#define REPLY_FAIL 0x88888888 #define REPLY_OK 0x00000000 #define REQUEST_ICONS 1 #define REQUEST_GROUPS (REQUEST_ICONS << 1) #define REQUEST_CONTACTS (REQUEST_GROUPS << 1) #define REQUEST_XFRFILES (REQUEST_CONTACTS << 1) #define REQUEST_NEWICONS (REQUEST_XFRFILES << 1) #define REQUEST_CLEARMRU (REQUEST_NEWICONS << 1) #define ICONS_NOTIMPL 0x00000008 #define GROUPS_NOTIMPL 0x00000080 #define CONTACTS_NOTIMPL 0x00000800 #define STATUS_PROFILENAME 2 #define ICMF_NORMAL 0x00000000 #define ICMF_DEFAULTONLY 0x00000001 #define ICMF_VERBSONLY 0x00000002 #define ICMF_EXPLORE 0x00000004 #define ICMF_NOVERBS 0x00000008 #define ICMF_CANRENAME 0x00000010 #define ICMF_NODEFAULT 0x00000020 #define ICMF_INCLUDESTATIC 0x00000040 #define ICMF_RESERVED 0xFFFF0000 // IContextMenu*:GetCommandString() uType flags #define IGCS_VERBA 0x00000000 // canonical verb #define IGCS_HELPTEXTA 0x00000001 // help text (for status bar) #define IGCS_VALIDATEA 0x00000002 // validate command exists #define IGCS_VERBW 0x00000004 // canonical verb (unicode) #define IGC_HELPTEXTW 0x00000005 // help text (unicode version) #define IGCS_VALIDATEW 0x00000006 // validate command exists (unicode) #define IGCS_UNICODE 0x00000004 // for bit testing - Unicode string #define IGCS_VERB GCS_VERBA #define IGCS_HELPTEXT GCS_HELPTEXTA #define IGCS_VALIDATE GCS_VALIDATEA #define HIPC_NOICONS 1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct TGroupNode { TGroupNode *Left, *Right, *_prev, *_next; int Depth; UINT Hash; // hash of the group name alone char *szGroup; int cchGroup; HMENU hMenu; int hMenuGroupID; DWORD dwItems; }; struct TGroupNodeList { TGroupNode *First, *Last; }; struct TStrTokRec { char *szStr, *szSet; // need a delimiter after the token too?, e.g. FOO^BAR^ if FOO^BAR // is the string then only FOO^ is returned, could cause infinite loops // if the condition isn't accounted for thou. bool bSetTerminator; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct TSlotProtoIcons { UINT pid; // pid of Miranda this protocol was on UINT hProto; // hash of the protocol HICON hIcons[10]; // each status in order of ID_STATUS_* HBITMAP hBitmaps[10]; // each status "icon" as a bitmap }; struct TSlotIPC { BYTE cbSize; int fType; // a REQUEST_* type TSlotIPC *Next; HANDLE hContact; UINT hProto; // hash of the protocol the user is on UINT hGroup; // hash of the entire path (not defined for REQUEST_GROUPS slots) WORD Status; // only used for contacts -- can be STATUS_PROFILENAME -- but that is because returning the profile name is optional BYTE MRU; // if set, contact has been recently used int cbStrSection; }; struct THeaderIPC { int cbSize; DWORD dwVersion; void *pServerBaseAddress, *pClientBaseAddress; int fRequests; DWORD dwFlags; int Slots; HANDLE Param; char SignalEventName[64]; char MirandaName[64]; char MRUMenuName[64]; char ClearEntries[64]; TSlotIPC *IconsBegin, *ContactsBegin, *GroupsBegin, *NewIconsBegin; // start of an flat memory stack, which is referenced as a linked list int DataSize; TSlotIPC *DataPtr, *DataPtrEnd; void *DataFramePtr; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct TShlComRec : public IShellExtInit, public IContextMenu3 { TShlComRec(); ULONG RefCount; // this is owned by the shell after items are added 'n' is used to // grab menu information directly via id rather than array indexin' HMENU hRootMenu; int idCmdFirst; // most of the memory allocated is on this heap object so HeapDestroy() // can do most of the cleanup, extremely lazy I know. HANDLE hDllHeap; // This is a submenu that recently used contacts are inserted into // the contact is inserted twice, once in its normal list (or group) and here // Note: These variables are global data, but refered to locally by each instance // Do not rely on these variables outside the process enumeration. HMENU hRecentMenu; UINT RecentCount; // number of added items // array of all the protocol icons, for every running instance! TSlotProtoIcons *ProtoIcons; UINT ProtoIconsCount; // maybe null, taken from IShellExtInit_Initalise() and AddRef()'d // only used if a Miranda instance is actually running and a user // is selected IDataObject *pDataObject; // DC is used for font metrics and saves on creating and destroying lots of DC handles // during WM_MEASUREITEM HDC hMemDC; HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObject); ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void); ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void); HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Initialize(PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE pidlFolder, IDataObject *pdtobj, HKEY hkeyProgID); HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryContextMenu(HMENU hmenu, UINT indexMenu, UINT idCmdFirst, UINT idCmdLast, UINT uFlags); HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE InvokeCommand(CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO *pici); HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetCommandString(UINT_PTR idCmd, UINT uType, UINT *pReserved, LPSTR pszName, UINT cchMax); HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE HandleMenuMsg(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE HandleMenuMsg2(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *plResult); }; struct TEnumData { TShlComRec *Self; // autodetected, don't hard code since shells that don't support it // won't send WM_MEASUREITETM/WM_DRAWITEM at all. BOOL bOwnerDrawSupported; // as per user setting (maybe of multiple Mirandas) BOOL bShouldOwnerDraw; int idCmdFirst; THeaderIPC *ipch; // OpenEvent()'d handle to give each IPC server an object to set signalled HANDLE hWaitFor; DWORD pid; // sub-unique value used to make work object name }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// enum TSlotDrawType {dtEntry = 0x01, dtGroup = 0x02, dtContact = 0x04, dtCommand = 0x08 }; typedef int TSlotDrawTypes; typedef int (__stdcall TMenuCommandCallback)( THeaderIPC *pipch, // IPC header info, already mapped HANDLE hWorkThreadEvent, // event object being waited on on miranda thread HANDLE hAckEvent, // ack event object that has been created struct TMenuDrawInfo *psd); // command/draw info struct TMenuDrawInfo { char *szText, *szProfile; int cch; int wID; // should be the same as the menu item's ID TSlotDrawTypes fTypes; HANDLE hContact; HICON hStatusIcon; // HICON from Self->ProtoIcons[index].hIcons[status]; Do not DestroyIcon() HBITMAP hStatusBitmap; // HBITMAP, don't free. int pid; TMenuCommandCallback *MenuCommandCallback; // dtCommand must be set also. }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ipcPrepareRequests(int ipcPacketSize, THeaderIPC *pipch, DWORD fRequests); DWORD ipcSendRequest(HANDLE hSignal, HANDLE hWaitFor, THeaderIPC *pipch, DWORD dwTimeoutMsecs); TSlotIPC* ipcAlloc(THeaderIPC *pipch, int nSize); void ipcFixupAddresses(BOOL FromServer, THeaderIPC *pipch); TGroupNode* AllocGroupNode(TGroupNodeList *list, TGroupNode *Root, int Depth); TGroupNode* FindGroupNode(TGroupNode* p, const DWORD Hash, int Depth);