/* * Smart Auto Replier (SAR) - auto replier plugin for Miranda IM * * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2012 by Volodymyr M. Shcherbyna <volodymyr@shcherbyna.com> * * This file is part of SAR. * * SAR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * SAR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with SAR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "rulesstorage.h" #include "crc32static.h" extern HINSTANCE hInst; extern CCrushLog CRUSHLOGOBJ; extern CMessagesHandler * g_pMessHandler; /// ctor... CRulesStorage::CRulesStorage(void) : m_hFile(NULL) { m_comItem.Message = NULL; BEGIN_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE MakeFullPath(m_szSettFileName, sizeof(m_szSettFileName), STORAGE_NAME); InitializeCriticalSection(&m_critSect); END_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE } /// dtor... CRulesStorage::~CRulesStorage(void) { BEGIN_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE DeleteCriticalSection(&m_critSect); DeInit(); END_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE } bool CRulesStorage::Serialize(ISettingsStream *pSettings, DWORD & ObjectSize) { BEGIN_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE Flush(); END_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE return true; } bool CRulesStorage::Deserialize(DWORD & ObjectSize) { BEGIN_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE Init(); END_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE return false; } /// deiniting... void CRulesStorage::DeInit(void) { BEGIN_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE if (m_hFile && m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(m_hFile); m_hFile = NULL; /// now release memory... for (RulesHash::iterator it = m_hashTable.begin(); it != m_hashTable.end(); it++) { RULE_ITEM & i = it->second; delete i.ContactName; delete i.ReplyText; delete i.RuleName; } m_hashTable.clear(); if (m_comItem.Message != NULL) { delete m_comItem.Message; m_comItem.Message = NULL; } END_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE } /// writing a string into a file.. void CRulesStorage::RawWriteDataBufByChunk(LPTSTR str) { BEGIN_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE int nLength = _tcslen(str) * sizeof(TCHAR); DWORD dwWritten = 0; BOOL bVal = FALSE; bVal = WriteFile(m_hFile, &nLength, sizeof(nLength), &dwWritten, NULL); if (!bVal || dwWritten != sizeof(nLength)) throw bVal; bVal = WriteFile(m_hFile, str, nLength, &dwWritten, NULL); if (!bVal || nLength != dwWritten) { throw bVal; } END_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE } /// flushing all data from memory into a file... void CRulesStorage::Flush(void) { BEGIN_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE RulesHash::iterator it; SetFilePointer(m_hFile, NULL, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); SetEndOfFile(m_hFile); /// clear old data SetCommonMessages(); for (it = m_hashTable.begin(); it != m_hashTable.end(); it++) { FlushItem(it->second); } END_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE } /// n.c. bool CRulesStorage::IsRuleMatch(RULE_METAINFO & info, LPTSTR & strMess, LPTSTR & lpIncomingMsg) { BEGIN_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE EnterCriticalSection(&m_critSect); RulesHash::iterator iter; bool bExists = false; DWORD dwCRC32 = 0; CCrc32Static::StringCrc32(info.ContactName, dwCRC32); iter = m_hashTable.find(dwCRC32); CScriptsReader & screader = g_pMessHandler->getSettings().getScriptsReader(); if (iter != m_hashTable.end()) { /// I have to make copy of ReplyText, /// cause GetReturnedMessage will release ptr /// that is stored rule /// found this bug after 20 min. of debugging ;( strMess = new TCHAR[_tcslen(iter->second.ReplyText) + (1 * sizeof(TCHAR))]; if (strMess == NULL) /// ooops... { //screader.GetReturnMessage(info.ContactName, strMess, lpIncomingMsg); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_critSect); return false; } memset(strMess, 0, _tcslen(iter->second.ReplyText) * sizeof(TCHAR) + (1 * sizeof(TCHAR))); _tcscpy(strMess, iter->second.ReplyText); bExists = true; //screader.GetReturnMessage(iter->second.ContactName, strMess, lpIncomingMsg); } else screader.GetReturnMessage(info.ContactName, strMess, lpIncomingMsg); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_critSect); return bExists; END_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE return false; } /// adding rule into memory... DWORD CRulesStorage::AddRuleItem(RULE_ITEM item, bool & bExists) { BEGIN_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE DWORD dwCRC32 = NULL; CCrc32Static::StringCrc32(item.ContactName, dwCRC32); RulesHash::iterator iter; iter = m_hashTable.find(dwCRC32); if (iter != m_hashTable.end()) { bExists = true; return 0; } bExists = false; m_hashTable.insert(RulesHash::value_type(dwCRC32, item)); return dwCRC32; END_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE return 0; } /// flushing item... void CRulesStorage::FlushItem(RULE_ITEM & item) { BEGIN_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE RawWriteDataBufByChunk(item.RuleName); RawWriteDataBufByChunk(item.ContactName); RawWriteDataBufByChunk(item.ReplyText); //RawWriteDataBufByChunk(item.ReplyAction); END_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE } /// initing rules manager... void CRulesStorage::Init(void) { #ifdef _DEBUG //MessageBox (NULL, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, MB_OK); #endif BEGIN_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE if (m_hFile) CloseHandle (m_hFile); bool bFileExists = true; if (!PathFileExists(m_szSettFileName)) {/// file does not exists... /// need to fill it with common rules... bFileExists = false; } m_hFile = CreateFile (m_szSettFileName, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, (bFileExists ? OPEN_ALWAYS : CREATE_ALWAYS), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (m_hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {/// show notification msg to user.. throw INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (bFileExists == false) { ClearCommonMessages(); m_comItem.Message = new TCHAR[sizeof(SETTINGS_DEF_MESSAGE) / sizeof(TCHAR) + sizeof(TCHAR)]; if (m_comItem.Message != NULL) { memset(m_comItem.Message, 0, sizeof(SETTINGS_DEF_MESSAGE) / sizeof(TCHAR) + sizeof(TCHAR)); _tcscpy(m_comItem.Message, SETTINGS_DEF_MESSAGE); SetCommonMessages(); } } DWORD dwSize = 0; dwSize = GetFileSize(m_hFile, &dwSize); DWORD dwReaded = 0, dwCrc32 = 0; int nLength = 0; /// suppose that func is failed BOOL bReaded = FALSE; bool bFailed = false; if (bFileExists) { dwSize -= GetCommonMessages(); } else { dwSize -= _tcslen(SETTINGS_DEF_MESSAGE) * sizeof(TCHAR); dwSize -= 1 * sizeof(int); } while (dwSize) { RULE_ITEM it; bReaded = ReadFile(m_hFile, &nLength, sizeof(nLength), &dwReaded, NULL); if (bReaded == FALSE || dwReaded != sizeof(nLength)) { bFailed = true; break; } dwSize -= sizeof(nLength); it.RuleName = new TCHAR[nLength / sizeof(TCHAR) + (1 * sizeof(TCHAR))]; if (it.RuleName == NULL) { bFailed = true; break; } memset(it.RuleName, 0, (nLength + (1 * sizeof(TCHAR)))); bReaded = ReadFile(m_hFile, it.RuleName, nLength, &dwReaded, NULL); if (bReaded == FALSE || dwReaded != (nLength)) { delete it.RuleName; bFailed = true; break; } dwSize -= dwReaded; bReaded = ReadFile(m_hFile, &nLength, sizeof(nLength), &dwReaded, NULL); if (bReaded == FALSE || dwReaded != sizeof(nLength)) { delete it.RuleName; bFailed = true; break; } dwSize -= sizeof(nLength); it.ContactName = new TCHAR[nLength / sizeof(TCHAR) + (1 * sizeof(TCHAR))]; if (it.ContactName == NULL) { delete it.RuleName; bFailed = true; break; } memset(it.ContactName, 0, (nLength + (1 * sizeof(TCHAR)))); bReaded = ReadFile(m_hFile, it.ContactName, nLength, &dwReaded, NULL); if (bReaded == FALSE || dwReaded != (nLength)) { delete it.RuleName; delete it.ContactName; bFailed = true; break; } dwSize -= dwReaded; bReaded = ReadFile (m_hFile, &nLength, sizeof(nLength), &dwReaded, NULL); if (bReaded == FALSE || dwReaded != sizeof(nLength)) { delete it.RuleName; delete it.ContactName; bFailed = true; break; } dwSize -= sizeof(nLength); it.ReplyText = new TCHAR[nLength / sizeof(TCHAR) + (1 * sizeof(TCHAR))]; if (it.ReplyText == NULL) { delete it.RuleName; delete it.ContactName; bFailed = true; break; } memset(it.ReplyText, 0, (nLength + (1 * sizeof(TCHAR)))); bReaded = ReadFile (m_hFile, it.ReplyText, nLength, &dwReaded, NULL); if (bReaded == FALSE || dwReaded != (nLength)) { delete it.RuleName; delete it.ContactName; delete it.ReplyText; bFailed = true; break; } dwSize -= dwReaded; dwCrc32 = NULL; CCrc32Static::StringCrc32(it.ContactName, dwCrc32); m_hashTable.insert(RulesHash::value_type(dwCrc32, it) ); /// filling list } if (bFailed) { /// upps... bool bdelete = NotifyAboutWrongSettings(m_szSettFileName); if (bdelete) { CloseHandle (m_hFile); m_hFile = NULL; DeleteFile (m_szSettFileName); DeInit(); Init(); } } END_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE } /// reading an data from file storage... UINT CRulesStorage::RawReadDataBufByChunk(LPTSTR & szData) { BEGIN_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE UINT nRetVal = 0; if (m_hFile == NULL || m_hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return nRetVal; } int nSizeOf = 0; DWORD dwReaded = 0; const int nsizeof = sizeof(nSizeOf); BOOL bReaded = ReadFile(m_hFile, &nSizeOf, nsizeof, &dwReaded, NULL); nRetVal += dwReaded; if (bReaded == FALSE || dwReaded != nsizeof) { return nRetVal; } szData = new TCHAR[(nSizeOf / sizeof(TCHAR)) + (1 * sizeof(TCHAR))]; if (szData == NULL) { return nRetVal + dwReaded; } memset(szData, 0, nSizeOf + (1 * sizeof(TCHAR))); bReaded = ReadFile(m_hFile, szData, nSizeOf, &dwReaded, NULL); nRetVal += dwReaded; if (bReaded == FALSE || dwReaded != nSizeOf) { delete szData; szData = NULL; return nRetVal; } return nRetVal; END_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE } /// void CRulesStorage::SetCommonMessages(void) { BEGIN_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE RawWriteDataBufByChunk(m_comItem.Message); END_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE } void CRulesStorage::ClearCommonMessages(void) { if (m_comItem.Message) { delete m_comItem.Message; m_comItem.Message = NULL; } } /// reads from storage common rules - header and /// message that is replyed to all users... UINT CRulesStorage::GetCommonMessages(void) { BEGIN_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE ClearCommonMessages(); UINT nRetVal = 0; nRetVal += RawReadDataBufByChunk(m_comItem.Message); return nRetVal; END_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE #undef RAW_DATACLEAR return 0; } void CRulesStorage::setCommonRule(COMMON_RULE_ITEM r) /// n.c. { BEGIN_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE memcpy (&m_comItem, &r, sizeof(COMMON_RULE_ITEM)); END_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE } COMMON_RULE_ITEM & CRulesStorage::getCommonRule(void) /// n.c. { BEGIN_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE return m_comItem; END_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE } /// getting hash table RulesHash & CRulesStorage::getHashTable(void) { BEGIN_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE return m_hashTable; END_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE } /// remove rule by its id bool CRulesStorage::RemReplyAction(DWORD dwCrc32) { bool bRetVal = false; BEGIN_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE EnterCriticalSection(&m_critSect); RulesHash::iterator it; it = m_hashTable.find(dwCrc32); if (it != m_hashTable.end()) { delete it->second.ContactName; delete it->second.ReplyText; delete it->second.RuleName; m_hashTable.erase(it); bRetVal = true; } LeaveCriticalSection(&m_critSect); END_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE return bRetVal; } bool CRulesStorage::RuleIsRegistered(LPTSTR lpContactName) { BEGIN_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE bool bRetVal = false; if (lpContactName == NULL) return bRetVal; DWORD dwCRC32 = NULL; CCrc32Static::StringCrc32(lpContactName, dwCRC32); RulesHash::iterator iter; EnterCriticalSection(&m_critSect); iter = m_hashTable.find(dwCRC32); if (iter != m_hashTable.end()) { bRetVal = true; } LeaveCriticalSection(&m_critSect); return bRetVal; END_PROTECT_AND_LOG_CODE return false; }