsg: RSA/AES mode"); // contact is offline if (stat == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { if (ptr->cntx) { if (exp->rsa_get_state(ptr->cntx) != 0) resetRSAcntx(ptr); } else createRSAcntx(ptr); if (!bSOM || (!isClientMiranda(ptr,1) && !isSecureIM(ptr,1)) || !loadRSAkey(ptr)) { if (ssig == SiG_NONE) // ������ ���� ��������������� � ������� return CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINSEND, wParam, lParam); // ������ �� ���� ������ - ��� ��������� ��������� return returnNoError(pccsd->hContact); } // ���� ����������� � ������� exp->rsa_send(ptr->cntx, ptrA( miranda_to_utf8((LPCSTR)pccsd->lParam,pccsd->wParam))); showPopupSM(ptr->hContact); return returnNoError(pccsd->hContact); } // SecureIM connection with this contact is disabled if (stid == STATUS_DISABLED) { if (ptr->cntx) { exp->rsa_disabled(ptr->cntx); deleteRSAcntx(ptr); } if (ssig == SiG_NONE) // ������ ���� ��������������� return CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINSEND, wParam, lParam); // ������ �� ���� ������ - ��� ��������� ��������� return returnNoError(pccsd->hContact); } // ��������� ���������� if (ssig == SiG_DEIN) { if (ptr->cntx) { exp->rsa_disconnect(ptr->cntx); deleteRSAcntx(ptr); } ShowStatusIconNotify(ptr->hContact); waitForExchange(ptr,3); // ������ ������������ return returnNoError(pccsd->hContact); } // ���������� ����������� if (ptr->cntx && exp->rsa_get_state(ptr->cntx) == 7) { exp->rsa_send(ptr->cntx, ptrA(miranda_to_utf8((LPCSTR)pccsd->lParam,pccsd->wParam))); ShowStatusIconNotify(ptr->hContact); showPopupSM(ptr->hContact); return returnNoError(pccsd->hContact); } // ������ ��������� (��� �����, ��� ��������� � �������� AIP & NOL) if (ssig == SiG_NONE && isSecureIM(ptr->hContact)) { // ������� ��� � ������� addMsg2Queue(ptr, pccsd->wParam, (LPSTR)pccsd->lParam); // ��������� ������� ��������� ���������� ssig=SiG_INIT; // ��������� ���� �������� � ������� waitForExchange(ptr); } // ���������� ���������� if (ssig == SiG_INIT) { createRSAcntx(ptr); loadRSAkey(ptr); exp->rsa_connect(ptr->cntx); showPopupKS(pccsd->hContact); ShowStatusIconNotify(pccsd->hContact); return returnNoError(pccsd->hContact); } // ������ ���� ��������������� (�� ���� ���� ����� ����� ��������) return CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINSEND, wParam, lParam); } // // Native mode // Sent_NetLog("onSendMsg: Native mode"); // SecureIM connection with this contact is disabled if (stid == STATUS_DISABLED) { Sent_NetLog("onSendMsg: message for Disabled"); // if user try initialize connection if (ssig == SiG_INIT) // secure IM is disabled ... return returnError(pccsd->hContact,Translate(sim105)); if (ptr->cntx) { // if secure context exists cpp_delete_context(ptr->cntx); ptr->cntx=0; CCSDATA ccsd; memcpy(&ccsd, (HLOCAL)lParam, sizeof(CCSDATA)); pccsd->wParam |= PREF_METANODB; ccsd.lParam = (LPARAM) SIG_DEIN; ccsd.szProtoService = PSS_MESSAGE; CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINSEND, wParam, (LPARAM)&ccsd); showPopupDC(pccsd->hContact); ShowStatusIconNotify(pccsd->hContact); } return CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINSEND, wParam, lParam); } // contact is offline if (stat == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { Sent_NetLog("onSendMsg: message for offline"); if (ssig == SiG_INIT && cpp_keyx(ptr->cntx)) // reinit key exchange cpp_reset_context(ptr->cntx); if (!bSOM) { if (ssig != SiG_NONE ) return returnNoError(pccsd->hContact); // exit and send unencrypted message return CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINSEND, wParam, lParam); } BOOL isMiranda = isClientMiranda(ptr->hContact); if (stid == STATUS_ALWAYSTRY && isMiranda) { // always try && Miranda // set key for offline user DBVARIANT dbv; dbv.type = DBVT_BLOB; if (db_get_dw(ptr->hContact, MODULENAME, "offlineKeyTimeout", 0) > gettime() && db_get(ptr->hContact, MODULENAME, "offlineKey", &dbv) == 0) { // if valid key is succefully retrieved ptr->offlineKey = true; InitKeyX(ptr,dbv.pbVal); db_free(&dbv); } else { db_unset(ptr->hContact,MODULENAME,"offlineKey"); db_unset(ptr->hContact,MODULENAME,"offlineKeyTimeout"); if (msgbox1(0,sim106,MODULENAME,MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDNO) return returnNoError(pccsd->hContact); // exit and send unencrypted message return CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINSEND, wParam, lParam); } } else { if (ssig != SiG_NONE) return returnNoError(pccsd->hContact); // exit and send unencrypted message return CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINSEND, wParam, lParam); } } else { Sent_NetLog("onSendMsg: message for online"); // contact is online and we use an offline key -> reset offline key if (ptr->offlineKey) { cpp_reset_context(ptr->cntx); ptr->offlineKey = false; ShowStatusIconNotify(ptr->hContact); } } // if init is called from contact menu list reinit secure im connection if (ssig == SiG_INIT) { Sent_NetLog("onSendMsg: SiG_INIT"); cpp_reset_context(ptr->cntx); } // if deinit is called from contact menu list deinit secure im connection if (ssig == SiG_DEIN) { Sent_NetLog("onSendMsg: SiG_DEIN"); // disable SecureIM only if it was enabled if (ptr->cntx) { cpp_delete_context(ptr->cntx); ptr->cntx=0; pccsd->wParam |= PREF_METANODB; CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINSEND, wParam, lParam); showPopupDC(pccsd->hContact); ShowStatusIconNotify(pccsd->hContact); } return returnNoError(pccsd->hContact); } if (cpp_keya(ptr->cntx) && cpp_keyb(ptr->cntx) && !cpp_keyx(ptr->cntx)) CalculateKeyX(ptr,ptr->hContact); ShowStatusIconNotify(pccsd->hContact); // if cryptokey exist if (cpp_keyx(ptr->cntx)) { Sent_NetLog("onSendMsg: cryptokey exist"); ptrA szNewMsg( encodeMsg(ptr,(LPARAM)pccsd)); Sent_NetLog("onSend: encrypted msg '%s'",szNewMsg); pccsd->wParam |= PREF_METANODB; pccsd->lParam = (LPARAM)(char*)szNewMsg; pccsd->szProtoService = PSS_MESSAGE; int ret = CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINSEND, wParam, lParam); showPopupSM(ptr->hContact); return ret; } Sent_NetLog("onSendMsg: cryptokey not exist, try establishe connection"); // send KeyA if init || always_try || waitkey || always_if_possible if (ssig == SiG_INIT || (stid == STATUS_ALWAYSTRY && isClientMiranda(ptr->hContact)) || isSecureIM(ptr->hContact) || ptr->waitForExchange) { if (ssig == SiG_NONE) addMsg2Queue(ptr, pccsd->wParam, (LPSTR)pccsd->lParam); if (!ptr->waitForExchange) { // init || always_try || always_if_possible ptrA keyToSend( InitKeyA(ptr,0)); // calculate public and private key & fill KeyA Sent_NetLog("Sending KEY3: %s", keyToSend); pccsd->wParam &= ~PREF_UNICODE; pccsd->wParam |= PREF_METANODB; pccsd->lParam = (LPARAM) keyToSend; pccsd->szProtoService = PSS_MESSAGE; CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINSEND, wParam, lParam); showPopupKS(pccsd->hContact); ShowStatusIconNotify(pccsd->hContact); waitForExchange(ptr); // ��������� �������� } return returnNoError(pccsd->hContact); } Sent_NetLog("onSendMsg: pass unchanged to chain"); return CallService(MS_PROTO_CHAINSEND, wParam, lParam); } int file_idx = 0; INT_PTR __cdecl onSendFile(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CCSDATA *pccsd=(CCSDATA*)lParam; pUinKey ptr = getUinKey(pccsd->hContact); if (!ptr || !bSFT) return CallService(PSS_FILE, wParam, lParam); if (isContactSecured(pccsd->hContact)&SECURED) { char **file=(char **)pccsd->lParam; if (file_idx == 100) file_idx=0; int i; for (i=0;file[i];i++) { if (strstr(file[i],".AESHELL")) continue; char *name = strrchr(file[i],'\\'); if (!name ) name = file[i]; else name++; int size = TEMP_SIZE + (int)strlen(name) + 20; char *file_out = (char *)mir_alloc(size); mir_snprintf(file_out, size, "%s\\%s.AESHELL(%d)", TEMP, name, file_idx++); char buf[MAX_PATH]; mir_snprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), "%s\n%s", Translate(sim011), file[i]); showPopup(buf,NULL,g_hPOP[POP_PU_MSS],2); if (ptr->mode == MODE_RSAAES) exp->rsa_encrypt_file(ptr->cntx,file[i],file_out); else cpp_encrypt_file(ptr->cntx,file[i],file_out); mir_free(file[i]); file[i]=file_out; } if (ptr->fileSend) { // ������� ����������� ������ for (int j=0; ptr->fileSend[j]; j++) mir_free(ptr->fileSend[j]); SAFE_FREE(ptr->fileSend); } if (i) { // ��������� ����� ������ ptr->fileSend = (char **) mir_alloc(sizeof(char*)*(i+1)); for (i=0;file[i];i++) ptr->fileSend[i] = mir_strdup(file[i]); ptr->fileSend[i] = NULL; } } return CallService(PSS_FILE, wParam, lParam); } int __cdecl onProtoAck(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { ACKDATA *ack=(ACKDATA*)lParam; if (ack->type != ACKTYPE_FILE) return 0; //quit if not file transfer event PROTOFILETRANSFERSTATUS *f = (PROTOFILETRANSFERSTATUS*) ack->lParam; pUinKey ptr = getUinKey(ack->hContact); if (!ptr || (f && (f->flags & PFTS_SENDING) && !bSFT)) return 0; if (isContactSecured(ack->hContact)&SECURED) { switch(ack->result) { case ACKRESULT_DATA: if (f->flags & PFTS_SENDING) { ptr->finFileSend = (f->currentFileSize == f->currentFileProgress); if (!ptr->lastFileSend) ptr->lastFileSend = mir_strdup(f->szCurrentFile); } else { ptr->finFileRecv = (f->currentFileSize == f->currentFileProgress); if (!ptr->lastFileRecv) ptr->lastFileRecv = mir_strdup(f->szCurrentFile); } break; case ACKRESULT_DENIED: case ACKRESULT_FAILED: if (ptr->lastFileRecv) { if (strstr(ptr->lastFileRecv,".AESHELL")) mir_unlink(ptr->lastFileRecv); SAFE_FREE(ptr->lastFileRecv); } if (ptr->lastFileSend) { if (strstr(ptr->lastFileSend,".AESHELL")) mir_unlink(ptr->lastFileSend); SAFE_FREE(ptr->lastFileSend); } if (ptr->fileSend) { char **file=ptr->fileSend; for (int j=0;file[j];j++) { if (strstr(file[j],".AESHELL")) mir_unlink(file[j]); mir_free(file[j]); } SAFE_FREE(ptr->fileSend); } return 0; case ACKRESULT_NEXTFILE: case ACKRESULT_SUCCESS: if (ptr->finFileRecv && ptr->lastFileRecv) { if (strstr(ptr->lastFileRecv,".AESHELL")) { char buf[MAX_PATH]; LPSTR file_out=mir_strdup(ptr->lastFileRecv); LPSTR pos=strrchr(file_out,'.'); //find last . if (pos) *pos='\0'; //remove AESHELL from name if (isFileExist(file_out)) { buf[0]='\0'; LPSTR p=strrchr(file_out,'.'); LPSTR x=strrchr(file_out,'\\'); if (p>x) { strcpy(buf,p); pos=p; } for (int i=1;i<10000;i++) { sprintf(pos," (%d)%s",i,buf); //!!!!!!!!!!!!! if (!isFileExist(file_out)) break; } } mir_snprintf(buf, SIZEOF(buf), "%s\n%s", Translate(sim012), file_out); showPopup(buf,NULL,g_hPOP[POP_PU_MSR],2); if (ptr->mode == MODE_RSAAES ) exp->rsa_decrypt_file(ptr->cntx,ptr->lastFileRecv,file_out); else cpp_decrypt_file(ptr->cntx,ptr->lastFileRecv,file_out); mir_free(file_out); mir_unlink(ptr->lastFileRecv); } SAFE_FREE(ptr->lastFileRecv); ptr->finFileRecv = false; } if (ptr->finFileSend && ptr->lastFileSend) { if (strstr(ptr->lastFileSend,".AESHELL")) mir_unlink(ptr->lastFileSend); SAFE_FREE(ptr->lastFileSend); ptr->finFileSend = false; } break; } } return 0; } // EOF