Project Information:

Name: tabsrmm
SF.NET Project Page:

				    Version History:
+ : new feature
* : changed
! : bufgix						
- : feature removed or disabled because of pending bugs


		Changelog is now provided online and updated more often.

Version - nightly build #47) - 2006/02/xx

		+ added hotkey (CTRL-n) for sending a MSN nudge. Requires recent version of MSN plugin

		* remmoved own copy of xStatus icons from tabSRMM. It is now using the ICQJ XStatus 
		  API to get the icon (works only with recent versions of ICQJ).
Version - nightly build #46) - 2006/01/20

		+ enabled the send menu entry to force a "timeout less" sending mode. The option can
		  also be found on the contact preferences dialog (user menu) and basically does the
		  following: If enabled, the message window does NOT wait for a sending confirmation 
		  of the protocol. This means that you'll never get notified if something goes wrong
		  while sending the message. Only enable it if you have constant timeout problems for
		  this particular contact.
		  This option is a "per contact" setting and there is no global counterpart. It is meant
		  to help solving troubles with "problematic" contacts (that is, contacts which often
		  cause timeouts when sending messages, because of networking or other issues).
		+ enhancement: The "vertical maximize" feature can now also be triggered by holding the
		  CTRL key while clicking the maximize button. The old way of setting vertical maximize
		  for each container permanently (container options dialog) is still available though.

		* reduced the number of scrolling commands sent to IEView when resizing and/or creating
		  the message window. This should speed up IEView somewhat when using more complex 

		* the info panel avatar now follows the avatar visibility setting on the Message Window->
		  General option page. For example, if this is set to "Globally off", no avatars will
		  appear on the info panel.

		* message window avatar display(s) (both bottom and info panel) now respect the avatar
		  service "Set as hidden" property which one can configure for a contacts picture.
		  So you are no longer forced to view really ugly avatars :)
Version - 2005/12/27

		+ added option to enable/disable drop shadows (options->Message Window->containers)
		! fix: the options to set message log background colors were disabled when using font

Version - 2005/12/23 - happy Xmas :)

		* improvments for own avatar display. Now, this uses the avatar service (minimum
		  version for managing your own avatars. tabSRMM now always shows the proper
		  avatar you have configured for a given protocol under Main Menu -> View/Change my details.
		  Setting your own avatar in the message window is possible (right click your avatar image
		  and choose "Set your avatar...". However, the menu entry may appear grayed which means
		  that the protocol does not support setting the avatar from "outside" its own option
		  pages. Currently, only MSN allows to set the avatar using an external service.

		+ added workaround for the "Unknown Contact" problem with some protocols (fallback to 
		  non-unicode nickname). (unicode build only).
		+ added EXPERIMENTAL feature - real time message log trimming.
		  What the.... ? 
		  This feature was inspired (or suggested) by one user on the forum. At first,
		  i thought that it is almost impossible to implement with the rich edit control as
		  our message history viewer. But I found a reasonable way to do it anyway.
		  It is for people who are rarely closing their message windows. As a result, a growing
		  message history in the chat window(s) may consume HUGE amounts of memory, especially when
		  emoticons and message log icons are enabled.
		  The solution? Trim the message log to a maximum number of events (e.g. 200) - older events
		  will disappear from the top of the message history and only the N most recent events
		  will remain in the chat window. As a result, memory requirements may drop significantly.

		  The feature is different from the already exsting "load N number of old history events",
		  because it works in "real time". Whenever a new message is sent or received, the 
		  message history will be trimmed at the top so that only old text will disappear.
		  How to use?
		  Set the global limit for all message windows on the "Message Log" options page. A per-
		  contact setting is also available in the "tabSRMM settings" dialog which you can reach
		  from the contacts context menu. The per contact setting overrides the global value.
		  NOTE: changing this setting will not affect message windows which are already open,
				so you need to close and re-open them.
		  One word of warning, though. This feature has a side effect. In order to "know" where to cut
		  off the message history, markers need to be placed in the text. The markers are hidden
		  number sequences (which actually correspond to database event handles), but when you copy
		  text from the log, the rich edit control will copy the hidden text. As far as I know, there
		  is no way to avoid this.
		  Also, depending on your template, the top of the message log may not always look perfectly
		  formatted, because text is removed from the top only.
		  NOTE2: won't work with IEView as IEView uses a completely different way of displaying
				 messages and tabSRMM has no control over the contents of the IEView message history

		! FIX: Alt-M didn't properly create the embedded multisend contact list.

		+ added a color control for setting the info panel fields background color to the font
		  configuration dialog. Previously, this was only possible with font service.

		* improved avatar display on the info panel. Avatars will no longer waste horizontal space
		  if their width is smaller than their height (like most ICQ avatars). The size of the
		  avatar field is now properly calculated so that the avatar fits.
		  Also, the info panel does no longer show the "unknown" avatar for contacts which don't
		  have a contact picture available.

		* redesigned the info panel somewhat. The ugly check box is gone, the fields have been
		  re-arranged to allow more space for the nickname.

		+ the option to allow active status message retrieval when hovering the info panel field
		  can now be found under Options->Message Window->General

		! bugfix - message window did not react on manual nick name changes on the contact list
		  (changing CList/MyHAndle).

		+ added a "simple" event popup configuration mode. Its on options->Message Window->Event 
		  notifications and knows 3 modes:
		  * Notify always -> popups will show for each message
		  * Notify for unfocused sessions -> popups will show for minimized or background message
		  * Notify only when no window is open -> Message popups will only appear when no message
		    window is open for that contact.
		  The simple mode skips some of the advanced popup configuration options, including the 
		  "per container settings". It also skips the "Sync sounds" option.

		+ added the per contact infopanel setting to the per contact settings dialog.

		+ added option to specify the type of border for the avatar(s) in the message window.
		  There are 5 options:
		  * None
		  * Automatic
		  * Sunken
		  * 1 pixel solid
		  * rounded border
		  Automatic means that it will draw a solid border for normal avatars, while for transparent
		  or semi-transparent images, a sunken frame will be drawn.
		  The color for solid borders can be configured aswell. 
		  The options are on the "General" tab, in the "Avatar options" section.

		* fixed bug with non-appearing message log icons
		* fixed wrong hotkey Ctrl-C was opening the user preferences dialog instead of doing the
		  usual copy action. User preferences is now on Alt-C
		+ some smoother and less "jumpy" resizing when switching tabs after container size changed.
		+ when using the "Trim message log feature", the message input area now tries to delete the
		  invisible markers when copying text from the message log to the message input area.

		+ new hotkey: Alt-F (send file, brings up the send file dialog)
		! fixed a few minor visual glitches (button mode tabs clipping issues)
Version - 2005/11/07

        * several sanity checks added (pointers, window handles)
        ! status bar remembers typing notification state when switching tabs even with
          the session list button active.
        + added about dialog

        ! fixed small visual glitch with multisend indicator
        + hotkey: Ctrl-T -> toggle menu bar
        ! local avatars (load a local picture) can now use relative pathnames when the picture
          you selected is located in a subdirectory of your miranda folder.
        + added first run configuration dialog
        + added "per container themes". It is now possible to define a private .tabsrmm theme 
          file for a container. This includes the entire theme, fonts, colors, template message
          log settings.
        ! bugfix (UI problem in the global/local radio button of the user preferences dialog).

        * changed multisend contact list. It is no longer created automatically for each tab
          you open, instead, the contact list is only created when you activate the multisend
          feature and destroyed when it is no longer needed. Saves quite *some* resources and
          loading time, especially with complex contact lists (clist_nicer, clist_modern and
        * updated for new smileyadd api (event for changed emoticon configuration). Changing
          smileyadd options will now instantly reconfigure smileyadd settings in all open message
          windows (button icon + smileys in the message window).

        + added support for the updater plugin
        + removed tabsrmms own avatar loading and managment code. It now builds on top of the
          avatar service plugin (loadavatars.dll). You need this plugin installed in order to
          get avatars working.

        + added ability to render transparent PNG images when set as local contact pictures by
          the avatar service.

        ! fixed bug with formatting parser - ignore messages when they contain curly braces ( {
          and } ) to avoid conflicts with the rtf syntax.

        * several unicode fixes (status messages, xstatus messages and names, title bar format
          (%m variable) and more.

		* upgraded build environment to Visual C++ 8.0 (VSNET 2005).
		  New project file(s) are added to the source tree. tabSRMM_8.sln and tabSRMM_8.vcproj
		  are VC++ 8 compatible project files and can only be used with visual studio 2005.
		  The project files for Visual Studio .NET 2003 (tabSRMM.sln and tabSRMM.vcproj) are
		  still available.
Version - 2005/07/23

        ! extended status tooltip working with all (recent) ICQ.dll builds. 
        ! fixed clock symbol for some special situations.

        + new title format variable: %m -> meta status. Has nothing to do with metacontacts.
          How it works: If an extended status is set, it will be used. If not, the normal
          protocol status is shown. Also supports custom status mode names using the XStatusName
          db setting (supported by ICQJ and ISee).
        ! typo in the template parser (%m variable)
        * removed smiley selection window focus workaround. No longer necessary, because 
          fixed smileyadd doesn't mess up input focus any more.

        + new shortcut: Ctrl-K -> clear input area
        ! fixed %D and %E variables
        + updated for smileyadd 1.5.0 (by borkra). Beginning with this release, tabSRMM does
          no longer require its own smileyadd plugin and therefore this plugin has been removed
          from the archive.
          I suggest to update to the most recent smileyadd, available from:

          It is strongly recommended to use this version, because it fixes a lot of issues and
          has some internal improvements. It is fully compatible with all SRMM-based message
          windows and therefore works with SRMM, tabSRMM, scriver and others.
Version - 2005/07/18

        ! null pointer check when retrieving status message. Fixes crash when retrieving
          status messages.
        ! fixed window icon problem (autoswitch related)
        * added range checks for the panel splitter (don't save/load "invalid" values)

        ! fixed icon on the "visibility indicator" in the info panel (only, when
          using the manual quick toggle mode).
        ! fixed "sticky" unread icon (didn't always go away when container got the focus.
        ! corrected some typos
        ! minor info panel fixes (toolbar menu)
        * allow close tab within error state (visible error controls), Unsent messages which
          returned an error are canceled. Messages "in progress" may still be sent, but the
          ACK will then go to nowhere after the msg window has been closed.
        * version bump (
        * added %x variable for the titlebar to show the extended status mode description.
          The following variables are now available:
          %n - Nickname
          %s - Status mode description
          %c - container name
          %u - UIN
          %p - protocol
          %x - extended status mode description (icq only)
        + added ability to use underlined fonts in the message window when configured with
          the font service plugin.

        + the user notes field now follows the message input area configuration more closely.

        ! some container settings didn't "stick" when set from the system menu or title bar
          (stay on top, hidden titlebar)
        + added support for unicode popups (tabsrmm_unicode only, obviously). It will auto-
          matically detect a unicode-enabled popup.dll and use it.

        * removed the clock icon from the contacts local time display. It is replaced by clock
          symbols from the Wingdings font.
        + added ability to configure several aspects of the info panel. Fonts and colors for
          various fields can now be changed. Also, you can set up the background color for the
          fields and their frame style.
          Requires the font service plugin.
          Frame style can be set on the "Tabs and layout" option page.
        ! fixed Alt-GR (right alt) problem with some hotkeys. 
        + added hotkeys: it is now possible to cycle tabs using the multimedia keys:
          "Browser backward" switches to the previous tabs
          "Browser forward" switches to the next tab.
          This should work with all properly configured multimedia keyboards and most
          mice featuring extended button mapping (e.g. it works with the Logitech MX 510)
          If it doesn't work for you, then your system is not configured properly.
          NOTE: requires Windows 2000 or later.
        * don't send typing notifications while opening a message window with a "saved" message.

        * info panel can now retrieve and show custom extended status names and extended status 
          messages (very recent build of ICQJ required). If no custom status name is available,
          the "built in" will be used, depending on the extended status code.

        ! ignore icon pack version info check was, well, ignored... :)

        ! fixed %E variable (did sometimes convert date/time to empty strings).
Version - 2005/06/28

        * container icon and title is now set earlier so that the container does not
          show "Dialog" while tabs are created.
        * fixed rtf parser to deal with some (rare) rich edit bugs.
        * changed tab layouting for single AND multiline BUTTON tabs. Both modes are
          now using fixed width tabs and the layouting code will try to always "fill"
          the rows. An option to set the default fixed tab width has been added 
          to the tab appearance configuration dialog.
        + new feature for event notifications (popups only):
          tabSRMM can now remove popups for a contact under the following situations:
          1) container receives focus
          2) you start typing a reply
          3) you send a reply
          The feature can be configured on the Options->Event Notifications page (in the
          listbox with all the checkboxes inside - at the very end of the list).
          Whenever one of these options is checked, tabSRMM will remove ALL popups for the
          contact when one of the above conditions is true. Note that you can combine them,
          but that doesn't make much sense. 1) (focus) always happens before any other event.
          The feature is pretty useful if you have multiple popups from a single contact on
        - removed status bar message "keyboard layout saved". No longer needed, because
          the keyboard layout is now always visible as 2-digit code in the 2nd status bar
        * minor layout changes in the message window. Toolbar buttons are slightly smaller
          and got a better look when using classic Windows theme (3d effect toned down a
          a bit).
        * implemented a suggestion by Joe @ Whale, using IsUnicodeAscii() to check if a given
          message really needs to be sent as unicode. If not, the message is sent ANSI only.
          The advantage is that this may save A LOT of database / history size, because it
          avoids storing every message twice (both ansi and UCS-2 parts). With the new
          system, an UCS-2 part is only saved (and sent) when needed. Messages containing 
          7bit characters only (0x00 - 0x7f, most latin characters) are safe to be sent as ansi.
        ! fixed bug with formatting buttons
        * removed "ding" sounds when using some hotkeys (Alt-S for example)
        * various langpack updates
        * ICON PACK: updated "unknown.bmp" (default avatar image). Thanks to Faith for the
        * several (internal) changes to focus handling and tab activation. Some things have been
          simplified in the code, and in some areas additional safety checks were added.
          May result in new focus/redraw bugs, but overall, the new system is an
          improvement. It just needs to stabilize.
        * toolbar buttons are now always "flat" when using visual styles under XP. They no
          longer use push button skinning. Beveled (3d) buttons are still available for 
          classic windows theme.
        * DISMISS EVENT is back, but with a big warning when you first activate it / and or
          run miranda with that option active. Also, it is only available for "click" actions,
          you cannot set dismiss event for the popup timeout action.
        * the tab control is now a full window class, and no longer only subclassed.
        + new hotkeys:
          ALT-I: quick show / hide the info panel
          ALT-B: toggle BiDi option (switch between RTL and LTR)
        * new option to format the title bar using variables. The format string for the title
          bar is simple and may be up to 50 characters long. It can contain any text you want
          and the following variables as placeholders:
          %n - Nickname
          %p - protocol
          %u - UIN
          %s - Status mode
          You can set the default format string for all containers under Message Sessions->
          Message Window->Containers.
          You can also set a private title bar format string in the container options dialog.
          Just tick "use private title format" and set the format template string.
        * possible fix for a rare redrawing bug, resulting in black background on tabs (visual
          styles, tabs at the top only).
        * prevent custom template background colors from taking the rgb value 0,0,0 to avoid
          a problem with icon transparency and "pure" black bg color. A pure black bg color
          is converted to rgb(1,1,1).
        + added support for the FontService plugin by sje to customize message window fonts and back-
          grounds. If font service plugin is enabled, tabSRMMs own font+color configuration page
          is disabled. However, tabSRMM still maintains its own copy of font + color settings in
          the DB so that you can switch between using font service and the old dialog easily.
        + restored "mark on double click" for the message history log.
        * the info panel splitter now follows the settings for the normal splitter (global, private
          saving policy etc.).
        + added visual styles support for button tabs (using pushbutton skins).
        ! fixed transparency issues when changing focus
        + activating the smiley selection window does no longer switch containers transparency to
          NOTE: requires new build of smileyadd.dll (included in this release) and does NOT work
          with IEViews smiley selection window. Sorry for that, but it needs a small change in
          the smiley selection window code. So I would have to distribute a modified IEView aswell
          (which I don't like).
        + added global options for container(s). The container options dialog now allows you to
          set the options for any container to "global" or "private". All containers using global
          options share one set of container configuration flags (and transparency values).
          Title bar format and container window position/size can be set independently to either
          global or private.
        + added the info panel allowing for dual avatar display.
        + added idle detection (if the protocol supports it) and render icons "dimmed" for idle
        + improved support for international nicknames. tabSRMM can now encode nicknames with the
          ANSI codepage you've set for a given contact. To set a codepage, do the following:
          * right click the message log in an open tabSRMM message window and select a code page
          * use the user preferences dialog (tabSRMM settings), available from the contacts context 
        + more info panel stuff - ability to show the local time of the contact (if a timezone is
          provided). Now also shows the protocol beside the status mode.
        + hovering the status field in the info panel will try to retrieve the away message for
          that contact and show it using a tooltip. Away msg retrieval is limited to once per
          minute to avoid abuse by flooding the contact with awaymsg requests.
          The little checkbox between the avatar and the status field can be used to disable
          that feature (to avoid "accidentially" retrieving the status msg).
        + tree views in various option pages were updated to use better check box and node

        + support for the scrolling service in future builds of IEView was added. Now, ieview
          will always properly scroll down the message log.
        + setting the own avatar, using the bottom avatar display (when the info panel is active)
          will now set the protocols avatar. At the moment, this works only with MSN, because
          it's the only protocol providing the SetAvatar service.

        + added support for extra status icons (icq5). Requires a recent build of ICQJ (alpha) or
          ISee. The extra status icon is visible in the info panel, just in front of the nickname.

        + added ability to set a timezone for any contact, using the user preferences dialog box
          (tabSRMM settings in the user context menu). This will work with all protocols and 
          OVERRIDE the contacts timezone provided by the protocol (currently, only icq provides a
          timezone information).
          If a valid timezone is found, the contacts local time will be shown in the info panel,
          and can be used for message log timestamps.

        + added "paste and send" feature. Available as a hotkey (Ctrl-D) or from the context menu
          in the input area. Pastes the current contents of the clipboard to the message input area
          and immediately sends the message. Needs to be enabled under Options->General->Sending 
        + added tooltip to the info panel nickname field when the contact has set an extended
          status (icq only).

Version - 2005/05/23

        * double click works again for closing tabs (even with button tabs)
        ! bugfix: redraw errors when restoring a maximized container
        + added a help window to the template editor describing all the variables and
        * 2nd try to fix Ctrl-W and Ctrl-F4 (Win 9x only)
        + added option to force some extra redraws (options -> tabs and layout -> Force
          more aggressive window updates). If enabled, it will force additional re-

        * optimized visual styles rendering on the tab control. Don't draw unneeded stuff.
Version - 2005/05/20

        ! bugfix - tab control did not use the proper visual style part for leftmost
        ! bugfix - in some cases, the wrong font was used for drawing the tab labels
          so that they appeared oversized and clipped (or the opposite which resulted
          in too much padding).

        ! fixed Ctrl-W and Ctrl-F4 causing crashes.
        * rewrote automatic container creation. Should be faster now, and hopefully
          with less problems.
        * changed visual style drawing method on tabs. Now, it uses real transparency
          so it should work with all visual styles w/o drawing problems or inaccuracies.
        ! when changing the style or theme, tab colors are re-read when using standard
          windows colors to draw tab labels and backgrounds.
        + added current 2-digit input locale identifier to the status bar.
        + autlocale does no longer use WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST, because that's causing
          troubles with some systems (reasons unknown). Instead, it now uses WM_INPUTLANGCHAGE
Version - 2005/05/20

        ! fixed bugs with the new custom tab control. No more label clipping errors
          (hopefully). Also, when using classic windows theme, bottom tabs are
          are restored to their default look and no longer show as buttons.
        + added option to use standard windows colors for button style tabs to mark the
          active and hot-tracked tab.
        + added "autolayout" option for single row tab controls. If enabled, all tabs
          will have the same width, depending on the number of tabs and available
          space. Works only, if the tab control is in "single row mode". Tab text will
          be clipped accordingly and filled with ellipsis (...), if needed.
          The option to set the tab control to "single row" has been removed from the
          container options and moved to the "Tab Appearance" dialog. It is now a
          global setting. Multi-row tab controls are still supported however.
        ! fixed weird bug with mousewheel behaviour when IEView is active.
        * changed the "tabs and layout" option page to use a tree view with check-
          boxes to make it consistent with other option pages.
Version - 2005/05/20

        * docs updated (Popups.txt, readme.txt, README.ICONS)
        + added an option to disable tabSRMMs internal event notifications system
          (options -> Message Sessions -> Event notifications). Use this, if you
          want to continue using an external NewEventNotify plugin. This will only
          prevent tabSRMM from showing popups or other notifications. Things like
          the session list will continue to work.
          The same switch is available on the tray context menu (Disable all event

        ! don't re-create the tray icon after explorer crash, if tray icon support
          is disabled.
        + variables added: %cX for setting a font color, & as variable modifier to
          "skip" the contextual font setting.
        * improvements to the tray and floater. There is a new option to show the 
          floater only when the contact list is minimized (not visible). Also, a bug
          with windows minimized to the tray has been solved.
        * optimized the template parser for more speed (as a penalty, the code size
          increased a few k).

        * several UI improvements to increase usabilty.
        + added custom tab control with the ability to show skinned tabs at the bottom
          properly. Also, it can be configured to act as a "button bar".
          Right click a tab and choose "Configure Tab Appearance" to set some
          In "classic mode" (visual styles not available or disabled), bottom tabs
          will always look "flat" (like a switch bar).
        + added mousewheel-controlled tab switching. If you move the mousewheel while
          the pointer is over the tab bar area, it will switch tabs. Moving the wheel
          upwards will switch to the previous tab, while moving the wheel downwards
          will switch to the next tab.
        + added flicker-free avatar drawing
        + changed grouping mode slightly. Last midnight will now break a group in any 
          case, so messages from yesterday cannot be grouped with messages from today.
Version - 2005/05/10

        ! fixed HUGE bug with bbcode color handling.
        ! fixed memory leak in ShowPicture() (avatar handling). thanks to ghazan.
        + added various settings to the message log and general options pages (icon/
          symbol config, default send format).

        + attempt to fix the mouswheel problem.
        ! fixed month number variable
        + added %fX variable (switch to font).
        * autoreplacer should work again.
        * fixed few visual glitches (multiple send indicator and switch toolbar on/off,
          overlapping multisend indicator and message input area).
        * free() sendqueue buffers in Unload() to stop BC complaining.
        * msg log icons are no longer cached to allow fully "transparent" icons in
          the message log. slightly slower when loading lots of events, but not 
        ! fixed bug with WYSIWYG formatting in the input box.

        * bbcodes are no longer stripped when bbcode support is off. They are now ignored.

        * redesigned the event popups option page. Separate settings for the floater are
          now available. 
        + added option to show/hide floater (independent of tray icon support)
        + added option to show the floater functionality in the message window. If enabled,
          the status bar will show a small icon in the bottom left corner. Left click it
          for a session list (list of open tabs), right click it for the tray menu to access
          favorites, recent list and some global options. Again, this option is not related
          to tray icon or floater support and can be enabled without the tray icon or the
          floater being visible.

        * some improvments to the template editor.
        + fixed bug with favorite contacts menu.
        + New hotkeys added:
          Alt-NumPad/ -> set focus to the message log
          Alt-NumPad* -> set focus to the message input area
          Alt-M       -> activate multisend mode (and set the focus to the multisend contact list
          Alt-NumPad+ and AltNumPad- cycle tabs (same as CtrlPgUp/Dn)
        ! fixed bug with IcoLib support (icons disappearing, crashes)
Version - 2005/04/15

        + added message templates for the default message log. As a result, many options
          are now different or gone, because they can be replaced by using custom
          templates in a better way. 
          Please refer to:,610.0.html
          for some documentation about available variables and templates in general.
        + Icon packs have been updated with proxal icons. Both the XP and the default
          (98/ME) packs are now using the icons from the proxal set).
        * no more smiley button in forwarding sessions, both for smileyadd and ieview.
          Depending on the smiley pack configuration, smileyadd or ieview may crash,
          because forwarding windows are not assigned to a specific protocol.
        ! quoting selection with ieview may fail in a few very rare cases.
        * Splitter position is now saved in a private database entry. It is no longer
          shared with SRMM or other SRMM-based message windows. As a result, message 
          windows may come up with a default splitter position.
        + added support for SRMM-style "focused" and "unfocused" incoming message
          sounds. Focused, in that context, means that the container needs to be the 
          foreground window and the tab needs to be active. All inactive tabs or containers
          are considered "unfocused".
          Sound effects can be configured under Miranda Options->Events->Sounds
        + added quick sound toggle switch on the status bar. The icon shows whether
          sounds are off or on. Clicking the icon will toggle sound effects, holding
          SHIFT while clicking the icon will apply the current state to all *open*
          containers. Sound toggle is a per container setting and will be saved when
          you close a container.
        + save the font for the input area under SRMsg aswell so that the MSN plugin
          will find it.
        + the rich edit log can now recognize simple BBCode tags for formatting text in
          bold, italic and underline.
        + The parser has been updated and can now convert the rich edit output from the
          message input box into bbcodes. It can still parse to "simple" tags (the */_
          stuff) though. There is a new submenu in the protocol menu on the toolbar which
          allows you to select which formatting method you want. You can also set this
          "per contact" since not everybodys IM client can handle bbcodes.
        + the message grouping mode has been overhauled. Just check it out - it looks 
          better :)
        + integrated an own version of event notifications. tabSRMM no longer requires a
          EventNotify plugin. This stuff has a lot of options, including support for system
          tray baloon tooltips instead of popups (these can announce unicode messages). Also,
          a very comprehensive system tray support has been added. 
        ! fixed a very rare unicode-related problem when using ieview.
        + added message API as outlined in SRMM.
        + added 2 submenus to the right-click tray menu: "Favorite Contacts" and "Recent
          Sessions". The first lets you save up to 20 contacts as favorites. To save a
          contact as favorite, open a message window and click the small dropdown button
          on the toolbar, right of the user menu button. There is a submenu called "Favorites"
          which allows you to add or remove a contact from the list of favorites.
          The "Recent Sessions" list automatically saves the 20 most recently used sessions
          (whenever you close a message window). Both favorites and recent sessions are
          stored in the DB, so they will survive a miranda restart.
        + added "auto select and copy" for the message history log. If you release the left mouse 
          button when text is selected in the log it will be copied to the clipboard instantly.
          You need to enable this on the "General" option page ("Auto-copy message log selection")

          * Hold CTRL to instantly insert the selected text in the message input area (plain text)
            at the current cursor position (may replace any selection in the input area).
          * Hold CTRL-ALT - as above, but inserts formatted text

        * changed hotkeys: Alt-Left/Alt-Right for tab switching to Ctrl-PgUp/PgDown. Alt-Left/Right
          causes some strange and annoying effects with some non-western keyboard layouts. 
          Reasons unknown so far.
        + added hotkey to invoke the Protocol Menu: Ctrl-P (works with and without toolbar visible).
        + included a new build of smileyadd which should fix the "gadu gadu" protocol bug (no smileys
          visible on GG). The included smileyadd.dll is for TABSRMM ONLY.
        ! various resource leaks fixed - thanks to ghazan for hunting them down :)
        ! automatically creating tabs or windows does no longer switch and "steal" keyboard
          layout (autolocale bug)
        ! IEview no longer steals focus from the input area when a container has been created in
          the background (minimized)

        + added option to disable animation when minimizing containers to the system tray
        + added tooltip for the tray icon so that XP remembers the autohide status of this icon.
        + various popup fixes - they now show auth and added requests properly (including nickname
          and protocol from which they came).
        * the "add contact bar" is gone, because it was wasting way too much screenspace and made
          the dialog layouting more complex than necessary. Instead, 2 buttons (Add it, Don't add)
          are now visible for any contact which has not been permanently added to your contact list.
          These buttons appear just right of the message input area (and left of the avatar, if
          present) and are independent of the toolbar setting.

        + added support for IEViews "save message log as html" feature. Choose File->Save Message
          Log As..." from the menubar.
        * reorganized message log options. Message log formatting is now global by default. A new 
          dialog has been added to the user menu (Messaging Options) which allows you to override
          all "per contact" options.
        + added hotkey: F12 toggles "freeze message log updates". When enabled, all updates to the
          message log are frozen until you disable it again. That means, new messages are NOT sent
          to the message log. However, these messages are not lost, they are internally queued and
          will be written to the message log when you unfreeze it. This is useful, if you want to
          read the message log w/o being disturbed by new arriving messages causing the log to scroll
          to the bottom automatically.
        + added better mouswheel handling. Using the mousewheel now scrolls the control with the
          pointer in it (no need to change focus).

        * replaced the tray-icon double click with a middle mouse button click action.
        ! fixed: wrong (own) nickname may show up in the message log history for metacontacts.

        + tray icon will now be recreated after explorer has crashed (and restarted).
        * Meta Contacts support: show user details page of current protocol instead of the meta
          contacts page.

        + added a "floater" to access the session list and tray menus when tray icon support is
          disabled. The floater is a small window which will stay on top and has 2 icons - one
          will open the session list, the other will give you access to the tray icon context
          menu holding some options and the favorites and recent menus.
          Useful if you don't like the tray icon or usually work with a hidden taskbar.
Version - 2005/04/11

        * small fix with static avatars and toolbar button hiding.

        + added support for the Math Module plugin. Requires recent MathModule
          version. MathMod support can be activated on the Message Log options
          page (only, if the plugin is active, otherwise the option is grayed out)
        * attempt to fix a rich edit "feature" which may sometimes  automatically change 
          input locale (keyboard layout).

Version - 2005/04/11

        * updated translation template, added german translation
        * some option pages updated (conditionally enable/disable controls)
        * removed unused "Sound" submenu from the menu bar.
        * icon descriptions for IcoLib are now translateable (see the section at the
          end of the language template).
        + added MS_MSG_GETWINDOWAPI ("MessageAPI/WindowAPI") service for Message 
          API specs
        * when using the "Send Later" send mode, a log message informs you about
          successfully passing the message over to buddypounce. If using IEView, the
          message is printed to the status bar instead.
        * MetaContacts support - the status icons in the title bar and on the tool
          bar are now showing the actual protocol icons. Also, smileyadd will now use
          the smiley set which has been configured for the actual protocol. No more
          need to define an extra smiley set for the MetaContacts protocol (does not
          work with IEView though, because IEView does its smiley selection alone).
          Consequently, the MetaContacts control menu has been moved from the status
          bar to the tool bar -> right click the protocol button for the MetaContacts
          context menu.
        ! fixed small visual glitch with the add contact bar.
        * changed memory handling for the sendqueue and input history.. fixed possible 
          memory corruption with DBCS strings.
        * some IEView related updates.. codepage for force ansi send mode
        + quoting support for IEView (requires very recent IEView, not yet released)
        + bumped version requirement. Beginning with, tabSRMM REQUIRES Miranda
          0.4 or later.
Version - 2005/03/31

        * plugins like HTTPServer (and all others which try to feed text into the message 
          input area) should now work with the unicode version of tabsrmm.
        ! fixed broken dialog layout on forward message
        ! nicknames may again contain characters like { and } w/o messing up the message
          log display.
        * status bar remembers typing notification state
        * static avatar code changed. It's now really static, although, internally
          it is using the dynamic resizing code aswell. Static avatar mode can be
          selected on the "General" options page, and you can specify a height limit for
          avatars. Bigger images will be scaled down accordingly. When moving the splitter
          upwards, the image will be vertically centered within the available space.
          The splitter position may be adjusted to make enough space for the avatar.
          NOTE: If you set the limit to 0, the avatars are hard limited to 100 pixels
          in height (MSN appears to have the biggest avatars at 96x96 pixels).

        ! GUI fixes (option pages)...
        + it is now possible to set RTL as default text direction (Message Log options
          page). The per-contact override is still working though, so if you have RTL set
          as default, you can switch to LTR for some contacts.
        ! splitter position is now decoupled from the message log settings. There is a new
          submenu in the protocol menu dropdown on the toolbar where you can setup splitter
          parameters (global, local, private).
          Global: all tabs / windows use the same splitter position. Note that, when using
                  static avatars, splitter position may need to be corrected so that the avatar
                  can fit.
          Per contact: Each contact has its own splitter position.
          Private: This works as an "per contact" override. When using private, this contact
                   will always use its own splitter position and ignore global settings
                   completely. Useful, if you basically want a global splitter position, but 
                   override it for a few contacts (for whatever reason given).

          Also, the splitter menu allows you to disable auto-saving of the splitter position
          when a tab is closed. "Save now" does exactly this - it saves the splitter position
          depending on the current mode (global, per contact, private).
        ! fixed some issues with forwarding and non-standard container modes (single window, 
          limited # of tabs/container).
Version - 2005/03/28

        * non-unicode version now sets the IEEF_NO_UNICODE flag for IEview. That may
          resolve some crash problems.
        * some fixes related to the new icon loading stuff (ico lib).
        * rich edit max size fix for the message log
        * more aggressivly obeys the maxmessagelen flag returned by a 
          protocol to set the maximum allowed size of a message typed into the input

        ! fixed typing notify icon in contact list and tray (did appear as blank).
Version - 2005/03/24

        * after quoting, input focus is set to the message input area.
        + added support for the IcoLib plugin. If IcoLib is installed, you can change
          tabSRMM icons using the GUI provided by IcoLib. You still NEED to install
          an icon pack and put it into \plugins. This icon pack provides the default
          icons, and you must not remove it, even if you override icons via IcoLib.
          Iconpacks are still supported, so if you don't use IcoLib, you can still
          change your icons by installing a different tabsrmm_icons.dll.
        - the feature to load an icon pack at runtime has been removed, because of the
          IcoLib support. IcoLib is a more comfortable way to change your icons at
          runtime w/o having to restart miranda.
        ! fixed vertical maximize when taskbar is at the top (hope so)
        * the avatar does no longer react on left button clicks. This stops the flickering
          aswell. Right button click still works and opens the context menu.
        + added new send mode "send later". Buddypounce plugin is  required for this
          (otherwise it is disabled). It will just pass the message to buddypounce for
          later delivery. Note: since buddypounce does not support unicode messages,
          an implicit "force ansi" send mode is used.
        * dialog layout tweaks. It is now possible to get rid of all borders, including
          the outer tab control padding. The relevant settings are on the "tabs and
          layout" option page. You can set inner and outer border/padding values. It's
          a bit hard to explain what they do - best thing is to play around with them
        + new options (message log option page). "Attempt to fix future timestamps.
          CAUTION: may have side effects. What it does is simple: When appending incoming
          events during a session (while the window is open), it does not check for the
          timstamps and just appends them to the log. This will fix the issue, that messages
          with a timestamp "in the future" will always appear at the bottom of the log.
          It works only wile the window is open, it does not and CAN not work for loading
          the history.
Version - 2005/03/19

        ! vertical maximize didn't allow to restore the window from the taskbar
        + new hotkey Shift+Alt T toggles the menubar in the current container (remember,
          Alt-T toggles the toolbar).
        * vertical maximize can now be set quickly from the menu bar (view menu).
        + added handler for ACKTYPE_FAILED (possibly used by "delete avatar" feature(s)
        * changed smileybutton icon handling - if no button smiley is available in the
          smileypack, the icon from the icons.DLL is now used by default.
        * when "send formatting info is disabled", formatting buttons are hidden from the
        * shift-clicking the user menu button now copies the real UIN of a metacontact (the
          UIN of the "most online" protocol) and not the metacontact UIN itself (which is
          pretty useless).
Version - 2005/03/04

        + added icon pack version information. Valid icon packs need to contain a string
          identifier ("__tabSRMM_ICONPACK 1.0__") in order to be recognized. You can still
          load icon packs without this identifier, but you'll get a warning message.
          This was added to avoid problems when specifiyng a DLL which is, in fact, not
          a valid icon pack for tabSRMM. In such cases, the plugin could even crash badly
          on startup, which can be a very annoying (and hard to find) bug.
          Also, with version information in the icon pack, future versions of tabsrmm may
          work with "old" icon packs.
          When you edit an iconpack, DO NOT change the string table identifier. The ordinal
          number for the string identifier is 101.
          The version check can be disabled on the "tabs and layout" page (just below the
          option to load a new icon pack at runtime) by unchecking "Perform version check on Icon DLL"
        + added option to "vertical maximize" a container (per container setting). If enabled,
          a container is maximized only in its vertical dimension, so that the window will
          take the entire screen *height*, but will keep its current width. When disabled,
          the container will show default maximize behaviour (taking entire screen).
        ! fixed bug with soft line feeds (SHIFT-Enter) when sending formatting info is enabled.
        * changing message log or other option will no longer wipe the text from the input
        ! reset last eventtype and timestamp (for grouping messages) before rebuilding the log.
          This fixes an issue where the first message in the log could be visible with "in group"
          formatting (w/o an icon, nickname and long timestamp).
        ! ctrl-enter inserts linefeed when "send on enter" is active. I broke that a few
          versions ago.
        * if an ansi codepage is set for the current contact (right click the message log and
          select a codepage), the unicode version now uses this codepage to encode the ansi
          part of the message. If no codepage is set, the default, system wide, codepage (CP_ACP)
          will be used. This will only affect the unicode version, the ansi version is always
          using the current codepage.
        * force ansi send extended to receive - if set, messages received from a "force ansi" 
          contact will ignore the unicode part.
Version - 2005/03/04

        ! re-enabled the "show multisend" menu bar item.
        ! export/import themes now show the appropriate file selection window (open/save as)

        ! fixed send on shift enter.
        ! "Flat message log" now tries to remove static edges from ieview and message input 
          area aswell.

        ! detecting IEView on startup didn't work with some configurations. 
        ! When "send formatting info" was active in the non-unicode version, additional
          linefeeds were sent at the end of each message.
        ! new send mode - force ANSI. When enabled, messages will be sent as pure ansi,
          using the current codepage. Useful when the client of your buddy has troubles
          receiving unicode messages. This setting is a "per contact" OVERRIDE and WILL
          STICK even if you close the message window until you deactivate it.
          This has only an effect in the unicode version of tabSRMM - the non-unicode always
          sends ANSI.

        + the protocol menu is back. At the moment, it has only one submenu for configuring
          the message log. It is now possible to switch between rich edit and IEView "on the
          fly" while the message window is open. Please note, that these settings are saved
          to the contacts db record, so you can now override the message log being in use
          on a "per contact" basis.
          Example: You have set the default option to use the IEView plugin (message log
                   options). You can now override this setting for a specific contact and force
                   the default message log.
                   (or vice versa, of course).
        + made hotkeys translateable. Please refer to the translation template included in the
          archive to figure out which strings need to be translated. The hotkeys are at the 
          very end of this file.
        + new hotkey - Alt-T (default). Toggles toolbar quickly.
Version - 2005/02/23

        ! flicker-free formatting button update
        ! changed multisend UI a bit. There is now a new button just right of the send button.
          It's called "send menu" and looks like a small dropdown toolbar button. If you click
          it (hotkey is Ctrl-S) a menu will open, allowing you to set the sending mode. 3 
          modes are available at the moment:
          1) Default (send to contact only).
          2) Send to multiple Users - will open the multisend window, allowing you to choose
             up to 20 contacts.
          3) Send to container - this replaces the /all command (which didn't work well with 
             the new message input box code anyway) and will send the message to all tabs
             in the current container.
          More "sending modes" may be added in the future.
          The old multisend button is gone, however, if you are in *any* multisend mode, an
          icon will appear left of the input box, indicating that the message you are typing
          *may* be sent to more than a single contact.

        ! applying any options does no longer hide the error controls, if the window/tab is in
          "error state".
        * support for IEView's smiley-selection window added. If you have enabled the support 
          for the "external log" (ieview), the smiley button will now show IEViews smiley 
          selection control. This requires IEView or later.
Version - 2005/02/22

        Bugfix release only.
        ! tab icons were partially broken because of the "load icon pack at runtime" feature.
        ! The menu entry to select in/out icons did not work properly.
        ! when loading a new icon pack at runtime, all message windows will be closed before
          applying the new icons. A dialog box will inform you about this and you can, of course,
          cancel the process.
        ! the "protocol menu" button was visible, even it does not (yet) provide any functionality.

        ! The option "do not resize avatars less than x pixels in height" should now work ok.
        ! fixed possible problem with unicode detection.
Version - 2005/02/17

        First, this requires a new tabsrmm_icons.dll format. Icons have been added , so you'll
        need to upgrade your icon packs. You can use the provided .DLL files as a template
        as always. The new ordinal numbers are:
        #19 secureim disabled
        #20 secured connection
        19 and 20 are only necessary, if you have a tabsrmm compatible SecureIM.dll (which
        is not yet available).
        #21 this icon is now used for status changes
        + merged std's patch for improved indenting with tabstops. This option works best
          with the following msg log settings:
          *) grouping enabled
          *) message body in a new line
          *) mark followup messages with timestamps
          It is a new message log option, available either as global or per-contact option
          (depending on the message log option mode - global or per-contact).

        + merged Ghosts patch for interaction with the SecureIM plugin. It needs an updated
          Secure IM plugin which is not yet released.
        ! fixed a resizing issue with "windowshade" mode (if you're using windowblinds or other
          utilities which support "rolling up" a window and reduce it to the title bar only.

        * changed the option pages to use a tab control. Now, tabSRMM inserts not more than
          2 entries into the options "tree" of Mirandas main options dialog.
          * Message windows (all settings concerning the log, containers, layout etc.)
          * typing notify (the old typing notify dialog).
          * fonts and colors - still an extra page.
          Thanks to JdGordon for providing the sample source code :)

        + options->fonts and colors: New setting "Extra microspacing at the end of a paragraph". 
          Does exactly this. It adds "n" pixels of additional space after a paragraph and 
          before the grid line (if using them). This is to avoid the rather ugly look with 
          some fonts, where characters like "j, g, y" etc." are sitting directly ON the 
          grid line. You have to tweak this setting depending on the font you are using 
          for displaying messages - some fonts need it, others dont. Set it to 0 to
          disable the effect.
        + The hotkey Alt+X now works like in other programs - it interpretes the characters 
          preceding the cursor as hexadecimal representation of a valid unicode character code
          and inserts this character right at the cursor.
          e.g. type "263a" and hit Alt+X - it will insert a little face.

        ! in status change events, the nickname was displayed with the wrong font/color setting
          (own nickname configuration).

        * changed ACK code - the "per message window" ack handler is now replaced by a global
          ack dispatcher.
        + multisend is back, still EXPERIMENTAL though. Use with care and be warned that some
          stuff, like error handling, doesn't work as it should. Multisend is currently limited
          to 20 contacts/send - this may or may not change in the future, depending on how well
          it works.
        ! when creating tabs minimized in the background, the container didn't always flash as
          it should.
        + added new icon to the tabsrmm_icons.dll ordinal #21 - used for status change messages 
          in the message log.
        + added new color option in the "Fonts and colors" dialog. It is now possible to set the
          color of the *horzontal" grid lines independently of the background color. The vertical
          grid lines can not use this color (its a rich edit limitation), but you can disable them
          if you want.
        + added *basic* theming support. The message log menu (menubar or toolbar button) contains
          2 new entries which allow you to export or import all visual settings to/from .ini
          format files. The following things are exported:
          * all fonts (including colors, style, charset etc..)
          * all background colors
          * all message log formatting options.
          The files are using a .tabrmm extension but are standard plaintext .ini files.
        + added extra font setting for error messages. Previously, they were using the same font
          as status changes did. The new font setting is appended to the font list, so you don't
          need to reconfigure everything this time :)
        * unified all eventhooks - finally. 
        + added simple text formatting routines for formatting *bold* /italic/ and _underline_ 
          in the message log. Some code was taken from the textformat plugin and adopted to 
          tabSRMM (unicode aware, some small changes)-
        * added message log options: "use symbols instead of icons". This will use symbols
          from the webdings font for marking events in the message log, instead of drawing
          icons. The advantage is that this is WAY faster and uses only a fraction of the
          memory consumed by the icon code. There are 2 new font settings (symbols incoming
          and symbols outgoing) - you can set the size+color, but not the font itself (it
          is forced to use the Webdings symbol font).
        - removed static avatar layout. Avatars are now always dynamically resized and the layout
          is constantly tweaked to avoid a "damaged" tool bar. A new option is available
          under Options->Messaging:
          [ ] Always keep the button bar at full width
          This option, when enabled, will prevent the avatar from using toolbar space. Its
          useful if you have enabled the formatting buttons, because they will increase the
          space needed on the toolbar significantly.

          [ ] Do not resize avatars less than [___] pixels in height.
          When opening a window/tab, the avatar will be kept in its original size when it is
          less than x pixels heigh (where x is configurable). The splitter position will be
          set so that the avatar can be drawn unresized.

        ! fixed dividers screwing up linespacing sometimes.

        * UIN is now cached for non-metacontacts (saves service calls at every status change and 
          titlebar update.
        * UIN can now be shown in the status & title bar. The UIN button is gone from the tool-

        * changed toolbar code. Its no longer possible to hide button groups separately. You
          can now quickly show/hide the toolbar from a menu entry (view->tool bar) or from the
          container options dialog. Toolbar is also no longer a global, but a "per container"
          setting, so you can have different configurations in different containers.
          Toolbar resizing and button hiding is now dyanmic. The layout code will hide less
          important buttons when there is not enough space.
        + new option -> Tabs and layout: Flat message log. When checked, the message log will
          appear w/o a border or static window edge.
        + ability to configure which buttons should be hidden first when the available space
          on the button bar is not sufficient to display all buttons. You can choose between the
          formatting controls and the standard buttons. You can also choose if you want the send
          button to be hidden automatically.

        * The "add contact" button is gone from the standard toolbar. For contacts which are not
          on the contact list, additional controls will be shown "on demand", including a button
          to add them.
        * improved formatting code - you can now write something like _this_is_nice_ and the 
          formatting code will ignore tags within words. Options->message log->Format whole words
          only. In general, this will ignore formatting "tags" (*/_) within words, which means
          that you can only format whole words.
        + it's now possible to change the icon theme "on the fly". You can load a new icon .dll
          under Options->Message Window->Tabs and layout. All icons will be updated "on the fly".
Version - 2005/01/24

        + added support for the snapping windows plugin. Yeah, even if I personally HATE
          snapping windows, its done. Why? Because this great plugin makes it so easy - 
          a single line of code is enough :)
          You can find this great plugin here: 

          However, its off by default, you need to activate it by checking the option 
          under Options->Message sessions->Message containers.
        * changed window flashing code. Its now using FlashWindowEx() which means that
          tabSRMM won't work on Windows 95 anymore, but I don't think thats a problem :)
          The advantage is a code which is less complex and saves resources as well (the
          old code had to deal with timers for flashing the windows, the new code doesn't
          need to do this anymore).
          Another advantage is that you can now set the number of flashes (only applies to
          containers which are using the "default" value and are NOT set to flash forever)
          and the flashing interval. You can find both options under Options->Message sessions->
          Container options.
        ! The option "use contacts local time" should no longer break message grouping when
          the adjusted time of the buddy is "in the future".
Version - 2005/01/20

        + new "per container option": "Use static icon" - if checked, the 
          container will use a static icon instead of showing the contacts
          status icon. The icon will be obtained from the tabsrmm_icons.dll
          using ordinal #18 (IDI_CONTAINER). If you're using a modified
          tabsrmm_icons.dll, you'll have to reshack it and supply a valid
          The message icon will still be visible when the container has unread
          events in one of its tabs, but the status icon(s) will be replaced by
          the static container icon.
        * the tabsrmm_icons.dll will now be recognized in both the .\plugins and
          .\icons subdirectories.
          Order of search is:
          a) .\plugins
          b) .\icons
        ! just another focus fix - in some cases, containers didn't gain the focus
          when they actually should. Opening sessions using hokeys (HotContact plugin)
          should now work again.
        ! metacontacts support - don't force a protocol when the MetaContacts protocol
          returns an error.
        ! metacontacts support - check for forced protocol at tab creation.
          PLEASE UPDATE your MetaContacts plugin -> at least is now required
          by tabsrmm.
        + new option: "Flash contact list and tray icons for new events in unfocused windows".
          This is some kind of "icq style" event notification - the contact list and
          the tray icon will flash when you receive a message in a window which is not
          focused. Only the first event for each contact will trigger the flashing and
          it will go away when the tab receives the focus. You may also click the tray icon
          or double click the contact in the clist to activate the tab.
          You can find this option under "Options->Message sessions->Messaging"
          Note that, this MAY cause problems with other events like incoming file transfers.
Version - 2005/01/18

        ! fixed - status icon on the container did not appear when the title bar
          was forced to not show the buddy status text.
        ! the dialog box for choosing the autopopup status modes is now translateable.
        ! hopefully fixed the long standing bug which was causing the container to
          steal the focus, even when it was created minimized on the taskbar.
        * NEW SEND QUEUE system - work in progress, handle with care :)
          multisend is temporarily disabled, because it doesn't really work right
          now, but in the end it should, and it should work even better than the
          old system.
          The rewritten send queue may cause troubles with error handling, so please
          backup your old tabsrmm.dll first. You have been warned.
          Also, icon feedback may be broken as of now.
Version - 2005/01/14

        ! fixed a few translation bugs (menu bar, the new status mode dialog)

        + new option: typing notify->Flash window once on typing events.
          This can be disabled to avoid the flashes when a typing notification
          It is enabled by default and replaces the old option to enable the
          typing notify window icons (which is gone).
        ! manually opening a container does not give him a message icon instead
          of the status icon.
        * when a container shows a message icon indicating unread events in one
          of its tabs, the typing notify icon may temporarily override the message

        + meta contact support: When the toolbar button is set to show the full UIN,
          it will now display the UIN of the active subcontact, instead of the 
          MetaContact ID# (which is a simple number and not really important to know).

Version - 2005/01/08 - BETA

        This is the first official "BETA" version of tabSRMM. It will be released on
        Mirandas plugin page as well as my sourceforge project site. There are a few
        known bugs left, but otherwise the plugin works fine and has lots of new options
        and features since the last "official" release which was 0.0.8.

        * removed debugging option to disable micro linefeeds
        * minor layout changes (avatar field alignment and tab control client area)
        * removed obsolete code for layouting the multisend splitter in the old way.

        * reviewed all dialog boxes and maxed the horizontal space for most
          configuration options (checkboxes mainly) to make translation into other
          languages easier.
        * included new version of NewEventNotify which should help against double
          popups when using the metacontacts plugin.
        * the option "Remove trailing empty lines" is now on by default.
        + added basic support for the metacontacts plugin. There is a new status
          bar indicator showing the protocol in use. It is there for all contacts,
          but for metacontacts it opens a context menu if you click the protocol
          icon with your right mouse button.
        * changed internal typing notification code - it's now using the popup configuration 
          setting from the current container so that you can have the baloon-type
          tray notifications or flashing icons based on the state of the current window
          (minimized, unfocused etc.)
        ! the error control buttons were not translateable. Fixed.
        * metacontacts support: unforce protocol added to tab closing code and the
          context menu in the status bar.
        * tabsrmm can now display notifications and debug messages using ballon-type
          tray notifications. This feature no longer depends on the popup plugin.
          See: Options->Message Session->Messaging->Notifications. Three settings are
          * None (disable them completely)
          * Tray notifications (use baloon-style tray tooltips)
          * Popups - use popups. If the popup plugin is not installed, it will fall
            back to tray notifications.
        * the included NewEventNotify plugin can now use the OSD (on screen display)
          plugin to display its notifications about new messages. You need to have
          the OSD plugin installed and you need to actiavte it under:
          Options->Popups->Event Notify->Use OSD plugin instead of popups.
          NOTE: this is experimental - the osd plugin is very new and may contain
        + added a tooltip to the new status bar panel - it shows your own nickname
          and the active protocol.
        ! (hopefully) fixed a possible "crash at exit" problem.

        + session stats tracking code added. tabSRMM will now track the stats of a
          session, including the session length, the number of sent and received
          messages, the total amount of sent and received characters, and the number
          of delivery failures.
          There is no code (yet) to display these stats though.

        + merged bids crash fixes for the smileyadd plugin into my own version of
          smileyadd for tabSRMM.
        + added versioninfo block to the resources.
        + added an option to specify on which status modes, windows and tabs may be
          created automatically on incoming events.
          Check "Options->Message sessions->Message tabs->Setup Status modes...

        * changed the title bar + icon notification code. The message icon is now ex-
          clusivly used for indicating a waiting event in a tab. Typing notifications
          will be shown in the title bar, unless the window is focused.
          Typing notification messages + icons should no longer remain when the window
          receives a "typing off" message.

 Version - 2005/01/04

        ! fixed close tab on double click
        ! fixed missing PREF_UNICODE on resend attempts
        * new event for the event API - its fired before a message is sent. An external
          plugin can use it to alter the content of the message input area.
          This is for developers only - The event is sent via the MSG_WINDOW_EVT_CUSTOM
          event type and the tabMSG_WINDOW_EVT_CUSTOM_BEFORESEND subtype is passed
          via the evtCode field of the TABSRMM_SessionInfo structure. A pointer to this
          structure is passed via MessageWindowEventData.local.
          (see m_tabsrmm.h and m_message.h for further details).
Version - 2004/12/02

        * small change in smileyadd and tabSRMM's interface to smileyadd as an attempt
          to fix a rare bug with smiley background color in chat.dll windows.
          YOU NEED TO REPLACE smileyadd.dll with the version in the archive, otherwise
          smiley backgrounds in tabsrmm will not work when using the individual background
        + new option - > auto close tab after x minutes of inactivity. 
          Does exactly that. Tabs don't get autoclosed when:
          a) unread messages are there (the tab icon is flashing)
          b) the input area contains characters
          Things, which reset the inactivity timer:
          a) typing in the input area
          b) new message arriving
          c) activating/focusing the tab
        ! fixed disappearing avatar when applying options
        ! fixed right-alt-v does no longer paste.
        * quoting does no longer replace the entire typed message. The quoted text is now
          inserted at the caret location.
        * You can now disable "Send on SHIFT Enter".
        * The small timestamp for grouped messages can be replaced by a simple ">" character.

        * added a new icon pack to the archive which you can find in the contrib directory.
          This iconpack was contributed by Faith Healer. Thanks for sharing :)
        + added the new event api also found in SRMM to support external plugins.
        + added new option to delete temporary contacts when closing a session.
        + SHIFT-INS now behaves like CTRL-V and pastes plain text.
Version - 2004/11/14

        * unified the unsent and charcounter displays on the statusbar. The new format
          is now: x/yyyy where is is the number of queued messages (normally 0) and yyyy
          the number of chars typed into the input box.
          Reason: Make space on the status bar for new indicators coming in the future.
        * When using dynamic avatar resizing, the maximum size of an avatar is no longer
          limited to 300 x 300 pixels. It can be up to 1024x768 pixels (not recommended though,
          as this will use quite some memory) and will be downsized to match the splitter
        * the dynamic avatar resizing now enforces a horzontal size limit - the avatar cannot
          gain more than 80% of the width of the window width so the message input area
          will never completely disappear because of the avatar taking all the available
          space. Note that this may corrupt the aspect ratio of an avatar picture.

        ! fixed severe bug with avatars (messing up contacts handle)

        * added smart avatar resizing - when using the dynamic avatar resizing option,
          the layouting code will now take care that the avatar won't take too much space
          of the button bar. it will try to keep all the button visible.
        * threaded streaming (icon + smiley replacement) is now only used for filling the
          initial message log. For adding single messages to the log, the threading stuff
          is a waste because of its overhead.

        ! a divider should not appear at the very beginning of the message log, even if the
          session qualifies for a divider because of its unfocused state.
 Version - 2004/11/13

        * various avatar layouting fixes.
        * removed "Send on double enter" as this is broken due to the rich edit input

        * fixed MingW32 Makefile - works with GCC 3.4.1 and recent MingW32 builds.
          Note, compiling with GCC results in a dll about 60-70 k larger than the
          Visual C++ build - this is normal and no reason to worry...
        * the "unsent" display did not update properly when changing tabs.
        * the small line just below the menu bar (menu bar separator) is now coupled
          with the visibility of the menu bar. It's invisible while the menu bar is 

Version - 2004/11/11

        * RTL didn't fully work for the message input area

        * added small 2pixel margins to the message input area to make it look better
        * If you're using per-contact message log settings, you can now apply the current
          log formatting options to all your contacts by choosing the option from the menu.

        * 2 new options for globally setting avatar display mode:
          * On, if present -> show avatar if there is a valid one
          * Globally off. Never show any avatar. No exceptions.
        * dynamic avatar resizing added. Check this under options -> messaging.
          It will resize the avatar so that it fits depending on the current splitter
          position. Splitter setting is enforced, so it will never change because of
          the size of the avatar.
        * The unicode version is no longer using a RichEdit20W control for the input
          area. Instead, its using the "A" version in conjunction with the extended
          API for fetching and setting unicode strings.
Version - 2004/11/07

        * the unicode version now uses utf-8 encoding to store various unicode settings
          in the DB. No more blobs.
        * ability to show the tabs at the bottom. Looks fine with classic windows theme,
          but may look strange with visual styles.
          NOTE: Please don't complain - the official word from MS is that bottom tabs
          are UNSUPPORTED under Windows XP when using visual styles. So either find
          a style with "symmetric" tab skins (they look fine with bottom tabs in most
          cases) or don't use bottom tabs.
          Or use classic theme :)
        * New menubar added. It can be hidden (as a per container setting) and contains
          many options which are normally only accessible via various option pages.
        * input area is now a rich edit control instead of a normal multiline edit box.
          It was changed to allow future additions like text formatting

        * new avatar setting: Disable automatic Avatar updates. You can find it in the
          avatar menu on the toolbar and in the new menu bar. This setting is "per contact"
          only and will prevent automatic avatar changes, if you have, for example, set
          your own custom picture for a specific contact.
        * simplified the font settings a bit. There are now less than before and they
          were moved to another DB module path. So you will probably have to reconfigure
          your fonts :(
        * fast copy the UIN to the clipboard by clicking on the usermenu button (second
          button from the left) while holding the shift key.
        * Global settings for avatar display added. See Options -> Messaging. There are
          3 modes available to activate avatars per default, per default for protocols
          which support them, or manually per contact.
Version - 2004/10/17

        * fixed middle click close did not respect the "warn onl close" setting.
        * fixed small cosmetical issue with the status bar tn icon.
        * fixed typing notify icon not clickable if char count panel was disabled.
        * changed font and color configuration dialog. It now uses the same system
          also used by the contact list font configuration screen. It's more
          convient and easier to setup. You will probably have to re-setup some of
          your font and color options.
        * redone the message log options dialog. Now, with the fonts moved to their
          own page, this option page is less cluttered and easier to use.
        * changed the code which loads the smiley button icon. It now uses a button-
          icon (if the smileypack contains one). If not, it tries to load the :) icon
          and resizes it to 16x16 (if necessary). If all fails, a default icon from
          the icon.dll is used.
        * made the thin (1pixel) grid lines optional. They are causing troubles with
          some versions of the rich edit control. If you happen to get "invisible"
          messages at the end of the log, turn off the "Thin grid lines" option.
        * changed the way indent works. There is now also a right-indent value.
          If no indent value is given, a default of 3 pixel is used for left and right

        * ARGH, don't free() a pointer which might be needed ages later :)
          This one was ugly, causing crashes after a failed message delivery.
        * redone the error controls. They are now at the top of the window, so there
          is no more need to hide the button bar in order to show the error controls.
        * New message log formatting option: Group subsequent messages. If this is on
          and you receive or send more than 1 message in a row, then those messages
          will be "grouped". There will be no divider (grid line) between the grouped
          messages, and only the first one will show the full header (nick and complete
          timestamp). Subsequent messages will only show a short timestamp (no date).
          To make this look "good" you will probably have to play a bit with timestamp
          and indentation settings.

        * the message log code now caches rtf font formatting strings for the. This will save
          a few dozens of DB accesses and font calculations PER EVENT (message) when 
          building the message log. The speedup when loading 100 old events is 
          noticeable, even on fast machines.
        * its now possible to sync sounds for incoming message with the current container
        * improved "scroll to bottom" code. Works better when aligning avatar settings.
        + added ability to use "relative" timestamps like "Today" and "Yesterday"
        + added option to display date in "long" format (depends on your regional settings)
        * various fixes for the rich edit streaming code. All options, including thin
          grid lines should now work for the Windows XP SP2 version of the rich edit
        * moved the status bar to the container window. Previously, each tab had its own
          status bar, which is a waste of resources. Now, they have to share a single
          status bar.
        + added EXPERMIMENTAL multithreading for replacing icons and smileys in the message
          log. The option is on the messaging options page and is off by default.
Version - 2004/10/06

        * sendquue stuff added. No more disabled input box while a message is sent.
        * more smileyadd changes, tabSRMM now has "native" support for a custom version
          of smileyadd. It also places its own smileybutton.
        * icons splitted into a resource DLL. You NEED TO COPY ONE OF THE INCLUDED
          tabsrmm_icons.dll to your Miranda plugin folder, otherwise you won't get
          any icons.
        + new feature: you can toggle your own typing notifications FOR THIS CONTACT
          ONLY by clicking the icon in the lower right corner of the window. 
          NOTE that this only toggles the checkbox also found in the main miranda
          options, so it will NOT force sending tn to contacts which are, for
          example, not on your visible list.
        * a small (2 pixel) padding has been added to the message log window, even
          when the normal indent is switched off.
        * grid lines are now only 1 pixel in width (they were 2).

        + the smiley button now shows the default smiley icon used for the :) smiley
          (if available). The icon will be sized down to SM_CXSMICON/SM_CYSMICON 
          if necessary in order to fit on the button.
          If no default icon is available in the smiley pack, a fallback icon from
          tabsrmms own icon.dll will be used.
        * subclassed the tab control to make "close on middleclick" possible.
Version - 2004/10/02

        * disabled the streaming thread stuff - it was causing problems which could
          be fixed, but require some more work "under the hood".
        * simplified divider code. No need to stream en extra event for these little
        * displaying message log icons should be way faster now
        * fixed smileybutton appearance somewhere in the message log when button bar
          was disabled.
        * MSN avatars now update the mTooltip "Photo" page (if present).

Version - 2004/09/26

        ! message log icons are now forced into 16x16 format
        ! the message log icon code now only searches the appended text when a new
          message arrives which results in much faster operations for logs holding
          a huge amount of text.

        + new option to limit the maximum number of tabs per container. This works
          only for unassigned contacts (contacts which open in the default container)
          and is not available when using the CLIST group container mode (grouping
          your contacts according to your clist group configuration and then breaking
          them up again wouldn't make sense anyway).
          Set the limit to 1 if you want one window per contact.
        * changed the EVENTTYPE for the status logging code. This will avoid such events
          beeing classified as "SMS" events. 
          NOTE: if you experience troubles with the log ignoring the color/font settings
          for old and new events: This is a result of this change and it will AUTOMATICALLY
          go away as soon as there are no more old status change events in the log. So
          you could for example limit the number of old events loaded...
          There is also a new "NewEventNotify.dll" which you need to install in order to
          avoid the "unknown event" popups if you have:
          a) status change logging enabled, and
          b) enabled the NewEventNotify option to get notifications on "other" events.
        * loading the avatar is now using its own thread to avoid a frozen main thread
          while loading remote pictures.
        + new option on "message tabs" options page: You can remove the static edges on
          the splitter and the line just below the message log to get a completely "flat"
          looking toolbar.
        + new container mode: "Use single window mode". This will create implicit containers
          for each session you open. It will completely ignore all container assignments
          you have made (they will stay intact though, so you could switch back to
          manual or CLIST group mode at any time) and open a single window per contact.
        + added msg log icon for status changes (global "user online" icon.
        + added multithreaded streaming. Now, all streaming is done by a separate thread
          which frees the main thread from doing this. This can avoid a "frozen" main 
          thread and unresponsive ui when large amounts of data need to be streamed into
          the message log window.
          This is EXPERIMENTAL, it may cause other unexpected problems.
        * disabled UNDO functionality in the Rich Edit control (message log). It's not
          needed (the control is read-only) and just wastes resources.
        + new icon set for the button bar. Contributed by a member from the Miranda
          community. Very nice and colorful icons, the button bar looks a lot better 
          now :)
        * more tightly interoperration with smileyadd. tabSRMM now has its own smiley
          button. You can also change smiley replacement "on the fly" and do no longer
          need to restart miranda. The code will detect if smileyadd is available and
          installed. Please DISABLE the button inserted by smileyadd under 
          Options->Events->Smileys unless you want the button appear twice :) The new
          smiley button also solves the "focus lost" problem, now the input area 
          regains focus after inserting a smiley.
        * button bar icons are now loaded once at plugin startup. There is no need for
          each tab having its own copy of the icons, since those icons are static and
          never change during the "lifetime" of the plugin.
        * its now possible to disable the multithreaded streaming code in case you have
          problems. It's enabled by default and you can disable it on Options->Messaging
          You NEED TO RESTART miranda if you change this setting.
Version - 2004/09/24

        + new "mIRC style" tab selection hotkeys. ALT-1 to ALT-0 will select the 
          corresponding tab. ALT-1 will select the leftmost (first) tab, and ALT-0
          the rightmost (last) tab. Maybe confusing if you have more tabs than
          actually fit on a single row.
        + added a few pixels of padding "inside" the message log so that characters
          won't touch the inner border of the rich edit control anymore.
        * container system menu: rearranged menu items so that close will always be
          at the bottom of the menu (hinted by OnO).
        * new option on the message log page: Use Arrow icons: This will replace the
          message icons in front of each message with small arrows showing the direction.
          A green arrow marks outgoing, and a red arrow incoming events.
        * experimental fix for highlighting issues when using individual background
          colors. Trailing lines are now removed from the message if they are empty.
          It's still possible to have empty lines within a message, but if the last
          line of the message body is *completely* empty, it will be removed.
          This solves the problem which occured with individual background colors
          where those empty lines were actually drawn with the default background
          color (very ugly).
          You need to activate this explicitely on the "Message Log Options" page.
        * avatar changes: It's now again possible to choose an avatar from the message
          window if you do not have mTooltip installed. Just click the picture menu
          button (left of the history button) and choose "Load a local picture as avatar".
          Note that the avatar section must be visible (toggle it on before), otherwise
          the menu item will be greyed out. Selecting the avatar from the message window
          will also write the picture to the mTooltip setting (if available), so you 
          don't have to change the picture twice if you're using mTooltip plugin.
        * fixed CTRL-backspace. If there are more lines than the input box can actually
          display w/o scrolling, ctrl-backspace was always setting the cursor to the
          start of the text. Now, the cursor is always placed at the end.
        * changed MSN avatar code. Now, a single event hook cares about all sessions. This
          should avoid performance problems on slower machines with lots of MSN sessions

Version - 2004/09/21

        ! fixed a few layout issues with multisend clist not updating correctly
        + added support for the new avatar notifications of the MSN protocol. This
          will require very recent builds of MSN and Miranda. Avatars are now up-
          dated in "real time" whenever they change.

Version - 2004/09/19

        * new icon code for showing message log icons. It uses code from smileyadd
          to insert icons as ole objects so they can use the "proper" background color
          if you're using different colors for incoming and outgoing messages.
        * message input area has now a "static edge" instead of the frame. Looks better
          and matches the border style of the message log (also a static edge type).
Version - 2004/09/17

        ! fixed bug with autoswitch tabs and tabs created in the background (they
          didn't flash after autoswitching to another tab).
        ! layout changes. It's now possible to hide all tab control borders if 
          multiple tabs are opened by setting the value for "Tab control border"
          to zero (Message tabs options page).
          If only one tab is open and you have configured tabSRMM to hide the tab
          bar, then no borders will be visible as well.

Version - 2004/09/16

        + added individual background colors for incoming and outgoing messages. Set
          the colors under Options>Message Sessions->Message log and activate the
          option. You can also activate the "grid" which will show grid-like lines
          between the messages. The grid uses the default background color.
          Known issues with this feature: a)Smileys are rendered with the default bg
          color, because smileyadd cannot know about the new colors (it assumes that
          the message log window has only one background color). Workaround: don't use
          high contrast colors between the default and the individual colors. For
          example, use a light grey as default color and a light blue/red for 
          the individual colors.
          b) Icons break the background color stuff. No idea why and how to fix it
             so if you care then don't use icons and the individual bg colors at
             the same time.
        * changed buddypounce interoperability. Now, tabSRMM does no longer add the
          messages to the history. Instead you get a notification about the message
          being sent to buddypounce for later delivery. Buddypounce adds them to the
          database when it actually sends them.
Version - 2004/09/14
        * changed avatar code.
        + new mouse "gesture". Double click the button bar while holding the left ALT key
          to show/hide the button bar and its controls. This is only temporary and will
          not affect the global options under Message Sessions->Messaging. It will also
          not be saved anywhere.
        + dividers can now use the popup configuration (basically, this wil dividers
          make appear in tabs which would also trigger a event notification popup,
          based on the containers popup configuration mode).
        + avatars are now updated in "real time" when you change the picture on the
          photo page.
Version - 2004/09/13

        + added a "send later" button to the error dialog which appears when a message 
          send fails. Clicking it will hand over the message to the buddy pounce 
          plugin for later delivery. Obviously, this feature requires the Buddy
          Pounce plugin to be installed, otherwise the button will be inaccessible.
        + added new option -> "use contact list group names for organizing containers"
          You can find this option on the Container options page under Options->Message Sessions.
          If this option is enabled, tabSRMM automatically assigns contacts according to 
          the group in which they are. Containers with the name of the group are created 
          automatically if needed. Contacts which are not in any group will be opened in 
          the default container.

          Also note that, if this option is enabled, the options to attach contacts manually 
          are disabled, so you cannot change the container assignments until you disable 
          the option again.
          Using this option will NOT overwrite assignments you have created manually.         

Version - 2004/09/11
        * moved all option pages to a new group. "Message Sessions".
        * the options concerning auto creation of tabs are now disabled if the "auto
          popup" feature is checked. Remember, auto-popup always overrides the
          "background create" features.
Version - 2004/09/11

        ! fixed "ding" sound when closing the last tab
        ! fixed the option pages (apply button was always highlighted)
        * removed the global container options page, because it was confusing more than
          anything else :)
          Container options can now only be changed by using the container options 
          dialog box, which is available by:
          a) the system menu of any container
          b) the tab control context menu (right click any tab)
          c) the button bar context menu (right click an empty space on the button bar)

        ! don't autoswitch on status change events.
        * autoswitch now also works when creating tabs in the "background" and the
          container was minimised to the taskbar.
Version 0.0.8 - 2004/09/10

        + merged "/all" mod by JdGordon. Allows you to send a message to all tabs within
          the current container.
          Just type /all message and the message will be sent to everyone in the current
          WARNING: Depending on the IM network and their terms of use, this might be 
          considered as some kind of mass-messaging.  Some networks may disconnect you or
          even ban your account for some time in that case. I suggest that you do not
          use this feature with a lot of contacts opened.
        + container transparency added.
        + container option dialog added. Most container settings are now saved on a "per-
          container" base. This includes settings for: titlebar on/off, hide tabs when only
          one tab is presend, flashing mode, sticky (stay on top) and the service report
          There are still settings in the Prefrences page, but these will only affect new
        * redesigned the option pages. There are now 2 pages - "Message tabs" for the 
          general options and "Message Containers" for the container-specific settings.
          The old option page was getting too messy...
        + added new feature: deferred timeout error handling.
          To use this feature, the following things must be present:
          * popup/popup Plus plugin must be active.
          * popups must not be disabled.
          * the option must be activated under Options>Message tabs>use popups for timeout errors
          This is how it works: If the tab in which the error occurs is not active, then it
          will NOT show the error dialog box. Instead, it will display a red popup and change the
          tab icon to a red "X". The popup will show the error text reported by the protocol
          and the icon will stay until you activate the tab.
        ! fixed: options were only available with "expert mode settings" enabled.
        * changed context menu. Removed the additional entrys from the right-click menu in the
          message log. Now, the tab-context menu includes them.
        + The tab-context menu is now also available by right-clicking the button bar.
        + implemented rename/delete containers.
        + added shortcut: Ctrl-W -> closes the active tab.
        + added icon flashing for tabs created in the background.
        * use contacts local time is now a per-contact setting. It is available from the new
          "message log options" menu which you can reach by clicking the button.
        * changed most of the message log options to "per contact" settings. You WILL most
          likely need to reconfigure the defaults under Options->Messaging log (only applies
          to yes/no switches, all font settings are still global and will remain so).
          There is a new button which opens a pulldown menu when clicked. Basically, all
          these settings can now be saved on a "per contact" basis. If you don't like it this
          way, you can tick the option "Ignore per-contact settings under Options->Message tabs.
        - removed the RTL button. The switch can now be found in the newly introduced 
          "Message log options" menu.
        ! made "autosave msg" unicode aware. Note that, the unicode version of tabSRMM uses
          a different way to store the message. This means, that you will not see what you have
          saved with the non-unicode version and vice versa.
        ! fixed quoting for unicode.
        ! fixed bug with container options dialog not showing when container was minimized to
          the taskbar.
        * made the /all command unicode-aware
        * fixed container delete/rename functions for the unicode version
        * allow for gloabl splitter position (check the message log options menu)
        + new container setting system added. Container names are now fully unicode-aware.
          The unicode version uses different places to store its setting, so it will not
          collide with settings written by the non-unicode version.
        * more changes for "per-contact" message log options.
        + new option: it is now possible to have containers created minimized, if you also
          have the option "Auto create tab on event" activated. Just check "Also create
          container, but do not activate it".
        ! attempt to fix the ALT-S problem. The new layout does no longer allow for trans-
          lating the "Send" button. Since this is a picture button anyway and does not
          display any text, this solution should be fine.
        * better visual cues for typing notification. If minimized or in the background, 
          the container now changes its title to show who is actually typing.
          The "stuck" titlebar icon should no longer occur.
        * internal layouting changes. new option to set left and right borders between window
          border and the tab control. Set this to zero if you want the smallest possible border.
        + added a "close container" entry to the tab-context menu to make closing a container
          easier if title bar is hidden (remember, the tab-context menu is also available by
          right-clicking the button bar).
        ! fixed easydrag - window should no longer detach from the mouse pointer while left button
          is still down.
        + ability to hide statusbar. This is a global setting available from Options->Message tabs,
          but you can override it on a per-contact base from the message log options menu.
        + New submenu added to the tab context menu. It contains a list of all available
          containers so you can quickly attach a message tab without using the container attach
        ! fixed the "warn on close" feature for containers. It was possible to force more than
          one warning message dialog.
        - removed old message layout.
        * New layout option: "Multisend CLIST splits message history only"
          If enabled, the embedded contact list will only take horizontal
          space from the message history window. Everything else will retain its full width.
        * tabSRMM is now a "conversion style only" message module. The old single send/read
          modes have been disabled.

        * The "Warn on close tab" feature does no longer ask if you exit miranda with 
          message windows opened.
        * double-clicking the empty space on the button bar will now minimize the container.
          Holding CTRL while double-clicking will close the container and holding down SHIFT
          will toggle the titlebar.
        ! fixed bug - double clicking an inactive tab caused problems when more than a single
          row of tabs was shown in the control.
        + added: "enable popups if unfocused". A new "per container" setting which will basically
          do the same as "enable popups if minimized" but extend this to containers which are
          only sent to the background but may still be visible on screen (at least, partially).
        * if status bar is hidden, typing notify will change the tab icon on the active tab as

        + implemented a way to log and display status changes in the message window. You can
          enable this globally under Options->Messaging log. There is however an option to override
          the setting on a per-contact basis. Choose "Never log status changes" from the message
          log options menu to disable it for a contact. You may NEED to disable it for RSS
          contacts, because the status change events, if logged to the history, may confuse
          the RSS plugin.
        * the bottom limit for the horizontal splitter now takes into account whether the status
          bar is hidden or not.
        + two new hotkeys added: alt-left and alt-right for easy tab switching
        * changed ESC to "minimize container". Use the more stadardized CTRL-W or CTRL-F4
          shortcuts for closing tabs or ALT-F4 to close the entire container.
        * added one more option for even more popup configuration. Please read POPUPS.TXT
          for more information on this topic. it's getting complex :)
        + added "input history". You probably know this from irc clients like mIRC. Basically,
          the input line remembers the last n messages you sent (where n can be configured in
          the options). By pressing CTRL-Arrow Up or CTRL-Arrow Down you can scroll through
          the stored messages quickly.
        * improved the input history:
          1) cursor is always at the end of the recalled message.
          2) the input history now saves the contents of the input area (if any) when replacing
             it with an entry from the history. Scrolling down "past" the end of the history
             will restore the previously saved content.
        + added "single row tab control" to the container settings. 
        * made "close on esc" optional for those who don't like the newly introduced ESC
          behaviour (minimize).
        * changed closing behaviour. This should fix an ugly "crash on close container" in
          some (although very rare) situations.
        * changed the message-log scrolling hotkeys. It should no longer be possible to scroll
          past the end of the log.
        + it is now possible to have different background colors for the message log and the
          message input area.
        + added the "global search hotkeys" CTRL-SHIFT-U and CTRL-SHIFT-R. They are working
          exactly like CTRL-U/CTRL-R, except that they search all open containers for unread
          If, for some reason, you cannot use those hotkey, because another applictaion needs
          the keyboard shortcuts, you can configure the modifier keys under Options->message tabs.
          Available choices are:
          CTRL-SHIFT (default)
        + added SHIFT-RETURN as another shortcut for sending a message.
        + Dividers added. When active, they will draw a small horizontal line above the first
          unread event in an inactive (unfocused) message session. Those lines are a visual cue
          to help you finding messages which have been received while you were absent more
          easily. Activating the window will cause a new divider to appear the next time you
          put the window into the background (but only, if an event arrives while the window
          is in the background or minimized).
          Dividers look best if you choose a small font (maybe 4 pixel) for them. There is a new
          font setting under Options->Message log for the divider available. Just change the
          default value to make dividers use less space. Note that dividers are not stored
          permanently. They will go away whenever the log is rebuilt (i.e. when you apply new
          options ore when you close and open the tab).
        + autoswitch tab feature added. If enabled, minimized containers may automatically
          switch to a tab whenever a new event arrives.
        + added support to compile and link tabSRMM with GCC using MINGW32. Use MAKEFILE.W32
          for compiling the unicode version, and MAKEFILE.W32.ANSI for the non-unicode version.
          I also added a project file for Dev-CPP. 
          Tested with very recent versions of MINGW32 (GCC 3.4.1)
        + moved project to sourceforge.
        Version 0.0.6 - 2004/08/13

        + minimize window on exit is now working (of course, it minimizes the entire
        ! fixed more focus issues (damn, this Win32 dialog manager does suck)

        + implemented a basic system to determine the minimum required window size
          for the container (internal stuff, but will be required later).
        ! prevent the horizontal splitter from having a position "outside" of the
          window after restoring a maximized window.
        * cosmetical changes for the new window layout
        * changed the code for "always scroll log to bottom" again. Should work better
          (and faster) now.
          This works far more "intelligent" than before. A tab will remember its scroll
          position in the log while you switch to another tab. It will however automatically
          scroll the log to the bottom under the following conditions:
          * a message arrived
          * the container size changed while the tab was inactive
          * you move the splitter
        ! fixed some issues when closing tabs.
        + merged mod#32 from srmm_mod. show history (old) events with different fonts/colors.
        * changed user picture layout. The picture is now allowed to use the vertical space 
          of the button bar. This will save some vertical space for the message log if the
          picture is shown.
        + new option: Show full UIN on the button bar. This defaults to enabled and if you
          disable it, you will get the old usermenu button instead of the larger button
          showing the full UIN. If you disable this option, you will gain some space on
          the button bar. The full UIN is then set as a tooltip for the usermenu button.
          At the moment, this is a global setting affecting all tabs, it will be a 
          "per - contact" option in the future. It is only in effect for the new window
          It also doesn't dynamically update while the tab is open and only affects newly
          created tabs (yet).
        ! fixed glitch with autolocale. Even when deactivating it, it wasn't really 100%
        ! (hopefully) fixed another Win98 - specific crash (closing the last tab).
        + new option: "Enable popups if container is minimized". If this is enabled, the
          container will not report open message tabs while minimized. "Service enabled"
          popup plugins like my modified version of NewEventNotify or Bi0s TypingNotify
          will then think that there is no message window open and display their popup
          Enable this, if you want notifications while the container is minimized to the
        ! fixed flickering on save button while typing.
        + multiple container support added. Basically you can now have as much containers
          as you want. You can assign contacts to a new container by richt-clicking either
          the tab of the contact or in the message area of the active tab. A dialog box
          will appear allowing you to select one of the already existing container
          definitions. You can also create a new container if you want.
          The container "default" gets some special treatment: It acts as the container
          in which all unassigned contacts will open their tabs.
          The UI will be improved a bit, but don't expect too much. I will definately
          NOT add drag'n drop support for re-arranging tabs, because it would be quite
          hard to implement and not worth the effort. There are better and more important
          things to do.
        ! fixed a few layout issues on the button bar (unequal spacing).
        * flashing tab icons will now show the eventtype (file, url, message).
        * changed "easy drag" implementation.
        ! restored msg could overwrite initial text (used by, for example, http share
          file plugin). fixed. Now, the initial text passed to the message tab at creation
          will *always* overwrite any saved msg.
        - removed hotkey ctrl-h (for history). It was redundant anyway, because history is
          available via Alt-H.
        + added mod#11 from srmm_mod (message input area accept dropped files)
        + some container options (stay on top, dont report if minimized, no titlebar) are now
          saved on a "per container" basis. The settings on the option page are now used as
          default values for new containers.
Version 0.0.5b - 2004/08/13

        + 2 new options:
          * flash always - continously flash the container until activated.
            (doesn't currently work with the "autocreate tabs" feature).
          * Never flash - disable window flashing (tab icons will still flash) 

        ! fixed auto-save on exit. Saved msg now goes away if you close the
          container when the message input area is empty.

        ! fixed: new layout picture-dependent splitter calculations could confuse
          splitter settings when switching to old layout.

        * a few internal changes (resizing, tab item handling...) always check return
          value from GetTabIndexFromHWND()
        ! fixed focus & tab handling. Re-enabled Alt-Hotkeys inside the dialog.
        + new icons for the RTL and userpic button. Thanks to kreisquadratur 
          (author of the original srmm_mod)
        * more "new" layout changes. Smaller borders, especially the right one. Items
          are now better aligned.
        + merged "use contacts local time" from srmm_mod. If enabled, the message log
          will show the local time of your contact instead of your own time. This does,
          of course, require that a contact has a properly configured timezone in
          his profile.
Version 0.0.5 - 2004/08/10

        + added autolocale support. You need to enable this under Options->Tabbed Messaging.
          How it works: It remembers the input locale setting for each contact. Just set
          the desired keyboard layout (either via hotkey or via the language bar) and the 
          statusbar should show a message saying that the locale has been saved.
          tabSRMM will then switch locale whenever you activate or open a tab for this
          contact again.
          If you open a message window for a contact which does not yet have a locale
          information saved to its db record, tabSRMM will save the current input locale
          as the standard for this contact.
          NOTE: DONT use the autolocale plugin with tabSRMM. Since both plugins will then
          try to modify locale settings, strange things could happen :)
        ! fixed small display problem with the multisend button and the new window
        ! fixed a few issues with "autocreate tabs" feature. They now only show up if the
          container is already open and don't steal focus on the active tab any longer.
          They also properly open in the background and do no longer confuse the layout
          of the tab bar when more than a single row of tabs is needed.
        ! fixed compatibility issue with Window 98/ME which was introduced in 0.0.4a
        * another attempt to fix the "log not always scrolling to the bottom" issue.
        * minor layout changes for the "new layout" - the horizontal splitter now has 
          a static edge which makes it easier to spot.
          Removing the buttons and the info text will narrow down the splitter.
        + added small margins to the rich edit control (message log).
        ! Restoring the window position should now always work. New database keys are
          used, so the first time using this release the container will popup at the
          default position with the default size.
        + new hotkeys:
          CTRL-U activate the first tab with unread messages (flashing icon)
          CTRL-R activate the tab with the most recent unread event.

        ! fixed crash when changing icon sets (recreating the image list).
        * In order to free up some space on the button bar, I removed the "userinfo"
          button. Instead, you can click the protocol icon to bring up the dialog
          with contact information. This only applies to the new window layout.
        + new option: hide tab bar when only one tab is open.
        * resizing now causes less flicker than before.
        + Resurrected the quote button. Only for the new window layout though.
        + Ability to save typed message on close window. Works automagically, no
          need to configure anything.
        * more layout changes for the "new" window layout. The usermenu-button is
          gone. Instead of this button, I made the username field clickable.
        * several cleanups in the code and resource file. .DLL filesize -= 14k :)
        ! fixed some redraw/resizing issues when using the classic windows theme.
        + user picture support added. This works only with the new message window
          layout and at the moment it can only display locally stored user pictures.
          The code was merged from srmm_mod with only minor modifications.
Version 0.0.4a - 2004/08/07

        ! fixed critical (crash) bug with error dialogs after message timeout.
        ! fixed tab titles not updating when the option "show status text on
          tabs" was disabled.
        ! CTRL-L (clear message log) was missing, even it was mentioned in the changelog.
        ! attempt to fix a possible crash-on-send bug.
        ! fixed crash on forwarding messages (hope so).
        + added tab icons for typing notification (if tab is not active, tab icon will
          change and show typing status) - THIS IS WORK IN PROGRESS, typing notification
          still does not work as it should.
        + merged UNICODE fix by ghazan (possible crash with link handling)
        ! fixed internal window closing issues when only one tab was active (possible
        * tooltips now also display the status text
        * all hotkeys changed again. They are now working with CTRL-SHIFT excluivly.
          The hotkeys for scrolling the log can be enabled/disabled on the options page
          for those who prefer having advanced editing features in the input box.
        + new hotkey: CTRL-F4 -> close active tab.
        * essential hokeys (ctrl-tab, ctrl-f4) now also work while the message input
          area is "greyed".
        + added "double click closes tab" feature.
        + added "no title bar mode" (switch from window menu - doubleclick the border
          to get the titlebar back). There is also an option to make it permanent for
          newly created tab containers.
          If the titlebar is off, you can still drag the window by using the small border
          at the top or the right of the container window.
        ! hopefully fixed the issue which caused the icons for specific protocols not
          to load on startup.
        + new option: vertical tab padding. You can specify the vertical padding (in pixel)
          on the tabs. The value largely depends on the icon sets you're using - if you
          use some larger icons, you may want to increase the default value of 3 in
          order to avoid clipping on the icons. If you tend to use small icons, you
          can reduce this value to 2 or even 1 pixels, making the tabs using less vertical
        + new option: short caption on containers. when active, only the nickname is shown
          in the titlebar, otherwise nickname and statustext are shown.
        + new feature: auto create tabs. Works similar to "auto popup window on receive"
          but the new tab is created in the background and the container window does not
          popup if it was minimized to the taskbar (instead it flashes if a new tab was
          created). You can still make the container "auto popup" if you want - the option
          is just below the "auto create tabs" setting.
        ! fixed "no titlebar mode" for classic (non themed)  windows style. Window didn't
          update correctly after removing/adding the titlebar.
        * a few minor resizing and geometry changes
        + new message dialog layout (optionally, you have to enable it under Options->
          tabbed messaging). This is work in progress and not fully implemented. There
          will be an option for showing a user picture and more.
This is the third alpha release. It contains bug fixes and a few new features.

Version 0.0.3c - 2004/08/02

	+ basic support for status icons on the tabs. This feature was contributed
	  by perf who asked me if I could need some help with development.
	  Currently, it uses the "global" status icons and not all icons do actually
	  look nicely on the tabs (some highcolor icons look seriously "broken").
	  This feature will be developed further so we will hopefully have full protocol
	  icon support in the future.
	* some resizing changes. Also contributed by perf.
	* changed the way hotkeys work. The old system was causing troubles. At the
	  moment, hotkeys do only work while the message input area has the focus. 
	  Should not be a problem, because this is the case most of the time.
	  the following hotkeys are currently implemented:
	  * CTRL-TAB -> next tab (cycle if last was selected)
	  * CTRL+SHIFT-TAB -> previous tab (cycle if leftmost was selected)
	  * CTRL-H display history
                Message log scrolling hotkeys:
          * CTRL-SHIFT-Arrow UP: scroll up in history
          * CTRL-SHIFT-Arrow-Down: scroll down history
          * CTRL-SHIFT-PageDown: scroll down faster
          * CTRL-SHIFT-PageUp: scroll up faster
          * CTRL-SHIFT-HOME: scroll to top of log
          * CTRL-SHIFT-END: scroll to bottom of log
          * CTRL-L: clear log (same as context menu entry)
	* in case of a send error (timeout, protocol offline and so on), the message
	  dialog was never re-enabled again after the user clicked on "try again" or
	  cancel button in the error dialog. This bug caused the message window to
	  hang and the only way to get rid of it was to close the container. Fixed.
	* when resizing, the message log scrolls to the bottom so that the last few
	  lines shouldn't disappear any longer.
	! attempt to fix the problem which is caused by wrong container geometry
	  information saved to the database.
	  If you get the message "Invalid geometry information found. Applying default values"
	  more than once, please let me know.
	+ context menu added to the tabs. Only a few options at the moment, but more
	  to come...
	* tabSRMM related options moved to their own option page. It's under 
	  Options->Tabbed Messaging. 
	+ Ability to cut the length of the nicknames displayed on tabs. This should 
	  prevent some extraordinary wide tabs for really long nicknames. Optionally, 
	  a tooltip can be set for the tab, showing the full nickname.
	+ Option to select wheter protocol status should be shown on tabs in plain
	  text format. If disabled, only the nickname will be shown, making the 
	  tabs even smaller.
	! activating the embedded contact list (multisend button) didn't properly work
	  if the container was maximized. Fixed.
	! fixed focus handling. Container passes the enter key (IDOK command) to the
	  active child, thus re-enabling the "TAB -> ENTER" sequence for sending
	  messages again.
	+ new option - show timestamp after nickname: If the message log is set to
	  display both the timestamp and the nickname, then the order in which they
	  appear can be set here.
	* changed window flashing code. should work better now.
	! when sending a message by hitting ENTER while the send button had the
	  focus, the focus did remain on the send button. fixed. (for those who
	  prefer the TAB-ENTER sequence).
	! fixed several issues with closing tabs by using the context menu.
        + NewEventNotify now works with tabSRMM. You HAVE to use the supplied DLL
          in order to make it work with tabbed message sessions. Just replace
          your existing NewEventNotify.DLL with the one provided in the tabSRMM
        + FULL status icon support implemented. Made the imagelist global (shared
          by all containers), load all icons at plugin initialisation (should speed
          up the creation of new containers)
 Version 0.0.2 - 2004/07/26
	* statusbar does no longer have a size grip (SBARS_SIZEGRIP removed)
	  NOTE: only for tabs, toplevel msg dialogs will get it when they are back.
	+ settings only used by tabSRMM moved to a new key in the database. The plugin
	  will continue to share common settings with SRMM (fonts, colors etc..)
	! "Cascade new windows" caused display errors with newly created tabs if
	  the container already had one or more tab opened in it. Fixed.
	! The plugin is now statically linked against msvcr71.dll and therefore
	  should no longer complain about this dll missing.  

	! saving geometry information about the container could sometimes lead to
	  unexpected results which could cause problems while trying to restore
	  the geometry the next time the container was created.

	* thinner outer border. Did look ugly with lower screen resolutions.
	! when a contact changed its status and its tab was not the active one,
	  the window title was still updated and therefore didn't any longer
	  show the name of the _active_ tab.
	! minor cosmetical fixes with send button alignment.
	+ It is now possible to have miranda ask if you really want to close a
	  tab. Warning is diabled by default, you can turn it on via Options->Messaging.
	+ Some hotkey support added:
	  1. ESC = close current tab (was always there)
	  2. CTRL+SHIFT+TAB -> select previos tab
	  3. CTRL+TAB -> select next tab.
	     Both options are set to wrap around if you have either the leftmost or rightmost
	     tab selected.  
	  4. CTRL+H -> show history
	  5. CTRL+ALT+ARROW UP -> move the focus to the message log (use page up/down for scrolling)
	  6. CTRL+ALT+ARROW DOWN -> move focus to the message input area.
	+ merged the RTL support from srmm_mod originally written by kreisquadratur
	! workaround for some strange splitter issues. The vertical multisend splitter
	  is re-enabled again.
	! fixed a few resizing issues when restoring the window from maximized state.
	! display / refreshing errors after forwarding a message should be fixed.
	+ added a new menu item to the system (window) menu: Stay on top (make the
	  container "sticky").
	+ added a UNICODE build which is, however, completely untested. It compiles
	  without warnings though :)
Version 0.0.1 - 2004/07/23

	* initial release