/* AdvancedAutoAway Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org) Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Some code is copied from Miranda's AutoAway module */ #include "stdafx.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define SECS_PER_MINUTE 20 /* speedup */ #else #define SECS_PER_MINUTE 60 /* default I believe */ #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CFakePlugin AAAPlugin(AAAMODULENAME); static HANDLE hEvents[3]; static BOOL ignoreLockKeys = FALSE; static BOOL ignoreSysKeys = FALSE; static BOOL ignoreAltCombo = FALSE; static BOOL monitorMouse = TRUE; static BOOL monitorKeyboard = TRUE; static HWND confirmDialog; static int mouseStationaryTimer; HHOOK hMirandaMouseHook = nullptr; HHOOK hMirandaKeyBoardHook = nullptr; #pragma data_seg("Shared") DWORD lastInput = 0; POINT lastMousePos = { 0 }; HHOOK hMouseHook = nullptr; HHOOK hKeyBoardHook = nullptr; #pragma data_seg() #pragma comment(linker, "/section:Shared,rws") DWORD lastMirandaInput = 0; static UINT_PTR hAutoAwayTimer; // prototypes extern DWORD StatusModeToProtoFlag(int status); int AutoAwayOptInitialise(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static int ProcessProtoAck(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { ACKDATA *ack = (ACKDATA*)lParam; if (ack->type != ACKTYPE_STATUS || ack->result != ACKRESULT_SUCCESS) return 0; log_debug(0, "ProcessProtoAck: ack->szModule: %s", ack->szModule); for (auto &it : protoList) { log_debug(0, "chk: %s", it->m_szName); if (!mir_strcmp(it->m_szName, ack->szModule)) { log_debug(0, "ack->szModule: %s p.statusChanged: %d", ack->szModule, it->bStatusChanged); if (!it->bStatusChanged) it->bManualStatus = true; it->bStatusChanged = false; } } return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Account control event static char* status2descr(int status) { switch (status) { case ACTIVE: return "ACTIVE"; case STATUS1_SET: return "STATUS1_SET"; case STATUS2_SET: return "STATUS2_SET"; case SET_ORGSTATUS: return "SET_ORGSTATUS"; case HIDDEN_ACTIVE: return "HIDDEN_ACTIVE"; } return "ERROR"; } static int changeState(SMProto &setting, int mode, STATES newState) { if (setting.curState == newState) return 0; setting.oldState = setting.curState; setting.curState = newState; log_debug(0, "%s state change: %s -> %s", setting.m_szName, status2descr(setting.oldState), status2descr(setting.curState)); if (setting.curState != SET_ORGSTATUS && setting.curState != ACTIVE && setting.bStatusChanged) { /* change the awaymessage */ if (setting.m_szMsg != nullptr) { mir_free(setting.m_szMsg); setting.m_szMsg = nullptr; } if (AAAPlugin.getByte(StatusModeToDbSetting(setting.aaaStatus, SETTING_MSGCUSTOM), FALSE)) setting.m_szMsg = AAAPlugin.getWStringA(StatusModeToDbSetting(setting.aaaStatus, SETTING_STATUSMSG)); } else if (setting.m_szMsg != nullptr) { mir_free(setting.m_szMsg); setting.m_szMsg = nullptr; } if (setting.optionFlags & FLAG_ENTERIDLE) { if (newState == ACTIVE) // we're returning back Idle_Enter(-1); else Idle_Enter(mode); } return 0; } static int getIdleMode(int options) { if ((options & FLAG_ONSAVER) && IsScreenSaverRunning()) return 1; if ((options & FLAG_ONLOCK) && IsWorkstationLocked()) return 2; if ((options & FLAG_ONTS) && IsTerminalDisconnected()) return 3; if ((options & FLAG_FULLSCREEN) && IsFullScreen()) return 4; return 0; } static VOID CALLBACK AutoAwayTimer(HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR, DWORD) { int statusChanged = FALSE; int confirm = FALSE; for (auto &it : protoList) { it->aaaStatus = ID_STATUS_DISABLED; if (it->optionFlags & FLAG_MONITORMIRANDA) mouseStationaryTimer = (GetTickCount() - lastMirandaInput) / 1000; else { LASTINPUTINFO ii = { sizeof(ii) }; GetLastInputInfo(&ii); mouseStationaryTimer = (GetTickCount() - ii.dwTime) / 1000; } int sts1Time = it->awayTime * SECS_PER_MINUTE; int sts2Time = it->naTime * SECS_PER_MINUTE; int sts1setTime = it->sts1setTimer == 0 ? 0 : (GetTickCount() - it->sts1setTimer) / 1000; int currentMode = Proto_GetStatus(it->m_szName); int mode = getIdleMode(it->optionFlags); /* check states */ if (it->curState == ACTIVE) { if (((mouseStationaryTimer >= sts1Time && (it->optionFlags & FLAG_ONMOUSE)) || mode) && currentMode != it->lv1Status && it->statusFlags & StatusModeToProtoFlag(currentMode)) { if (it->optionFlags & FLAG_ONMOUSE) mode = 5; /* from ACTIVE to STATUS1_SET */ it->m_lastStatus = it->originalStatusMode = Proto_GetStatus(it->m_szName); it->aaaStatus = it->lv1Status; it->sts1setTimer = GetTickCount(); sts1setTime = 0; it->bStatusChanged = statusChanged = true; changeState(*it, mode, STATUS1_SET); } else if (mouseStationaryTimer >= sts2Time && currentMode == it->lv1Status && currentMode != it->lv2Status && (it->optionFlags & FLAG_SETNA) && (it->statusFlags & StatusModeToProtoFlag(currentMode))) { /* from ACTIVE to STATUS2_SET */ it->m_lastStatus = it->originalStatusMode = Proto_GetStatus(it->m_szName); it->aaaStatus = it->lv2Status; it->bStatusChanged = statusChanged = true; changeState(*it, mode, STATUS2_SET); } } if (it->curState == STATUS1_SET) { if ((mouseStationaryTimer < sts1Time && !mode) && !(it->optionFlags & FLAG_RESET)) { /* from STATUS1_SET to HIDDEN_ACTIVE */ changeState(*it, mode, HIDDEN_ACTIVE); it->m_lastStatus = Proto_GetStatus(it->m_szName); } else if (((mouseStationaryTimer < sts1Time) && !mode) && ((it->optionFlags & FLAG_LV2ONINACTIVE) || (!(it->optionFlags & FLAG_SETNA))) && (it->optionFlags & FLAG_RESET)) { /* from STATUS1_SET to SET_ORGSTATUS */ changeState(*it, mode, SET_ORGSTATUS); } else if ((it->optionFlags & FLAG_SETNA) && sts1setTime >= sts2Time) { /* when set STATUS2, currentMode doesn't have to be in the selected status list (statusFlags) */ /* from STATUS1_SET to STATUS2_SET */ it->m_lastStatus = Proto_GetStatus(it->m_szName); it->aaaStatus = it->lv2Status; it->bStatusChanged = statusChanged = true; changeState(*it, mode, STATUS2_SET); } } if (it->curState == STATUS2_SET) { if (mouseStationaryTimer < sts2Time && !mode && (it->optionFlags & FLAG_RESET)) { /* from STATUS2_SET to SET_ORGSTATUS */ changeState(*it, mode, SET_ORGSTATUS); } else if (mouseStationaryTimer < sts2Time && !mode && !(it->optionFlags & FLAG_RESET)) { /* from STATUS2_SET to HIDDEN_ACTIVE */ /* Remember: after status1 is set, and "only on inactive" is NOT set, it implies !reset. */ changeState(*it, mode, HIDDEN_ACTIVE); it->m_lastStatus = Proto_GetStatus(it->m_szName); } } if (it->curState == HIDDEN_ACTIVE) { if (it->bManualStatus) { /* HIDDEN_ACTIVE to ACTIVE */ // it->bStatusChanged = false; changeState(*it, mode, ACTIVE); it->sts1setTimer = 0; it->bManualStatus = false; } else if ((it->optionFlags & FLAG_SETNA) && currentMode == it->lv1Status && currentMode != it->lv2Status && (it->statusFlags & StatusModeToProtoFlag(currentMode)) && (mouseStationaryTimer >= sts2Time || (sts1setTime >= sts2Time && !(it->optionFlags & FLAG_LV2ONINACTIVE)))) { /* HIDDEN_ACTIVE to STATUS2_SET */ it->m_lastStatus = it->originalStatusMode = Proto_GetStatus(it->m_szName); it->aaaStatus = it->lv2Status; it->bStatusChanged = statusChanged = true; changeState(*it, mode, STATUS2_SET); } } if (it->curState == SET_ORGSTATUS) { /* SET_ORGSTATUS to ACTIVE */ it->m_lastStatus = Proto_GetStatus(it->m_szName); it->aaaStatus = it->originalStatusMode; confirm = (it->optionFlags & FLAG_CONFIRM) ? TRUE : confirm; it->bStatusChanged = statusChanged = true; changeState(*it, mode, ACTIVE); it->sts1setTimer = 0; } it->bManualStatus = false; } if (confirm || statusChanged) { TProtoSettings ps(protoList); // make a copy of data not to pollute main array for (auto &it : ps) it->m_status = it->aaaStatus; if (confirm) confirmDialog = ShowConfirmDialogEx(&ps, AAAPlugin.getWord(SETTING_CONFIRMDELAY, 5)); else if (statusChanged) SetStatusEx(ps); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Windows hooks static LRESULT CALLBACK MirandaMouseHookFunction(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (code >= 0) { PMOUSEHOOKSTRUCT mouseInfo = (PMOUSEHOOKSTRUCT)lParam; POINT pt = mouseInfo->pt; /* TioDuke's KeyBoardNotifyExt: only update if a Miranda window is focused */ DWORD pid; GetWindowThreadProcessId(GetForegroundWindow(), &pid); if (pid != GetCurrentProcessId()) return CallNextHookEx(hMirandaMouseHook, code, wParam, lParam); if (pt.x != lastMousePos.x || pt.y != lastMousePos.y) { lastMousePos = pt; lastMirandaInput = GetTickCount(); } } return CallNextHookEx(hMirandaMouseHook, code, wParam, lParam); } static LRESULT CALLBACK MirandaKeyBoardHookFunction(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (code >= 0) { if (ignoreAltCombo) { if (((GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0) || (wParam == VK_MENU)) || ((GetKeyState(VK_TAB) < 0) || (wParam == VK_TAB)) || ((GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) || (wParam == VK_SHIFT)) || ((GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) || (wParam == VK_CONTROL)) || ((GetKeyState(VK_ESCAPE) < 0) || (wParam == VK_ESCAPE)) || ((GetKeyState(VK_LWIN) < 0) || (wParam == VK_LWIN)) || ((GetKeyState(VK_RWIN) < 0) || (wParam == VK_RWIN))) { return CallNextHookEx(hMirandaKeyBoardHook, code, wParam, lParam); } } switch (wParam) { case VK_NUMLOCK: case VK_CAPITAL: case VK_SCROLL: if (!ignoreLockKeys) lastMirandaInput = GetTickCount(); break; case VK_TAB: case VK_SHIFT: case VK_CONTROL: case VK_MENU: case VK_ESCAPE: case VK_LWIN: case VK_RWIN: if (!ignoreSysKeys) lastMirandaInput = GetTickCount(); break; default: lastMirandaInput = GetTickCount(); break; } } return CallNextHookEx(hMirandaKeyBoardHook, code, wParam, lParam); } static LRESULT CALLBACK MouseHookFunction(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (code >= 0) { PMOUSEHOOKSTRUCT mouseInfo = (PMOUSEHOOKSTRUCT)lParam; POINT pt = mouseInfo->pt; /* TioDuke's KeyBoardNotifyExt: also grab clicks */ if ((wParam >= WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN && wParam <= WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK && wParam != 0x00AA) || (wParam >= WM_LBUTTONDOWN && wParam <= WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK)) lastInput = GetTickCount(); if (pt.x != lastMousePos.x || pt.y != lastMousePos.y) { lastMousePos = pt; lastInput = GetTickCount(); } } return CallNextHookEx(hMouseHook, code, wParam, lParam); } static LRESULT CALLBACK KeyBoardHookFunction(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (code >= 0) { if (ignoreAltCombo) { if (((GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0) || (wParam == VK_MENU)) || ((GetKeyState(VK_TAB) < 0) || (wParam == VK_TAB)) || ((GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) || (wParam == VK_SHIFT)) || ((GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) || (wParam == VK_CONTROL)) || ((GetKeyState(VK_ESCAPE) < 0) || (wParam == VK_ESCAPE)) || ((GetKeyState(VK_LWIN) < 0) || (wParam == VK_LWIN)) || ((GetKeyState(VK_RWIN) < 0) || (wParam == VK_RWIN))) { return CallNextHookEx(hKeyBoardHook, code, wParam, lParam); } } switch (wParam) { case VK_NUMLOCK: case VK_CAPITAL: case VK_SCROLL: if (!ignoreLockKeys) lastInput = GetTickCount(); break; case VK_TAB: case VK_SHIFT: case VK_CONTROL: case VK_MENU: case VK_ESCAPE: case VK_LWIN: case VK_RWIN: if (!ignoreSysKeys) lastInput = GetTickCount(); break; default: lastInput = GetTickCount(); break; } } return CallNextHookEx(hKeyBoardHook, code, wParam, lParam); } static int HookWindowsHooks(int hookMiranda, int hookAll) { if (hookMiranda) { if (monitorKeyboard && hMirandaKeyBoardHook == nullptr) hMirandaKeyBoardHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD, MirandaKeyBoardHookFunction, nullptr, GetCurrentThreadId()); if (monitorMouse && hMirandaMouseHook == nullptr) hMirandaMouseHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE, MirandaMouseHookFunction, nullptr, GetCurrentThreadId()); } if (hookAll) { if (monitorKeyboard && hKeyBoardHook == nullptr) hKeyBoardHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD, KeyBoardHookFunction, nullptr, GetCurrentThreadId()); if (monitorMouse && hMouseHook == nullptr) hMouseHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE, MouseHookFunction, nullptr, GetCurrentThreadId()); } return 0; } static int UnhookWindowsHooks() { UnhookWindowsHookEx(hMouseHook); UnhookWindowsHookEx(hKeyBoardHook); UnhookWindowsHookEx(hMirandaMouseHook); UnhookWindowsHookEx(hMirandaKeyBoardHook); hMouseHook = hKeyBoardHook = hMirandaMouseHook = hMirandaKeyBoardHook = nullptr; return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load from DB int LoadAutoAwaySetting(SMProto &autoAwaySetting, char *protoName) { char setting[128]; mir_snprintf(setting, "%s_OptionFlags", protoName); autoAwaySetting.optionFlags = AAAPlugin.getWord(setting, FLAG_LV2ONINACTIVE | FLAG_RESET | FLAG_ENTERIDLE); mir_snprintf(setting, "%s_AwayTime", protoName); autoAwaySetting.awayTime = AAAPlugin.getWord(setting, SETTING_AWAYTIME_DEFAULT); mir_snprintf(setting, "%s_NATime", protoName); autoAwaySetting.naTime = AAAPlugin.getWord(setting, SETTING_NATIME_DEFAULT); mir_snprintf(setting, "%s_StatusFlags", protoName); autoAwaySetting.statusFlags = AAAPlugin.getWord(setting, StatusModeToProtoFlag(ID_STATUS_ONLINE) | StatusModeToProtoFlag(ID_STATUS_FREECHAT)); int flags; if (g_bAAASettingSame) flags = 0xFFFFFF; else flags = CallProtoService(protoName, PS_GETCAPS, PFLAGNUM_2, 0) & ~CallProtoService(protoName, PS_GETCAPS, (WPARAM)PFLAGNUM_5, 0); mir_snprintf(setting, "%s_Lv1Status", protoName); autoAwaySetting.lv1Status = AAAPlugin.getWord(setting, (flags & StatusModeToProtoFlag(ID_STATUS_AWAY)) ? ID_STATUS_AWAY : ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); mir_snprintf(setting, "%s_Lv2Status", protoName); autoAwaySetting.lv2Status = AAAPlugin.getWord(setting, (flags & StatusModeToProtoFlag(ID_STATUS_NA)) ? ID_STATUS_NA : ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); return 0; } void AAAUnloadOptions() { UnhookWindowsHooks(); if (hAutoAwayTimer != 0) KillTimer(nullptr, hAutoAwayTimer); } void AAALoadOptions() { // if bOverride is enabled, samesettings will be ignored (for options loading) AAAUnloadOptions(); bool monitorMiranda = false, monitorAll = false; ignoreLockKeys = AAAPlugin.getByte(SETTING_IGNLOCK, FALSE); ignoreSysKeys = AAAPlugin.getByte(SETTING_IGNSYSKEYS, FALSE); ignoreAltCombo = AAAPlugin.getByte(SETTING_IGNALTCOMBO, FALSE); monitorMouse = AAAPlugin.getByte(SETTING_MONITORMOUSE, TRUE) != 0; monitorKeyboard = AAAPlugin.getByte(SETTING_MONITORKEYBOARD, TRUE) != 0; lastInput = lastMirandaInput = GetTickCount(); for (auto &it : protoList) { char *protoName; if (g_bAAASettingSame) protoName = SETTING_ALL; else protoName = it->m_szName; LoadAutoAwaySetting(*it, protoName); if (it->optionFlags & FLAG_MONITORMIRANDA) monitorMiranda = true; else if (ignoreLockKeys || ignoreSysKeys || ignoreAltCombo || (monitorMouse != monitorKeyboard)) monitorAll = true; } HookWindowsHooks(monitorMiranda, monitorAll); hAutoAwayTimer = SetTimer(nullptr, 0, AAAPlugin.getWord(SETTING_AWAYCHECKTIMEINSECS, 5) * 1000, AutoAwayTimer); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Inits & stuff static int AutoAwayShutdown(WPARAM, LPARAM) { AAAUnloadOptions(); return 0; } static int AAAModuleLoaded(WPARAM, LPARAM) { hEvents[0] = HookEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, AutoAwayOptInitialise); hEvents[1] = HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_PRESHUTDOWN, AutoAwayShutdown); hEvents[2] = HookEvent(ME_PROTO_ACK, ProcessProtoAck); mouseStationaryTimer = 0; lastInput = lastMirandaInput = GetTickCount(); AAALoadOptions(); return 0; } void AdvancedAutoAwayLoad() { g_bAAASettingSame = AAAPlugin.getByte(SETTING_SAMESETTINGS); if (g_bMirandaLoaded) AAAModuleLoaded(0, 0); else HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, AAAModuleLoaded); } void AdvancedAutoAwayUnload() { if (g_bMirandaLoaded) AutoAwayShutdown(0, 0); KillModuleOptions(&AAAPlugin); for (auto &it : hEvents) { UnhookEvent(it); it = nullptr; } protoList.destroy(); }