/* StartupStatus Plugin for Miranda-IM (www.miranda-im.org) Copyright 2003-2006 P. Boon This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "../commonstatus.h" #include "startupstatus.h" #include "../resource.h" #include #include #define MAX_MMITEMS 6 extern HINSTANCE hInst; extern int protoCount; static int menuprofiles[MAX_MMITEMS]; static HANDLE hProfileServices[MAX_MMITEMS]; static int mcount = 0; static PROFILECE *pce = NULL; static int pceCount = 0; static UINT_PTR releaseTtbTimerId = 0; static HANDLE hTBModuleLoadedHook; static HANDLE hLoadAndSetProfileService; static HANDLE hMessageHook = NULL; static HWND hMessageWindow = NULL; static HKINFO *hkInfo = NULL; static int hkiCount = 0; static HANDLE* ttbButtons = NULL; static int ttbButtonCount = 0; HANDLE hTTBModuleLoadedHook; static INT_PTR profileService(WPARAM, LPARAM, LPARAM param) { LoadAndSetProfile((WPARAM)menuprofiles[param], 0); return 0; } static int CreateMainMenuItems(WPARAM, LPARAM) { CMenuItem mi; mi.position = 2000100000; mi.flags = CMIF_TCHAR; mcount = 0; int count = GetProfileCount(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < count && mcount < MAX_MMITEMS; i++) { wchar_t profilename[128]; if (!db_get_b(NULL, MODULENAME, OptName(i, SETTING_CREATEMMITEM), 0) || GetProfileName(i, (LPARAM)profilename)) continue; if (db_get_b(NULL, MODULENAME, OptName(i, SETTING_INSUBMENU), 1) && !mi.root) { mi.root = Menu_CreateRoot(MO_STATUS, LPGENW("Status profiles"), 2000100000); Menu_ConfigureItem(mi.root, MCI_OPT_UID, "1AB30D51-BABA-4B27-9288-1A12278BAD8D"); } char servicename[128]; mir_snprintf(servicename, "%s%d", MS_SS_MENUSETPROFILEPREFIX, mcount); hProfileServices[mcount] = CreateServiceFunctionParam(servicename, profileService, mcount); mi.name.w = profilename; mi.position = 2000100000 + mcount; mi.pszService = servicename; if (Menu_AddStatusMenuItem(&mi)) menuprofiles[mcount++] = i; } return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INT_PTR GetProfileName(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int profile = (int)wParam; if (profile < 0) // get default profile profile = db_get_w(NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_DEFAULTPROFILE, 0); int count = db_get_w(NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_PROFILECOUNT, 0); if (profile >= count && count > 0) return -1; wchar_t* buf = (wchar_t*)lParam; if (count == 0) { wcsncpy(buf, TranslateT("default"), 128 - 1); return 0; } DBVARIANT dbv; char setting[80]; mir_snprintf(setting, "%d_%s", profile, SETTING_PROFILENAME); if (db_get_ts(NULL, MODULENAME, setting, &dbv)) return -1; wcsncpy(buf, dbv.ptszVal, 128 - 1); buf[127] = 0; db_free(&dbv); return 0; } INT_PTR GetProfileCount(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { int *def = (int*)wParam; int count = db_get_w(NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_PROFILECOUNT, 1); if (def != 0) { *def = db_get_w(NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_DEFAULTPROFILE, 0); if (*def >= count) *def = 0; } return count; } wchar_t *GetStatusMessage(int profile, char *szProto) { char dbSetting[80]; DBVARIANT dbv; for (int i = 0; i < pceCount; i++) { if ((pce[i].profile == profile) && (!mir_strcmp(pce[i].szProto, szProto))) { mir_snprintf(dbSetting, "%d_%s_%s", profile, szProto, SETTING_PROFILE_STSMSG); if (!db_get_ts(NULL, MODULENAME, dbSetting, &dbv)) { // reload from db pce[i].msg = (wchar_t*)realloc(pce[i].msg, sizeof(wchar_t)*(mir_wstrlen(dbv.ptszVal) + 1)); if (pce[i].msg != NULL) { mir_wstrcpy(pce[i].msg, dbv.ptszVal); } db_free(&dbv); } else { if (pce[i].msg != NULL) { free(pce[i].msg); pce[i].msg = NULL; } } return pce[i].msg; } } pce = (PROFILECE*)realloc(pce, (pceCount + 1)*sizeof(PROFILECE)); if (pce == NULL) return NULL; pce[pceCount].profile = profile; pce[pceCount].szProto = _strdup(szProto); pce[pceCount].msg = NULL; mir_snprintf(dbSetting, "%d_%s_%s", profile, szProto, SETTING_PROFILE_STSMSG); if (!db_get_ts(NULL, MODULENAME, dbSetting, &dbv)) { pce[pceCount].msg = wcsdup(dbv.ptszVal); db_free(&dbv); } pceCount++; return pce[pceCount - 1].msg; } int GetProfile(int profile, TSettingsList& arSettings) { if (profile < 0) // get default profile profile = db_get_w(NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_DEFAULTPROFILE, 0); int count = db_get_w(NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_PROFILECOUNT, 0); if (profile >= count && count > 0) return -1; arSettings.destroy(); // if count == 0, continue so the default profile will be returned PROTOACCOUNT** protos; Proto_EnumAccounts(&count, &protos); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) if (IsSuitableProto(protos[i])) arSettings.insert(new TSSSetting(profile, protos[i])); return (arSettings.getCount() == 0) ? -1 : 0; } static void CALLBACK releaseTtbTimerFunction(HWND hwnd, UINT message, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime) { KillTimer(NULL, releaseTtbTimerId); for (int i = 0; i < ttbButtonCount; i++) CallService(MS_TTB_SETBUTTONSTATE, (WPARAM)ttbButtons[i], 0); } INT_PTR LoadAndSetProfile(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // wParam == profile no. int profileCount = GetProfileCount(0, 0); int profile = (int)wParam; TSettingsList profileSettings(10, CompareSettings); if (!GetProfile(profile, profileSettings)) { profile = (profile >= 0) ? profile : db_get_w(NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_DEFAULTPROFILE, 0); char setting[64]; mir_snprintf(setting, "%d_%s", profile, SETTING_SHOWCONFIRMDIALOG); if (!db_get_b(NULL, MODULENAME, setting, 0)) CallService(MS_CS_SETSTATUSEX, (WPARAM)&profileSettings, 0); else CallService(MS_CS_SHOWCONFIRMDLGEX, (WPARAM)&profileSettings, (LPARAM)db_get_dw(NULL, MODULENAME, SETTING_DLGTIMEOUT, 5)); } // add timer here if (hTTBModuleLoadedHook) releaseTtbTimerId = SetTimer(NULL, 0, 100, releaseTtbTimerFunction); return 0; } static UINT GetFsModifiers(WORD wHotKey) { UINT fsm = 0; if (HIBYTE(wHotKey)&HOTKEYF_ALT) fsm |= MOD_ALT; if (HIBYTE(wHotKey)&HOTKEYF_CONTROL) fsm |= MOD_CONTROL; if (HIBYTE(wHotKey)&HOTKEYF_SHIFT) fsm |= MOD_SHIFT; if (HIBYTE(wHotKey)&HOTKEYF_EXT) fsm |= MOD_WIN; return fsm; } static DWORD CALLBACK MessageWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (msg == WM_HOTKEY) { for (int i = 0; i < hkiCount; i++) if ((int)hkInfo[i].id == wParam) LoadAndSetProfile((WPARAM)hkInfo[i].profile, 0); } return TRUE; } static int UnregisterHotKeys() { if (hkInfo != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < hkiCount; i++) { UnregisterHotKey(hMessageWindow, (int)hkInfo[i].id); GlobalDeleteAtom(hkInfo[i].id); } free(hkInfo); } DestroyWindow(hMessageWindow); hkiCount = 0; hkInfo = NULL; hMessageWindow = NULL; return 0; } // assumes UnregisterHotKeys was called before static int RegisterHotKeys() { hMessageWindow = CreateWindowEx(0, L"STATIC", NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); SetWindowLongPtr(hMessageWindow, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)MessageWndProc); int count = GetProfileCount(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!db_get_b(NULL, MODULENAME, OptName(i, SETTING_REGHOTKEY), 0)) continue; WORD wHotKey = db_get_w(NULL, MODULENAME, OptName(i, SETTING_HOTKEY), 0); hkInfo = (HKINFO*)realloc(hkInfo, (hkiCount + 1)*sizeof(HKINFO)); if (hkInfo == NULL) return -1; char atomname[255]; mir_snprintf(atomname, "StatusProfile_%d", i); hkInfo[hkiCount].id = GlobalAddAtomA(atomname); if (hkInfo[hkiCount].id == 0) continue; hkInfo[hkiCount].profile = i; hkiCount++; RegisterHotKey(hMessageWindow, (int)hkInfo[hkiCount - 1].id, GetFsModifiers(wHotKey), LOBYTE(wHotKey)); } if (hkiCount == 0) UnregisterHotKeys(); return 0; } int LoadMainOptions() { if (hTTBModuleLoadedHook) { RemoveTopToolbarButtons(); CreateTopToolbarButtons(0, 0); } UnregisterHotKeys(); RegisterHotKeys(); return 0; } int LoadProfileModule() { hLoadAndSetProfileService = CreateServiceFunction(MS_SS_LOADANDSETPROFILE, LoadAndSetProfile); return 0; } int InitProfileModule() { hTTBModuleLoadedHook = HookEvent(ME_TTB_MODULELOADED, CreateTopToolbarButtons); HookEvent(ME_CLIST_PREBUILDSTATUSMENU, CreateMainMenuItems); CreateMainMenuItems(0, 0); RegisterHotKeys(); return 0; } int DeinitProfilesModule() { for (int i = 0; i < mcount; i++) DestroyServiceFunction(hProfileServices[i]); if (pce) { for (int i = 0; i < pceCount; i++) free(pce[i].szProto); free(pce); } UnregisterHotKeys(); RemoveTopToolbarButtons(); DestroyServiceFunction(hLoadAndSetProfileService); return 0; }