// Set the version number here - it will affect the version resource and the version field of the pluginInfo structure // (Be careful that you don't have the resource file open when you change this and rebuild, otherwise the changes may not // take effect within the version resource) // Do not forget to define symbol "_DEBUG" for resource compiler if you use debug configuration (in VisualStudio you can // find it under Project properties - Configuration properties - Resource - General - Preprocessor definitions) // plugin version part #define __MAJOR_VERSION 0 #define __MINOR_VERSION 8 #define __RELEASE_NUM 0 #define __BUILD_NUM 47 // other stuff for Version resource #include <stdver.h> // stuff that will be used in PluginInfo section and in Version resource #define __PLUGIN_NAME "StartupStatus" #define __FILENAME "StartupStatus.dll" #define __DESC "StartupStatus, allows you to define the status Miranda should set on startup, configurable per protocol." #define __AUTHOR "P Boon" #define __AUTHOREMAIL "unregistered@users.sourceforge.net" #define __AUTHORWEB "http://miranda-ng.org/p/StartupStatus/" #define __COPYRIGHT "(c) 2003-08 P. Boon, 2008-11 George Hazan"