/* * astyle --force-indent=tab=4 --brackets=linux --indent-switches * --pad=oper --one-line=keep-blocks --unpad=paren * * Miranda NG: the free IM client for Microsoft* Windows* * * Copyright 2000-2009 Miranda ICQ/IM project, * all portions of this codebase are copyrighted to the people * listed in contributors.txt. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * you should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * part of tabSRMM messaging plugin for Miranda. * * This code is based on and still contains large parts of the the * original chat module for Miranda NG, written and copyrighted * by Joergen Persson in 2005. * * (C) 2005-2009 by silvercircle _at_ gmail _dot_ com and contributors * */ #ifndef _CHAT_H_ #define _CHAT_H_ //defines #define OPTIONS_FONTCOUNT 20 #define GC_UPDATETITLE (WM_USER+100) #define GC_CLOSEWINDOW (WM_USER+103) #define GC_GETITEMDATA (WM_USER+104) #define GC_SETITEMDATA (WM_USER+105) #define GC_UPDATESTATUSBAR (WM_USER+106) #define GC_SETVISIBILITY (WM_USER+107) #define GC_SETWNDPROPS (WM_USER+108) #define GC_REDRAWLOG (WM_USER+109) #define GC_FIREHOOK (WM_USER+110) #define GC_FILTERFIX (WM_USER+111) #define GC_CHANGEFILTERFLAG (WM_USER+112) #define GC_SHOWFILTERMENU (WM_USER+113) //#define GC_NICKLISTCLEAR (WM_USER+117) #define GC_REDRAWWINDOW (WM_USER+118) #define GC_SHOWCOLORCHOOSER (WM_USER+119) #define GC_ADDLOG (WM_USER+120) #define GC_ACKMESSAGE (WM_USER+121) //#define GC_ADDUSER (WM_USER+122) //#define GC_REMOVEUSER (WM_USER+123) //#define GC_NICKCHANGE (WM_USER+124) #define GC_UPDATENICKLIST (WM_USER+125) //#define GC_MODECHANGE (WM_USER+126) #define GC_SCROLLTOBOTTOM (WM_USER+129) #define GC_SESSIONNAMECHANGE (WM_USER+131) #define GC_SETMESSAGEHIGHLIGHT (WM_USER+139) #define GC_REDRAWLOG2 (WM_USER+140) #define GC_REDRAWLOG3 (WM_USER+141) #define EM_ACTIVATE (WM_USER+202) #define GC_EVENT_HIGHLIGHT 0x1000 #define STATE_TALK 0x0001 #define ICON_ACTION 0 #define ICON_ADDSTATUS 1 #define ICON_HIGHLIGHT 2 #define ICON_INFO 3 #define ICON_JOIN 4 #define ICON_KICK 5 #define ICON_MESSAGE 6 #define ICON_MESSAGEOUT 7 #define ICON_NICK 8 #define ICON_NOTICE 9 #define ICON_PART 10 #define ICON_QUIT 11 #define ICON_REMSTATUS 12 #define ICON_TOPIC 13 #define ICON_STATUS1 14 #define ICON_STATUS2 15 #define ICON_STATUS3 16 #define ICON_STATUS4 17 #define ICON_STATUS0 18 #define ICON_STATUS5 19 enum TChatStatusEx { CHAT_STATUS_NORMAL, CHAT_STATUS_AWAY, CHAT_STATUS_OFFLINE, CHAT_STATUS_MAX }; // special service for tweaking performance #define MS_GC_GETEVENTPTR "GChat/GetNewEventPtr" typedef INT_PTR (*GETEVENTFUNC)(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); typedef struct { GETEVENTFUNC pfnAddEvent; }GCPTRS; class CMUCHighlight; //structs struct MODULEINFO { char* pszModule; TCHAR* ptszModDispName; char* pszHeader; bool bBold, bUnderline, bItalics, bColor, bBkgColor, bChanMgr, bAckMsg; int nColorCount; COLORREF* crColors; int iMaxText; DWORD idleTimeStamp; DWORD lastIdleCheck; TCHAR tszIdleMsg[60]; CMUCHighlight* Highlight; MODULEINFO * next; }; struct COMMAND_INFO { char* lpCommand; COMMAND_INFO *last, *next; }; struct FONTINFO { LOGFONT lf; COLORREF color; }; struct LOGINFO { TCHAR* ptszText; TCHAR* ptszNick; TCHAR* ptszUID; TCHAR* ptszStatus; TCHAR* ptszUserInfo; bool bIsMe, bIsHighlighted; time_t time; int iType; DWORD dwFlags; LOGINFO* next; LOGINFO* prev; }; struct STATUSINFO { TCHAR* pszGroup; HICON hIcon; WORD Status; STATUSINFO* next; }; struct USERINFO { TCHAR* pszNick; TCHAR* pszUID; WORD Status; WORD ContactStatus; TChatStatusEx iStatusEx; USERINFO* next; }; struct SESSION_INFO { HWND hWnd; bool bFGSet, bBGSet, bFilterEnabled, bNicklistEnabled, bInitDone; char* pszModule; TCHAR* ptszID; TCHAR* ptszName; TCHAR* ptszStatusbarText; TCHAR* ptszTopic; TCHAR pszLogFileName[MAX_PATH + 50]; char* pszID; // ugly fix for returning static ANSI strings in GC_INFO char* pszName; // just to fix a bug quickly, should die after porting IRC to Unicode int iType; int iFG; int iBG; int iSplitterY; int iSplitterX; int iLogFilterFlags; int iLogPopupFlags; int iLogTrayFlags; int iDiskLogFlags; int nUsersInNicklist; int iEventCount; int iStatusCount; WORD wStatus; WORD wState; WORD wCommandsNum; DWORD dwItemData; DWORD dwFlags; HANDLE hContact; HWND hwndFilter; time_t LastTime; TCHAR szSearch[255]; int iSearchItem; CMUCHighlight* Highlight; COMMAND_INFO* lpCommands; COMMAND_INFO* lpCurrentCommand; LOGINFO* pLog; LOGINFO* pLogEnd; USERINFO* pUsers; USERINFO* pMe; STATUSINFO* pStatuses; TContainerData* pContainer; TWindowData* dat; int wasTrimmed; SESSION_INFO* next; }; struct LOGSTREAMDATA { char* buffer; int bufferOffset, bufferLen; HWND hwnd; LOGINFO* lin; bool bStripFormat, bRedraw; SESSION_INFO *si; int crCount; TWindowData* dat; }; struct TMUCSettings { HICON hIconOverlay; bool bShowTime, bShowTimeIfChanged, bLoggingEnabled; bool bFlashWindow, bFlashWindowHightlight; bool bOpenInDefault; bool bLogIndentEnabled; bool bStripFormat; bool bBBCodeInPopups; bool bTrayIconInactiveOnly; bool bAddColonToAutoComplete; bool bLogLimitNames; bool bTimeStampEventColour; DWORD dwIconFlags; int LogTextIndent; long LoggingLimit; int iEventLimit; int iEventLimitThreshold; int iPopupStyle; int iPopupTimeout; int iSplitterX; int iSplitterY; TCHAR* pszTimeStamp; TCHAR* pszTimeStampLog; TCHAR* pszIncomingNick; TCHAR* pszOutgoingNick; TCHAR pszLogDir[MAX_PATH + 20]; LONG iNickListFontHeight; HFONT NameFont; COLORREF crUserListBGColor; COLORREF crPUTextColour; COLORREF crPUBkgColour; HFONT UserListFonts[CHAT_STATUS_MAX]; COLORREF UserListColors[CHAT_STATUS_MAX]; COLORREF nickColors[8]; HBRUSH SelectionBGBrush; bool bDoubleClick4Privat, bShowContactStatus, bContactStatusFirst; bool bLogClassicIndicators, bAlternativeSorting, bAnnoyingHighlight, bCreateWindowOnHighlight; bool bLogSymbols, bClassicIndicators, bClickableNicks, bColorizeNicks, bColorizeNicksInLog; bool bScaleIcons, bUseDividers, bDividersUsePopupConfig, bMathMod; HANDLE hGroup; CMUCHighlight* Highlight; }; struct FLASH_PARAMS { HANDLE hContact; const char* sound; int iEvent; HICON hNotifyIcon; bool bActiveTab, bHighlight, bInactive, bMustFlash, bMustAutoswitch; HWND hWnd; }; extern TMUCSettings g_Settings; struct COLORCHOOSER { MODULEINFO* pModule; int xPosition; int yPosition; HWND hWndTarget; bool bForeground; SESSION_INFO *si; }; #pragma comment(lib,"comctl32.lib") ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "chatprototypes.h" #include "chat_resource.h" #define mir_tstrdup mir_wstrdup TCHAR* a2t(const char* str); char* t2a(const TCHAR* str, DWORD codepage); TCHAR* a2tf(const TCHAR* str, int flags, DWORD cp = 0); TCHAR* replaceStr(TCHAR** dest, const TCHAR* src); char* replaceStrA(char** dest, const char* src); extern char *szChatIconString; #define DEFLOGFILENAME _T("%miranda_logpath%\\%proto%\\%userid%.log") #endif