#include "stdafx.h" INT_PTR IsContactPassed(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { char *szProto = GetContactProto(hContact); if (szProto == nullptr) return CS_PASSED; if (!g_sets.ProtoDisabled(szProto)) return CS_PASSED; if (db_get_b(hContact, pluginName, answeredSetting, 0)) return CS_PASSED; if (!db_get_b(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList", 0) && db_get_w(hContact, szProto, "SrvGroupId", -1) != 1) return CS_PASSED; if (IsExistMyMessage(hContact)) return CS_PASSED; return CS_NOTPASSED; } INT_PTR RemoveTempContacts(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact;) { MCONTACT hNext = db_find_next(hContact); ptrW szGroup(db_get_wsa(hContact, "CList", "Group")); if (db_get_b(hContact, "CList", "NotOnList", 0) || (szGroup != NULL && (wcsstr(szGroup, L"Not In List") || wcsstr(szGroup, TranslateT("Not In List"))))) { char *szProto = GetContactProto(hContact); if (szProto != nullptr) { // Check if protocol uses server side lists DWORD caps = CallProtoService(szProto, PS_GETCAPS, PFLAGNUM_1, 0); if (caps & PF1_SERVERCLIST) { int status = CallProtoService(szProto, PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0); if (status == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE || IsStatusConnecting(status)) // Set a flag so we remember to delete the contact when the protocol goes online the next time db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "Delete", 1); else db_delete_contact(hContact); } } } hContact = hNext; } int hGroup = 1; wchar_t *group_name; do { group_name = Clist_GroupGetName(hGroup, nullptr); if (group_name != nullptr && wcsstr(group_name, TranslateT("Not In List"))) { BYTE ConfirmDelete = db_get_b(NULL, "CList", "ConfirmDelete", SETTING_CONFIRMDELETE_DEFAULT); if (ConfirmDelete) db_set_b(NULL, "CList", "ConfirmDelete", 0); Clist_GroupDelete(hGroup); if (ConfirmDelete) db_set_b(NULL, "CList", "ConfirmDelete", ConfirmDelete); break; } hGroup++; } while (group_name); if (!lParam) MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("Complete"), TranslateT(pluginName), MB_ICONINFORMATION); return 0; } int OnSystemModulesLoaded(WPARAM, LPARAM) { if (g_sets.RemTmpAll) RemoveTempContacts(0, 1); return 0; }