/* Miranda SmileyAdd Plugin Copyright (C) 2008 - 2011 Boris Krasnovskiy All Rights Reserved This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef __GNUC__ # ifdef _DEBUG # define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC # include <stdlib.h> # include <crtdbg.h> # else # include <stdlib.h> # endif #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include "bkstring.h" bkstring::~bkstring() { if (sizeAlloced) free(buf); } void bkstring::reserve(size_type len) { if (len >= sizeAlloced || sizeAlloced == 0) { if (sizeAlloced == 0) buf = NULL; buf = (value_type*)realloc(buf, (len+1) * sizeof(value_type)); if (sizeAlloced == 0) buf[0] = 0; sizeAlloced = len+1; } } void bkstring::appendfmt(const value_type *fmt, ...) { areserve(_tcslen(fmt)*2); va_list vararg; va_start(vararg, fmt); for (;;) { int len = _vsntprintf(buf + lenBuf, sizeAlloced - lenBuf - 1, fmt, vararg); if (len < 0) reserve(sizeAlloced + 256); else { lenBuf += len; buf[lenBuf] = 0; break; } } va_end(vararg); } bkstring& bkstring::append(const value_type* _Ptr) { size_type len = _tcslen(_Ptr); areserve(len); memcpy(buf+lenBuf, _Ptr, (len+1)*sizeof(value_type)); lenBuf += len; return *this; } bkstring& bkstring::append(const value_type* _Ptr, size_type _Count) { size_type len = min(_tcslen(_Ptr), _Count); areserve(len); memcpy(buf+lenBuf, _Ptr, len*sizeof(value_type)); lenBuf += len; buf[lenBuf] = 0; return *this; } bkstring& bkstring::append(const bkstring& _Str, size_type _Off, size_type _Count) { size_type len = min(_Count, _Str.size() - _Off); areserve(len); memcpy(buf+lenBuf, _Str.c_str()+_Off, len*sizeof(value_type)); lenBuf += len; buf[lenBuf] = 0; return *this; } bkstring& bkstring::append(const bkstring& _Str) { size_type len = _Str.size(); areserve(len); memcpy(buf+lenBuf, _Str.c_str(), len*sizeof(value_type)); lenBuf += len; buf[lenBuf] = 0; return *this; } bkstring& bkstring::append(size_type _Count, value_type _Ch) { areserve(_Count); for(size_type i=0; i<_Count; ++i) buf[lenBuf+i] = _Ch; lenBuf += _Count; buf[lenBuf] = 0; return *this; } bkstring& bkstring::assign(const value_type* _Ptr, size_type _Count) { if (_Count == 0 && sizeAlloced == 0) { buf = (TCHAR*)_T(""); } else { reserve(_Count); memcpy(buf, _Ptr, _Count*sizeof(value_type)); buf[_Count] = 0; lenBuf = _Count; } return *this; } bkstring& bkstring::assign(const bkstring& _Str, size_type _Off, size_type _Count) { size_type len = min(_Count, _Str.size() - _Off); if (len == 0 && sizeAlloced == 0) { buf = (TCHAR*)_T(""); } else { reserve(len); memcpy(buf, _Str.c_str() + _Off, len*sizeof(value_type)); lenBuf = len; buf[len] = 0; } return *this; } bkstring& bkstring::assign(size_type _Count, value_type _Ch) { reserve(_Count); for(size_type i=0; i<_Count; ++i) buf[i] = _Ch; buf[_Count] = 0; lenBuf = _Count; return *this; } bkstring::size_type bkstring::find(value_type _Ch, size_type _Off) const { for (size_type i=_Off; i<=lenBuf; ++i) if (buf[i] == _Ch) return i; return (size_type)npos; } bkstring::size_type bkstring::find(const value_type* _Ptr, size_type _Off) const { if (_Off > lenBuf) return (size_type)npos; value_type* pstr = _tcsstr(buf+_Off, _Ptr); return pstr ? pstr - buf : npos; } bkstring::size_type bkstring::find_last_of(value_type _Ch, size_type _Off) const { for (size_type i=(_Off == npos ? lenBuf : _Off); i--;) if (buf[i] == _Ch) return i; return (size_type)npos; } bkstring& bkstring::insert(size_type _P0, const value_type* _Ptr, size_type _Count) { size_type len = _tcslen(_Ptr); if (_Count < len) len = _Count; areserve(len); value_type *p = buf + _P0; memmove(p+len, p, (lenBuf-_P0+1)*sizeof(value_type)); memcpy(p, _Ptr, _Count*sizeof(value_type)); lenBuf += len; return *this; } bkstring& bkstring::insert(size_type _P0, size_type _Count, value_type _Ch) { areserve(_Count); value_type *p = buf + _P0; memmove(p+_Count, p, (lenBuf-_P0+1)*sizeof(value_type)); for(size_type i=0; i<_Count; ++i) p[i] = _Ch; lenBuf += _Count; return *this; } bkstring& bkstring::erase(size_type _Pos, size_type _Count) { if (_Pos < lenBuf) { const size_type len = min(lenBuf - _Pos, _Count); value_type *p = buf + _Pos; lenBuf -= len; memmove(p, p+len, (lenBuf - _Pos)*sizeof(value_type)); buf[lenBuf] = 0; } return *this; }