/* StartupStatus Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org) Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "stdafx.h" CFakePlugin SSPlugin(SSMODULENAME); static HANDLE hServices[3], hEvents[3]; static UINT_PTR setStatusTimerId = 0; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static HANDLE hProtoAckHook, hCSStatusChangeHook, hStatusChangeHook; static HWND hMessageWindow; static BYTE showDialogOnStartup = 0; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // command line options static PROTOCOLSETTINGEX* IsValidProtocol(TProtoSettings &protoSettings, const char *protoName) { for (auto &it : protoSettings) if (!it->ssDisabled && !strncmp(it->m_szName, protoName, mir_strlen(it->m_szName))) return it; return nullptr; } static int IsValidStatusDesc(char* statusDesc) { if (!strncmp("away", statusDesc, 4)) return ID_STATUS_AWAY; if (!strncmp("na", statusDesc, 2)) return ID_STATUS_NA; if (!strncmp("dnd", statusDesc, 3)) return ID_STATUS_DND; if (!strncmp("occupied", statusDesc, 8)) return ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED; if (!strncmp("freechat", statusDesc, 8)) return ID_STATUS_FREECHAT; if (!strncmp("online", statusDesc, 6)) return ID_STATUS_ONLINE; if (!strncmp("offline", statusDesc, 7)) return ID_STATUS_OFFLINE; if (!strncmp("invisible", statusDesc, 9)) return ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE; if (!strncmp("last", statusDesc, 4)) return ID_STATUS_LAST; return 0; } static void ProcessCommandLineOptions(TProtoSettings &protoSettings) { if (protoSettings.getCount() == 0) return; char *cmdl = GetCommandLineA(); while (*cmdl != '\0') { while (*cmdl != '/') { if (*cmdl == '\0') return; cmdl++; } if (*cmdl == '\0') return; cmdl++; if (!strncmp(cmdl, "showdialog", 10)) { showDialogOnStartup = TRUE; continue; } char *protoName = cmdl; // first protocol ? PROTOCOLSETTINGEX* protoSetting = IsValidProtocol(protoSettings, protoName); if (protoSetting != nullptr) { while (*cmdl != '=') { if (*cmdl == '\0') return; cmdl++; // skip to status } if (*cmdl == '\0') return; cmdl++; char *statusDesc = cmdl; int status = IsValidStatusDesc(statusDesc); if (status != 0) protoSetting->m_status = status; } } } static void SetLastStatusMessages(TProtoSettings &ps) { for (auto &it : ps) { if (it->m_status != ID_STATUS_LAST) continue; char dbSetting[128]; mir_snprintf(dbSetting, "%s%s", PREFIX_LASTMSG, it->m_szName); it->m_szMsg = SSPlugin.getWStringA(dbSetting); } } void SS_LoadDynamic(SMProto *setting) { if (!SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_SETPROFILE, 1)) return; TProtoSettings ps; ps.insert(new SMProto(*setting)); SetStatusEx(ps); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Account control event // 'allow override' static int ProcessProtoAck(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { // 'something' made a status change ACKDATA *ack = (ACKDATA*)lParam; if (ack->type != ACKTYPE_STATUS && ack->result != ACKRESULT_FAILED) return 0; if (!SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_OVERRIDE, 1) || protoList.getCount() == 0) return 0; for (auto &it : protoList) { if (!mir_strcmp(ack->szModule, it->m_szName)) { it->ssDisabled = true; log_debug(0, "StartupStatus: %s overridden by ME_PROTO_ACK, status will not be set", ack->szModule); } } return 0; } static int StatusChange(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { // change by menu if (!SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_OVERRIDE, 1) || protoList.getCount() == 0) return 0; char *szProto = (char *)lParam; if (szProto == nullptr) { // global status change for (auto &it : protoList) { it->ssDisabled = true; log_debug(0, "StartupStatus: all protos overridden by ME_CLIST_STATUSMODECHANGE, status will not be set"); } } else { for (auto &it : protoList) { if (!mir_strcmp(it->m_szName, szProto)) { it->ssDisabled = true; log_debug(0, "StartupStatus: %s overridden by ME_CLIST_STATUSMODECHANGE, status will not be set", szProto); } } } return 0; } static int CSStatusChangeEx(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { // another status plugin made the change if (!SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_OVERRIDE, 1) || protoList.getCount() == 0) return 0; if (wParam != 0) { PROTOCOLSETTINGEX **ps = *(PROTOCOLSETTINGEX***)wParam; if (ps == nullptr) return -1; for (int i = 0; i < protoList.getCount(); i++) { for (auto &it : protoList) { if (ps[i]->m_szName == nullptr || it->m_szName == nullptr) continue; if (!mir_strcmp(ps[i]->m_szName, it->m_szName)) { log_debug(0, "StartupStatus: %s overridden by MS_CS_SETSTATUSEX, status will not be set", ps[i]->m_szName); it->ssDisabled = true; } } } } return 0; } static void CALLBACK SetStatusTimed(HWND, UINT, UINT_PTR, DWORD) { KillTimer(nullptr, setStatusTimerId); UnhookEvent(hProtoAckHook); UnhookEvent(hCSStatusChangeHook); UnhookEvent(hStatusChangeHook); TProtoSettings ps(protoList); for (auto &it : ps) if (it->ssDisabled) it->m_status = ID_STATUS_DISABLED; SetStatusEx(ps); } static int OnOkToExit(WPARAM, LPARAM) { // save last protocolstatus for (auto &pa : Accounts()) { if (!IsSuitableProto(pa)) continue; if (!Proto_GetAccount(pa->szModuleName)) continue; char lastName[128], lastMsg[128]; mir_snprintf(lastName, "%s%s", PREFIX_LAST, pa->szModuleName); SSPlugin.setWord(lastName, pa->iRealStatus); mir_snprintf(lastMsg, "%s%s", PREFIX_LASTMSG, pa->szModuleName); SSPlugin.delSetting(lastMsg); if (!(CallProtoService(pa->szModuleName, PS_GETCAPS, PFLAGNUM_1, 0) & PF1_MODEMSGSEND & ~PF1_INDIVMODEMSG)) continue; if (!(CallProtoService(pa->szModuleName, PS_GETCAPS, PFLAGNUM_3, 0) & Proto_Status2Flag(pa->iRealStatus))) continue; // NewAwaySys if (ServiceExists(MS_NAS_GETSTATE)) { NAS_PROTOINFO npi = { sizeof(npi) }; npi.szProto = pa->szModuleName; CallService(MS_NAS_GETSTATE, (WPARAM)&npi, 1); if (npi.szMsg == nullptr) { npi.status = 0; npi.szProto = nullptr; CallService(MS_NAS_GETSTATE, (WPARAM)&npi, 1); } if (npi.szMsg != nullptr) { SSPlugin.setWString(lastMsg, npi.tszMsg); mir_free(npi.tszMsg); } } } if (SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_SETPROFILE, 1) || SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_OFFLINECLOSE, 0)) Clist_SetStatusMode(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); return 0; } static int OnShutdown(WPARAM, LPARAM) { // set windowstate and docked for next startup if (SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_SETWINSTATE, 0)) { int state = SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_WINSTATE, SETTING_STATE_NORMAL); HWND hClist = g_clistApi.hwndContactList; BOOL isHidden = !IsWindowVisible(hClist); switch (state) { case SETTING_STATE_HIDDEN: // try to use services where possible if (!isHidden) g_clistApi.pfnShowHide(); break; case SETTING_STATE_MINIMIZED: if (!db_get_b(0, MODULE_CLIST, SETTING_TOOLWINDOW, 0)) ShowWindow(hClist, SW_SHOWMINIMIZED); break; case SETTING_STATE_NORMAL: // try to use services where possible (that's what they're for) if (isHidden) g_clistApi.pfnShowHide(); break; } } // hangup if (SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_AUTOHANGUP, 0)) InternetAutodialHangup(0); int state = SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_WINSTATE, SETTING_STATE_NORMAL); // set windowstate and docked for next startup if (SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_SETWINSTATE, 0)) db_set_b(0, MODULE_CLIST, SETTING_WINSTATE, (BYTE)state); if (hMessageWindow) DestroyWindow(hMessageWindow); ShutdownConfirmDialog(); protoList.destroy(); return 0; } /* Window proc for poweroff event */ static DWORD CALLBACK MessageWndProc(HWND, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { switch (msg) { case WM_ENDSESSION: log_debug(0, "WM_ENDSESSION"); if (wParam) { log_debug(0, "WM_ENDSESSION: calling exit"); OnShutdown(0, 0); log_debug(0, "WM_ENDSESSION: exit called"); } break; } return TRUE; } int SSModuleLoaded(WPARAM, LPARAM) { InitProfileModule(); hEvents[0] = HookEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, StartupStatusOptionsInit); /* shutdown hook for normal shutdown */ hEvents[1] = HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_OKTOEXIT, OnOkToExit); hEvents[2] = HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_PRESHUTDOWN, OnShutdown); /* message window for poweroff */ hMessageWindow = CreateWindowEx(0, L"STATIC", nullptr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); SetWindowLongPtr(hMessageWindow, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)MessageWndProc); GetProfile(-1, protoList); // override with cmdl ProcessCommandLineOptions(protoList); if (protoList.getCount() == 0) return 0;// no protocols are loaded SetLastStatusMessages(protoList); showDialogOnStartup = (showDialogOnStartup || SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_SHOWDIALOG, 0)); // dial if (showDialogOnStartup || SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_SETPROFILE, 1)) if (SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_AUTODIAL, 0)) InternetAutodial(0, nullptr); // set the status! if (showDialogOnStartup || SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_SHOWDIALOG, 0)) ShowConfirmDialogEx((TProtoSettings*)&protoList, SSPlugin.getDword(SETTING_DLGTIMEOUT, 5)); else if (SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_SETPROFILE, 1)) { // set hooks for override if (SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_OVERRIDE, 1)) { hProtoAckHook = HookEvent(ME_PROTO_ACK, ProcessProtoAck); hCSStatusChangeHook = HookEvent(ME_CS_STATUSCHANGEEX, CSStatusChangeEx); hStatusChangeHook = HookEvent(ME_CLIST_STATUSMODECHANGE, StatusChange); } setStatusTimerId = SetTimer(nullptr, 0, SSPlugin.getDword(SETTING_SETPROFILEDELAY, 500), SetStatusTimed); } // win size and location if (SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_SETWINLOCATION, 0) || SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_SETWINSIZE, 0)) { HWND hClist = g_clistApi.hwndContactList; // store in db if (SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_SETWINLOCATION, 0)) { db_set_dw(0, MODULE_CLIST, SETTING_XPOS, SSPlugin.getDword(SETTING_XPOS, 0)); db_set_dw(0, MODULE_CLIST, SETTING_YPOS, SSPlugin.getDword(SETTING_YPOS, 0)); } if (SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_SETWINSIZE, 0)) { db_set_dw(0, MODULE_CLIST, SETTING_WIDTH, SSPlugin.getDword(SETTING_WIDTH, 0)); if (!db_get_b(0, MODULE_CLUI, SETTING_AUTOSIZE, 0)) db_set_dw(0, MODULE_CLIST, SETTING_HEIGHT, SSPlugin.getDword(SETTING_HEIGHT, 0)); } WINDOWPLACEMENT wndpl = { sizeof(wndpl) }; if (GetWindowPlacement(hClist, &wndpl)) { if (wndpl.showCmd == SW_SHOWNORMAL && !Clist_IsDocked()) { RECT rc; if (GetWindowRect(hClist, &rc)) { int x = rc.left; int y = rc.top; int width = rc.right - rc.left; int height = rc.bottom - rc.top; if (SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_SETWINLOCATION, 0)) { x = SSPlugin.getDword(SETTING_XPOS, x); y = SSPlugin.getDword(SETTING_YPOS, y); } if (SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_SETWINSIZE, 0)) { width = SSPlugin.getDword(SETTING_WIDTH, width); if (!db_get_b(0, MODULE_CLUI, SETTING_AUTOSIZE, 0)) height = SSPlugin.getDword(SETTING_HEIGHT, height); } MoveWindow(hClist, x, y, width, height, TRUE); } } } } return 0; } static INT_PTR SrvGetProfile(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return GetProfile((int)wParam, *(TProtoSettings*)lParam); } void StartupStatusLoad() { if (g_plugin.bMirandaLoaded) SSModuleLoaded(0, 0); else HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, SSModuleLoaded); if (SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_SETPROFILE, 1) || SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_OFFLINECLOSE, 0)) db_set_w(0, "CList", "Status", (WORD)ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); // docking if (SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_SETDOCKED, 0)) { int docked = SSPlugin.getByte(SETTING_DOCKED, DOCKED_NONE); if (docked == DOCKED_LEFT || docked == DOCKED_RIGHT) docked = -docked; db_set_b(0, MODULE_CLIST, SETTING_DOCKED, (BYTE)docked); } // Create service functions; the get functions are created here; they don't rely on commonstatus hServices[0] = CreateServiceFunction(MS_SS_GETPROFILE, SrvGetProfile); hServices[1] = CreateServiceFunction(MS_SS_GETPROFILECOUNT, GetProfileCount); hServices[2] = CreateServiceFunction(MS_SS_GETPROFILENAME, GetProfileName); LoadProfileModule(); } void StartupStatusUnload() { if (g_plugin.bMirandaLoaded) OnShutdown(0, 0); KillModuleOptions(&SSPlugin); for (auto &it : hServices) { DestroyServiceFunction(it); it = nullptr; } for (auto &it : hEvents) { UnhookEvent(it); it = nullptr; } DeinitProfilesModule(); }