/* Simple Status Message plugin for Miranda IM Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Bartosz 'Dezeath' Białek, (C) 2005 Harven This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "commonheaders.h" #include "simplestatusmsg.h" static HANDLE *hHookList = NULL; static HANDLE *hProtoHookList = NULL; static HANDLE *hServiceList = NULL; static int HookCount = 0; static int ProtoHookCount = 0; static int ServiceCount = 0; struct { TCHAR *szDescr; char *szName; int defIconID; HANDLE hIcolib; } static iconList[] = { { LPGENT("Delete Selected"), "cross", IDI_CROSS }, { LPGENT("Recent Message"), "recent", IDI_HISTORY }, { LPGENT("Predefined Message"), "predef", IDI_MESSAGE }, { LPGENT("Add to Predefined"), "add", IDI_PLUS }, { LPGENT("Clear History"), "clear", IDI_CHIST }, { LPGENT("Copy Away Message"), "copy", IDI_COPY }, { LPGENT("Change Status Message"), "csmsg", IDI_CSMSG, }, { LPGENT("Go to URL in Away Message"), "gotourl", IDI_GOTOURL } }; void IconsInit(void) { TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(g_hInst, szFile, SIZEOF(szFile)); SKINICONDESC sid = { sizeof(sid) }; sid.flags = SIDF_ALL_TCHAR; sid.ptszDefaultFile = szFile; sid.ptszSection = _T("Simple Status Message"); for (int i = 0; i < SIZEOF(iconList); i++) { char szSettingName[100]; mir_snprintf(szSettingName, SIZEOF(szSettingName), "SimpleStatusMsg_%s", iconList[i].szName); sid.pszName = szSettingName; sid.ptszDescription = (TCHAR*)iconList[i].szDescr; sid.iDefaultIndex = -iconList[i].defIconID; iconList[i].hIcolib = Skin_AddIcon(&sid); } } HICON LoadIconEx(const char* name) { char szSettingName[100]; mir_snprintf(szSettingName, sizeof(szSettingName), "SimpleStatusMsg_%s", name); return Skin_GetIcon(szSettingName); } HANDLE GetIconHandle(int iconId) { for(int i = 0; i < SIZEOF(iconList); i++) if (iconList[i].defIconID == iconId) return iconList[i].hIcolib; return NULL; } void ReleaseIconEx(const char* name) { char szSettingName[100]; mir_snprintf(szSettingName, sizeof(szSettingName), "SimpleStatusMsg_%s", name); Skin_ReleaseIcon(szSettingName); } HANDLE HookEventEx(const char *szEvent, MIRANDAHOOK hookProc) { HookCount++; hHookList = (HANDLE *)mir_realloc(hHookList, sizeof(HANDLE) * HookCount); return hHookList[HookCount - 1] = HookEvent(szEvent, hookProc); } void UnhookEvents(void) { if (hHookList == NULL) return; for (int i = 0; i < HookCount; ++i) if (hHookList[i] != NULL) UnhookEvent(hHookList[i]); mir_free(hHookList); hHookList = NULL; HookCount = 0; } HANDLE HookProtoEvent(const char *szModule, const char *szEvent, MIRANDAHOOKPARAM hookProc) { char szProtoEvent[MAXMODULELABELLENGTH]; mir_snprintf(szProtoEvent, sizeof(szProtoEvent), "%s%s", szModule, szEvent); ProtoHookCount++; hProtoHookList = (HANDLE *)mir_realloc(hProtoHookList, sizeof(HANDLE) * ProtoHookCount); return hProtoHookList[ProtoHookCount - 1] = HookEventParam(szProtoEvent, hookProc, (LPARAM)szModule); } void UnhookProtoEvents(void) { if (hProtoHookList == NULL) return; for (int i = 0; i < ProtoHookCount; ++i) if (hProtoHookList[i] != NULL) UnhookEvent(hProtoHookList[i]); mir_free(hProtoHookList); hProtoHookList = NULL; ProtoHookCount = 0; } HANDLE CreateServiceFunctionEx(const char *name, MIRANDASERVICE serviceProc) { ServiceCount++; hServiceList = (HANDLE *)mir_realloc(hServiceList, sizeof(HANDLE) * ServiceCount); return hServiceList[ServiceCount - 1] = CreateServiceFunction(name, serviceProc); } void DestroyServiceFunctionsEx(void) { for (int i = 0; i < ServiceCount; ++i) if (hServiceList[i] != NULL) DestroyServiceFunction(hServiceList[i]); mir_free(hServiceList); ServiceCount = 0; } // Generate random number in a specified range int GetRandom(int from, int to) { if ((to - from) < 1) return from; unsigned randnum; CallService(MS_UTILS_GETRANDOM, sizeof(randnum), (LPARAM)&randnum); return ((randnum % (to - from + 1)) + from); } // From SRAway module const TCHAR *GetDefaultMessage(int status) { switch (status) { case ID_STATUS_AWAY: return TranslateT("I've been away since %time%."); case ID_STATUS_NA: return TranslateT("Give it up, I'm not in!"); case ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED: return TranslateT("Not right now."); case ID_STATUS_DND: return TranslateT("Give a guy some peace, would ya?"); case ID_STATUS_FREECHAT: return TranslateT("I'm a chatbot!"); case ID_STATUS_ONLINE: return TranslateT("Yep, I'm here."); case ID_STATUS_OFFLINE: return TranslateT("Nope, not here."); case ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE: return TranslateT("I'm hiding from the mafia."); case ID_STATUS_ONTHEPHONE: return TranslateT("That'll be the phone."); case ID_STATUS_OUTTOLUNCH: return TranslateT("Mmm...food."); case ID_STATUS_IDLE: return TranslateT("idleeeeeeee"); } return NULL; } const char *StatusModeToDbSetting(int status, const char *suffix) { const char *prefix; static char str[64]; switch (status) { case ID_STATUS_AWAY: prefix = "Away"; break; case ID_STATUS_NA: prefix = "Na"; break; case ID_STATUS_DND: prefix = "Dnd"; break; case ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED: prefix = "Occupied"; break; case ID_STATUS_FREECHAT: prefix = "FreeChat"; break; case ID_STATUS_ONLINE: prefix = "On"; break; case ID_STATUS_OFFLINE: prefix = "Off"; break; case ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE: prefix = "Inv"; break; case ID_STATUS_ONTHEPHONE: prefix = "Otp"; break; case ID_STATUS_OUTTOLUNCH: prefix = "Otl"; break; case ID_STATUS_IDLE: prefix = "Idl"; break; default: return NULL; } mir_snprintf(str, SIZEOF(str), "%s%s", prefix, suffix); return str; } int GetCurrentStatus(const char *szProto) { if (szProto) { char szSetting[80]; mir_snprintf(szSetting, SIZEOF(szSetting), "Cur%sStatus", szProto); return (int)DBGetContactSettingWord(NULL, "SimpleStatusMsg", szSetting, ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); } return CallService(MS_CLIST_GETSTATUSMODE, 0, 0); } int GetStartupStatus(const char *szProto) { if (szProto) { int status_mode; char szSetting[80]; mir_snprintf(szSetting, SIZEOF(szSetting), "Startup%sStatus", szProto); status_mode = DBGetContactSettingWord(NULL, "SimpleStatusMsg", szSetting, ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); if (status_mode == ID_STATUS_CURRENT) { // load status used for this proto last time mir_snprintf(szSetting, SIZEOF(szSetting), "Last%sStatus", szProto); status_mode = DBGetContactSettingWord(NULL, "SimpleStatusMsg", szSetting, ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); } return status_mode; } return (int)DBGetContactSettingWord(NULL, "SimpleStatusMsg", "StartupStatus", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); }