unit shlicons; interface uses Windows; type PVTable_IWICBitmap = ^TVTable_IWICBitmap; TVTable_IWICBitmap = record { IUnknown } QueryInterface: Pointer; AddRef: function(Self: Pointer): Cardinal; stdcall; Release: function(Self: Pointer): Cardinal; stdcall; { IWICBitmapSource } GetSize: function(Self: Pointer; var Width, Height: LongInt): HResult; stdcall; GetPixelFormat: Pointer; GetResolution: Pointer; CopyPalette: Pointer; CopyPixels: function(Self: Pointer; prc: Pointer; cbStride, cbBufferSize: LongWord; pbBuffer: PByte): HResult; stdcall; { IWICBitmap } // .... not used end; PWICBitmap_Interface = ^TWICBitmap_Interface; TWICBitmap_Interface = record ptrVTable: PVTable_IWICBitmap; end; // bare minmum interface to ImagingFactory PVTable_ImagingFactory = ^TVTable_ImagingFactory; TVTable_ImagingFactory = record { IUnknown } QueryInterface: Pointer; AddRef: function(Self: Pointer): Cardinal; stdcall; Release: function(Self: Pointer): Cardinal; stdcall; { ImagingFactory } CreateDecoderFromFilename: Pointer; CreateDecoderFromStream: Pointer; CreateDecoderFromFileHandle: Pointer; CreateComponentInfo: Pointer; CreateDecoder: Pointer; CreateEncoder: Pointer; CreatePalette: Pointer; CreateFormatConverter: Pointer; CreateBitmapScaler: Pointer; CreateBitmapClipper: Pointer; CreateBitmapFlipRotator: Pointer; CreateStream: Pointer; CreateColorContext: Pointer; CreateColorTransformer: Pointer; CreateBitmap: Pointer; CreateBitmapFromSource: Pointer; CreateBitmapFromSourceRect: Pointer; CreateBitmapFromMemory: Pointer; CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP: Pointer; CreateBitmapFromHICON: function(Self: Pointer; hIcon: Windows.hIcon; var foo: Pointer) : HResult; stdcall; { rest ommited } end; PImageFactory_Interface = ^TImageFactory_Interface; TImageFactory_Interface = record ptrVTable: PVTable_ImagingFactory; end; function ARGB_GetWorker: PImageFactory_Interface; function ARGB_BitmapFromIcon(Factory: PImageFactory_Interface; hdc: Windows.hdc; hIcon: hIcon) : HBitmap; implementation {$DEFINE SHLCOM} {$DEFINE COM_STRUCTS} {$DEFINE COMAPI} {$INCLUDE shlc.inc} {$UNDEF SHLCOM} {$UNDEF COM_STRUCTS} {$UNDEF COMAPI} { The following implementation has been ported from: http://web.archive.org/web/20080121112802/http://shellrevealed.com/blogs/shellblog/archive/2007/02/06/Vista-Style-Menus_2C00_-Part-1-_2D00_-Adding-icons-to-standard-menus.aspx It uses WIC (Windows Imaging Codec) to convert the given Icon into a bitmap in ARGB format, this is required by Windows for use as an icon (but in bitmap format), so that Windows draws everything (including theme) so we don't have to. Why didn't they just do this themselves? ... } { The object returned from this function has to be released using the QI COM interface, don't forget. Note this function won't work on anything where WIC isn't installed (XP can have it installed, but not by default) anything less won't work. } function ARGB_GetWorker: PImageFactory_Interface; var hr: HResult; begin hr := CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WICImagingFactory, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_WICImagingFactory, Result); end; function ARGB_BitmapFromIcon(Factory: PImageFactory_Interface; hdc: Windows.hdc; hIcon: hIcon): HBitmap; var bmi: BITMAPINFO; hr: HResult; bitmap: PWICBitmap_Interface; cx, cy: LongInt; pbBuffer: PByte; hBmp: HBitmap; cbStride, cbBuffer: LongInt; begin { This code gives an icon to WIC and gets a bitmap object in return, it then creates a DIB section which is 32bits and the same H*W as the icon. It then asks the bitmap object to copy itself into the DIB } Result := 0; ZeroMemory(@bmi, sizeof(bmi)); bmi.bmiHeader.biSize := sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes := 1; bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression := BI_RGB; bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount := 32; hr := Factory^.ptrVTable^.CreateBitmapFromHICON(Factory, hIcon, bitmap); if hr = S_OK then begin hr := bitmap^.ptrVTable^.GetSize(bitmap, cx, cy); if hr = S_OK then begin bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth := cx; bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight := -cy; hBmp := CreateDIBSection(hdc, bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, pbBuffer, 0, 0); if hBmp <> 0 then begin cbStride := cx * sizeof(DWORD); // ARGB = DWORD cbBuffer := cy * cbStride; // note: the pbBuffer memory is owned by the DIB and will be freed when the bitmap is released hr := bitmap^.ptrVTable^.CopyPixels(bitmap, nil, cbStride, cbBuffer, pbBuffer); if hr = S_OK then begin Result := hBmp; end else begin // the copy failed, delete the DIB DeleteObject(hBmp); end; end; end; // release the bitmap object now bitmap^.ptrVTable^.Release(bitmap); bitmap := nil; end; end; end.