#include "..\commons.h" #undef max // build a hash table from a munched word list HashMgr::HashMgr(const char * tpath, const char * apath, const char * key) : tablesize(0) , tableptr(NULL) , userword(0) , flag_mode(FLAG_CHAR) , complexprefixes(0) , utf8(0) , forbiddenword(FORBIDDENWORD) // forbidden word signing flag , numaliasf(0) , aliasf(NULL) , aliasflen(0) , numaliasm(0) , aliasm(NULL) { langnum = 0; lang = NULL; enc = NULL; csconv = 0; ignorechars = NULL; ignorechars_utf16 = NULL; ignorechars_utf16_len = 0; load_config(apath, key); int ec = load_tables(tpath, key); if (ec) { /* error condition - what should we do here */ HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "Hash Manager Error : %d\n",ec); if (tableptr) { free(tableptr); tableptr = NULL; } tablesize = 0; } } HashMgr::~HashMgr() { if (tableptr) { // now pass through hash table freeing up everything // go through column by column of the table for (int i=0; i < tablesize; i++) { struct hentry * pt = tableptr[i]; struct hentry * nt = NULL; while(pt) { nt = pt->next; if (pt->astr && (!aliasf || TESTAFF(pt->astr, ONLYUPCASEFLAG, pt->alen))) free(pt->astr); free(pt); pt = nt; } } free(tableptr); } tablesize = 0; if (aliasf) { for (int j = 0; j < (numaliasf); j++) free(aliasf[j]); free(aliasf); aliasf = NULL; if (aliasflen) { free(aliasflen); aliasflen = NULL; } } if (aliasm) { for (int j = 0; j < (numaliasm); j++) free(aliasm[j]); free(aliasm); aliasm = NULL; } #ifndef OPENOFFICEORG #ifndef MOZILLA_CLIENT if (utf8) free_utf_tbl(); #endif #endif if (enc) free(enc); if (lang) free(lang); if (ignorechars) free(ignorechars); if (ignorechars_utf16) free(ignorechars_utf16); #ifdef MOZILLA_CLIENT delete [] csconv; #endif } // lookup a root word in the hashtable struct hentry * HashMgr::lookup(const char *word) const { struct hentry * dp; if (tableptr) { dp = tableptr[hash(word)]; if (!dp) return NULL; for ( ; dp != NULL; dp = dp->next) { if (strcmp(word, dp->word) == 0) return dp; } } return NULL; } // add a word to the hash table (private) int HashMgr::add_word(const char * word, int wbl, int wcl, unsigned short * aff, int al, const char * desc, bool onlyupcase) { bool upcasehomonym = false; int descl = desc ? (aliasm ? sizeof(char *) : strlen(desc) + 1) : 0; // variable-length hash record with word and optional fields struct hentry* hp = (struct hentry *) malloc (sizeof(struct hentry) + wbl + descl); if (!hp) return 1; char * hpw = hp->word; strcpy(hpw, word); if (ignorechars != NULL) { if (utf8) { remove_ignored_chars_utf(hpw, ignorechars_utf16, ignorechars_utf16_len); } else { remove_ignored_chars(hpw, ignorechars); } } if (complexprefixes) { if (utf8) reverseword_utf(hpw); else reverseword(hpw); } int i = hash(hpw); hp->blen = (unsigned char) wbl; hp->clen = (unsigned char) wcl; hp->alen = (short) al; hp->astr = aff; hp->next = NULL; hp->next_homonym = NULL; // store the description string or its pointer if (desc) { hp->var = H_OPT; if (aliasm) { hp->var += H_OPT_ALIASM; store_pointer(hpw + wbl + 1, get_aliasm(atoi(desc))); } else { strcpy(hpw + wbl + 1, desc); if (complexprefixes) { if (utf8) reverseword_utf(HENTRY_DATA(hp)); else reverseword(HENTRY_DATA(hp)); } } if (strstr(HENTRY_DATA(hp), MORPH_PHON)) hp->var += H_OPT_PHON; } else hp->var = 0; struct hentry * dp = tableptr[i]; if (!dp) { tableptr[i] = hp; return 0; } while (dp->next != NULL) { if ((!dp->next_homonym) && (strcmp(hp->word, dp->word) == 0)) { // remove hidden onlyupcase homonym if (!onlyupcase) { if ((dp->astr) && TESTAFF(dp->astr, ONLYUPCASEFLAG, dp->alen)) { free(dp->astr); dp->astr = hp->astr; dp->alen = hp->alen; free(hp); return 0; } else { dp->next_homonym = hp; } } else { upcasehomonym = true; } } dp=dp->next; } if (strcmp(hp->word, dp->word) == 0) { // remove hidden onlyupcase homonym if (!onlyupcase) { if ((dp->astr) && TESTAFF(dp->astr, ONLYUPCASEFLAG, dp->alen)) { free(dp->astr); dp->astr = hp->astr; dp->alen = hp->alen; free(hp); return 0; } else { dp->next_homonym = hp; } } else { upcasehomonym = true; } } if (!upcasehomonym) { dp->next = hp; } else { // remove hidden onlyupcase homonym if (hp->astr) free(hp->astr); free(hp); } return 0; } int HashMgr::add_hidden_capitalized_word(char * word, int wbl, int wcl, unsigned short * flags, int flagslen, char * dp, int captype) { if (flags == NULL) flagslen = 0; // add inner capitalized forms to handle the following allcap forms: // Mixed caps: OpenOffice.org -> OPENOFFICE.ORG // Allcaps with suffixes: CIA's -> CIA'S if (((captype == HUHCAP) || (captype == HUHINITCAP) || ((captype == ALLCAP) && (flagslen != 0))) && !((flagslen != 0) && TESTAFF(flags, forbiddenword, flagslen))) { unsigned short * flags2 = (unsigned short *) malloc (sizeof(unsigned short) * (flagslen+1)); if (!flags2) return 1; if (flagslen) memcpy(flags2, flags, flagslen * sizeof(unsigned short)); flags2[flagslen] = ONLYUPCASEFLAG; if (utf8) { char st[BUFSIZE]; w_char w[BUFSIZE]; int wlen = u8_u16(w, BUFSIZE, word); mkallsmall_utf(w, wlen, langnum); mkallcap_utf(w, 1, langnum); u16_u8(st, BUFSIZE, w, wlen); return add_word(st,wbl,wcl,flags2,flagslen+1,dp, true); } else { mkallsmall(word, csconv); mkinitcap(word, csconv); return add_word(word,wbl,wcl,flags2,flagslen+1,dp, true); } } return 0; } // detect captype and modify word length for UTF-8 encoding int HashMgr::get_clen_and_captype(const char * word, int wbl, int * captype) { int len; if (utf8) { w_char dest_utf[BUFSIZE]; len = u8_u16(dest_utf, BUFSIZE, word); *captype = get_captype_utf8(dest_utf, len, langnum); } else { len = wbl; *captype = get_captype((char *) word, len, csconv); } return len; } // remove word (personal dictionary function for standalone applications) int HashMgr::remove(const char * word) { struct hentry * dp = lookup(word); while (dp) { if (dp->alen == 0 || !TESTAFF(dp->astr, forbiddenword, dp->alen)) { unsigned short * flags = (unsigned short *) malloc(sizeof(short) * (dp->alen + 1)); if (!flags) return 1; for (int i = 0; i < dp->alen; i++) flags[i] = dp->astr[i]; flags[dp->alen] = forbiddenword; dp->astr = flags; dp->alen++; flag_qsort(flags, 0, dp->alen); } dp = dp->next_homonym; } return 0; } /* remove forbidden flag to add a personal word to the hash */ int HashMgr::remove_forbidden_flag(const char * word) { struct hentry * dp = lookup(word); if (!dp) return 1; while (dp) { if (dp->astr && TESTAFF(dp->astr, forbiddenword, dp->alen)) { if (dp->alen == 1) dp->alen = 0; // XXX forbidden words of personal dic. else { unsigned short * flags2 = (unsigned short *) malloc(sizeof(short) * (dp->alen - 1)); if (!flags2) return 1; int i, j = 0; for (i = 0; i < dp->alen; i++) { if (dp->astr[i] != forbiddenword) flags2[j++] = dp->astr[i]; } dp->alen--; dp->astr = flags2; // XXX allowed forbidden words } } dp = dp->next_homonym; } return 0; } // add a custom dic. word to the hash table (public) int HashMgr::add(const char * word) { unsigned short * flags = NULL; int al = 0; if (remove_forbidden_flag(word)) { int captype; int wbl = strlen(word); int wcl = get_clen_and_captype(word, wbl, &captype); add_word(word, wbl, wcl, flags, al, NULL, false); return add_hidden_capitalized_word((char *) word, wbl, wcl, flags, al, NULL, captype); } return 0; } int HashMgr::add_with_affix(const char * word, const char * example) { // detect captype and modify word length for UTF-8 encoding struct hentry * dp = lookup(example); remove_forbidden_flag(word); if (dp && dp->astr) { int captype; int wbl = strlen(word); int wcl = get_clen_and_captype(word, wbl, &captype); if (aliasf) { add_word(word, wbl, wcl, dp->astr, dp->alen, NULL, false); } else { unsigned short * flags = (unsigned short *) malloc (dp->alen * sizeof(short)); if (flags) { memcpy((void *) flags, (void *) dp->astr, dp->alen * sizeof(short)); add_word(word, wbl, wcl, flags, dp->alen, NULL, false); } else return 1; } return add_hidden_capitalized_word((char *) word, wbl, wcl, dp->astr, dp->alen, NULL, captype); } return 1; } // walk the hash table entry by entry - null at end // initialize: col=-1; hp = NULL; hp = walk_hashtable(&col, hp); struct hentry * HashMgr::walk_hashtable(int &col, struct hentry * hp) const { if (hp && hp->next != NULL) return hp->next; for (col++; col < tablesize; col++) { if (tableptr[col]) return tableptr[col]; } // null at end and reset to start col = -1; return NULL; } // load a munched word list and build a hash table on the fly int HashMgr::load_tables(const char * tpath, const char * key) { int al; char * ap; char * dp; char * dp2; unsigned short * flags; char * ts; // open dictionary file FileMgr * dict = new FileMgr(tpath, key); if (dict == NULL) return 1; // first read the first line of file to get hash table size */ if ((ts = dict->getline()) == NULL) { HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: empty dic file %s\n", tpath); delete dict; return 2; } mychomp(ts); /* remove byte order mark */ if (strncmp(ts,"\xEF\xBB\xBF",3) == 0) { memmove(ts, ts+3, strlen(ts+3)+1); // warning: dic file begins with byte order mark: possible incompatibility with old Hunspell versions } tablesize = atoi(ts); int nExtra = 5 + USERWORD; if (tablesize <= 0 || (tablesize >= (std::numeric_limits<int>::max() - 1 - nExtra) / int(sizeof(struct hentry *)))) { HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line 1: missing or bad word count in the dic file\n"); delete dict; return 4; } tablesize += nExtra; if ((tablesize % 2) == 0) tablesize++; // allocate the hash table tableptr = (struct hentry **) calloc(tablesize, sizeof(struct hentry *)); if (! tableptr) { delete dict; return 3; } // loop through all words on much list and add to hash // table and create word and affix strings while ((ts = dict->getline()) != NULL) { mychomp(ts); // split each line into word and morphological description dp = ts; while ((dp = strchr(dp, ':')) != NULL) { if ((dp > ts + 3) && (*(dp - 3) == ' ' || *(dp - 3) == '\t')) { for (dp -= 4; dp >= ts && (*dp == ' ' || *dp == '\t'); dp--); if (dp < ts) { // missing word dp = NULL; } else { *(dp + 1) = '\0'; dp = dp + 2; } break; } dp++; } // tabulator is the old morphological field separator dp2 = strchr(ts, '\t'); if (dp2 && (!dp || dp2 < dp)) { *dp2 = '\0'; dp = dp2 + 1; } // split each line into word and affix char strings // "\/" signs slash in words (not affix separator) // "/" at beginning of the line is word character (not affix separator) ap = strchr(ts,'/'); while (ap) { if (ap == ts) { ap++; continue; } else if (*(ap - 1) != '\\') break; // replace "\/" with "/" for (char * sp = ap - 1; *sp; *sp = *(sp + 1), sp++); ap = strchr(ap,'/'); } if (ap) { *ap = '\0'; if (aliasf) { int index = atoi(ap + 1); al = get_aliasf(index, &flags, dict); if (!al) { HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: bad flag vector alias\n", dict->getlinenum()); *ap = '\0'; } } else { al = decode_flags(&flags, ap + 1, dict); if (al == -1) { HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "Can't allocate memory.\n"); delete dict; return 6; } flag_qsort(flags, 0, al); } } else { al = 0; ap = NULL; flags = NULL; } int captype; int wbl = strlen(ts); int wcl = get_clen_and_captype(ts, wbl, &captype); // add the word and its index plus its capitalized form optionally if (add_word(ts,wbl,wcl,flags,al,dp, false) || add_hidden_capitalized_word(ts, wbl, wcl, flags, al, dp, captype)) { delete dict; return 5; } } delete dict; return 0; } // the hash function is a simple load and rotate // algorithm borrowed int HashMgr::hash(const char * word) const { long hv = 0; for (int i=0; i < 4 && *word != 0; i++) hv = (hv << 8) | (*word++); while (*word != 0) { ROTATE(hv,ROTATE_LEN); hv ^= (*word++); } return (unsigned long) hv % tablesize; } int HashMgr::decode_flags(unsigned short ** result, char * flags, FileMgr * af) { int len; if (*flags == '\0') { *result = NULL; return 0; } switch (flag_mode) { case FLAG_LONG: { // two-character flags (1x2yZz -> 1x 2y Zz) len = strlen(flags); if (len%2 == 1) HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: bad flagvector\n", af->getlinenum()); len /= 2; *result = (unsigned short *) malloc(len * sizeof(short)); if (!*result) return -1; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { (*result)[i] = (((unsigned short) flags[i * 2]) << 8) + (unsigned short) flags[i * 2 + 1]; } break; } case FLAG_NUM: { // decimal numbers separated by comma (4521,23,233 -> 4521 23 233) int i; len = 1; char * src = flags; unsigned short * dest; char * p; for (p = flags; *p; p++) { if (*p == ',') len++; } *result = (unsigned short *) malloc(len * sizeof(short)); if (!*result) return -1; dest = *result; for (p = flags; *p; p++) { if (*p == ',') { i = atoi(src); if (i >= DEFAULTFLAGS) HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: flag id %d is too large (max: %d)\n", af->getlinenum(), i, DEFAULTFLAGS - 1); *dest = (unsigned short) i; if (*dest == 0) HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: 0 is wrong flag id\n", af->getlinenum()); src = p + 1; dest++; } } i = atoi(src); if (i >= DEFAULTFLAGS) HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: flag id %d is too large (max: %d)\n", af->getlinenum(), i, DEFAULTFLAGS - 1); *dest = (unsigned short) i; if (*dest == 0) HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: 0 is wrong flag id\n", af->getlinenum()); break; } case FLAG_UNI: { // UTF-8 characters w_char w[BUFSIZE/2]; len = u8_u16(w, BUFSIZE/2, flags); *result = (unsigned short *) malloc(len * sizeof(short)); if (!*result) return -1; memcpy(*result, w, len * sizeof(short)); break; } default: { // Ispell's one-character flags (erfg -> e r f g) unsigned short * dest; len = strlen(flags); *result = (unsigned short *) malloc(len * sizeof(short)); if (!*result) return -1; dest = *result; for (unsigned char * p = (unsigned char *) flags; *p; p++) { *dest = (unsigned short) *p; dest++; } } } return len; } unsigned short HashMgr::decode_flag(const char * f) { unsigned short s = 0; int i; switch (flag_mode) { case FLAG_LONG: s = ((unsigned short) f[0] << 8) + (unsigned short) f[1]; break; case FLAG_NUM: i = atoi(f); if (i >= DEFAULTFLAGS) HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: flag id %d is too large (max: %d)\n", i, DEFAULTFLAGS - 1); s = (unsigned short) i; break; case FLAG_UNI: u8_u16((w_char *) &s, 1, f); break; default: s = (unsigned short) *((unsigned char *)f); } if (s == 0) HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: 0 is wrong flag id\n"); return s; } char * HashMgr::encode_flag(unsigned short f) { unsigned char ch[10]; if (f==0) return mystrdup("(NULL)"); if (flag_mode == FLAG_LONG) { ch[0] = (unsigned char) (f >> 8); ch[1] = (unsigned char) (f - ((f >> 8) << 8)); ch[2] = '\0'; } else if (flag_mode == FLAG_NUM) { sprintf((char *) ch, "%d", f); } else if (flag_mode == FLAG_UNI) { u16_u8((char *) &ch, 10, (w_char *) &f, 1); } else { ch[0] = (unsigned char) (f); ch[1] = '\0'; } return mystrdup((char *) ch); } // read in aff file and set flag mode int HashMgr::load_config(const char * affpath, const char * key) { char * line; // io buffers int firstline = 1; // open the affix file FileMgr * afflst = new FileMgr(affpath, key); if (!afflst) { HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "Error - could not open affix description file %s\n",affpath); return 1; } // read in each line ignoring any that do not // start with a known line type indicator while ((line = afflst->getline()) != NULL) { mychomp(line); /* remove byte order mark */ if (firstline) { firstline = 0; if (strncmp(line,"\xEF\xBB\xBF",3) == 0) memmove(line, line+3, strlen(line+3)+1); } /* parse in the try string */ if ((strncmp(line,"FLAG",4) == 0) && isspace(line[4])) { if (flag_mode != FLAG_CHAR) { HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: multiple definitions of the FLAG affix file parameter\n", afflst->getlinenum()); } if (strstr(line, "long")) flag_mode = FLAG_LONG; if (strstr(line, "num")) flag_mode = FLAG_NUM; if (strstr(line, "UTF-8")) flag_mode = FLAG_UNI; if (flag_mode == FLAG_CHAR) { HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: FLAG needs `num', `long' or `UTF-8' parameter\n", afflst->getlinenum()); } } if (strncmp(line,"FORBIDDENWORD",13) == 0) { char * st = NULL; if (parse_string(line, &st, afflst->getlinenum())) { delete afflst; return 1; } forbiddenword = decode_flag(st); free(st); } if (strncmp(line, "SET", 3) == 0) { if (parse_string(line, &enc, afflst->getlinenum())) { delete afflst; return 1; } if (strcmp(enc, "UTF-8") == 0) { utf8 = 1; #ifndef OPENOFFICEORG #ifndef MOZILLA_CLIENT initialize_utf_tbl(); #endif #endif } else csconv = get_current_cs(enc); } if (strncmp(line, "LANG", 4) == 0) { if (parse_string(line, &lang, afflst->getlinenum())) { delete afflst; return 1; } langnum = get_lang_num(lang); } /* parse in the ignored characters (for example, Arabic optional diacritics characters */ if (strncmp(line,"IGNORE",6) == 0) { if (parse_array(line, &ignorechars, &ignorechars_utf16, &ignorechars_utf16_len, utf8, afflst->getlinenum())) { delete afflst; return 1; } } if ((strncmp(line,"AF",2) == 0) && isspace(line[2])) { if (parse_aliasf(line, afflst)) { delete afflst; return 1; } } if ((strncmp(line,"AM",2) == 0) && isspace(line[2])) { if (parse_aliasm(line, afflst)) { delete afflst; return 1; } } if (strncmp(line,"COMPLEXPREFIXES",15) == 0) complexprefixes = 1; if (((strncmp(line,"SFX",3) == 0) || (strncmp(line,"PFX",3) == 0)) && isspace(line[3])) break; } if (csconv == NULL) csconv = get_current_cs(SPELL_ENCODING); delete afflst; return 0; } /* parse in the ALIAS table */ int HashMgr::parse_aliasf(char * line, FileMgr * af) { if (numaliasf != 0) { HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: multiple table definitions\n", af->getlinenum()); return 1; } char * tp = line; char * piece; int i = 0; int np = 0; piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0); while (piece) { if (*piece != '\0') { switch(i) { case 0: { np++; break; } case 1: { numaliasf = atoi(piece); if (numaliasf < 1) { numaliasf = 0; aliasf = NULL; aliasflen = NULL; HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: bad entry number\n", af->getlinenum()); return 1; } aliasf = (unsigned short **) malloc(numaliasf * sizeof(unsigned short *)); aliasflen = (unsigned short *) malloc(numaliasf * sizeof(short)); if (!aliasf || !aliasflen) { numaliasf = 0; if (aliasf) free(aliasf); if (aliasflen) free(aliasflen); aliasf = NULL; aliasflen = NULL; return 1; } np++; break; } default: break; } i++; } piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0); } if (np != 2) { numaliasf = 0; free(aliasf); free(aliasflen); aliasf = NULL; aliasflen = NULL; HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: missing data\n", af->getlinenum()); return 1; } /* now parse the numaliasf lines to read in the remainder of the table */ char * nl; for (int j=0; j < numaliasf; j++) { if ((nl = af->getline()) == NULL) return 1; mychomp(nl); tp = nl; i = 0; aliasf[j] = NULL; aliasflen[j] = 0; piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0); while (piece) { if (*piece != '\0') { switch(i) { case 0: { if (strncmp(piece,"AF",2) != 0) { numaliasf = 0; free(aliasf); free(aliasflen); aliasf = NULL; aliasflen = NULL; HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: table is corrupt\n", af->getlinenum()); return 1; } break; } case 1: { aliasflen[j] = (unsigned short) decode_flags(&(aliasf[j]), piece, af); flag_qsort(aliasf[j], 0, aliasflen[j]); break; } default: break; } i++; } piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0); } if (!aliasf[j]) { free(aliasf); free(aliasflen); aliasf = NULL; aliasflen = NULL; numaliasf = 0; HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: table is corrupt\n", af->getlinenum()); return 1; } } return 0; } int HashMgr::is_aliasf() { return (aliasf != NULL); } int HashMgr::get_aliasf(int index, unsigned short ** fvec, FileMgr * af) { if ((index > 0) && (index <= numaliasf)) { *fvec = aliasf[index - 1]; return aliasflen[index - 1]; } HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: bad flag alias index: %d\n", af->getlinenum(), index); *fvec = NULL; return 0; } /* parse morph alias definitions */ int HashMgr::parse_aliasm(char * line, FileMgr * af) { if (numaliasm != 0) { HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: multiple table definitions\n", af->getlinenum()); return 1; } char * tp = line; char * piece; int i = 0; int np = 0; piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0); while (piece) { if (*piece != '\0') { switch(i) { case 0: { np++; break; } case 1: { numaliasm = atoi(piece); if (numaliasm < 1) { HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: bad entry number\n", af->getlinenum()); return 1; } aliasm = (char **) malloc(numaliasm * sizeof(char *)); if (!aliasm) { numaliasm = 0; return 1; } np++; break; } default: break; } i++; } piece = mystrsep(&tp, 0); } if (np != 2) { numaliasm = 0; free(aliasm); aliasm = NULL; HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: missing data\n", af->getlinenum()); return 1; } /* now parse the numaliasm lines to read in the remainder of the table */ char * nl = line; for (int j=0; j < numaliasm; j++) { if ((nl = af->getline()) == NULL) return 1; mychomp(nl); tp = nl; i = 0; aliasm[j] = NULL; piece = mystrsep(&tp, ' '); while (piece) { if (*piece != '\0') { switch(i) { case 0: { if (strncmp(piece,"AM",2) != 0) { HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: table is corrupt\n", af->getlinenum()); numaliasm = 0; free(aliasm); aliasm = NULL; return 1; } break; } case 1: { // add the remaining of the line if (*tp) { *(tp - 1) = ' '; tp = tp + strlen(tp); } if (complexprefixes) { if (utf8) reverseword_utf(piece); else reverseword(piece); } aliasm[j] = mystrdup(piece); if (!aliasm[j]) { numaliasm = 0; free(aliasm); aliasm = NULL; return 1; } break; } default: break; } i++; } piece = mystrsep(&tp, ' '); } if (!aliasm[j]) { numaliasm = 0; free(aliasm); aliasm = NULL; HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: line %d: table is corrupt\n", af->getlinenum()); return 1; } } return 0; } int HashMgr::is_aliasm() { return (aliasm != NULL); } char * HashMgr::get_aliasm(int index) { if ((index > 0) && (index <= numaliasm)) return aliasm[index - 1]; HUNSPELL_WARNING(stderr, "error: bad morph. alias index: %d\n", index); return NULL; }