#include "stdafx.h" CLIST_INTERFACE *pcli; HINSTANCE hInst; HANDLE hOptInitialize, hModulesLoaded, hDBContactAdded, hDBEventAdded, hDBEventFilterAdd; time_t last_queue_check = 0; int hLangpack; PLUGININFOEX pluginInfo = { sizeof(PLUGININFOEX), __PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(__MAJOR_VERSION, __MINOR_VERSION, __RELEASE_NUM, __BUILD_NUM), __DESCRIPTION, __AUTHOR, __AUTHOREMAIL, __COPYRIGHT, __AUTHORWEB, UNICODE_AWARE, // 14331048-5a73-4fdb-b909-2d7e1825a012 {0x14331048, 0x5a73, 0x4fdb, {0xb9, 0x09, 0x2d, 0x7e, 0x18, 0x25, 0xa0, 0x12}} }; extern int OnOptInitialize(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD, LPVOID) { hInst = hinstDLL; return TRUE; } int OnModulesLoaded(WPARAM, LPARAM) { hOptInitialize = HookEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, OnOptInitialize); return 0; } int OnDBEventFilterAdd(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { MCONTACT hContact = wParam; DBEVENTINFO *dbei = (DBEVENTINFO *)lParam; char *msgblob; char protoOption[256] = {0}; int buflen = MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH; TCHAR buf[MAX_BUFFER_LENGTH]; TCHAR *message = NULL, *challengeW = NULL, *tmpW = NULL; TCHAR *whitelist = NULL, *ptok; TCHAR mexpr[64]; int maxmsglen = 0, a, b, i; BOOL bayesEnabled = _getOptB("BayesEnabled", defaultBayesEnabled); BOOL bCorrectResponse = FALSE; // get hContact from DBEVENTINFO as icq_proto.c doesn't pass hContact the usual way for some reason. if (dbei->eventType == EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST) hContact = (MCONTACT)*(PDWORD(dbei->pBlob+sizeof(DWORD))); // get maximum length of the message a protocol supports maxmsglen = CallProtoService(dbei->szModule, PS_GETCAPS, PFLAG_MAXLENOFMESSAGE, hContact); /*** Dequeue and learn messages ***/ if (bayesEnabled && _getOptB("BayesAutolearnNotApproved", defaultBayesAutolearnNotApproved)) if (time(NULL) - last_queue_check > 4*3600) { // dequeue every 4 hours dequeue_messages(); last_queue_check = time(NULL); } /*** Check for conditional and unconditional approval ***/ // Pass-through if protocol is not enabled mir_strcat(protoOption, "proto_"); mir_strcat(protoOption, dbei->szModule); if (_getOptB(protoOption, 0) == 0) // Protocol is not handled by Spam-o-tron return 0; // Pass-through if the event is not of type EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE or EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST if (dbei->eventType != EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE && dbei->eventType != EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST) return 0; // Pass-through if contact is already verified. if (_getCOptB(hContact, "Verified", 0) == 1) return 0; // Pass-through if the event is already read. if (dbei->flags & DBEF_READ) return 0; // Pass-through if event is from a contact that is already in the list. if (db_get_b(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList", 1) == 0) // Already in the list return 0; // Pass-through if event is from a contact that is already in the server-side contact list if (db_get_w(hContact, dbei->szModule, "ServerId", 0)) return 0; // Pass-through if contact is a MetaContact if (db_get_dw(hContact, "MetaContacts", "NumContacts", 0)) return 0; // Pass-through and approve if outgoing event. if (dbei->flags & DBEF_SENT) { if (_getOptB("ApproveOnMsgOut", 0)) { _setCOptB(hContact, "Verified", 1); if (_getOptB("AddPermanently", defaultAddPermanently)) db_unset(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList"); db_unset(hContact, "CList", "Delete"); } return 0; } // Hide the contact until verified if option set. if (_getOptB("HideUnverified", defaultHideUnverified)) db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 1); // Fetch the incoming message body if (dbei->eventType == EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE) { msgblob = (char *)dbei->pBlob; } else if (dbei->eventType == EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST) { msgblob = (char *)(dbei->pBlob + sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(HANDLE)); for(a=4;a>0;a--) msgblob += mir_strlen(msgblob)+1; } if (dbei->flags & DBEF_UTF) message = mir_utf8decodeW(msgblob); else message = mir_a2u(msgblob); /*** Check for words in white-list ***/ if (_getOptB("ApproveOnMsgIn", defaultApproveOnMsgIn)) { whitelist = (TCHAR*)malloc(2048 * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (whitelist != NULL) { _getOptS(whitelist, 2048, "ApproveOnMsgInWordlist", defaultApproveOnMsgInWordlist); if (_isregex(whitelist)) { if (_regmatch(message, whitelist)) bCorrectResponse = TRUE; } else { ptok = _tcstok(whitelist, L" "); while (ptok != NULL) { if (_tcsstr(message, ptok)) { bCorrectResponse = TRUE; break; } ptok = _tcstok(NULL, L" "); } } free(whitelist); if (bCorrectResponse) { _setCOptB(hContact, "Verified", 1); if (_getOptB("HideUnverified", defaultHideUnverified)) db_unset(hContact, "CList", "Hidden"); if (_getOptB("AddPermanently", defaultAddPermanently)) db_unset(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList"); db_unset(hContact, "CList", "Delete"); if (_getOptB("ReplyOnSuccess", defaultReplyOnSuccess) && (_getCOptB(hContact, "MsgSent", 0))) { T2Utf response(_getOptS(buf, buflen, "SuccessResponse", defaultSuccessResponse)); ProtoChainSend(hContact, PSS_MESSAGE, 0, response); } return 0; } } } /*** Check for correct answer ***/ switch (_getOptB("Mode", defaultMode)) { case SPAMOTRON_MODE_ROTATE: case SPAMOTRON_MODE_RANDOM: get_response(buf, buflen, _getCOptD(hContact, "ResponseNum", 0)); if (_isregex(buf)) { if (_regmatch(message, buf)) bCorrectResponse = TRUE; } else { if (_tcsstr_cc(message, buf, _getOptB("ResponseCC", defaultResponseCC)) && (mir_tstrlen(message) == mir_tstrlen(buf))) bCorrectResponse = TRUE; } break; case SPAMOTRON_MODE_PLAIN: _getOptS(buf, buflen, "Response", defaultResponse); i = get_response_num(buf); while (i-- > 0) { get_response(buf, buflen, i-1); if (_isregex(buf)) { if (_regmatch(message, buf)) { bCorrectResponse = TRUE; break; } } else { if (_tcsstr_cc(message, buf, _getOptB("ResponseCC", defaultResponseCC)) && (mir_tstrlen(message) == mir_tstrlen(buf))) { bCorrectResponse = TRUE; break; } } } break; case SPAMOTRON_MODE_MATH: if (message == NULL) break; _itot(_getCOptD(hContact, "ResponseMath", -1), buf, 10); if (_tcsstr(message, buf) && (mir_tstrlen(buf) == mir_tstrlen(message))) { bCorrectResponse = TRUE; } break; } if (bCorrectResponse) { _setCOptB(hContact, "Verified", 1); if (_getOptB("HideUnverified", defaultHideUnverified)) db_unset(hContact, "CList", "Hidden"); if (_getOptB("AddPermanently", defaultAddPermanently)) db_unset(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList"); db_unset(hContact, "CList", "Delete"); db_unset(hContact, "CList", "ResponseNum"); if (_getOptB("ReplyOnSuccess", defaultReplyOnSuccess)) { T2Utf response(_getOptS(buf, buflen, "SuccessResponse", defaultSuccessResponse)); ProtoChainSend(hContact, PSS_MESSAGE, 0, response); } _notify(hContact, POPUP_APPROVED, TranslateT("Contact %s approved."), NULL); // Resubmit pending authorization request if (_getCOptB(hContact, "AuthEventPending", FALSE)) { DBVARIANT _dbv; TCHAR AuthEventModule[100]; char* szAuthEventModule; if (db_get(hContact, PLUGIN_NAME, "AuthEvent", &_dbv) == 0) { DBEVENTINFO *_dbei = (DBEVENTINFO *)malloc(sizeof(DBEVENTINFO)); if (_dbei != NULL) { memcpy(&_dbei->cbBlob, _dbv.pbVal, sizeof(DWORD)); _dbei->eventType = EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST; _getCOptS(AuthEventModule, 100, hContact, "AuthEventModule", _T("ICQ")); szAuthEventModule = mir_u2a(AuthEventModule); _dbei->szModule = szAuthEventModule; _dbei->timestamp = dbei->timestamp; _dbei->flags = 0; _dbei->cbSize = sizeof(DBEVENTINFO); _dbei->pBlob = _dbv.pbVal + sizeof(DWORD); db_event_add(hContact,_dbei); db_unset(hContact, PLUGIN_NAME, "AuthEvent"); db_unset(hContact, PLUGIN_NAME, "AuthEventPending"); db_unset(hContact, PLUGIN_NAME, "AuthEventModule"); mir_free(szAuthEventModule); free(_dbei); } db_free(&_dbv); } } // User approved, learn from previous messages if (bayesEnabled && _getOptB("BayesAutolearnApproved", defaultBayesAutolearnApproved)) bayes_approve_contact(hContact); // Mark previous messages unread if option set if (_getOptB("KeepBlockedMsg", defaultKeepBlockedMsg) && _getOptB("MarkMsgUnreadOnApproval", defaultMarkMsgUnreadOnApproval) && hContact != NULL) { // We will mark unread all blocked messages for the most recent day MarkUnread(hContact); } return 1; } /*** Check for rejection ***/ // Completely reject if challenge was already sent today for MaxMsgContactCountPerDay times // and the option is turned on. if (isOneDay(dbei->timestamp, _getCOptD(hContact, "MsgSentTime", 0)) && _getOptD("MaxMsgContactCountPerDay", defaultMaxMsgContactCountPerDay) > 0 && _getCOptD(hContact, "MsgSent", 0) >= _getOptD("MaxMsgContactCountPerDay", defaultMaxMsgContactCountPerDay)) { _notify(hContact, POPUP_BLOCKED, TranslateT("Message from %s rejected because it reached a maximum for challenge requests per day."), message); if (bayesEnabled) queue_message(hContact, dbei->timestamp, message); return 1; } // Completely reject if duplicate incoming message found if (_getOptD("MaxSameMsgCountPerDay", defaultMaxSameMsgCountPerDay) > 0 && _getCOptD(hContact, "SameMsgCount", 0) >= _getOptD("MaxSameMsgCountPerDay", defaultMaxSameMsgCountPerDay) && mir_tstrcmp(message, _getCOptS(buf, buflen, hContact, "LastInMsg", _T(""))) == 0) { _notify(hContact, POPUP_BLOCKED, TranslateT("Message from %s rejected because it reached a maximum for same responses per day."), message); if (bayesEnabled) queue_message(hContact, dbei->timestamp, message); return 1; } // Completely reject if incoming message contains any word from DontReplyMsgWordlist option if (_getOptB("DontReplyMsg", defaultDontReplyMsg) && Contains(message, _getOptS(buf, buflen, "DontReplyMsgWordlist", defaultDontReplyMsgWordlist))) { _notify(hContact, POPUP_BLOCKED, TranslateT("Message from %s dropped because it has a word from black list."), message); return 1; } /*** Bayes checks ***/ // Drop if score > spam score if (bayesEnabled && _getOptB("BayesBlockMsg", defaultBayesBlockMsg)) if (get_msg_score(message) >= (double)_getOptD("BayesSpamScore", defaultBayesSpamScore) * SCORE_C) { _notify(hContact, POPUP_BLOCKED, TranslateT("Message from %s dropped because of high spam score."), message); if (bayesEnabled && _getOptB("BayesAutolearnNotApproved", defaultBayesAutolearnNotApproved)) queue_message(hContact, dbei->timestamp, message); return 1; } // Accept if score < ham score if (bayesEnabled && _getOptB("BayesAutoApprove", defaultBayesAutoApprove)) if (get_msg_score(message) <= (double)_getOptD("BayesHamScore", defaultBayesHamScore) * SCORE_C) { _notify(hContact, POPUP_APPROVED, TranslateT("Contact %s approved."), message); _setCOptB(hContact, "Verified", 1); if (_getOptB("HideUnverified", defaultHideUnverified)) db_unset(hContact, "CList", "Hidden"); if (_getOptB("AddPermanently", defaultAddPermanently)) db_unset(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList"); db_unset(hContact, "CList", "Delete"); if (bayesEnabled && _getOptB("BayesAutolearnApproved", defaultBayesAutolearnApproved) && _getOptB("BayesAutolearnAutoApproved", defaultBayesAutolearnAutoApproved)) { queue_message(hContact, dbei->timestamp, message); bayes_approve_contact(hContact); } return 0; } // Accept if event is EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST and ReplyOnAuth is NOT set if (dbei->eventType == EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST && !_getOptB("ReplyOnAuth", defaultReplyOnAuth)) return 0; // Accept if event is EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE and ReplyOnMsg is NOT set if (dbei->eventType == EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE && !_getOptB("ReplyOnMsg", defaultReplyOnMsg)) return 0; /*** Send Challenge ***/ challengeW = (TCHAR *)malloc(maxmsglen*sizeof(TCHAR)); tmpW = (TCHAR *)malloc(maxmsglen*sizeof(TCHAR)); switch (_getOptB("Mode", defaultMode)) { case SPAMOTRON_MODE_PLAIN: if (dbei->eventType == EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST) _getOptS(challengeW, maxmsglen, "AuthChallenge", defaultAuthChallenge); else _getOptS(challengeW, maxmsglen, "Challenge", defaultChallenge); ReplaceVars(challengeW, maxmsglen); ProtoChainSend(hContact, PSS_MESSAGE, 0, T2Utf(challengeW)); _notify(hContact, POPUP_CHALLENGE, TranslateT("Sending plain challenge to %s."), message); break; case SPAMOTRON_MODE_ROTATE: if (dbei->eventType == EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST) _getOptS(challengeW, maxmsglen, "AuthChallenge", defaultAuthChallenge); else _getOptS(challengeW, maxmsglen, "Challenge", defaultChallenge); _getOptS(buf, buflen, "Response", defaultResponse); if (_getCOptD(hContact, "ResponseNum", 0) >= (unsigned int)(get_response_num(buf)-1)) _setCOptD(hContact, "ResponseNum", -1); _setCOptD(hContact, "ResponseNum", _getCOptD(hContact, "ResponseNum", -1) + 1); ReplaceVarsNum(challengeW, maxmsglen, _getCOptD(hContact, "ResponseNum", 0)); ProtoChainSend(hContact, PSS_MESSAGE, 0, T2Utf(challengeW)); _notify(hContact, POPUP_CHALLENGE, TranslateT("Sending round-robin challenge to %s."), message); break; case SPAMOTRON_MODE_RANDOM: if (dbei->eventType == EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST) _getOptS(challengeW, maxmsglen, "AuthChallenge", defaultAuthChallenge); else _getOptS(challengeW, maxmsglen, "Challenge", defaultChallenge); _getOptS(buf, buflen, "Response", defaultResponse); srand(time(NULL)); _setCOptD(hContact, "ResponseNum", rand() % get_response_num(buf)); ReplaceVarsNum(challengeW, maxmsglen, _getCOptD(hContact, "ResponseNum", 0)); ProtoChainSend(hContact, PSS_MESSAGE, 0, T2Utf(challengeW)); _notify(hContact, POPUP_CHALLENGE, TranslateT("Sending random challenge to %s."), message); break; case SPAMOTRON_MODE_MATH: a = (rand() % 10) + 1; b = (rand() % 10) + 1; mir_sntprintf(mexpr, _T("%d + %d"), a, b); if (dbei->eventType == EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST) _getOptS(challengeW, maxmsglen, "AuthChallengeMath", defaultAuthChallengeMath); else _getOptS(challengeW, maxmsglen, "ChallengeMath", defaultChallengeMath); ReplaceVar(challengeW, maxmsglen, _T("%mathexpr%"), mexpr); _setCOptD(hContact, "ResponseMath", a + b); ProtoChainSend(hContact, PSS_MESSAGE, 0, T2Utf(challengeW)); _notify(hContact, POPUP_CHALLENGE, TranslateT("Sending math expression challenge to %s."), message); break; } free(challengeW); free(tmpW); // As a workaround for temporary NotOnList contact not being deleted from server-side list // (which was added by the ICQ server itself upon first outgoing challenge request message) // we need to set Delete setting, so that contacts gets deleted on next restart/connect. db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "Delete", 1); // Queue user message in Bayes db if (bayesEnabled && message != NULL) queue_message(hContact, dbei->timestamp, message); /*** Do any post-send procedures we need to do ***/ // Increment MsgSent if it was sent the same day. Otherwise set it to 1. if (isOneDay(dbei->timestamp, _getCOptD(hContact, "MsgSentTime",0))) _setCOptD(hContact, "MsgSent", _getCOptD(hContact, "MsgSent", 0)+1); else _setCOptD(hContact, "MsgSent", 1); _setCOptD(hContact, "MsgSentTime", dbei->timestamp); // Save Last Msg and update SameMsgCount if (message != NULL) { if (mir_tstrcmp(_getCOptS(buf, buflen, hContact, "LastInMsg", _T("")), message) == 0) _setCOptD(hContact, "SameMsgCount", 1+_getCOptD(hContact, "SameMsgCount", 0)); else _setCOptD(hContact, "SameMsgCount", 1); _setCOptTS(hContact, "LastInMsg", message); } if (message != NULL) mir_free(message); // Finally silently save the message to contact history if corresponding option is set if (_getOptB("KeepBlockedMsg", defaultKeepBlockedMsg)) { if (dbei->eventType == EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST) { // Save the request to database so that it can be automatically submitted on user approval PBYTE eventdata = (PBYTE)malloc(sizeof(DWORD) + dbei->cbBlob); if (eventdata != NULL && dbei->cbBlob > 0) { memcpy(eventdata, &dbei->cbBlob, sizeof(DWORD)); memcpy(eventdata + sizeof(DWORD), dbei->pBlob, dbei->cbBlob); db_set_blob(hContact, PLUGIN_NAME, "AuthEvent", eventdata, sizeof(DWORD) + dbei->cbBlob); _setCOptS(hContact, "AuthEventModule", dbei->szModule); _setCOptB(hContact, "AuthEventPending", TRUE); free(eventdata); } } else { if (_getOptB("MarkMsgUnreadOnApproval", defaultMarkMsgUnreadOnApproval)) { DBVARIANT _dbv; DWORD dbei_size = 3*sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(WORD) + dbei->cbBlob + (DWORD)mir_strlen(dbei->szModule)+1; PBYTE eventdata = (PBYTE)malloc(dbei_size); PBYTE pos = eventdata; if (eventdata != NULL && dbei->cbBlob > 0) { if (db_get(hContact, PLUGIN_NAME, "LastMsgEvents", &_dbv) == 0) { eventdata = (PBYTE)realloc(eventdata, dbei_size + _dbv.cpbVal); pos = eventdata; memcpy(eventdata, _dbv.pbVal, _dbv.cpbVal); pos += _dbv.cpbVal; db_free(&_dbv); } memcpy(pos, &dbei->eventType, sizeof(WORD)); memcpy(pos+sizeof(WORD), &dbei->flags, sizeof(DWORD)); memcpy(pos+sizeof(WORD)+sizeof(DWORD), &dbei->timestamp, sizeof(DWORD)); memcpy(pos+sizeof(WORD)+sizeof(DWORD)*2, dbei->szModule, mir_strlen(dbei->szModule)+1); memcpy(pos+sizeof(WORD)+sizeof(DWORD)*2+mir_strlen(dbei->szModule)+1, &dbei->cbBlob, sizeof(DWORD)); memcpy(pos+sizeof(WORD)+sizeof(DWORD)*3+mir_strlen(dbei->szModule)+1, dbei->pBlob, dbei->cbBlob); db_set_blob(hContact, PLUGIN_NAME, "LastMsgEvents", eventdata, (pos - eventdata) + dbei_size); free(eventdata); } } else { dbei->flags |= DBEF_READ; db_event_add(hContact, dbei); } } } return 1; } /* Removes NotOnList settings from contacts with Delete setting present */ void RemoveNotOnListSettings() { DBVARIANT dbv; char protoName[256] = {0}; MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); mir_strcpy(protoName, "proto_"); while (hContact != NULL) { if (db_get_s(hContact, "Protocol", "p", &dbv) == 0) { mir_strcat(protoName, dbv.pszVal); if (_getOptB(protoName, 0) != 0) { if (db_get_b(hContact, "CList", "Delete", 0) == 1) { db_unset(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList"); } } db_free(&dbv); } protoName[6] = 0; hContact = db_find_next(hContact); } } extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) PLUGININFOEX* MirandaPluginInfoEx(DWORD) { return &pluginInfo; } extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int Load() { mir_getLP(&pluginInfo); mir_getCLI(); srand((unsigned)time(0)); bayesdb = NULL; if (_getOptB("BayesEnabled", defaultBayesEnabled)) { if (CheckBayes()) { OpenBayes(); if (_getOptB("BayesAutolearnNotApproved", defaultBayesAutolearnNotApproved)) { dequeue_messages(); last_queue_check = time(NULL); } } } hModulesLoaded = HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, OnModulesLoaded); hDBEventFilterAdd = HookEvent(ME_DB_EVENT_FILTER_ADD, OnDBEventFilterAdd); return 0; } extern "C" _declspec(dllexport) int Unload(void) { RemoveNotOnListSettings(); UnhookEvent(hOptInitialize); UnhookEvent(hModulesLoaded); UnhookEvent(hDBContactAdded); UnhookEvent(hDBEventAdded); UnhookEvent(hDBEventFilterAdd); return 0; }