; Common strings that belong to many files ;[] ; ../../plugins/StopSpamPlus/res/stopspam.rc ;[ questions to one contact (0 - for no limit)] ;[Add contact permanently] ;[Answer (Use divider to separate answers):] ;[Answer is not case sensitive] ;[Auth. request reply:] ;[Congratulation:] ;[Disable protection for following protocols:] ;[Divider:] ;[Do not send more than ] ;[Enable StopSpam-StopSpam infinite talk protection] ;[Enable auth. requests blocking] ;[Log Spammers to system history] ;[Question: (Ctrl-Enter for carriage return)] ;[Remove all tempory contacts after restart] ;[Restore defaults] ;[Vars] ; ../../plugins/StopSpamPlus/src/events.cpp ;[Main] ;[Message Sessions] ;[Messages] ;[Protocols] ; ../../plugins/StopSpamPlus/src/services.cpp ;[Complete] ;[Not In List] ; ../../plugins/StopSpamPlus/src/settings.h ;[nospam]