/* Copyright (C) Miklashevsky Roman, sss, elzor * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #define MIRANDA_VER 0x0800 #include "headers.h" char * pluginDescription = LPGEN("No more spam! Robots can't go! Only human beings invited!\r\n\r\nThis plugin works pretty simple:\r\nWhile messages from users on your contact list go as there is no any anti-spam software, messages from unknown users are not delivered to you. But also they are not ignored, this plugin replies with a simple question, and if user gives the right answer plugin adds him to your contact list so that he can contact you."); TCHAR const * defQuestion = TranslateT("Spammers made me to install small anti-spam system you are now speaking with.\r\nPlease reply \"nospam\" without quotes and spaces if you want to contact me."); INT_PTR CALLBACK MainDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { SetDlgItemTextA(hwnd, ID_DESCRIPTION, pluginDescription); TranslateDialogDefault(hwnd); SetDlgItemInt(hwnd, ID_MAXQUESTCOUNT, gbMaxQuestCount, FALSE); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_INFTALKPROT, BM_SETCHECK, gbInfTalkProtection ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_ADDPERMANENT, BM_SETCHECK, gbAddPermanent ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_HANDLEAUTHREQ, BM_SETCHECK, gbHandleAuthReq ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_HIDECONTACTS, BM_SETCHECK, gbHideContacts ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_IGNORESPAMMERS, BM_SETCHECK, gbIgnoreContacts ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_LOGSPAMTOFILE, BM_SETCHECK, gbLogToFile ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); } return TRUE; case WM_COMMAND:{ switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case ID_MAXQUESTCOUNT: { if (EN_CHANGE != HIWORD(wParam) || (HWND)lParam != GetFocus()) return FALSE; break; } } SendMessage(GetParent(hwnd), PSM_CHANGED, 0, 0); } break; case WM_NOTIFY: { NMHDR* nmhdr = (NMHDR*)lParam; switch (nmhdr->code) { case PSN_APPLY: { db_set_dw(NULL, pluginName, "maxQuestCount", gbMaxQuestCount = GetDlgItemInt(hwnd, ID_MAXQUESTCOUNT, NULL, FALSE)); db_set_b(NULL, pluginName, "infTalkProtection", gbInfTalkProtection = BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_INFTALKPROT, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); db_set_b(NULL, pluginName, "addPermanent", gbAddPermanent = BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_ADDPERMANENT, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); db_set_b(NULL, pluginName, "handleAuthReq", gbHandleAuthReq = BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_HANDLEAUTHREQ, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); db_set_b(NULL, pluginName, "HideContacts", gbHideContacts = BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_HIDECONTACTS, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); db_set_b(NULL, pluginName, "IgnoreContacts", gbIgnoreContacts = BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_IGNORESPAMMERS, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); db_set_b(NULL, pluginName, "LogSpamToFile", gbLogToFile = BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_LOGSPAMTOFILE, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); } return TRUE; } } break; } return FALSE; } INT_PTR CALLBACK MessagesDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { TranslateDialogDefault(hwnd); SetDlgItemText(hwnd, ID_QUESTION, gbQuestion.c_str()); SetDlgItemText(hwnd, ID_ANSWER, gbAnswer.c_str()); SetDlgItemText(hwnd, ID_CONGRATULATION, gbCongratulation.c_str()); SetDlgItemText(hwnd, ID_AUTHREPL, gbAuthRepl.c_str()); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_ANSWER), !gbMathExpression); variables_skin_helpbutton(hwnd, IDC_VARS); gbVarsServiceExist?EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_VARS),1):EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_VARS),0); } return TRUE; case WM_COMMAND: { switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case ID_QUESTION: case ID_ANSWER: case ID_AUTHREPL: case ID_CONGRATULATION: { if (EN_CHANGE != HIWORD(wParam) || (HWND)lParam != GetFocus()) return FALSE; break; } case ID_RESTOREDEFAULTS: SetDlgItemText(hwnd, ID_QUESTION, defQuestion); SetDlgItemText(hwnd, ID_ANSWER, TranslateT("nospam")); SetDlgItemText(hwnd, ID_AUTHREPL, TranslateT("StopSpam: send a message and reply to a anti-spam bot question.")); SetDlgItemText(hwnd, ID_CONGRATULATION, TranslateT("Congratulations! You just passed human/robot test. Now you can write me a message.")); SendMessage(GetParent(hwnd), PSM_CHANGED, 0, 0); return TRUE; case IDC_VARS: variables_showhelp(hwnd, msg, VHF_FULLDLG|VHF_SETLASTSUBJECT, NULL, NULL); return TRUE; } SendMessage(GetParent(hwnd), PSM_CHANGED, 0, 0); } break; case WM_NOTIFY: { NMHDR* nmhdr = (NMHDR*)lParam; switch (nmhdr->code) { case PSN_APPLY: { db_set_ws(NULL, pluginName, "question", GetDlgItemString(hwnd, ID_QUESTION).c_str()); gbQuestion = DBGetContactSettingStringPAN(NULL, pluginName, "question", defQuestion); db_set_ws(NULL, pluginName, "answer", GetDlgItemString(hwnd, ID_ANSWER).c_str()); gbAnswer = DBGetContactSettingStringPAN(NULL, pluginName, "answer", TranslateT("nospam")); db_set_ws(NULL, pluginName, "authrepl", GetDlgItemString(hwnd, ID_AUTHREPL).c_str()); gbAuthRepl = DBGetContactSettingStringPAN(NULL, pluginName, "authrepl", TranslateT("StopSpam: send a message and reply to a anti-spam bot question.")); db_set_ws(NULL, pluginName, "congratulation", GetDlgItemString(hwnd, ID_CONGRATULATION).c_str()); gbCongratulation = DBGetContactSettingStringPAN(NULL, pluginName, "congratulation", TranslateT("Congratulations! You just passed human/robot test. Now you can write me a message.")); } return TRUE; } } break; } return FALSE; } INT_PTR CALLBACK ProtoDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { TranslateDialogDefault(hwnd); int n; PROTOACCOUNT **pppd; if(!ProtoEnumAccounts(&n, &pppd)) for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { SendDlgItemMessageA(hwnd, (ProtoInList(pppd[i]->szModuleName) ? ID_USEDPROTO : ID_ALLPROTO), LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)pppd[i]->szModuleName); } } return TRUE; case WM_COMMAND: switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case ID_ADD: { WPARAM n = (WPARAM)SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_ALLPROTO, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if(LB_ERR != n) { size_t len = SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_ALLPROTO, LB_GETTEXTLEN, n, 0); if(LB_ERR != len) { TCHAR * buf = new TCHAR[len + 1]; SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_ALLPROTO, LB_GETTEXT, n, (LPARAM)buf); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_USEDPROTO, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)buf); delete []buf; SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_ALLPROTO, LB_DELETESTRING, n, 0); } } } break; case ID_REMOVE: { WPARAM n = (WPARAM)SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_USEDPROTO, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if(LB_ERR != n) { size_t len = SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_USEDPROTO, LB_GETTEXTLEN, n, 0); if(LB_ERR != len) { TCHAR * buf = new TCHAR[len + 1]; SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_USEDPROTO, LB_GETTEXT, n, (LPARAM)buf); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_ALLPROTO, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)buf); delete []buf; SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_USEDPROTO, LB_DELETESTRING, n, 0); } } } break; case ID_ADDALL: for(;;) { LRESULT count = SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_ALLPROTO, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); if(!count || LB_ERR == count) break; SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_ALLPROTO, LB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); SendMessage(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, ID_ADD, 0); } break; case ID_REMOVEALL: for(;;) { LRESULT count = SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_USEDPROTO, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); if(!count || LB_ERR == count) break; SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_USEDPROTO, LB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0); SendMessage(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, ID_REMOVE, 0); } break; default: return FALSE; } SendMessage(GetParent(hwnd), PSM_CHANGED, 0, 0); return TRUE; case WM_NOTIFY: { NMHDR* nmhdr = (NMHDR*)lParam; switch (nmhdr->code) { case PSN_APPLY: { LRESULT count = SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_USEDPROTO, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); std::ostringstream out; for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { size_t len = SendDlgItemMessageA(hwnd, ID_USEDPROTO, LB_GETTEXTLEN, i, 0); if(LB_ERR != len) { char * buf = new char[len + 1]; SendDlgItemMessageA(hwnd, ID_USEDPROTO, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)buf); out << buf << "\r\n"; delete []buf; } } db_set_s(NULL, pluginName, "protoList", out.str().c_str()); } return TRUE; } } break; } return FALSE; } INT_PTR CALLBACK AdvancedDlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { TranslateDialogDefault(hwnd); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_INVIS_DISABLE, BM_SETCHECK, gbInvisDisable ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_CASE_INSENSITIVE, BM_SETCHECK, gbCaseInsensitive ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); gbDosServiceExist?EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_DOS_INTEGRATION),1):EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, ID_DOS_INTEGRATION),0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_DOS_INTEGRATION, BM_SETCHECK, gbDosServiceIntegration ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); SetDlgItemText(hwnd, ID_SPECIALGROUPNAME, gbSpammersGroup.c_str()); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_SPECIALGROUP, BM_SETCHECK, gbSpecialGroup ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_EXCLUDE, BM_SETCHECK, gbExclude ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_REMOVE_TMP, BM_SETCHECK, gbDelExcluded ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_REMOVE_TMP_ALL, BM_SETCHECK, gbDelAllTempory ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_IGNOREURL, BM_SETCHECK, gbIgnoreURL ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_AUTOAUTH, BM_SETCHECK, gbAutoAuth ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_ADDTOSRVLST, BM_SETCHECK, gbAutoAddToServerList ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_REQAUTH, BM_SETCHECK, gbAutoReqAuth ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_REGEX, BM_SETCHECK, gbRegexMatch ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_HISTORY_LOG, BM_SETCHECK, gbHistoryLog ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_MATH_QUESTION, BM_SETCHECK, gbMathExpression ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0 ); SetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_AUTOADDGROUP, gbAutoAuthGroup.c_str()); } return TRUE; case WM_COMMAND: { switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_MATH_DETAILS: { MessageBox(NULL, TranslateT("If math expression is turned on you can use following expression in message text:\nXX+XX-X/X*X\neach X will be replaced by one ruandom number and answer will be expression result\nMessage must contain only one expression without spaces"), TranslateT("Info"), MB_OK); } break; case IDC_INVIS_DISABLE: case IDC_CASE_INSENSITIVE: case ID_DOS_INTEGRATION: case ID_SPECIALGROUPNAME: case ID_SPECIALGROUP: case ID_EXCLUDE: case ID_REMOVE_TMP: case ID_REMOVE_TMP_ALL: case ID_IGNOREURL: case IDC_AUTOAUTH: case IDC_ADDTOSRVLST: case IDC_REQAUTH: case IDC_AUTOADDGROUP: case IDC_REGEX: case IDC_HISTORY_LOG: SendMessage(GetParent(hwnd), PSM_CHANGED, 0, 0); break; } } break; case WM_NOTIFY: { NMHDR* nmhdr = (NMHDR*)lParam; switch (nmhdr->code) { case PSN_APPLY: { db_set_b(NULL, pluginName, "CaseInsensitive", gbCaseInsensitive = BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_CASE_INSENSITIVE, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); db_set_b(NULL, pluginName, "DisableInInvis", gbInvisDisable = BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_INVIS_DISABLE, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); db_set_b(NULL, pluginName, "DOSIntegration", gbDosServiceIntegration = BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_DOS_INTEGRATION, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); { static tstring NewGroupName, CurrentGroupName; NewGroupName = GetDlgItemString(hwnd, ID_SPECIALGROUPNAME); CurrentGroupName = gbSpammersGroup = DBGetContactSettingStringPAN(NULL, pluginName, "SpammersGroup", _T("0")); if (wcscmp(CurrentGroupName.c_str(), NewGroupName.c_str()) != 0) { int GroupNumber = 0; BYTE GroupExist = 0; TCHAR szValue[96] = {0}; char szNumber[32] = {0}; extern int CreateCListGroup(TCHAR* szGroupName); strcpy(szNumber, "0"); while (strcmp(DBGetContactSettingStringPAN_A(NULL, "CListGroups", szNumber, "0").c_str(), "0") != 0) { _itoa(GroupNumber, szNumber, 10); wcscpy(szValue, DBGetContactSettingStringPAN(NULL, "CListGroups", szNumber, _T("0")).c_str()); if (wcscmp(NewGroupName.c_str(), szValue + 1) == 0) { GroupExist = 1; break; } GroupNumber++; } db_set_ws(NULL,pluginName, "SpammersGroup", NewGroupName.c_str()); gbSpammersGroup = DBGetContactSettingStringPAN(NULL,pluginName,"SpammersGroup", _T("Spammers")); if(!GroupExist && gbSpecialGroup) CreateCListGroup((TCHAR*)gbSpammersGroup.c_str()); } } db_set_b(NULL, pluginName, "SpecialGroup", gbSpecialGroup = BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_SPECIALGROUP, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); db_set_b(NULL, pluginName, "ExcludeContacts", gbExclude = BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_EXCLUDE, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); db_set_b(NULL, pluginName, "DelExcluded", gbDelExcluded = BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_REMOVE_TMP, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); db_set_b(NULL, pluginName, "DelAllTempory", gbDelAllTempory = BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_REMOVE_TMP_ALL, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); db_set_b(NULL, pluginName, "IgnoreURL", gbIgnoreURL = BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, ID_IGNOREURL, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); db_set_b(NULL, pluginName, "AutoAuth", gbAutoAuth = BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_AUTOAUTH, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); db_set_b(NULL, pluginName, "AutoAddToServerList", gbAutoAddToServerList = BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_ADDTOSRVLST, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); db_set_b(NULL, pluginName, "AutoReqAuth", gbAutoReqAuth = BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_REQAUTH, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); db_set_b(NULL, pluginName, "RegexMatch", gbRegexMatch = BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_REGEX, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); db_set_b(NULL, pluginName, "HistoryLog", gbHistoryLog = BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_HISTORY_LOG, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); db_set_b(NULL, pluginName, "MathExpression", gbMathExpression = BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_MATH_QUESTION, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)); { static tstring NewAGroupName, CurrentAGroupName; NewAGroupName = GetDlgItemString(hwnd, IDC_AUTOADDGROUP); CurrentAGroupName = gbAutoAuthGroup = DBGetContactSettingStringPAN(NULL, pluginName, "AutoAuthGroup", _T("0")); if (wcscmp(CurrentAGroupName.c_str(), NewAGroupName.c_str()) != 0) { int GroupNumber = 0; BYTE GroupExist = 0; TCHAR szValue[96] = {0}; char szNumber[32] = {0}; extern int CreateCListGroup(TCHAR* szGroupName); strcpy(szNumber, "0"); while (strcmp(DBGetContactSettingStringPAN_A(NULL, "CListGroups", szNumber, "0").c_str(), "0") != 0) { _itoa(GroupNumber, szNumber, 10); wcscpy(szValue, DBGetContactSettingStringPAN(NULL, "CListGroups", szNumber, _T("0")).c_str()); if (wcscmp(NewAGroupName.c_str(), szValue + 1) == 0) { GroupExist = 1; break; } GroupNumber++; } db_set_ws(NULL,pluginName, "AutoAuthGroup", NewAGroupName.c_str()); gbAutoAuthGroup = DBGetContactSettingStringPAN(NULL,pluginName,"AutoAuthGroup", _T("Not Spammers")); if(!GroupExist && gbAutoAddToServerList) CreateCListGroup((TCHAR*)gbAutoAuthGroup.c_str()); } } } return TRUE; } } break; } return FALSE; } HINSTANCE hInst; MIRANDA_HOOK_EVENT(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, w, l) { OPTIONSDIALOGPAGE odp = {0}; odp.cbSize = sizeof(odp); odp.ptszGroup = LPGENT("Message Sessions"); odp.ptszTitle = LPGENT("StopSpam"); odp.position = -1; odp.hInstance = hInst; odp.flags = ODPF_TCHAR; odp.ptszTab = LPGENT("General"); odp.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDD_MAIN); odp.pfnDlgProc = MainDlgProc; Options_AddPage(w, &odp); odp.ptszTab = LPGENT("Messages"); odp.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDD_MESSAGES); odp.pfnDlgProc = MessagesDlgProc; Options_AddPage(w, &odp); odp.ptszTab = LPGENT("Accounts"); odp.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDD_PROTO); odp.pfnDlgProc = ProtoDlgProc; Options_AddPage(w, &odp); odp.ptszTab = LPGENT("Advanced"); odp.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCEA(IDD_ADVANCED); odp.pfnDlgProc = AdvancedDlgProc; Options_AddPage(w, &odp); return 0; }