#include "stdafx.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const wchar_t* CMPlugin::getQuestion() { const wchar_t *res = Question; return (res != nullptr) ? res : TranslateW(L"Spammers made me to install small anti-spam system you are now speaking with. Please reply \"nospam\" without quotes and spaces if you want to contact me."); } const wchar_t* CMPlugin::getReply() { const wchar_t *res = AuthRepl; return (res != nullptr) ? res : TranslateW(L"StopSpam: send a message and reply to an anti-spam bot question."); } const wchar_t* CMPlugin::getCongrats() { const wchar_t *res = Congratulation; return (res != nullptr) ? res : TranslateW(L"Congratulations! You just passed human/robot test. Now you can write me a message."); }