astyle --force-indent=tab=4 --brackets=linux --indent-switches
		--pad=oper --one-line=keep-blocks  --unpad=paren

Chat module plugin for Miranda IM

Copyright (C) 2003 J�rgen Persson

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

$Id: message.c 10402 2009-07-24 00:35:21Z silvercircle $

#include "../src/commonheaders.h"
#include <math.h>

static int RTFColorToIndex(int *pIndex, int iCol, SESSION_INFO* si)
	int i;
	MODULEINFO * pMod = MM_FindModule(si->pszModule);

	for (i = 0; i < pMod->nColorCount ; i++)
		if (pIndex[i] == iCol)
			return i;

	return -1;

static void CreateColorMap(char* Text, int *pIndex, SESSION_INFO* si)
	char *p1, *p2, *pEnd;
	int iIndex = 1;

	static const char* lpszFmt = "\\red%[^ \x5b\\]\\green%[^ \x5b\\]\\blue%[^ \x5b;];";
	char szRed[10], szGreen[10], szBlue[10];

	p1 = strstr(Text, "\\colortbl");
	if (!p1)

	pEnd = strchr(p1, '}');
	p2 = strstr(p1, "\\red");

	while (p2 && p2 < pEnd) {
		if (sscanf(p2, lpszFmt, &szRed, &szGreen, &szBlue) > 0) {
			int i;
			MODULEINFO * pMod = MM_FindModule(si->pszModule);
			for (i = 0; i < pMod->nColorCount ; i ++)
				if (pMod->crColors[i] == RGB(atoi(szRed), atoi(szGreen), atoi(szBlue)))
					pIndex[i] = iIndex;
		p1 = p2;
		p1 ++;
		p2 = strstr(p1, "\\red");

static int ReadInteger(const char* p, int* result)
	char temp[10];
	int i = 0;
	while (isdigit(*p) && i < 9)
		temp[i++] = *p++;
	temp[i] = 0;

	if (result != NULL)
		*result = atoi(temp);

	return i;

TCHAR* Chat_DoRtfToTags(char* pszText, SESSION_INFO* si)
	char *p1;
	int*  pIndex;
	int i, iRemoveChars, cp = CP_ACP;
	char InsertThis[50];
	BOOL bJustRemovedRTF = TRUE;
	BOOL bTextHasStarted = FALSE;
	TCHAR *ptszResult; //, *d;
	int iUcMode = 0;

	if (!pszText)
		return FALSE;

	// create an index of colors in the module and map them to
	// corresponding colors in the RTF color table
	pIndex = (int *)mir_alloc(sizeof(int) * MM_FindModule(si->pszModule)->nColorCount);
	for (i = 0; i < MM_FindModule(si->pszModule)->nColorCount ; i++)
		pIndex[i] = -1;

	CreateColorMap(pszText, pIndex, si);

	// scan the file for rtf commands and remove or parse them
	p1 = strstr(pszText, "\\pard");
	if (p1 == NULL) {
		return FALSE;

	p1 += 5;

	MoveMemory(pszText, p1, lstrlenA(p1) + 1);
	p1 = pszText;

	// iterate through all characters, if rtf control character found then take action
	while (*p1 != '\0') {
		InsertThis[0] = 0;
		iRemoveChars = 0;

		switch (*p1) {
			case '\\':
				if (!memcmp(p1, "\\cf", 3)) {   // foreground color
					int iCol, iInd;
					iRemoveChars = 3 + ReadInteger(p1 + 3, &iCol);
					iInd = RTFColorToIndex(pIndex, iCol, si);
					bJustRemovedRTF = TRUE;

					if (bTextHasStarted || iInd >= 0)
						mir_snprintf(InsertThis, SIZEOF(InsertThis), (iInd >= 0) ? "%%c%02u" : "%%C", iInd);
				} else if (!memcmp(p1, "\\highlight", 10)) {  //background color
					int iCol, iInd;
					iRemoveChars = 10 + ReadInteger(p1 + 10, &iCol);
					iInd = RTFColorToIndex(pIndex, iCol, si);
					bJustRemovedRTF = TRUE;

					if (bTextHasStarted || iInd >= 0)
						mir_snprintf(InsertThis, SIZEOF(InsertThis), (iInd >= 0) ? "%%f%02u" : "%%F", iInd);
				} else if (!memcmp(p1, "\\lang", 5)) {  // language id
					bTextHasStarted = bJustRemovedRTF = TRUE;
					iRemoveChars = 5 + ReadInteger(p1 + 5, NULL);
				} else if (!memcmp(p1, "\\par", 4)) {  // newline
					bTextHasStarted = bJustRemovedRTF = TRUE;
					iRemoveChars = 4;
					strcpy(InsertThis, "\n");
				} else if (!memcmp(p1, "\\endash", 7)) {
					bTextHasStarted = bJustRemovedRTF = TRUE;
					iRemoveChars = 7;
					strcpy(InsertThis, "\xE2\x80\x93");
				} else if (!memcmp(p1, "\\emdash", 7)) {
					bTextHasStarted = bJustRemovedRTF = TRUE;
					iRemoveChars = 7;
					strcpy(InsertThis, "\xE2\x80\x94");
				} else if (!memcmp(p1, "\\bullet", 7)) {
					bTextHasStarted = bJustRemovedRTF = TRUE;
					iRemoveChars = 7;
					strcpy(InsertThis, "\xE2\x80\xA2");
				} else if (!memcmp(p1, "\\line", 5)) {  // newline
					bTextHasStarted = bJustRemovedRTF = TRUE;
					iRemoveChars = 5;
					strcpy(InsertThis, "\n");
				} else if (!memcmp(p1, "\\b", 2)) {  //bold
					bTextHasStarted = bJustRemovedRTF = TRUE;
					iRemoveChars = (p1[2] != '0') ? 2 : 3;
					strcpy(InsertThis, (p1[2] != '0') ? "%b" : "%B");
				} else if (!memcmp(p1, "\\i", 2)) {  // italics
					bTextHasStarted = bJustRemovedRTF = TRUE;
					iRemoveChars = (p1[2] != '0') ? 2 : 3;
					strcpy(InsertThis, (p1[2] != '0') ? "%i" : "%I");
				} else if (!memcmp(p1, "\\uc", 3)) {  // number of Unicode chars
					bTextHasStarted = bJustRemovedRTF = TRUE;
					iUcMode = p1[3] - '0';
					iRemoveChars = 4;
				} else if (!memcmp(p1, "\\ul", 3)) {  // underlined
					bTextHasStarted = bJustRemovedRTF = TRUE;
					if (p1[3] == 'n')
						iRemoveChars = 7;
					else if (p1[3] == '0')
						iRemoveChars = 4;
						iRemoveChars = 3;
					mir_snprintf(InsertThis, SIZEOF(InsertThis), (p1[3] != '0' && p1[3] != 'n') ? "%%u" : "%%U");
				} else if (p1[1] == 'f' && isdigit(p1[2])) {   // unicode char
					bTextHasStarted = bJustRemovedRTF = TRUE;
					iRemoveChars = 2 + ReadInteger(p1 + 2, NULL);
				} else if (p1[1] == '\\' ||  p1[1] == '{' || p1[1] == '}') {  // escaped characters
					bTextHasStarted = TRUE;
					bJustRemovedRTF = FALSE;
					iRemoveChars = 2;
					mir_snprintf(InsertThis, SIZEOF(InsertThis), "%c", p1[1]);
				} else if (p1[1] == '~') {  // non-breaking space
					bTextHasStarted = TRUE;
					bJustRemovedRTF = FALSE;
					iRemoveChars = 2;
					strcpy(InsertThis, "\xC2\xA0");

				else if (!memcmp(p1, "\\tab",4)) { // tab
					bTextHasStarted = TRUE;
					bJustRemovedRTF = TRUE;
					iRemoveChars = 4;
					strcpy(InsertThis, "\x09");
				else if (!memcmp(p1, "\\ldblquote",10)) {
					bTextHasStarted = TRUE;
					bJustRemovedRTF = TRUE;
					iRemoveChars = 10;
					strcpy(InsertThis, "\xe2\x80\x9c");
				else if (!memcmp(p1, "\\rdblquote",10)) {
					bTextHasStarted = TRUE;
					bJustRemovedRTF = TRUE;
					iRemoveChars = 10;
					strcpy(InsertThis, "\xe2\x80\x9d");
				else if (!memcmp(p1, "\\lquote",7)) {
					bTextHasStarted = TRUE;
					bJustRemovedRTF = TRUE;
					iRemoveChars = 7;
					strcpy(InsertThis, "\xE2\x80\x98");
				else if (!memcmp(p1, "\\rquote",7)) {
					bTextHasStarted = TRUE;
					bJustRemovedRTF = TRUE;
					iRemoveChars = 7;
					strcpy(InsertThis, "\xE2\x80\x99");

				 else if (p1[1] == '\'') {  // special character
					char tmp[4], *p3 = tmp;
					bTextHasStarted = TRUE;
					bJustRemovedRTF = FALSE;
					if (p1[2] != ' ' && p1[2] != '\\') {
						*p3++ = p1[2];
						iRemoveChars = 3;
						if (p1[3] != ' ' && p1[3] != '\\') {
							*p3++ = p1[3];
						*p3 = 0;
						sscanf(tmp, "%x", InsertThis);

						InsertThis[1] = 0;
					} else iRemoveChars = 2;
				} else if (bJustRemovedRTF) {  // remove unknown RTF command
					int j = 1;
					bJustRemovedRTF = TRUE;
					while (p1[j] != ' ' && p1[j] != '\\' && p1[j] != '\0')
					iRemoveChars = j;

			case '{': // other RTF control characters
			case '}':
				iRemoveChars = 1;

			case '\r': case '\n':
				bTextHasStarted = TRUE;
				bJustRemovedRTF = FALSE;
				iRemoveChars = 1;

			case '%': // escape chat -> protocol control character
				bTextHasStarted = TRUE;
				bJustRemovedRTF = FALSE;
				iRemoveChars = 1;
				strcpy(InsertThis, "%%");
			case ' ': // remove spaces following a RTF command
				if (bJustRemovedRTF)
					iRemoveChars = 1;
				bJustRemovedRTF = FALSE;
				bTextHasStarted = TRUE;

			default: // other text that should not be touched
				bTextHasStarted = TRUE;
				bJustRemovedRTF = FALSE;

		// move the memory and paste in new commands instead of the old RTF
		if (InsertThis[0] || iRemoveChars) {
			MoveMemory(p1 + lstrlenA(InsertThis) , p1 + iRemoveChars, lstrlenA(p1) - iRemoveChars + 1);
			CopyMemory(p1, InsertThis, lstrlenA(InsertThis));
			p1 += lstrlenA(InsertThis);
		} else p1++;

	ptszResult = mir_utf8decodeW(pszText);
	return ptszResult;

static DWORD CALLBACK Chat_Message_StreamCallback(DWORD_PTR dwCookie, LPBYTE pbBuff, LONG cb, LONG * pcb)
	static DWORD dwRead;
	char ** ppText = (char **) dwCookie;

	if (*ppText == NULL) {
		*ppText = (char *)mir_alloc(cb + 1);
		memcpy(*ppText, pbBuff, cb);
		(*ppText)[cb] = 0;
		*pcb = cb;
		dwRead = cb;
	} else {
		char  *p = (char *)mir_alloc(dwRead + cb + 1);
		memcpy(p, *ppText, dwRead);
		memcpy(p + dwRead, pbBuff, cb);
		p[dwRead + cb] = 0;
		*ppText = p;
		*pcb = cb;
		dwRead += cb;
	return 0;

char* Chat_Message_GetFromStream(HWND hwndDlg, SESSION_INFO* si)
	char* pszText = NULL;
	DWORD dwFlags;

	if (hwndDlg == 0 || si == 0)
		return NULL;

	ZeroMemory(&stream, sizeof(stream));
	stream.pfnCallback = Chat_Message_StreamCallback;
	stream.dwCookie = (DWORD_PTR) & pszText; // pass pointer to pointer

	SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_CHAT_MESSAGE), EM_STREAMOUT, dwFlags, (LPARAM) & stream);
	return pszText; // pszText contains the text