
Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows*

Copyright (�) 2012-15 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org),
Copyright (c) 2000-09 Miranda ICQ/IM project,

This file is part of Send Screenshot Plus, a Miranda IM plugin.
Copyright (c) 2010 Ing.U.Horn

Parts of this file based on original sorce code
(c) 2004-2006 S�rgio Vieira Rolanski (portet from Borland C++)

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#ifndef _CSEND_H
#define _CSEND_H

#define SS_AUTOSEND				1

#define SS_DLG_AUTOSEND				1		//Button_Enable(GetDlgItem(Owner, ID_chkEmulateClick),	TRUE);
#define SS_DLG_DELETEAFTERSSEND		2		//Button_Enable(GetDlgItem(Owner, ID_chkDeleteAfterSend),	TRUE);
#define SS_DLG_DESCRIPTION			4		//Button_Enable(GetDlgItem(Owner, ID_chkDesc),			TRUE);

#define GC_RESULT_SUCCESS			200
#define GC_RESULT_WRONGVER			201
#define GC_RESULT_ERROR				202

const TCHAR SS_ERR_INIT[]			=LPGENT("Unable to initiate %s.");
const TCHAR SS_ERR_MAPI[]			=LPGENT("MAPI error (%i):\n%s.");
const TCHAR SS_ERR_RESPONSE[]		=LPGENT("Unknown response from %s (%i)");
const TCHAR SS_ERR_NORESPONSE[]		=LPGENT("Got no response from %s (%i)");

class CSend {
		CSend(HWND Owner, MCONTACT hContact, bool bAsync, bool bSilent=false); // oder (TfrmMain & Owner)
		virtual ~CSend();

		virtual int Send() = NULL; // returns 1 if sent (you must delete class) and 0 when still sending (class deletes itself)
		int SendSilent() {m_bAsync=m_bSilent=true; return Send();};
		void SetFile(TCHAR* file){mir_free(m_pszFile), m_pszFile=mir_tstrdup(file);};
		void SetFile(char* file){mir_free(m_pszFile), m_pszFile=mir_a2t(file);};
		void SetDescription(TCHAR* descr){mir_free(m_pszFileDesc), m_pszFileDesc=mir_tstrdup(descr);};
		void SetContact(MCONTACT hContact);
		char* GetURL(){return m_URL;};
		char* GetURLthumbnail(){return m_URLthumb;};
		BYTE GetEnableItem() {return m_EnableItem;};
		TCHAR* GetErrorMsg() {return m_ErrorMsg;};

		bool			m_bDeleteAfterSend;
		bool			m_bAsync;
		bool			m_bSilent;
		TCHAR*			m_pszFile;
		TCHAR*			m_pszFileDesc;
		char*			m_URL;
		char*			m_URLthumb;
		static int OnSend(void *obj, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
		TCHAR*			m_pszSendTyp;		//hold string for error mess
		char*			m_pszProto;			//Contact Proto Modul
		MCONTACT		m_hContact;			//Contact handle
		BYTE			m_EnableItem;		//hold flag for send type
		BYTE			m_ChatRoom;			//is Contact chatroom

		bool hasCap(unsigned int Flag);
//		unsigned int	m_PFflag;

		void Error(LPCTSTR pszFormat, ...);
		void svcSendFileExit();
		void svcSendMsgExit(const char* szMessage);
		void Exit(unsigned int Result);

		DWORD			m_cbEventMsg;						//sizeof EventMsg(T) buffer
		char*			m_szEventMsg;						//EventMsg char*
		HANDLE			m_hSend;							//protocol send handle
		HANDLE			m_hOnSend;							//HookEventObj on ME_PROTO_ACK

		MSGBOX			m_box;
		TCHAR*			m_ErrorMsg;
		TCHAR*			m_ErrorTitle;
		void Unhook(){if(m_hOnSend) {UnhookEvent(m_hOnSend);m_hOnSend = NULL;}}
		void DB_EventAdd(WORD EventType);
		static INT_PTR CALLBACK ResultDialogProc(HWND hwndDlg,UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
		/// HTTP upload helper stuff
		enum HTTPFormFlags{
			HTTPFF_TEXT	=0x00,
			HTTPFF_8BIT	=0x01,
			HTTPFF_FILE	=0x02,
			HTTPFF_INT	=0x04,
		#define HTTPFORM_TEXT(str) str,HTTPFF_TEXT
		#define HTTPFORM_8BIT(str) str,HTTPFF_8BIT
		#define HTTPFORM_FILE(str) str,HTTPFF_FILE
		#define HTTPFORM_INT(int) (const char*)(int),HTTPFF_INT
		struct HTTPFormData{
			const char* name;
				const char* value_str;
				intptr_t value_int;
			int flags;
		static const char* GetHTMLContent(char* str, const char* startTag, const char* endTag); /// changes "str", can be successfully used only once
		static int GetJSONString(const char* json, size_t jsonlen, const char* variable, char* value, size_t valuesize);
		static int GetJSONInteger(const char* json, size_t jsonlen, const char* variable,int defvalue);
		static bool GetJSONBool(const char* json, size_t jsonlen, const char* variable);
		void HTTPFormDestroy(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST* nlhr); /// use to free data inside "nlhr" created by HTTPFormCreate
		int HTTPFormCreate(NETLIBHTTPREQUEST* nlhr,int requestType,char* url,HTTPFormData* frm,size_t frmNum); /// returns "0" on success, Exit() will be called on failure (stop processing)
