/* Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* Copyright (c) 2012-14 Miranda NG project (http://miranda-ng.org), Copyright (c) 2000-09 Miranda ICQ/IM project, This file is part of Send Screenshot Plus, a Miranda IM plugin. Copyright (c) 2010 Ing.U.Horn Parts of this file based on original sorce code (c) 2004-2006 S�rgio Vieira Rolanski (portet from Borland C++) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "global.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSendImageShack::CSendImageShack(HWND Owner, HANDLE hContact, bool bFreeOnExit) : CSend(Owner, hContact, bFreeOnExit) { m_EnableItem = SS_DLG_AUTOSEND | SS_DLG_DELETEAFTERSSEND | SS_DLG_DESCRIPTION; m_pszSendTyp = _T("Image upload"); m_pszFileName = NULL; m_pszContentType = NULL; m_MFDRboundary = NULL; m_nlreply = NULL; m_SendSync = false; m_Url = NULL; } CSendImageShack::~CSendImageShack(){ mir_free(m_pszFileName); mir_free(m_MFDRboundary); // FREEHTTPREQUESTSTRUCT* if (m_nlreply) CallService(MS_NETLIB_FREEHTTPREQUESTSTRUCT, 0, (LPARAM) m_nlreply); mir_free(m_Url); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSendImageShack::Send() { // check Netlib if( !hNetlibUser ) { //PrintError(1,TRUE); return; } if (!m_pszFileName) { m_pszFileName = (LPSTR)GetFileName(m_pszFile, DBVT_ASCIIZ); } if (!m_pszContentType) GetContentType(); // create new boundary MFDR_Reset(); // initialize the netlib request ZeroMemory(&m_nlhr, sizeof(m_nlhr)); m_nlhr.cbSize = sizeof(m_nlhr); m_nlhr.requestType = REQUEST_POST; m_nlhr.flags = NLHRF_HTTP11; //NLHRF_DUMPASTEXT; m_nlhr.szUrl = "http://www.imageshack.us/upload_api.php"; m_nlhr.headersCount = 6; { //NETLIBHTTPHEADER start m_nlhr.headers=(NETLIBHTTPHEADER*)mir_alloc(sizeof(NETLIBHTTPHEADER)*m_nlhr.headersCount); m_nlhr.headers[0].szName = "Referer"; m_nlhr.headers[0].szValue = "http://www.imageshack.us/upload_api.php"; m_nlhr.headers[1].szName = "Connection"; m_nlhr.headers[1].szValue = "Keep-alive"; m_nlhr.headers[2].szName = "AcceptLanguage"; m_nlhr.headers[2].szValue = "en-us, pt-br"; m_nlhr.headers[3].szName = "Host"; m_nlhr.headers[3].szValue = "imageshack.us"; m_nlhr.headers[4].szName = "User-Agent"; m_nlhr.headers[4].szValue = __USER_AGENT_STRING; //szAgent; /; //nlhr.headers[x].szName = "Authorization"; //nlhr.headers[x].szValue = auth; //Basic base-64-authorization //$header .= "Content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=" . part::getBoundary() . "\r\n"; mir_snprintf(m_nlheader_ContentType, SIZEOF(m_nlheader_ContentType), "multipart/form-data; boundary=%s", m_MFDRboundary); m_nlhr.headers[m_nlhr.headersCount-1].szName = "Content-Type"; m_nlhr.headers[m_nlhr.headersCount-1].szValue = m_nlheader_ContentType; } //NETLIBHTTPHEADER end //POST DATA file-header, init DATA with MultipartFormDataRequest //$params[] = new filepart('fileupload', $file, basename($file), $contentType, 'iso-8859-1'); //($this->sendStart($h);) AppendToData("--"); AppendToData(m_MFDRboundary); AppendToData("\r\n"); //($this->sendDispositionHeader($h);) AppendToData("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\""); AppendToData("fileupload"); AppendToData("\"; filename=\""); AppendToData(m_pszFileName); AppendToData("\""); AppendToData("\r\n"); //($this->sendContentTypeHeader($h);) AppendToData("Content-Type: "); AppendToData(m_pszContentType); AppendToData("; charset="); AppendToData("iso-8859-1"); //($this->sendEndOfHeader($h);) AppendToData("\r\n"); AppendToData("\r\n"); //Now we add the file binary ($this->sendData($h)) FILE * fileId = _tfsopen(m_pszFile, _T("rb"), _SH_DENYWR ); if( !fileId) { //PrintError(1,TRUE); return; } fseek(fileId, NULL, SEEK_END); size_t lenFile = ftell(fileId); size_t sizeDest = sizeof(char)*(m_nlhr.dataLength + lenFile + 1); m_nlhr.pData = (char *) mir_realloc(m_nlhr.pData, sizeDest); fseek(fileId, NULL, SEEK_SET ); int i; int ch = fgetc( fileId ); for( i=0; (i < (int)lenFile ) && ( feof( fileId ) == 0 ); i++ ) { m_nlhr.pData[m_nlhr.dataLength+i] = (char)ch; ch = fgetc( fileId ); } m_nlhr.pData[sizeDest-1] = 0; //NULL Termination for binary data m_nlhr.dataLength = (int)sizeDest - 1; fclose(fileId); //($this->sendEnd($h);) AppendToData("\r\n"); //POST DATA footer (for "optimage", 1) //POST DATA footer (for "optsize", optsize) //POST DATA footer (for "tags", tags) //POST DATA footer (for "rembar", "yes" : "no") //POST DATA footer (for "public", "yes" : "no") //POST DATA footer (for "cookie", cookie) //POST DATA footer (for "key", DEVKEY_IMAGESHACK) //($this->sendStart($h);) AppendToData("--"); AppendToData(m_MFDRboundary); AppendToData("\r\n"); //($this->sendDispositionHeader($h);) AppendToData("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\""); AppendToData("key"); AppendToData("\""); //($this->sendTransferEncodingHeader($h); ) AppendToData("\r\n"); AppendToData("Content-Transfer-Encoding: "); AppendToData("8bit"); //??"binary" //($this->sendEndOfHeader($h);) AppendToData("\r\n"); AppendToData("\r\n"); //($this->sendData($h);) AppendToData(DEVKEY_IMAGESHACK); //($this->sendEnd($h);) AppendToData("\r\n"); //POST DATA Exit //$postdata = "--" . part::getBoundary() . "--\r\n"; AppendToData("--"); AppendToData(m_MFDRboundary); AppendToData("--\r\n"); //start upload thread if (m_SendSync) { m_bFreeOnExit = FALSE; SendThread(); return; } m_bFreeOnExit = TRUE; mir_forkthread(&CSendImageShack::SendThreadWrapper, this); } void CSendImageShack::SendThread() { //send DATA and wait for m_nlreply m_nlreply = (NETLIBHTTPREQUEST *) CallService(MS_NETLIB_HTTPTRANSACTION, (WPARAM) hNetlibUser, (LPARAM) &m_nlhr); mir_freeAndNil(m_nlhr.pData); mir_freeAndNil(m_nlhr.headers); if(m_nlreply){ if( m_nlreply->resultCode >= 200 && m_nlreply->resultCode < 300 ){ m_nlreply->pData[m_nlreply->dataLength] = 0;// make sure its null terminated const char* URL = NULL; URL = GetTagContent(m_nlreply->pData, "<image_link>", "</image_link>"); if (URL && URL[0]!= NULL) { m_Url = mir_strdup(URL); if(m_SendSync) { Exit(ACKRESULT_SUCCESS); return; } m_ChatRoom ? svcSendChat(URL) : svcSendMsg(URL); return; }else{//check error mess from server LPTSTR err = mir_a2t(GetTagContent(m_nlreply->pData, "<error ", "</error>")); if (!err || !*err){//fallback to server response mess mir_freeAndNil(err); err = mir_a2t(m_nlreply->pData); } Error(NULL, err); mir_free(err); } } else { Error(NULL, TranslateT("Upload server did not respond timely.")); } CallService(MS_NETLIB_FREEHTTPREQUESTSTRUCT, 0, (LPARAM) m_nlreply); m_nlreply = NULL; } else { Error(SS_ERR_INIT, m_pszSendTyp); } Exit(ACKRESULT_FAILED); } void CSendImageShack::SendThreadWrapper(void * Obj) { reinterpret_cast<CSendImageShack*>(Obj)->SendThread(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSendImageShack::MFDR_Reset() { char Temp[64]; DWORD dwBoundaryRand1 = GetTickCount(); DWORD dwBoundaryRand2 = rand(); mir_freeAndNil(m_MFDRboundary); mir_snprintf(Temp, SIZEOF(Temp), "B-O-U-N-D-A-R-Y%u%u", dwBoundaryRand1, dwBoundaryRand2); mir_stradd(m_MFDRboundary,Temp); } void CSendImageShack::GetContentType() { if (m_pszContentType) mir_freeAndNil(m_pszContentType); LPSTR FileExtension = (LPSTR)GetFileExt(m_pszFile, DBVT_ASCIIZ); if ((strcmp(FileExtension, ".jpeg")==0) || (strcmp(FileExtension, ".jpe")==0) || (strcmp(FileExtension ,".jpg")==0)) m_pszContentType="image/jpeg"; else if (strcmp(FileExtension, ".bmp")==0) m_pszContentType="image/bmp"; else if (strcmp(FileExtension, ".png")==0) m_pszContentType="image/png"; else if (strcmp(FileExtension, ".gif")==0) m_pszContentType="image/gif"; else if ((strcmp(FileExtension, ".tif")==0) || (strcmp(FileExtension, ".tiff")==0)) m_pszContentType="image/tiff"; else m_pszContentType="application/octet-stream"; mir_free(FileExtension); return; } void CSendImageShack::AppendToData(const char *pszVal) { if (!m_nlhr.pData) { m_nlhr.pData = mir_strdup(pszVal); m_nlhr.dataLength = (int)strlen(pszVal); } else { size_t lenVal = strlen(pszVal); size_t sizeNew = sizeof(char)*(m_nlhr.dataLength + lenVal + 1); m_nlhr.pData = (char*) mir_realloc(m_nlhr.pData, sizeNew); strcpy(m_nlhr.pData + sizeof(char)*m_nlhr.dataLength, pszVal); m_nlhr.pData[sizeNew-1] = 0; m_nlhr.dataLength = (int)sizeNew -1; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char * CSendImageShack::GetTagContent(char * pszSource, const char * pszTagStart, const char * pszTagEnd) { char * b = strstr(pszSource, pszTagStart); if (!b) return NULL; b += strlen(pszTagStart); char * e = strstr(b, pszTagEnd); if (e) *e = 0; return b; }