#pragma once

#include "headers.h"

class db_usage
	//reading from database
	static tstring DBGetPluginSetting(std::string const &name, tstring const &defValue);
	static std::string DBGetPluginSetting(std::string const &name, std::string const &defValue);
	static bool DBGetPluginSetting(std::string const &name, bool const &defValue);
	static DWORD DBGetPluginSetting(std::string const &name, DWORD const &defValue);
	//writting to database
	static void DBSetPluginSetting(std::string const &name, tstring const &value);
	static void DBSetPluginSetting(std::string const &name, std::string const &value);
	static void DBSetPluginSetting(std::string const &name, bool const &value);
	static void DBSetPluginSetting(std::string const &name, DWORD const &value);


template <typename T>
class db_setting
	std::string m_name;
	T m_defValue;
	T m_value;
	db_setting(std::string const &name, T const &defValue):m_name(name),m_defValue(defValue)
		m_value=db_usage::DBGetPluginSetting(m_name, m_defValue);
	const T & GetDefault()const{return m_defValue;}
	void Set(T const &value)
		db_usage::DBSetPluginSetting(m_name, m_value);
	const T & Get()const{return m_value;}
	db_setting<T>& operator=(T const &value)
		db_usage::DBSetPluginSetting(m_name, m_value);
		return *this;
	operator T(){return m_value;}
	void SetResident(BOOL bResident){
		CallService(MS_DB_SETSETTINGRESIDENT, bResident, (LPARAM)(pluginName m_name.c_str()));

class Settings
	db_setting<tstring> Question;
	db_setting<tstring> AuthRepl;
	db_setting<tstring> Answer;
	db_setting<tstring> Congratulation;
	db_setting<std::string> DisabledProtoList;
	db_setting<bool> InfTalkProtection;
	db_setting<bool> AddPermanent;
	db_setting<DWORD> MaxQuestCount;
	db_setting<bool> HandleAuthReq;
	db_setting<bool> AnswNotCaseSens;
	db_setting<tstring> AnswSplitString;
	db_setting<bool> RemTmpAll;
	db_setting<bool> HistLog;

	Settings():Question("Question",TranslateTS(_T("Spammers made me to install small anti-spam system you are now speaking with. ")
		_T("Please reply \"nospam\" without quotes and spaces if you want to contact me.\r\n")
		_T("��������! �������� ������. �������� \"nospam\" ��� ������� � ��������, ���� ������ ��������� �� ����.")))
	,AuthRepl("AuthReply",TranslateTS(_T("StopSpam: send a message and reply to a anti-spam bot question.\r\n")
		_T("��������: ��������� ��������� � �������� �� ������ �������� �������.")))
	,Congratulation("Congratulation",TranslateTS(_T("Congratulations! You just passed human/robot test. Now you can write me a message.\r\n")
		_T("����������! �� ������ �������� ��������. ������ �� ������ ������ ���.")))
	,DisabledProtoList("DisabledProtoList","MetaContacts RSSNews")
	,InfTalkProtection("InfTalkProtection", 1)
	,AddPermanent("AddPermanent", 0)
	,HandleAuthReq("HandleAuthReq", 0)
	,MaxQuestCount("MaxQuestCount", 2)
	,AnswNotCaseSens("AnswNotCaseSens", 1)
	,RemTmpAll("RemTmpAll", 1)
	,HistLog("HistLog", 0)
		const std::string& str = DisabledProtoList.Get();
		if ( !str.empty() && *(str.rbegin()) != ' ' )
			DisabledProtoList=DisabledProtoList.Get()+' ';
	bool ProtoDisabled(std::string proto)
		return std::string::npos != DisabledProtoList.Get().find(proto + " ");

extern Settings *plSets;